Trying to test some user permissions here, and i'm having trouble logging out after each test...
afterEach: function () {
return this.remote
// .clearCookies();
nextTest: function () {
return this.remote.get("/")...
This will only work if I clearCookies as well, but I shouldn't need to clear cookies (manually executing localStorage.clear() and reloading works). I would expect return this.remote.clearLocalStorage(); to suffice, but on the following test I get redirected to my dashboard.
clearLocalStorage simply sends a DELETE request to the WebDriver server's local_storage endpoint, so the driver is what actually implements the clearing behavior. It's possible that different WebDrivers handle clearing local storage in different ways, but given that local storage and cookie storage are not the same, clearing one shouldn't necessarily affect the other.
We have a cluster with 3 servers with Load Balancer in front (CloudFlare). Things worked well when we had 2 servers (A & B) in the cluster but after we added a 3-rd server (C) we noticed few odd things.
One of them is quite important and I do not understand how it happens at all.
Our web application makes AJAX requests to itself in order to get some JSON data back and if requests hit new server (C) response looks like that:
code: 404,
text: "Not Found",
message: "Database context not allowed."
Our application does not throw such error and so I searched in google a bit and noticed that it's mentioned on: OpenNTF XPagesExtensionLibrary
However, we do not use XPages at all so I wonder how could it be that our AJAX requests somehow involve that logic.
Any suggestion & tip would be appreciated.
The backend code of my agent is not important (it could be also an empty agent, I checked), because the request does not come to my agent.
The AJAX call is triggered by jQuery
let url = "domain.tld/api/key";
let params = {"a": 1};
$.post(url, params, function (data) {
// some code
).always(function() {
// some code
The URL, which I suspect is an issue starts with /api/key and I believe it's an issue (because all other ajax calls where endpoint do not start from /api/ work well).
Figured that our with help from comments (which you can see under my original post).
Apparently there is DAS servlet that handles all requests starting from /api/* and it runs if XPages engine is loaded.
In my case the 2 servers out of 3 have XPages shut down so the issue happened only on 1 server.
The solution would be:
Shut down XPages (or find a way to shut down DAS).
Alternatively change a URL from /api/path to something else (this is what we will do).
I'm developing a Browser (Chrome, Firefox) extension with react with Manifest v3.
In my app, I have a search bar where I show suggested words based on the value typed by the user (like search engine do).
In manifest v2, I used to load this script like so:
"content_security_policy": "script-src 'self'; object-src 'self'"
In v3 this is not supprted anymore but I cannot find the way how I could still make my code work.
he most relevant resource I found online are this answer: Content Security Policy in Manifest V3 for Facebook Page Plugin
and this documentation:
But I cannot understand how I can implement my script from the background.js page since It needs to fetch the API dynamically, every time the user type something in the input field.
This is the react code: where I fetch the api
useEffect(() => {
const fetchSuggestedWords = async () => {
try {
const res = await fetchJsonp(`${process.env.SUGGESTED_WORDS_URL}${searchValue}`)
const suggestedWordsArray = await res.json()
setSuggestedWords(suggestedWordsArray[1].slice(0, 10))
} catch {
console.log('error fetching suggested results')
if (searchSuggestedWords) {
}, [searchValue])
Where searchValue is a state update whenever the onChange event is trigger on the input field.
Any tips on how to approach this new format?
Would people recommend not switching to Manifest v3 just yet?
From what I gathered, you're trying to talk to an api and not load an external script.
If you're trying to load external, that will not work.
Fetching data on the other hand has multitudes of ways it can be done, not all are proper though.
Also I've noticed that you're misunderstanding the core keys of the async messaging system and service worker cycle.
Add a service worker
*Background.js or svc-worker.js
and give it a on message listener, try to at least handle messaging between your extension, if you're not sure, you can always get an example on github.
After that, it's a matter of setting the CSP and optimizing where you'll be fetching the data.
After a little while, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.
the code in content should be like
inputElement.oninput = (e) => {let input =;
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({Origin: 'Content', Message: input})};
Handle the message in svc worker
svc-worker.js formatted
chrome.runtime.onMessage(request => {
const {Origin, Message} = request
// parse message
// fetch chain here
Please note, this is not the only way to handle this.
There's a billion different ways, if you want to add some of this data in a use Effect hook as a dependency, that's going to be tricky, as the data given obtained is always counted as different when obtained via message. < At least in my case scenario.
I'm always reluctant to claim that a bug that I'm seeing is actually a .Net Core bug, but after spending 8+ hours investigating the following bug, it looks like a .Net Core SignalR bug to me. I need techniques for tracking this down further and for fixing it.
The first rule of honing in on a bug is to try to create a minimal amount of code that can consistently repro the bug. While I can't reproduce it in a small stand along project, I have worked hard try to zero in on what's happening.
