SmallCheck generate data satisfying invariants - haskell

I want to use SmallCheck to test my code. I managed to generate arbitrary lists of pairs of ints, but that's not what my type should contain. The list represents a set of ranges, where [1,3),[4,6) would be encoded/stored as [(1,3),(4,6)].
These are the invariants for the normalized form of my ranges:
fst a < snd a
snd a < fst b where a is before b in the list
I would like to communicate this to SmallCheck so that it doesn't generate loads of values that I throw away, because they aren't satisfying my invariants, but maybe that's not possible.
How can I generate lists satisfying my invariants?

Favour application-specific types over built-int types (Int, List). This is advice not just for SmallCheck, but for any piece of software, in any language.
data Interval = Interval (Int,Int)
data Domain = Domain [Interval]
Write smart constructors that enforce your invariants.
interval :: Int -> Int -> Interval
interval x y = Interval (min x y, max x y) -- if you want this
domain :: [Interval] -> Domain
domain ints = Domain ... (something that sorts intervals, and perhaps merges them)
Then use these to create Serial instances.

I do agree that this problem is solved better with user-defined types.
I assume you are writing an algorithm that has some property for disjoint half-open intervals sorted in an ascending order, then the following provides Serial instances.
I decided to give Interval and AscDisjIntervals different generators rather than implementing one in terms of the other.
The algorithm for AscDisjIntervals is as I already wrote in the comment
generating a list of non-negative Integers (this is to avoid Int overflow)
summing these integers (this asserts an ascending order of all values
generating pairs from this list (discarding the last single element if the list has an odd number of elements)
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Intervals where
newtype Interval = I (Integer,Integer) deriving(Eq)
instance Show Interval where
show (I (a,b)) = "["++show a ++ ", "++ show b ++ "]"
instance Monad m => Serial m Interval where
series = let a_b a b = I (getNonNegative $ min a b , getNonNegative $ max a b)
in cons2 a_b
newtype AscDisjIntervals = ADI [Interval] deriving (Eq)
instance Show AscDisjIntervals where
show (ADI x) = "|- "++ (unwords $ map show x) ++ " ->"
instance Monad m => Serial m AscDisjIntervals where
series = cons1 aux1
aux1 :: [NonNegative Int] -> AscDisjIntervals
aux1 xx = ADI . generator . tail $ scanl (+) 0 xx
where generator [] = []
generator (_:[]) = []
generator (x:y:xs) = let i = I (getNonNegative x ,getNonNegative y)
in i:generator xs
Note: I only compiled the program and did not test any properties.


Using recursion schemes in Haskell for solving change making problem

I'm trying to understand histomorphisms from this blog on recursion schemes. I'm facing a problem when I'm running the example to solve the change making problem as mentioned in the blog.
Change making problem takes the denominations for a currency and tries to find the minimum number of coins required to create a given sum of money. The code below is taken from the blog and should compute the answer.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
module Main where
import Control.Arrow ( (>>>) )
import Data.List ( partition )
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
newtype Term f = In {out :: f (Term f)}
data Attr f a = Attr
{ attribute :: a
, hole :: f (Attr f a)
type CVAlgebra f a = f (Attr f a) -> a
histo :: Functor f => CVAlgebra f a -> Term f -> a
histo h = out >>> fmap worker >>> h
worker t = Attr (histo h t) (fmap worker (out t))
type Cent = Int
coins :: [Cent]
coins = [50, 25, 10, 5, 1]
data Nat a
= Zero
| Next a
deriving (Functor)
-- Convert from a natural number to its foldable equivalent, and vice versa.
expand :: Int -> Term Nat
expand 0 = In Zero
expand n = In (Next (expand (n - 1)))
compress :: Nat (Attr Nat a) -> Int
compress Zero = 0
compress (Next (Attr _ x)) = 1 + compress x
change :: Cent -> Int
change amt = histo go (expand amt)
go :: Nat (Attr Nat Int) -> Int
go Zero = 1
go curr#(Next attr) =
let given = compress curr
validCoins = filter (<= given) coins
remaining = map (given -) validCoins
(zeroes, toProcess) = partition (== 0) remaining
results = sum (map (lookup attr) toProcess)
in length zeroes + results
lookup :: Attr Nat a -> Int -> a
lookup cache 0 = attribute cache
lookup cache n = lookup inner (n - 1) where (Next inner) = hole cache
Now if you evaluate change 10 it will give you 3.
