Node js integrate windows authentication AD - node.js

I've been reading for the last hour but it's still not clear for me how to automatically authenticate the current windows user in my node js application.
On my office PC, I'm already authenticated with my AD user when I access our company portal in Chrome (as it was added as a trusted sites). So the main question for me is what do I have to do to automatically detect/authenticate the user in my nodejs app if I add my site to the trusted sites? I'm pretty sure the browser must do half of the job as it probably sends some kind of data (hash) in the request, based on which the application must authenticate the user. I suspect this is the "www-authenticate: negotiate" header as I noticed this sends a hash in the request when I access the portal.
So far, the only tracks I'm still investigating are:
But it's still not very clear for me how this automatic authentication works and what are the leads I should follow next. The entire process is still unclear to me
I appreciate any advices on this or at least a mid-level explanation on what happens behind the scenes when I access a page in Chrome and it automatically authenticates me. Thanks


Blazor Server App with Microsoft Identity Authenticaion (Azure AD) gets stuck in authentication loop after publishing to local IIS 10 (Server 2019)

I have been testing a Blazor Server app (ASP.NET Core 6.0) locally for a while with no issues. It authenticates against Azure AD, and everything works fine.
I deployed it to an IIS 10 server on Windows Server 2019 (after installing Websockets, ASP.NET hosting runtime, etc.) and now I can't get past authentication, either locally on the server or remotely.
When I hit the URL, it immediately redirects to the Microsoft Login page, where I enter my username (email), then password, then 2FA challenge, then the yes/no stay logged in page, and then it appears to hang for a short while (although in the tab it is constantly switching between "Working" and "") and then it either comes up with Bad Request - Request Too Long, or just "We can't sign you in".
If it's the Bad Request error, then the cookie store will be full of and cookies, which is what makes the headers too long, and creates the bad request. If it's the "we can't sign you in" error, then clicking the three dots, and saying sign out and forget, resets things which will next time result in the Bad Request error.
Just to check that I hadn't done anything stupid, I created a new blank app, using the Blazor Server template, and deployed that in place of my app. Exactly the same thing happened. I could run it locally in VS, but after publishing to IIS, exactly the same Authentication errors.
Does anyone have any ideas or pointers?
OK, for anyone who finds this in the future... it was a simple fix - but there are no error messages which point to it until you look very deeply.
When I set up both my app, and the Blazor template app, I let the scaffolder set them up, and get a secret from the Azure API, which it placed into my local secret store.
When I published the app to IIS, the ClientSecret was not copied.
The quick fix was to simply put the client secret into the appsettings.json file at which point everything came good immediately. The longer fix is to use the server-based secret store.
Apparently the looping was caused by the client secret not being present. :(

How to log out from an Azure app-proxied website

I have an IIS website on a server internal to my domain that is also published via azure application proxy, which is secured using windows authentication. Our AD structure is hosted locally and published to Azure AD via AD connect.
Users visiting from outside the domain are authenticated first via the page.
My problem is that users external to the domain are on shared devices and need to change users occasionally, and I can't figure out how to do that.
I have read that navigating to an url like{tenant id}/oauth2/logout?client_id={client id}&post_logout_redirect_uri={???} is supposed to achieve this, but after arriving at the login page and logging in as a different user, when we return to the site the user turns out not to be the user that authenticated, but remains the same user as before the attempt to change the user.
I have also read that deleting the cookies named like AzureAppProxyUserSessionCookie, AzureAppProxyAnalyticCookie and AzureAppProxyAccessCookie can help, but doing so does not seem to make any difference.
I thought that perhaps the browser was auto-authenticating or pre filling in forms etc, but turning those features off does not affect anything.
My questions are:
Are any log-off / log-on via Azure AD event logs kept that I can view, and if so, where?
How are you meant to log-off for my scenario?

