Execute under different user on FreeBSD - freebsd

I am logged in as root in a freebsd (10) box and I am trying to execute a script (or any command) as another user, but I get: "su: Sorry"
root#vm ~ # whoami
root#vm ~ # cat /etc/passwd
myuser:*:1001:1001:my name:/home/myuser:/usr/local/bin/bash
root#vm ~ # su -m myuser -c '/bin/ls /tmp'
su: Sorry
root#vm ~ # su -m myuser
su: Sorry

su - is used to elevate access level. for example myuser executes as root.
You are trying it reverse way. myuser is not member of "wheel" group.
Also it looks like root is not am member of "wheel" too.
post what do you have in passwd for root?
Run as different user under FreeBSD

I figured out how to do it: I installed the port security/sudo, and then I used sudo -u myuser.


How to check for privileges to use useradd and groupadd for creation of users and groups

How can I check if the current user has all privileges to use useradd and groupadd for creation of users and groups?
I don't want to request root privileges (e.g. requireing to be root or calling sudo) for my bash script unnecessarily. Instead I just want to ensure that the privileges are there to just use those commands.
The commands:
$ ls -l $(which useradd) $(which groupadd)
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 93136 Mai 28 2020 /usr/sbin/groupadd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 147160 Mai 28 2020 /usr/sbin/useradd
As useradd and groupadd commands need some extra priviledges to run, you can setup access to sudo for specific commands like useradd and groupadd like below :-
Please go through it once, it will make most of the things clear to you
Controlling Access To sudo
The /etc/sudoers file configures the programs that users can access using sudo, along with whether or not a password will be needed.
The system administrator adds users to this file using the /usr/sbin/visudo command. Each non-comment line in the file has two parts:
A username ("<USER_NAME>"), or a group name ("%<GROUP_NAME>").
A list of machine names where a program may be run, or the keyword ALL. Following an equal sign (=), a list of user identities the command may be run as, enclosed in round brackets (parenthesis); the wildcard ALL may also appear. Finally, a list of applications that may be run as the named users; the keyword ALL is a wildcard.
The following examples should help make this clear:
# User <USER_NAME> can execute any command as any user, but must know the password to the <USER_NAME> account.
<USER_NAME> ALL=(root) shutdown
# User <USER_NAME> can execute only command shutdown, but must know the password to the <USER_NAME> account.
<USER_NAME> ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/id
# User <USER_NAME> can execute only the application /usr/bin/id; no password will be needed.
<USER_NAME> ALL=() NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/id
# User <USER_NAME> can execute only the application /usr/bin/id; no password will be needed.
Once the system administrator has entered the necessary setup into the /etc/sudoers file, users can safely access privileged system resources and activities like this:
$ sudo useradd username
No awkward quoting on the command line, just prefix the command you want with the word sudo. If you want to run the command as a user other than root, just add the -u username switch:
$ sudo -u <USER_NAME> useradd username
There will be a log entry written to the /var/log/secure file to show who did the deed.
Of course, the sysadmin can configure sudo not to request a password. In this case, the command is immediately executed although the audit trail entry will still be written.
Reference :- Sudo Tutorial
Please reach in the comments section for any help
Will be glad to help !!!
Assuming that you need root or sudo to add new users (same for group), you can check if the user has sudo rights, by checking if he is in the corresponding groups.
getent group sudo // shows all users in groupd sudo
Dont know what system/distro you are on - but on arch for example sudoers are in group wheel...
On Linux debian-linux 5.10.0-6-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.28-1 (2021-04-09) x86_64 GNU/Linux,
you can try this way in your script.
groupadd 2>/dev/null ; if test $? -eq 2 ; then echo ok ; else echo bad ; fi
If you can access groupadd or useradd, the return value is 2 because there is missings arguments.
If you can't acess groupadd or useradd, the return value is 127.