Which is... incorrect because you can make 10 using 1 coin of value 10.
So I considered maybe it's solving the coin change problem, which finds the maximum number of ways in which you can make the given sum of money. For e.g. you can make 10 in 4 ways with { 1, 1, ... 10 times }, { 1, 1, 1, 1, 5}, { 5, 5 }, { 10 }.
So what is wrong with this piece of code? Where is it going wrong in solving the problem?
The above piece of code from this blog on recursion schemes is not finding minimum or maximum ways to change a sum of money. Why is it not working?
I put some more thought into encoding this problem with recursion schemes. Maybe there's a good way to solve the unordered problem (i.e., considering 5c + 1c to be different from 1c + 5c) using a histomorphism to cache the undirected recursive calls, but I don't know what it is. Instead, I looked for a way to use recursion schemes to implement the dynamic-programming algorithm, where the search tree is probed in a specific order so that you're sure you never visit any node more than once.
The tool that I used is the hylomorphism, which comes up a bit later in the article series you're reading. It composes an unfold (anamorphism) with a fold (catamorphism). A hylomorphism uses ana to build up an intermediate structure, and then cata to tear it down into a final result. In this case, the intermediate structure I used describes a subproblem. It has two constructors: either the subproblem is solved already, or there is some amount of money left to make change for, and a pool of coin denominations to use:
data ChangePuzzle a = Solved Int
| Pending {spend, forget :: a}
deriving Functor
type Cent = Int
type ChangePuzzleArgs = ([Cent], Cent)
We need a coalgebra that turns a single problem into subproblems:
divide :: Coalgebra ChangePuzzle ChangePuzzleArgs
divide (_, 0) = Solved 1
divide ([], _) = Solved 0
divide (coins#(x:xs), n) | n < 0 = Solved 0
| otherwise = Pending (coins, n - x) (xs, n)
I hope the first three cases are obvious. The last case is the only one with multiple subproblems. We can either use one coin of the first listed denomination, and continue to make change for that smaller amount, or we can leave the amount the same but reduce the list of coin denominations we're willing to use.
The algebra for combining subproblem results is much simpler: we simply add them up.
conquer :: Algebra ChangePuzzle Int
conquer (Solved n) = n
conquer (Pending a b) = a + b
I originally tried to write conquer = sum (with the appropriate Foldable instance), but this is incorrect. We're not summing up the a types in the subproblem; rather, all the interesting values are in the Int field of the Solved constructor, and sum doesn't look at those because they're not of type a.
Finally, we let recursion schemes do the actual recursion for us with a simple hylo call:
waysToMakeChange :: ChangePuzzleArgs -> Int
waysToMakeChange = hylo conquer divide
And we can confirm it works in GHCI:
*Main> waysToMakeChange (coins, 10)
*Main> waysToMakeChange (coins, 100)
Whether you think this is worth the effort is up to you. Recursion schemes have saved us very little work here, as this problem is easy to solve by hand. But you may find reifying the intermediate states makes the recursive structure explicit, instead of implicit in the call graph. Anyway it's an interesting exercise if you want to practice recursion schemes in preparation for more complicated tasks.