Login mechanism used by IBM Maximo Anywhere apps

I have been working on IBM Maximo Anywhere apps such as Work Approval and Work Execution for sometime now have few queries regarding the login mechanism used by these apps. To be specific as per my understanding anyone having access to maximo on that particular environment can login into the anywhere apps - is that a correct statement? and if yes then how does it work in a disconnected state? If for any reason maximo is down will it mean that the app will not be able to authenticate a user and hence unable to login as well? And alongwith that is there any other kind of authentication done for example LDAP etc? Are there any different kinds of login failure messages that are displayed depending on why the app isnt able to let the user login? or is it a common one saying "Login Failed"
The first time the user ever logs into the application, they do have to have a connection to the Maximo server to authenticate. We also validate that the user is authorized to use this particular mobile app. We have a security group for each mobile app that the user must be a member of. After the authentication and authorization finishes, we download, store, and sign the locally stored data with the username/password combination, so that on subsequent login attempts, if the server is down, we can fail over to the locally stored data. This also guarantees that the locally stored data is protected.
We support all of the types of authentication configuration that base Maximo supports.
More information here:

prevent cookies from - ADAL

I am developing a healthcare related web app and part of HIPPA compliance is that public available web apps need to enforce certain log-out behaviors. One such requirement is that when the users clicks "logout" in the app they must be logged out. Relying on the user to close the browser to clear session storage is not an option.
I am using ADAL-js with angular to handle auth for my app. When you log into the app stores cookies. As a result if you navigate back to the app you are auto logged back in without being prompted for credentials. That violate the requirement described above. If you use the dev tools in chrome to delete the cookies for that host the problem goes away.
Does anyone know of a way with the Azure AD Oauth service to enforce this more strict requirement?
We ended up opening a bug against Azure AD with Microsoft. They have since deployed a fix. This all occurred earlier this year. So this update is a bit late.
ADAL.js exposes a couple of functions clearCacheForResource() and clearCache() in the adalAuthenticationService Service. After calling adalAuthenticationService.logout(), you can clear the browser cache by calling the above functions. They should clear the cookies.
You can also try using the $cookieService provided AngularJS, for better control on the cookies.

