Background Task UWP - Pass Object with Data - object

I need to pass an object with some information to consume in my Background Task. I try to search in web but not found any solution. It is possible?
One workarround is save information what I need to pass in isolated storage in my MainProjet and in my BackgroundTask project consume information saved before. But this solution is not beautiful to use.
Someone help me?
Thanks in advance

You can use SendMessageToBackground method
var message = new ValueSet();
In background task listen to this method
public void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
BackgroundMediaPlayer.MessageReceivedFromForeground += BackgroundMediaPlayer_MessageReceivedFromForeground;
private void BackgroundMediaPlayer_MessageReceivedFromForeground(object sender, MediaPlayerDataReceivedEventArgs e)
foreach (string key in e.Data.Keys)
switch (key.ToLower())


Control Events- Revit API

I would like to control events of Load Families and Create Type with revit api. Someone can give me a direction ? I don't understand very well the documentation that I read.
First you need to subscribe to an event by creating an event listener in the IExternalApplication OnStartup method.
public class AppCommand : IExternalApplication
public Result OnStartup(UIControlledApplication application)
application.ControlledApplication.FamilyLoadedIntoDocument += OnFamilyLoaded;
return Result.Succeeded;
Next you need a handler for that event:
private void OnFamilyLoaded(object sender, FamilyLoadedIntoDocumentEventArgs args)
// do work here
When finished you need to unregister the event handler:
public Result OnShutdown(UIControlledApplication application)
application.FamilyLoadedIntoDocument -= OnFamilyLoaded;
return Result.Succeeded;
The other events available that you can subscribe to are these:

VSTO: which event cannot hooked to the object directly?

For some event, the subscription by hooking the event directly object is failing but working when you use a local variable.
I haven't figured out why yet, who does?
I came across this mystery as I start working with CommandBarsEvents.OnUpdate, in order to detect interaction with a shape, what can comes with certain problems as described here.
There are other events with that problem?
to keep clear here comes an (incomplete) overview of events which are affected and which not
events what DO need a local variable
Their code has to be like this:
using Office = Microsoft.Office.Core;
namespace Project
public partial class AddIn
private Office.CommandBars commandBars; //declaration of local variable
private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
commandBars = this.Application.CommandBars; //initialization of local variable
commandBars.OnUpdate += new Office._CommandBarsEvents_OnUpdateEventHandler(commandBars_OnUpdate); //"indirect" subscription to event`
events what NOT need a local variable
Their code can be like this:
using Office = Microsoft.Office.Core;
namespace Project
public partial class AddIn
private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
((InteropExcel.AppEvents_Event)Application).NewWorkbook += new InteropExcel.AppEvents_NewWorkbookEventHandler(Excel_NewWorkbook_EventHandler); //"direct" subscription to event`

Garbage collecting issue with Custom viewbinding in mono touch and mvvmcross

I have a custom calendar control for which there is an custom viewbinding. In this viewbinding we hook up some events which are not decoupled correct and therefor is the garbage collecting not completed. In the following is our custom view binding. As you can see the event is hooked up in the constructor and decoupled in the OnSelectedDate event is triggered(the user selects an date). Therefore if you choose a date the event is decouple correct and garbage collected but if you just go back, the event is still hooked up and no garbage collecting is performed. I thought about trigger the event with null values and and thereby decoulpe the event. But I think there must be some more clever way to achieve this.
namespace CmsApp.Core.Binders
public class CalendarViewBinding:MvxBaseTargetBinding
private CalendarView _calendarView;
private DateTime _currentValue;
public CalendarViewBinding(CalendarView calendarView)
_calendarView = calendarView;
protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing)
_calendarView.OnDateSelected -= OnDateSelected;
_calendarView = null;
private void OnDateSelected(object sender, SelectedDateEventArgs args)
_currentValue = args.SelectedDate;
_calendarView.OnDateSelected -= OnDateSelected;
public override void SetValue(object value)
var date = (DateTime)value;
_currentValue = date;
_calendarView.SelectedDate = _currentValue;
public override Type TargetType
return typeof(DateTime);
public override MvxBindingMode DefaultMode
return MvxBindingMode.TwoWay;
Any help is appreciated :)
It looks to me like your binding is almost correct.
The only issue I can see is that it unsubscribes from the event too often - you can't call _calendarView.OnDateSelected -= OnDateSelected; twice - but I don't think this is the problem you are seeing.
I currently would guess that the problem is not in the code you are using:
either there's a bug in the binding code in the underlying framework you are using
or something is a bug/issue in the way you are using this binding
or your memory leak has nothing to do with this binding
It's not easy to test this from the limited code posted here, but it would be simpler if you could produce a simple app that reproduces the leak you are seeing. Share that and you might be able to get more feedback.
If you believe my guesses are wrong, then the only thing I can suggest is that you switch to WeakReferences inside your binding - but this feels like a sticking plaster rather than a cure.
Just adding a link to when to release objects in mono touch / mvvmcross