The full, working file is included below for convenience.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
import Control.Arrow ( (>>>), (<<<) )
newtype Term f = In {out :: f (Term f)}
type Algebra f a = f a -> a
type Coalgebra f a = a -> f a
cata :: (Functor f) => Algebra f a -> Term f -> a
cata fn = out >>> fmap (cata fn) >>> fn
ana :: (Functor f) => Coalgebra f a -> a -> Term f
ana f = In <<< fmap (ana f) <<< f
hylo :: Functor f => Algebra f b -> Coalgebra f a -> a -> b
hylo alg coalg = ana coalg >>> cata alg
data ChangePuzzle a = Solved Int
| Pending {spend, forget :: a}
deriving Functor
type Cent = Int
type ChangePuzzleArgs = ([Cent], Cent)
coins :: [Cent]
coins = [50, 25, 10, 5, 1]
divide :: Coalgebra ChangePuzzle ChangePuzzleArgs
divide (_, 0) = Solved 1
divide ([], _) = Solved 0
divide (coins#(x:xs), n) | n < 0 = Solved 0
| otherwise = Pending (coins, n - x) (xs, n)
conquer :: Algebra ChangePuzzle Int
conquer (Solved n) = n
conquer (Pending a b) = a + b
waysToMakeChange :: ChangePuzzleArgs -> Int
waysToMakeChange = hylo conquer divide
The initial confusion with the blog post was because it was pointing to a different problem in the wikipedia link.
Retaking a look at change, it's trying to find the number of "ordered" ways of making change for a given value. This means that the ordering of coins matters. The correct value of change 10 should be 9.
Coming back to the problem, the main issue is with the implementation of the lookup method. The key point to note is that lookup is backwards i.e to calculate the contribution of a denomination to the sum it should be passed as argument to the lookup and not it's difference with the given value.
-- to find contribution of 5 to the number of ways we can
-- change 15. We should pass the cache of 15 and 5 as the
-- parameters. So the cache will be unrolled 5 times to
-- to get the value from cache of 10
lookup :: Attr Nat a -- ^ cache
-> Int -- ^ how much to roll back
-> a
lookup cache 1 = attribute cache
lookup cache n = lookup inner (n - 1) where (Next inner) = hole cache
The complete solution is described in this issue by #howsiwei.
Edit: Base on discussion in the comments this can be solved using histomorphisms but with a few challenges
It can be solved using histomorphisms but the cache and functor types will need to be more complex to hold more state. Namely -
The cache will need to keep a list of permitted denominations for a particular amount this will allow us eliminate overlap
The harder challenge is to come up with a functor that can order all the information. Nat will not be sufficient because it cannot distinguish between different values of a complex cache type.
I see two problems with this program. One of them I know how to fix, but the other apparently requires more knowledge of recursion schemes than I have.
The one I can fix is that it's looking up the wrong values in its cache. When given = 10, of course validCoins = [10,5,1], and so we find (zeroes, toProcess) = ([0], [5,9]). So far so good: we can give a dime directly, or give a nickel and then make change for the remaining five cents, or we can give a penny and change the remaining nine cents. But then when we write lookup 9 attr, we're saying "look 9 steps in history to when curr = 1", where what we meant was "look 1 step into history to when curr = 9". As a result we drastically undercount in pretty much all cases: even change 100 is only 16, while a Google search claims the right result is 292 (I haven't verified this today by implementing it myself).
There are a few equivalent ways to fix this; the smallest diff would be to replace
results = sum (map (lookup attr)) toProcess)
results = sum (map (lookup attr . (given -)) toProcess)
The second problem is: the values in the cache are wrong. As I mentioned in a comment on the question, this counts different orderings of the same denominations as separate answers to the question. After I fix the first problem, the lowest input where this second problem manifests is 7, with the incorrect result change 7 = 3. If you try change 100 I don't know how long it takes to compute: much longer than it should, probably a very long time. But even a modest value like change 30 yields a number that's much larger than it should be.
I don't see a way to fix this without a substantial algorithm rework. Traditional dynamic-programming solutions to this problem involve producing the solutions in a specific order so you can avoid double-counting. i.e., they first decide how many dimes to use (here, 0 or 1), then compute how to make change for the remaining amounts without using any dimes. I don't know how to work that idea in here - your cache key would need to be larger, including both the target amount and also the allowed set of coins.

