How to know if user arrived from google ads - node.js

I'm using node.js with express.
I want to present a user arrived from google adwords campaign a specific banner. I can use req.get('referer') and see that it's but how can I know it's from a compaign? and how can I test it locally?

You should add tracking params to your Google AdWords campaigns, e.g. ?source=google-adwords. You can then check for the existence of this param. This is what tracking systems like Piwik do.
Google AdWords allows to pass dynamic param values named value track params to gain deeper insights about what keywords and ads your traffic came from.
You could link Google AdWords with Google Analytics and automate tagging of your ads, which will automatically add a param named gclid to all of your Google ads links. You could then check for the existence of this param.
Referrer should be the last way to go, as it is not very reliable.


Create an entry in google calendar based on an email

Hi everyone I have been trying to know how to force gmail to add events to a calendar similar to how airbnb and airline tickets or even eventbrite does it, is there a standard email one can send or is it based on domain reputation to make it happen.
If we are talking about creating events in Google Calendar based on the content of an email (either inbound or outbound email) then Google already has these features called Smart features & controls. For trip information, you would need to set up your Google Account for Google Travel.
Just take note how Google indexes these search terms or metadata only includes the first 1MB of a content on an email to identify if the smart features will automatically detect and suggest a creation of event based on the content of an email. See info here
" is there a standard email one can send or is it based on domain
reputation to make it happen. "
Based on the question above, the domain reputation will only be relevant if you have integrated a third-party mail service within your Google Account, assuming you have Google Workspace, you can check this link for SMTP relay setup.
Other than that, using Google Calendar API only limits you based on your Quota Limits for Google Services.
See also:
Avoid Calendar use limits - Google Workspace Admin Help
Proper accounting with service accounts | Calendar API | Google Developers
Limiting Requests Per User | Capping API usage | Cloud APIs | Google Cloud

Your Google Account is missing a delivery address. You can add an address, then come back and try again

I use code from actions-on-google apiai-transactions-nodejs but How can I get the Address?
As per the google product page [Google Express] the transaction example is created. So, unless you are in USA and develop with the google account, you cannot configure a delivery address.
Looks like we need to wait a little longer in other part of the world.

Using the Instagram API

I'm building a site which wants to display recent Instagram images in a carousel, grabbed from a specific geotagged location. I have everything ready to go, but I just can't figure out how to get the data.
I'm using node.js and I want to grab the image URLs server-side and give them to the client for them to make the requests to Instagram to fetch the images. If this hits rate limits or violates Instagram policy then I'll simply cache the images server-side instead. Either way, I have no idea how to get the data I need from Instagram.
The furthest I've got is manually getting an access token using this URL:
Then using that access token I tried the following request in Postman:
But it returns the following:
{"pagination": {}, "data": [], "meta": {"code": 200}}
After Googling around a bit, I figured maybe it's because my Instagram app is in sandbox mode. So I went about applying for full access. The request form presents these options:
Which use case best describes your Instagram integration?
I want to install a third party widget to show Instagram content on my website.
I want to display hashtag content and public content on my website.
I want to display my Instagram posts on my website.
I want to build analytics for my own Instagram account.
My app is still in development and/or is a test app.
My app allows non-business users to login and post comments, likes or follow actions.
My app allows people to login with Instagram and share their own content.
My product helps brands and advertisers understand, manage their audience and media rights.
My product helps broadcasters and publishers discover content, get digital rights to media, and share media with proper attribution.
My requirement falls under the second option, but after selecting it, I'm told:
This use case is not supported. We do not approve the public_content permission for one-off projects such as displaying hashtag based content on your website. As alternative solution, you can show your own Instagram content, or find a company that offers this type of service (content discover, moderation, and display).
And actually, selecting any option apart from the 3 options above "Other" presents a message stating it's not allowed. Even selecting "Other" shows:
We do not accept submissions for integrations that do not fall into one of the approved use cases.
Talk about terrible UX.
I'm seriously considering just scraping the URLs instead, but I'm betting that's definitely against Instagram policy, but what other choice do I have? All I want to do is display some images on a website...
Think I have it thanks to
No idea how people can find this out other than word-of-mouth.

Signing up for a new account using the Flickr APA

Does anybody know whether it is possible use the Flickr's API to register a new account? We would like to use our website to allow user to register with us and Flickr at the same time.
I don't see anything applicable in the list of methods at All of the calls in the flickr.people.* category are finds and gets.

How to crawl foursquare check-in data?

Is it possible to crawl check-in data from foursquare in a greedy way? (even if I don't have friendship with all the users) Just like crawling publicly available twitter messages. If you have any experience or suggestions, please share. Thanks.
If you have publicly available tweets containing links to foursquare, you can resolve the foursquare short links ( by making a HEAD request. The head request will return a URL with a check-in ID and a signature. You can use those two values to retrieve a check-in object via the foursquare API /checkins/ endpoint. You're only allowed to access 500 of these per hour.
You must abide by both the Twitter and foursquare terms of service -- in fourquare's case, you may not display this information to anyone, nor may you retain any user information for more than 3 hours (since the user has not authorized your application).
You can only get the check-in data for a location if the manager of the location gives you OAuth access to your application. If you have that, you can use the real-time API defined here:
No, it is not possible to crawl check-in data similar to Twitter. This information is considered personal data and is not public.
You can crawl twitter data for foursquare data =)