I have a controller with the following action method
public JsonResult AjaxStart([FromBody] JObject data) {
//A call to some method that does some work
return Json(new {
started = true
Calling this code via a jquery ajax call or Postman works flawlessly every time if I do not have any SignalR Core 1.0 hubs registered in the startup.cs method. However, when I register the following in the startup.cs file I have intermittent issues.
namespace App.Site.Home {
public class HackHub : Hub {
public async Task SendMessage(string status, string progress) {
await Clients.All.SendAsync("serverMsg", status, progress);
Startup.cs ConfigureServices contains
Startup.cs Configure contains
app.UseSignalR(routes => {
If I were to comment out the one line above routes.MapHub<App.Site.Home.HackHub>("/hub/hack"); everything works fine every time. However with this line present, (I.e. some SignalR hub registered) then that's when the fun starts for me, even if I have no code executing on the client or server that makes use of the hub!
The issue is that sometimes when a HTTP POST request is made for the action method above, something in .Net Core (SignalR??) is converting the POST method to Post, and then because Post is not a valid HTTP Method it converts it to a blank method. And since My action method requires an HTTP POST a 404 status code is returned. Many of the HTTP POSTS for that endpoint work fine, but often the issue I just described occurres.
To ensure that my client code was not part of the problem, I was able to reproduce my issue using Postman to make the requests. Further to ensure that POST was actually being sent and not Post, I used Fiddler to watch what was going over the wire. All this is documented below.
Here is the first request (which always works) done via Postman:
Here is the second (identical!) request done via Postman, this one resulted in a 404:
Here is what the first request (the one that worked properly) looked like in fiddler:
Here is what the second request looked like in fiddler:
As you can see, the requests are identical. But the response certainly is not.
So to get a better idea what the server was seeing, I added the following code to the beginning of the startup.cs Configure method. Due to it's placement, for the request this code gets to run before any other application code or middleware.
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env) {
//for debugging
app.Use(async (context, next) => {
if(context.Request.Method == "") {
string method = context.Request.Method;
string path = context.Request.Path;
IHttpRequestFeature requestFeature = context.Features.Get<IHttpRequestFeature>();
string kestralHttpMethod = requestFeature.Method;
string stop = path;
await next();
//more code here...
For the first request, the request.Method was POST as one would expect:
But for the second request request.Method was blank!!
To investigate this further, I accessed the requestFeature and checked the Http Method Method there. This is where things get really interesting. If I just hover over the property in the debuggger, it's blank too.
But, If I expand the requestFeature object and look at the Method property there, is it Post!!!
That alone seems like craziness. How can two views of the SAME property in the debugger have different values???! It would seem that some code converted the POST to Post, and at some level the system knows that Post is not a valid http method so in some views of that variable it's converted to a blank string. But that is so weird!
Also, we clearly saw via Postman and Fiddler that POST was sent, so how did it get changed to Post? What code did that? I'd like to claim that it can't be my code since I'm checking the value of the RequestFeature before any of my other code related to the request gets a chance to run. Also, if I comment out the one line of code that registers that SignalR hub, then POST is never converted to Post and I never get a 404. But with that SignalR hub registered I periodically get this behavior.
Are there any SignalR or other .net Core switches I can turn on to get better trace or logging info to see when the POST is getting changed to Post? Is there a way to fix this?
This question was looked into via this GitHub issue which was originally opened up when someone else also observed random 404 errors
I want to especially thank #ben-adams for his help in understanding what was going on.
Let me start by saying that this did not turn out to be a bug in the framework. It was a bug in my code. How can that be given what I was observing?
Well, it's like this...
In some parts of the HttpRequest the method is a string, but it in other parts it's an enum. The enum value for POST is Post. So that's why the case conversion was happening.
The reason that one part of the request was saying Post while the other part showed a Method value of a blank string was because the request object was gummed up because I had accessed it at a time when it was in between requests.
How did I do THAT? you may wonder. Well let me tell you, because the plot thickens...
I turns out that I have some logging code that that gathers context information when it's called and one of the pieces of context info it gathers is the current request.Method. When this logging code is called from a main thread, there is no issue.
However, my system does have some code that runs on background threads that are either started via a Timer or via a ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem. If this code hits an exception it will call the same logger code.
When my logger code, running on a background thread, checks for the current httpContext via IHttpContextAccessor I fully expected it to receive null. And certainly this same code in the same situation when accessing the current HttpContext via HttpContext.Current in a non .Net Core website does receive null. But as it turns out, under .Net core, it wasn't receiving null, it was receiving an object. But that object was for a request that had already finished and who's request object had already been reset!!!
Starting in .Net Core 2.0 the HttpContext, and it's child objects like request, gets reset after the connection for a request closes. So the HttpContext object (and it's request object) the logger code was getting when running on a background thread was an object that had been reset. It's request.Path for example was null.
It turns out that a request in this state does not expects it's request.Method property to be accessed. And doing so gums up the works for the next request that comes in. Ultimately this is the source of why the next request that came in ended up returning a 404 error.