WebApi secured by Azure Active Directory called from JavaScript

I have the following scenario:
1.- A web api project in Azure, that I want to secure using Azure AD (I don't mind Token, cookie, whatever, as far as it meets the entire scenario)
2.- An Azure web site in MVC, also secured by Azure AD. This website has to call the web api controller with SSO (I'm using same Azure AD in the entire scenario)
3.- Some JavaScript code running in a page in SharePoint Online, also calling the web api controller in any secure way (The Office 365 tenant is also using same Azure AD). If you don't know about SharePoint, let's say I have an SPA project where I can only use Javascript and html (no server side code).
Following some of the MS Azure AD samples and some blogs from Vittorio Bertocci I'm able to get the points 1 and 2 working fine, using OWIN and Oppen ID connect. However, seems impossible to achieve point 3. As I'm inside a page in SharePoint Online, I can only use javascript, and not any server side code. I'd like to get a valid token for the current user, that is already logged in SP, and remember that SP uses same Azure AD that web api site.
Can I call the Azure AD and get a valid token, just from client code?
I'm open to any possible solution. I can do whatever in the web api project. If you are thinking in a SharePoint app with an appPart, and the appPart calls the web api from server side code, I agree that will work, but it's an option that is not allowed at the moment :(
Many thanks.
I have similar needs. While waiting for a Microsoft sponsored solution we’re working on the following approach.
3) in Your solution (i.e. HTML page with JavaScript, hosted in SharePoint Online and running in Browser) will call Services in 1) (i.e. Web Api Service layer in Azure).
In Our case we only want to validate that the calls made from SharePoint Online (via users browser, i.e. JavaScript) originate from a correct Office 365 / SharePoint Online user in our tenant.
We are opting out of using the App Model as we only want some simple HTML / JavaScript pages in our Intranet and don’t want App Webs. The Web Api server side code is kind of our “Web Part” code behind.
Change to the solution after trying it out and having workable code:
The auth cookies are ReadOnly and cannot be used. Instead we have registered one metod in our service layer as App in SharePoint Online (via appregnew.aspx). That methods url (e.g. is registered as App start page in the app manifest and is deployed to a site Collection.
Now we can call our App via{GUID} i a jQuery ajax call and parse the result. AppRedirect sends the correct SPAuthToken which we use in our service endpoint (i.e. App start page) to call back to SharePoint and check context.Web.CurrentUser. User email is then stored in Table Storage with a generated Token which we send back to the caller (i.e. the jQuery ajax call to app redirect).
That token is then used in all other service layer calls in order to be sure of who is calling our service layer and in some cases perform authorization in our service layer.
Note, You can use the same approach in order to store Refresh and AccessToken in your client and provide that in all calls to your service from your client and use those tokens in order to do App Calls back to SharePoint. This enables HTML UI in SharePoint host webs and server code using user context in Azure service layer.
To follow up, ADAL.js has recently been released, and the ability to use CORS with O365 APIs was recently added, enabling a scenario for script clients to communicate with services protected by Azure AD, such as your Web API.
UPDATE 2018:
This is now supported by SharePoint Online and the SPFx development model, and officially documented, for instance here
Consume enterprise APIs secured with Azure AD in SharePoint Framework
Being said that the work done meanwhile by Vittorio, Kirk, and their teams, but extending that also to Andrew that has delivered great samples, is awesome; that doesn't really fully reply the original question because one of the requirements is to don't run the component as Add-in Part.
If you try to use ADAL JS (which starts its own OAuth flow) hosting that directly in a SP page, that's not going to work, or anyway you can expect a weird behavior for the user (cause of client redirects happening on the browser).
The solution proposed by Peter Karpinski is interesting, and will work matching the requirements in the original question, but requires quite some complexity and additional management/resources.
This recent article provides an alternative solution similar to Peter's one, but requiring less 'extras' and somewhat simpler, also reusing user's SP identity.
Consuming Azure Hosted Web API from SharePoint Online using JavaScript and Office 365 identities
and doesn't either require the use of ADAL on the client side and the implementation of custom security provider / token issuer on the server side.
The identity (cookie) will be passed via properly handling CORS (documentation) on both sides.
However, as you can read in my comments to that blog, this won't work normally with IE due to its security zone implementation. You'll have to be sure you have control on IE security zones on the clients, or have an alternative solution specific for IE.
As of today AAD does not support the OAuth2 implicit flow (or OpenId Connect variants) hence you can't obtain a token from AAD using a user-agent (browser), regardless of whether you hit the wire handcrafting the protocol or using a library.
However keep an eye on future announcements, as this is an important scenario for us!
update we now support the implicit flow on our server, and we released a library for helping you consume the new feature:
Thank youi for r your patience!
The fact that you say you can use only HTML/JS let me guess you're having a SharePoint-hosted App.
Azure AD Authentication Library (ADAL) doesn't provide yet in this moment support for HTML5.
I've been looking since a while (almost one year) on how to implement something as you say; but I couldn't find any working solution, which doesn't make use also of some 'code-behind'.
I'd suggest you then to move to a Provider-hosted App, where you'll be able to have some C# code, and make use of ADAL to retrieve and reuse the OAuth token.
Also, I think is worth to look at this documentation page:
Choose patterns for developing and hosting your app for SharePoint
at section Match your hosting pattern with your development goals
thanks for your help.
Well, it's not a SP-Hosted App, but it's same scenario. It's just a SP page in SP Online, so I can only use JS code like in a SP-hosted app.
As I said in my question, I agree the Provider hosted app is likely the right (or at least, the unique) solution, but that means to build and app, deploy it, and add teh appPart manually to the page (is not easy to package in a WSP). So, this solution is quite hard, when you only want to make some AJAX calls and show some data.
However, after all that I've seen, I think we can't do anything else. I'm gonna wait some more days to see if someone know any weird workarround that could work, and if not, I'll mark your answer as valid.
Thanks again!