Accessing UI from non-ui thread using dispatcher did not work

I am beginner to C# .net. I have simple app in wpf which access a listbox from user thread. in winforms i can use invokerequired, a equivalent for wpf using dispatcher did not help. My system also hangs for the buttons so debugging is though. Please provide solution for the below code. thanks in advance
private void Monitor_mtd()
while (AppStatus != 0)
if (flag2 == 1)
new list1MtdDelegate(list1Mtd), "Best practice");
private delegate void list1MtdDelegate(string ls1);
private void list1Mtd(string ls1)
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Monitor = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Monitor_mtd));
flag1 = 1;
private void button2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
flag2 = 1;
There are a couple of issues that arise in your approach. Firstly, the way that you bind your data to the ListBox and secondly trying to update the ListBox from a user thread.
You can solve the binding of the ListBox by using an ObservableCollection so that the UI is updated with the necessary values (have a look at this post for more information on this). However, this also raises another problem and that is that the ObservableCollection cannot be called from another thread other than the one it is dispatching (see more on this here also). This means that you need another implementation for the ObservableCollection. Thomas Levesque made an AsyncObservableCollection that can be modified from any thread and still notify the UI when its modified.
I made a sample implementation that you can download here showing the full solution.

Exception when trying to show a form created in another (background) thread on .netCF with OAC

In a multi form .NetCF 3.5 application I'm trying create the forms in the background while the user is occupied with the previous form.
We're using Orientation Aware Control in the project
We use a wrapper class (FormController) (please let me know if I'm using the wrong terminology) to keep static references to the different forms in our application. Since we only want to create them once.
At the moment the Forms are created the first time they are used. But since this is a time consuming operation we'd like to do this in the background while the user
Application.Run(new FormController.StartUI());
class FormController{
private static object lockObj = new object();
private static bool secIsLoaded = false;
private static StartForm startForm = new StartForm();
private static SecForm m_SecForm;
static SecForm FormWorkOrderList
return m_SecForm;
private static void StartUI(){
ThreadStart tsSecForm = CreateSecForm;
Thread trSecForm = new Thread(tsSecForm);
trSecForm.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;
trSecForm.IsBackground = true;
return startForm;
private static void CreateSecForm()
m_SecForm = new SecForm();
secIsLoaded = true;
private static void GotoSecForm()
When I call GotoSecForm() the program throws an excepton on SecForm.Show() with an exection with hResult: 2146233067 and no other valuable information.
The stacktrace of the exception is:
on Microsoft.AGL.Common.MISC.HandleAr(PAL_ERROR ar)
on System.Windows.Forms.Control.SuspendLayout()
on b..ctor(OrientationAwareControl control)
on Clarius.UI.OrientationAwareControl.ApplyResources(CultureInfo cultureInfo, Boolean skipThis)
on Clarius.UI.OrientationAwareControl.ApplyResources()
on Clarius.UI.OrientationAwareControl.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
on Clarius.UI.OrientationAwareControl.c(Object , EventArgs )
on System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
on System.Windows.Forms.Form._SetVisibleNotify(Boolean fVis)
on System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Visible(Boolean value)
on System.Windows.Forms.Control.Show()
I'm quite qlueless about what's going wrong here. Can anyone help me out?
Or are there some better ways to load the forms in the background?
Let me know if any more information is needed.
You can't create forms (or safely do any manipulation of controls or forms) in background threads. They need to be created on the same thread that the message pump is running on - its just the way that Windows Forms work.
Creating the form itself shouldn't be in itself an expensive task. My advice would be to perform any expensive computations needed to display the form in a background thread, and then pass the result of those computations back to the main message pump in order to create and display the form itself.
(Half way through writing this I realised that this question is about windows mobile, however I'm 99% sure that the above still applies in this situation)