So how do we fix this? Why does IHttpContextAccessor return an object rather than null in this out of context situation especially given that the object may very possibly be between requests? The answer is that when I was used Timer or ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem to create a background task, the Execution Context was being flowed to the new thread. This is just what happens by default when you use these API methods. But, internally the IHttpContextAccessor uses an AsyncLocal to keep track of the current HttpContext and since my new thread received Execution Context from the main thread it had access to the same AsyncLocal. And so IHttpContextAccessor provided an object rather than the null I was expecting when called from a background thread.
The fix? (Thank you #Ben-Adams!) Instead of calling ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem I needed to call ThreadPool.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem instead. This method DOES NOT flow the current Execution Context to the new thread, and therefore the new thread won't have access to those AsyncLocals from the main thread. Once I did this, IHttpContextAccessor then returned null when called from the background thread instead of returning a object that was in between requests and untouchable. Yea!
When creating a `Timer' I also needed to change my code to do it in a way that would not flow Execution Context. Here is the code I use (which was inspired by some #Ben-Adams suggested):
public static Timer GetNewTimer(TimerCallback callback, object state, int dueTime, int interval) {
bool didSuppress = false;
try {
if (!ExecutionContext.IsFlowSuppressed()) {
//We need to suppress the flow of the execution context so that it does not flow to our
//new asynchronous thread. This is important so that AsyncLocals (like the one used by
//IHttpaccessor) do not flow to the new thread we are pushing our work to. By not flowing the
//execution context, IHttpAccessor wil return null rather than bogusly returning a context for
//a request that is in between requests.
//Related info:
//Info on Execution Context:
didSuppress = true;
return new Timer(callback, state, dueTime, interval);
} finally {
// Restore the current ExecutionContext
if (didSuppress) {
This only leaves one remaining question unanswered. My original question noted that registering a SignalR hub was causing the system to exhibit this random 404 behavior but the system did not exhibit this behavior when no SignalR hub was registered (or so I thought). Why was this? I truly don't know. Perhaps it was putting more resource pressure on some part of the system and thus causing the issue to show up more easily. Not sure. All I know is that the root issue was that I was flowing Execution Context to my background threads without realizing it and that was causing the IHttpContextAccessor's AsyncLocal to be in scope. Not flowing the Execution Context to the background threads fixes that issue.
I have the following
public IActionResult LaunchExternalProcess()
return Ok();
And this works perfectly fine on my local machine, but when deployed onto IIS 10 (windows 2016) I get no errors but it does not launch the calc on the server.
I simply want to call an external .exe from a button on my page.
Here is the javascript that I am using which also works on my local but no errors on server and it displays the success message
url: "/Admin/LaunchExternalProcess",
type: "POST",
cache: false,
success: function () {
First, it is a very bad idea to spin up an external process like this. So please, don't do this in a real application. You will more than likely create far more issues and security holes that it would ever be worth. There are several, far more robust, architectural patterns for dealing with external processes outside your request pipeline.
That said, the problem here is that calc.exe is failing to launch on your server. Your method doesn't know about this however since you're simply telling it to start a Process, you're not checking to see what state that process is in.
var process = Process.Start("C:\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe");
if (process == null) // failed to start
return InternalServerError();
else // Started, wait for it to finish
return Ok();
AzureWebJob is one of those implementations, not as simple, but it gets the job done
I've added Azure Active Directory Authentication to my function app, but as soon as I set "Action to take when request is not authenticated" to "Login with Azure Active Directory", the development interface for the function app yields this message:
We are unable to reach your function app. Your app could be having a temporary issue or may be failing to start. You can check logs or try again in a couple of minutes.
Session Id: 23a5880ec94743f5a9d3ac705515b294
Timestamp: 2016-11-16T08:36:54.242Z
Presumably adding the authentication requirement breaks access to the function app in some fashion... though I am able to make changes in the code editor, and they do take effect, I no longer see updates in the log panel: no compilation output messages, for example.
Does anyone know a work-around for this?
So far, I've tried just leaving the auth option to "Allow anonymous requests (no action)" and using this following code:
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run(HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
log.Info("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");
var user = "Anonymous";
var claimsPrincipal = Thread.CurrentPrincipal as ClaimsPrincipal;
if (claimsPrincipal != null && claimsPrincipal.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
user = claimsPrincipal.Identity.Name;
log.Info($"Hello {user}");
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Hello " + user);
However, this (rightly) doesn't redirect to the authentication provider... I would prefer to have the app take care of all that gunge for me, but if doing so means I can't see compilation messages / log messages, it makes it pretty hard to see what's going on.
Unfortunately, this is a limitation at the moment and we're tracking it here:
Your approach, to allow anonymous and validate in the function is what we recommend at the moment. To extend your workaround, you can add the following code to initiate a login redirect when you detect an anonymous user (the code below assumes you are using AAD).
log.Info("Received an anonymous request! Redirecting...");
var res = req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Redirect);
res.Headers.Location = new Uri(req.RequestUri, $"/.auth/login/aad?post_login_redirect_uri={req.RequestUri.AbsolutePath}&token_mode=session");
return res;
We understand that isn't ideal and appreciate your patience while we work to improve this.