Haskell - finding bigrams from an input list of words

I'm following the NLPWP Computational Linguistics site and trying to create a Haskell procedure to find collocations (most common groupings of two words, like "United States" or "to find") in a list of words. I've got the following working code to find bigram frequency:
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- | Function for creating a list of bigrams
-- | e.g. [("Colorless", "green"), ("green", "ideas")]
bigram :: [a] -> [[a]]
bigram [] = []
bigram [_] = []
bigram xs = take 2 xs : bigram (tail xs)
-- | Helper for freqList and freqBigram
countElem base alow = case (Map.lookup alow base) of
Just v -> Map.insert alow (v + 1) base
Nothing -> Map.insert alow 1 base
-- | Maps each word to its frequency.
freqList alow = foldl countElem Map.empty alow
-- | Maps each bigram to its frequency.
freqBigram alow = foldl countElem Map.empty (bigram alow)
I'm trying to write a function that outputs a Map from each bigram to [freq of bigram]/[(freq word 1)*(freq word 2)]. Could you possibly provide advice on how to approach it?
None of the following code is working, but it gives a vague outline for what I was trying to do.
collocations alow =
| let f key = (Map.lookup key freqBi) / ((Map.lookup (first alow) freqs)*(Map.lookup (last alow) freqs))
in Map.mapWithKey f = freqBi
where freqs = (freqList alow)
where freqBi = (freqBigram alow)
I'm very new to Haskell, so let me know if you've got any idea how to fix the collocations procedure. Style tips are also welcome.
Most of your code looks sane, except for the final colloctions function.
I'm not sure why there's a stray pipe in there after the equals sign. You're not trying to write any kind of pattern guard, so I don't think that should be there.
Map.lookup returns a Maybe key, so trying to do division or multiplication isn't going to work. Maybe what you want is some kind of function that takes a key and a map, and returns the associated count or zero if the key doesn't exist?
Other than that, it looks like you're not too far off having this work.
As I read it, your confusion stems from mistaking types, more or less. General advice: Use type signatures on all your top level functions and make sure they are sensible and what you expect of the function (I often do this even before implementing the function).
Let's take a look at your
-- | Function for creating a list of bigrams
-- | e.g. [("Colorless", "green"), ("green", "ideas")]
bigram :: [a] -> [[a]]
If you're giving in a list of Strings, you'll be getting a list of lists of Strings, so your bigram is a list.
You could decide to be more explicit (only allow Strings instead of sometype a - for the beginning at least). So, actually we get a list of Words an make a list of Bigrams from it:
type Word = String
type Bigram = (Word, Word)
bigram :: [Word] -> [Bigram]
For the implementation you can try to use readily available functions from Data.List, for example zipWith and tail.
Now your freqList and freqBigram look like
freqList :: [Word] -> Map Word Int
freqBigram :: [Word] -> Map Bigram Int
With this error messages of the compiler will be clearer to you. To point at it: Take care what you're doing in the lookups for the word frequencies. You're searching for the frequency of word1 and word2, and the bigram is (word1,word2).
Now you should be able to figure the solution out on your own, I guess.
First of all I advise you to have a look at the function
insertWith :: Ord k => (a -> a -> a) -> k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a
maybe you'll recognize the pattern if used
f freqs bg = insertWith (+) bg 1 freqs
Next as #MathematicalOrchid already pointed out your solution is not too far from being correct.
lookup :: Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
You already took care of that in your countElems function.
what I'd like to note that there is this neat abstraction called Applicative, which works really well for problems like yours.
First of all you have to import Control.Applicative if you're using GHC prior to 7.10 for newer versions it is already at your fingertips.
So what does this abstraction provide, similar to Functor it gives you a way to handle "side effects" in your case the possibility of the failing lookup resulting in Nothing.
We have two operators provided by Applicative: pure and <*>, and in addition as every Applicative is required to be a Functor we also get fmap or <$> which are the latter is just an infix alias for convenience.
So how does this apply to your situation?
<*> :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> :: Functor f => a -> b -> f a -> f b
First of all you see that those two look darn similar but with <*> being slightly less familiar.
