Dreamweaver Database connection to phpmyadmin not working - dreamweaver

So, I realise there are a lot of threads with this topic already but I have went through every single one of them (Majority of them are the exact same) and nothing seems to work.
**As a note, I am using a trial version of Dreamweaver cc 2015, and I am using WAMPSever.
So, I have a testing server working. The problem I am having is creating a MySQL connection from Dreamweaver to phpmyadmin. The error that persists is the:
HTTP ERROR CODE 404 File not found. Here are some possible reasons for the problem:
1) There is no testing server running on the server machine.
2) The testing server specified for this site does not map to the. Verify that the URL in the prefix maps to the root of the site.
I have moved the MMHTTPDB.php and mysql.php into the right folder. I have also selected the server model to be PHPMYSQL.
This is my site:
This is the testing server:
I am fairly new to using Dreamweaver but I have not been more frustrated with anything in my entire life.
Any help would be much appreciated.

I was in a similar situation a week ago and spent sleepless nights trying to find a solution. Like you, I have never been frustrated as I was by this. Finally, I had to downgrade my XAMPP version because I learnt that if you're using the deprecated server behaviors in Dreamweaver, they won't work with the latest version of XAMPP.
I downloaded an older version and I am okay now.


django redirects to non existing url

Two days ago I created a django project and it worked all right. But, now when I am working on another django project still when I run server it's redirecting me to the older project. I am using different virtual environment for both of them. Even after deleting the old one the issue is not resolved.
Thanks in advance.
Actually, This is not a Django error. I also faced this issue. This is your Cached issue. You can try in incognito mode or clear your browser history and cached.....This error will be solved.
Thank You !!!
This often happens when server of both projects are running and running on same port. can you verify?

If I provided incorrect subdomain name during Kabanero Foundation installation, how to fix it?

I provided incorrect subdomain name during Kabanero Foundation installation on OKD. Now my Application-->Routes are wrong. How to fix that?
For Kabanero Landing Page, my link is: https://kabanero-landing-kabanero./
I tried https://kabanero-landing-kabanero./ but I get
Application is not available
The application is currently not serving requests at this endpoint. It may not have been started or is still starting.
Expected: Kabanero Landing Page
Actual: Application is not available
The application is currently not serving requests at this endpoint. It may not have been started or is still starting.
There really is no good way to fix it. There is not a good manner to change the routes automatically. Assuming you are early in your install, you should be able to clone the 0.2.0 (if you installed 0.2.0) support scripts from https://github.com/kabanero-io/kabanero-foundation/tree/0.2.0/scripts and run the uninstall-kabanero-foundation.sh script to remove the foundation and reinstall. You should be able to keep the OKD install that you have done.
If there are enough people that hit this, I can put a requirement in place to provide an update script to change this value and restart.

AHBot in an AzerothCore 3.3.5 Server

Does anyone have a guide on setting up AHBot in an AzerothCore 3.3.5 server? I can find no mention of ahbot in the world.conf and no DB tables like auctionhousebot in the database or any references. It is included in TrinityCore so all the google references that I find point me back there.
Our server is just two of us and it would be nice to have some items on the auction house. At the moment, if you need a silver bar you have to go out in the world and find it. That was exciting the first couple of times... but gets old.
I followed the guide to install off github: https://www.azerothcore.org/wiki/Installation and am using the latest release under Ubuntu linux.
Thank you for any help. You are my last hope...
AHBot is not currently an 'official' supported module of AzerothCore (which would be why you aren't finding any settings in the worldserver or anywhere else regarding it).
There is a module in development that isn't currently part of the AC list, but I've gotten it working on my personal server: https://github.com/AyaseCore/mod-ahbot Note that this is a bit different than a normal module as there is also a git patch that needs to be applied manually.
Theres a module in azerothCore repository you have to apply patch manually but it wont compile on Win x64 and unix x64 comes up with an error about 9 arguments, but seems to compile for some

Yeoman working very slowly loading pages

I'm working on a project that uses Yeoman
it's been working great on my machine till recently some changes have been made to the project (introducing angular mainly) while I wasn't working on it for a month.
since I came back every page load has been taking around 2 mins only to get HTMLs and JS files!
the cpu is between 30%-50% physical memory around 60%, the computer is in good shapes.
other people working on the same project are getting very fast load times..
what can it be?
Sounds like the problem is on your side, therefore I would just delete the whole mess and check it out again, I assume you use some kind of Version Control.
If this does not work, it could be some caching problems - but it is hard to say with the current information.
Do you have anything that the others don't?
I would also make sure to update Yeoman, Node.js ect. to the lastest version, or just the same as your co-workers.
For extra performance you can disable the force option in the gruntfile, but seeing as the other people on your project has no problems this should not do anything about your situation.

Kohana 3 under PHP 5.1.6

I've been experimenting with Kohana 3 for the past few weeks, and up to now I was quite impressed. I just upload my project to the live server, and I realized I needed one of the lastest version of PHP (5.3) and that I'm stuck with 5.1.6, with this said server.
Now, this may not be the cause of the problem, but every PHP variable found in the views aren't parsed correctly. For example, if I output a link
echo Html::anchor('form/registration', 'I Accept,<br />Enter', array('class' => 'left'));
I'll have :
<a href="" class="">
So I guess I'm missing some functionalities of PHP which they added in the lastest version. Any ideas?
I resolved the issue. The problem was related to the version of PHP, I did upload the app on another server running PHP 5.3.X, and everything was okay, confirming my doubts.
I did track the bug to a certain function which used PHP's htmlspecialchars (HTML::chars) - anyway, I simply used Kohana 2.3 equivalent function and everything is now fine. Well, I had to deal with some other issue, related to PHP 5.1.6 (why, in the name of the holy mother of god, any hosting solution would still be using this backward version?), but at least I didn't had to rewrite the app under another framework of under an older version of Kohana.