How to set specific user can run certain root command in redhat

i want to ask for a specific user to use certain root commands in redhat?
my server run redhat OS 7.6. i dont have any idea how to set a user that can run certain commands from root.
let say i have one user id name MY_CIT, so MY_CIT can run certain commands for example to create print queue #lpadmin -p printer -v socket://printer:9100 -E
so MY_CIT no need root access to trigger the command.
Anyone experience on this? kindly help. thanks
You'll be able to use file ACLs. As a test I removed execute permissions from the nano command, just to show how this will work.
You won't need to do this, however, you will need root permissions to the machine. Instead of nano, use 'lpadmin' as per your requirements
[root#server bin]# chmod o-x /bin/nano
[root#server bin]# ls -lah /bin/nano
-rwxr-xr-- 1 root root 202K Jun 10 2014 nano
To test, we change to user1 and try use nano to edit a file:
[user1#server ~]$ nano file1
-bash: /bin/nano: Permission denied
Now, as root again, we add an ACL to the nano program. This allows only user1 to execute the program.
[root#server bin]# setfacl -m u:user1:x /bin/nano
Display ACL with getfacl:
[root#server bin]# getfacl /bin/nano
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: bin/nano
# owner: root
# group: root
user:user1:--x <<-- Note this
As user1, we are able to use the nano program, but not as user2:
[user1#server ~]$ nano file1
[user1#server ~]$ ls
[user1#server ~]$ exit
[root#server bin]# su - user2
[user2#server ~]$ nano file1
-bash: /bin/nano: Permission denied
ACLs allow admins to extend permissions past just user/group/other. You're able to set permissions for specific users on the system.
Run command with a root privilege:
sudo visudo
It opens file /etc/sudoers for edit.
Add this line at the end of the file (and after keep one blank line):
MY_CIT ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/lpadmin
MY_CIT - name of your user
/usr/sbin/lpadmin - path to executible file. Note please that in your distro path can be different. You can check this with command whereis lpadmin.
After user can run command lpadmin with arguments with sudo without password:
sudo lpadmin ...

Simulate permissions for non-login user

I want to perform some actions on behalf of some non-login users, such as e.g. www-data or uwsgi. My purpose is to test some permissions, check what dirs they can modify etc etc.
Is there a recommended way of going about this, other than creating a shell and password for them and su ?
When I try to su to the specific user with sudo:
admin#ip-192-10-30-111:~$ sudo su www-data
This account is currently not available.
admin#ip-192-10-30-111:~$ cat /etc/passwd | grep -i www-data
You don't need to create a shell and password for them, you can simply run su as root and use the --shell argument of su.
To run a bash shell as www-data run:
su --shell /bin/bash www-data
as root.

Handle permissions with groups in linux

I can't understand how exactly this works in Linux.
For example, I want only users in some group have access to execute some file (I hope this is possible without visudo).
I create a system user and system group like:
useradd -K UID_MIN=100 -K UID_MAX=499 -K GID_MIN=100 -K GID_MAX=499 -p \* -s /sbin/nologin -c "testusr daemon,,," -d "/var/testusr" testusr
I add my current user user to the group testusr (may be not cross platform):
adduser user testusr
I create some test shell file and set permissions:
touch test.sh
chmod ug+x test.sh
sudo chown testusr:testusr test.sh
But I still can't start test.sh as user:
-> Error
Now I look for some system groups like cdrom to check how they work. My user is in cdrom group and can use the cd rom on my computer:
$ ls -al /dev/cdrom
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 апр. 17 12:55 /dev/cdrom -> sr0
$ ls -al /dev/sr0
brw-rw----+ 1 root cdrom 11, 0 апр. 17 12:55 /dev/sr0
./test.sh command starts to work as I want after system reboot. Strange...
I'm on Ubuntu Studio 15.10
The group changes are reflected only upon re-login.

Adding FTP user via bash script issue

I have a .sh file (lets say adduser.sh) that is executed via a cronjob that contains the commands to create an FTP user.
The adduser.sh file looks like so...
mkdir /var/www/vhosts/domain/path;
useradd -d /var/www/vhosts/domain/path -ou <uid> -g <group> -s /bin/false <username>;
echo <password> | passwd <username> --stdin;
Now here is my problem. If I run it directly through SSH using...
sh adduser.sh
...no problems and it works as intended.
But if I let the cronjob run it the directory is created but the user is not added.
What gives?
As it stands, there is an alternative to useradd known as adduser. In Debian or Ubuntu, adduser is a perl script and performs sequential functions like create the user using adduser, assign it to a group, create home directory etc.
As per adduser man page-
adduser and addgroup are friendlier front ends to the low level tools
like useradd, groupadd and usermod programs, by default choosing
Debian policy conformant UID and GID values, creating a home directory
with skeletal configuration, running a custom script, and other
In Fedora, RedHat, and CentOS, adduser is just a symbolic link to useradd.
[root#hobbit ~]# which /usr/sbin/adduser
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 2012-09-20 20:20 /usr/sbin/adduser -> useradd
If you are on any on the above OS then you can try adduser redirect 2> to a add_user.log file and check the file to see if something goes wrong.
I have resolved this simply adding /usr/bin/ to the useradd function.
mkdir /var/www/vhosts/domain/path;
/usr/bin/useradd -d /var/www/vhosts/domain/path -ou <uid> -g <group> -s /bin/false <username>;
echo <password> | passwd <username> --stdin;
Thanks everyone for helping me get on the right track. Hope this helps someone out there.