Now having a function
f :: Int -> Int
f x = x + 3
x1 :: Maybe Int
x1 = Just 4
x2 :: Maybe Int
x2 = Nothing
one couldn't simply just f y because that wouldn't typecheck - but and that is the first idea to keep in mind. Maybe is a Functor (it is also an Applicative - it is even more an M-thing, but let's not go there).
f <$> x1 = Just 7
f <$> x2 = Nothing
so you can imagine the f looking up the value and performing the calculation inside the Just and if there is no value - a.k.a. we have the Nothing situation, we'll do what every lazy student does - be lazy and do nothing ;-).
Now we get to the next part <*>
g1 :: Maybe (Int -> Int)
g1 = Just (x + 3)
g2 :: Maybe (Int -> Int)
g2 = Nothing
Still g1 x1 wouldn't work, but
g1 <*> x1 = Just 7
g1 <*> x2 = Nothing
g2 <*> x1 = Nothing -- remember g2 is Nothing
g2 <*> x2 = Nothing
NEAT! - but still how does this solve your problem?
The 'magic' is using both operators ... for multi-argument functions
h :: Int -> Int -> Int
h x y = x + y + 2
and partial function application, which just means put in one value get back a function that waits for the next value.
GHCi> :type h 1
h 1 :: Int -> Int
Now the strange thing happens we can use with a function like h.
GHCi> :type h1 <$> x1
h1 <$> x1 :: Maybe (Int -> Int)
well that's good because then we can use our <*> with it
y1 :: Maybe Int
y1 = Just 7
h1 <$> x1 <*> y1 = Just (4 + 7 + 2)
= Just 13
and this even works with an arbitrary number of arguments
k :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
k x y z w = ...
k <$> x1 <*> y1 <*> z1 <*> w1 = ...
So design a pure function that works with Int, Float, Double or whatever you like and then use the Functor/Applicative abstraction to make your lookup and frequency calculation work with each other.

Directly generating specific subsets of a powerset?

Haskell's expressiveness enables us to rather easily define a powerset function:
import Control.Monad (filterM)
powerset :: [a] -> [[a]]
powerset = filterM (const [True, False])
To be able to perform my task it is crucial for said powerset to be sorted by a specific function, so my implementation kind of looks like this:
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
powersetBy :: Ord b => ([a] -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]]
powersetBy f = sortBy (comparing f) . powerset
Now my question is whether there is a way to only generate a subset of the powerset given a specific start and endpoint, where f(start) < f(end) and |start| < |end|. For example, my parameter is a list of integers ([1,2,3,4,5]) and they are sorted by their sum. Now I want to extract only the subsets in a given range, lets say 3 to 7. One way to achieve this would be to filter the powerset to only include my range but this seems (and is) ineffective when dealing with larger subsets:
badFunction :: Ord b => b -> b -> ([a] -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]]
badFunction start end f = filter (\x -> f x >= start && f x <= end) . powersetBy f
badFunction 3 7 sum [1,2,3,4,5] produces [[1,2],[3],[1,3],[4],[1,4],[2,3],[5],[1,2,3],[1,5],[2,4],[1,2,4],[2,5],[3,4]].
Now my question is whether there is a way to generate this list directly, without having to generate all 2^n subsets first, since it will improve performance drastically by not having to check all elements but rather generating them "on the fly".
If you want to allow for completely general ordering-functions, then there can't be a way around checking all elements of the powerset. (After all, how would you know the isn't a special clause built in that gives, say, the particular set [6,8,34,42] a completely different ranking from its neighbours?)
However, you could make the algorithm already drastically faster by
Only sorting after filtering: sorting is O (n · log n), so you want keep n low here; for the O (n) filtering step it matters less. (And anyway, number of elements doesn't change through sorting.)
Apply the ordering-function only once to each subset.
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
lessBadFunction :: Ord b => (b,b) -> ([a]->b) -> [a] -> [[a]]
lessBadFunction (start,end) f
= map snd . sortBy (comparing fst)
. filter (\(k,_) -> k>=start && k<=end)
. map (f &&& id)
. powerset
Basically, let's face it, powersets of anything but a very small basis are infeasible. The particular application “sum in a certain range” is pretty much a packaging problem; there are quite efficient ways to do that kind of thing, but you'll have to give up the idea of perfect generality and of quantification over general subsets.
Since your problem is essentially a constraint satisfaction problem, using an external SMT solver might be the better alternative here; assuming you can afford the extra IO in the type and the need for such a solver to be installed. The SBV library allows construction of such problems. Here's one encoding:
import Data.SBV
-- c is the cost type
-- e is the element type
pick :: (Num e, SymWord e, SymWord c) => c -> c -> ([SBV e] -> SBV c) -> [e] -> IO [[e]]
pick begin end cost xs = do
solutions <- allSat constraints
return $ map extract $ extractModels solutions
where extract ts = [x | (t, x) <- zip ts xs, t]
constraints = do tags <- mapM (const free_) xs
let tagged = zip tags xs
finalCost = cost [ite t (literal x) 0 | (t, x) <- tagged]
solve [finalCost .>= literal begin, finalCost .<= literal end]
test :: IO [[Integer]]
test = pick 3 7 sum [1,2,3,4,5]
We get:
Main> test
For large lists, this technique will beat out generating all subsets and filtering; assuming the cost function generates reasonable constraints. (Addition will be typically OK, if you've multiplications, the backend solver will have a harder time.)
(As a side note, you should never use filterM (const [True, False]) to generate power-sets to start with! While that expression is cute and fun, it is extremely inefficient!)

Merging an unbound number of ordered infinite sequences

I want to generate all natural numbers together with their decomposition in prime factors, up to a certain threshold.
I came up with the following function:
vGenerate :: [a] -- generator set for monoid B* (Kleene star of B)
-> (a, (a -> a -> a)) -- (identity element, generating function)
-> (a -> Bool) -- filter
-> [a] -- B* filtered
vGenerate [] (g0,_) _ = [g0]
vGenerate (e:es) (g0,g) c =
let coEs = vGenerate es (g0,g) c
coE = takeWhile (c) $ iterate (g e) g0
in concatMap (\m -> takeWhile (c) $ map (g m) coE) coEs
gen then generates all natural numbers together with their prime factors:
gen threshold =
let b = map (\x -> (x,[x])) $ takeWhile (<= threshold) primes
condition = (<= threshold) . fst
g0 = (1,[])
g = \(n,nl)(m,ml) -> ((n*m), nl ++ ml)
in vGenerate b (g0,g) condition
primes = [2,3,5,7,11,.. ] -- pseudo code
I have the following questions:
It is not always known in advance how many numbers we will need. Can we modify vGenerate such that it starts with a lazy infinite list of primes, and generates all the factorizations in increasing order? The challenge is that we have an infinite list of primes, for each prime an infinite list of powers of that prime number, and then have to take all possible combinations. The lists are naturally ordered by increasing first element, so they could be generated lazily.
I documented vGenerate in terms of monoid, with the intention to keep it as abstract as possible, but perhaps this just obfuscates the code? I want to generalize it later (more as an exercise than for real usage), e.g. for generating raster points within certain constraints, which can also be put in the monoid context, so I thought it was a good start to get rid of all references to the problem space (in casu: primes). But I feel that the filtering function does not fit well in the abstraction: the generation must happen in an order that is monotonous for the metric tested by c, because recursion is terminated as soon as c is not satisfied. Any advice?
Have a look at mergeAll :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [a] from the data-ordlist package. It merges an unbound number of infinite sequences as long as the sequences are ordered, and the heads of the sequences are ordered. I've used it for similar problems before, for example to generate all numbers of the form 2^i*3^j.
> let numbers = mergeAll [[2^i*3^j | j <- [0..]] | i <- [0..]]
> take 20 numbers
You should be able to extend this to generate all numbers with their factorizations.

Efficient table for Dynamic Programming in Haskell

I've coded up the 0-1 Knapsack problem in Haskell. I'm fairly proud about the laziness and level of generality achieved so far.
I start by providing functions for creating and dealing with a lazy 2d matrix.
mkList f = map f [0..]
mkTable f = mkList (\i -> mkList (\j -> f i j))
tableIndex table i j = table !! i !! j
I then make a specific table for a given knapsack problem
knapsackTable = mkTable f
where f 0 _ = 0
f _ 0 = 0
f i j | ws!!i > j = leaveI
| otherwise = max takeI leaveI
where takeI = tableIndex knapsackTable (i-1) (j-(ws!!i)) + vs!!i
leaveI = tableIndex knapsackTable (i-1) j
-- weight value pairs; item i has weight ws!!i and value vs!!i
ws = [0,1,2, 5, 6, 7] -- weights
vs = [0,1,7,11,21,31] -- values
And finish off with a couple helper functions for looking at the table
viewTable table maxI maxJ = take (maxI+1) . map (take (maxJ+1)) $ table
printTable table maxI maxJ = mapM_ print $ viewTable table maxI maxJ
This much was pretty easy. But I want to take it a step further.
I want a better data structure for the table. Ideally, it should be
Unboxed (immutable) [edit] never mind this
O(1) time to construct
O(1) time complexity for looking up a given entry,
(more realistically, at worst O(log n), where n is i*j for looking up the entry at row i, column j)
Bonus points if you can explain why/how your solution satisfies these ideals.
Also bonus points if you can further generalize knapsackTable, and prove that it is efficient.
In improving the data structure you should try to satisfy the following goals:
If I ask for the solution where the maximum weight is 10 (in my current code, that would be indexTable knapsackTable 5 10, the 5 means include items 1-5) only the minimal amount of work necessary should be performed. Ideally this means no O(i*j) work for forcing the spine of each row of the table to necessary column length. You could say this isn't "true" DP, if you believe DP means evaluating the entirety of the table.
If I ask for the entire table to be printed (something like printTable knapsackTable 5 10), the values of each entry should be computed once and only once. The values of a given cell should depend on the values of other cells (DP style: the idea being, never recompute the same subproblem twice)
Data.Array bounded :(
UArray strict :(
Memoization techniques (SO question about DP in Haskell) this might work
Answers that make some compromises to my stated ideals will be upvoted (by me, anyways) as long as they are informative. The answer with the least compromises will probably be the "accepted" one.
First, your criterion for an unboxed data structure is probably a bit mislead. Unboxed values must be strict, and they have nothing to do with immutability. The solution I'm going to propose is immutable, lazy, and boxed. Also, I'm not sure in what way you are wanting construction and querying to be O(1). The structure I'm proposing is lazily constructed, but because it's potentially unbounded, its full construction would take infinite time. Querying the structure will take O(k) time for any particular key of size k, but of course the value you're looking up may take further time to compute.
The data structure is a lazy trie. I'm using Conal Elliott's MemoTrie library in my code. For genericity, it takes functions instead of lists for the weights and values.
knapsack :: (Enum a, Num w, Num v, Num a, Ord w, Ord v, HasTrie a, HasTrie w) =>
(a -> w) -> (a -> v) -> a -> w -> v
knapsack weight value = knapsackMem
where knapsackMem = memo2 knapsack'
knapsack' 0 w = 0
knapsack' i 0 = 0
knapsack' i w
| weight i > w = knapsackMem (pred i) w
| otherwise = max (knapsackMem (pred i) w)
(knapsackMem (pred i) (w - weight i)) + value i
Basically, it's implemented as a trie with a lazy spine and lazy values. It's bounded only by the key type. Because the entire thing is lazy, its construction before forcing it with queries is O(1). Each query forces a single path down the trie and its value, so it's O(1) for a bounded key size O(log n). As I already said, it's immutable, but not unboxed.
It will share all work in the recursive calls. It doesn't actually allow you to print the trie directly, but something like this should not do any redundant work:
mapM_ (print . uncurry (knapsack ws vs)) $ range ((0,0), (i,w))
Unboxed implies strict and bounded. Anything 100% Unboxed cannot be Lazy or Unbounded. The usual compromise is embodied in converting [Word8] to Data.ByteString.Lazy where there are unboxed chunks (strict ByteString) which are linked lazily together in an unbounded way.
A much more efficient table generator (enhanced to track individual items) could be made using "scanl", "zipWith", and my "takeOnto". This effectively avoid using (!!) while creating the table:
import Data.List(sort,genericTake)
type Table = [ [ Entry ] ]
data Entry = Entry { bestValue :: !Integer, pieces :: [[WV]] }
deriving (Read,Show)
data WV = WV { weight, value :: !Integer }
deriving (Read,Show,Eq,Ord)
instance Eq Entry where
(==) a b = (==) (bestValue a) (bestValue b)
instance Ord Entry where
compare a b = compare (bestValue a) (bestValue b)
solutions :: Entry -> Int
solutions = length . filter (not . null) . pieces
addItem :: Entry -> WV -> Entry
addItem e wv = Entry { bestValue = bestValue e + value wv, pieces = map (wv:) (pieces e) }
-- Utility function for improve
takeOnto :: ([a] -> [a]) -> Integer -> [a] -> [a]
takeOnto endF = go where
go n rest | n <=0 = endF rest
| otherwise = case rest of
(x:xs) -> x : go (pred n) xs
[] -> error "takeOnto: unexpected []"
improve oldList wv#(WV {weight=wi,value = vi}) = newList where
newList | vi <=0 = oldList
| otherwise = takeOnto (zipWith maxAB oldList) wi oldList
-- Dual traversal of index (w-wi) and index w makes this a zipWith
maxAB e2 e1 = let e2v = addItem e2 wv
in case compare e1 e2v of
LT -> e2v
EQ -> Entry { bestValue = bestValue e1
, pieces = pieces e1 ++ pieces e2v }
GT -> e1
-- Note that the returned table is finite
-- The dependence on only the previous row makes this a "scanl" operation
makeTable :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Table
makeTable ws vs =
let wvs = zipWith WV (map toInteger ws) (map toInteger vs)
nil = repeat (Entry { bestValue = 0, pieces = [[]] })
totW = sum (map weight wvs)
in map (genericTake (succ totW)) $ scanl improve nil wvs
-- Create specific table, note that weights (1+7) equal weight 8
ws, vs :: [Int]
ws = [2,3, 5, 5, 6, 7] -- weights
vs = [1,7,8,11,21,31] -- values
t = makeTable ws vs
-- Investigate table
seeTable = mapM_ seeBestValue t
where seeBestValue row = mapM_ (\v -> putStr (' ':(show (bestValue v)))) row >> putChar '\n'
ways = mapM_ seeWays t
where seeWays row = mapM_ (\v -> putStr (' ':(show (solutions v)))) row >> putChar '\n'
-- This has two ways of satisfying a bestValue of 8 for 3 items up to total weight 5
interesting = print (t !! 3 !! 5)
Lazy storable vectors:
Unbounded, lazy, O(chunksize) time to construct, O(n/chunksize) indexing, where chunksize can be sufficiently large for any given purpose. Basically a lazy list with some significant constant factor benifits.
To memoize functions, I recommend a library like Luke Palmer's memo combinators. The library uses tries, which are unbounded and have O(key size) lookup. (In general, you can't do better than O(key size) lookup because you always have to touch every bit of the key.)
knapsack :: (Int,Int) -> Solution
knapsack = memo f
memo = pair integral integral
f (i,j) = ... knapsack (i-b,j) ...
Internally, the integral combinator probably builds an infinite data structure
data IntTrie a = Branch IntTrie a IntTrie
integral f = \n -> lookup n table
table = Branch (\n -> f (2*n)) (f 0) (\n -> f (2*n+1))
Lookup works like this:
lookup 0 (Branch l a r) = a
lookup n (Branch l a r) = if even n then lookup n2 l else lookup n2 r
where n2 = n `div` 2
There are other ways to build infinite tries, but this one is popular.
Why won't you use Data.Map putting the other Data.Map into it? As far as I know it's quite fast.
It wouldn't be lazy though.
More than that, you can implement Ord typeclass for you data
data Index = Index Int Int
and put a two dimensional index directly as a key. You can achieve laziness by generating this map as a list and then just use
fromList [(Index 0 0, value11), (Index 0 1, value12), ...]
