how to detect connection failed in node js? - node.js

I use net.connect to make socket connection, I wonder how to detect it when a connection has failed?
It seems this doesn't work
//this will return a net.Socket and automatically connect
var client = net.connect({port:22000, host:''});
//doesn't trigger a error event even if connection fails
client.on('error', (err)=>{console.log('something wrong')});
//now an error event is emitted reasonably
when I run this piece of code, the connection should fail, and it indeed fails because when I write some data, an error occurs. But, I can not detect the connection failure. How can I do that?
=====Ready to close======
God damn it, I think I have just make a mistake. In fact the connection succeeded but due to some security strategy the server close the connection, I find out by doing a telnet. After trying other port which should definitely fail, the error event is emitted, everything go normal as expected. So, I am gonna close this question in case of misleading other people, and also thank you guys for helping me :)

The easiest and most portable way is to simply implement a 'ping-pong' check where both sides send some kind of 'ping' request every so often. If n outstanding ping requests go unanswered after some period of time, then consider the connection dead. This kind of algorithm is basically what OpenSSH uses for example (although it's not enabled by default).


How to debug websocket client losing connection and reestablishing it

I'm using node.js, websockets/ws.
In my site sometimes a random client loses connection without losing connection to other internet stuff. Less then a second later they connect back, with a new socket. (There is a code that calls socket.onClose, which tries to reconnect back to server)
On the server side I can't see or log anything wrong. Everything looks like a normal disconnect, same as closing the browser tab.
I am guessing the reason is either socket related or client related but I don't know where to begin to debug this problem.
I got ping/pong responses with 60 second timer, this isn't it. The user usually loses connection while active.
How can I debug this problem and find the reason?
I keep all the session info, data, within the socket and that is why I do not want people to lose their connection.
Thanks correct way for the server to reconnect the client

I'm building MEAN application with When page is just loaded, socket connection is established and kept live while user navigates to various pages, thanks to single-page nature of the app.
The user information is available in my socket connection thanks to passport.socketio.
However, when user logs in or out, I want the connection to be re-initialized, since otherwise socket will contain obsolete data about the user. Currently, I tried to implement it in this way: when user logs in / out, server disconnects this particular client's socket by calling socket.disconnect();.
On the client side, I listen for disconnect event, and try to re-establish the connection, like this:
_socket.on('disconnect', function(reason) {
Ok, now, when user logs out or in, server disconnects the client, this client connects back, and user information in the socket is up-to date. So far, so good.
But, consider different case when connection is broken: server is restarted. Previously, it "just worked": when I stop my server, connection is broken, but when I start server again, connection is automatically re-established. But after I've added my _socket.connect(); call, it doesn't work anymore: connection is still down until I refresh the page in the browser.
I've checked that when server calls disconnect();, the reason given to disconnect handler is: io server disconnect. And when server stops, the reason is: transport close.
Ok, then, I've implemented my disconnect handler as follows:
_socket.on('disconnect', function(reason) {
if (reason === 'transport close'){
// don't do anything special
} else {
Now it works. But, all of it seems as absolute dirty hack. At the very least, the reasons given (io server disconnect and transport close) seem to be just human-readable strings, so they might change in the future, and this will cause my code to stop working. And, well, there should be better way to do this; I must miss something essential, but unfortunately I can't find any good documentation on
So, the question is: what is the correct way for the server to reconnect some particular client?
Additionally, if you have any recommendations on resources to learn about, I'd appreciate it very much as well. client-side reconnect not working

I'm using to communicate between my Node.js server and the client website. Everything works great! Except one thing.
I'm allowing the user to disconnect from and reconnect later, or at least I'm trying to. Keeping in mind that my socket from calling io() is stored in mySocket, disconnecting works fine using The server catches it, the client knows it's disconnected, it's great. The issue is when I try to reconnect later...
So at first I just tried to set mySocket=io() again, but that failed. I learned there's a reconnect method, so I tried using that, and my problems got worse. So now I'm using, and I'm getting some weird results, described below.
So first of all, the server IS getting the reconnection attempt. It's catching the on('connection',...) event just fine. However, the CLIENT seems to think it's never reconnected--for example, the value of mySocket.connected stays at false and all emit() calls fail (and never get to the server).
Is there some special method I'm supposed to use besides simply Or some variable or argument I'm supposed to set? Why is my server catching the reconnect if the client thinks it's not connected? What's going on and how do I fix it?
In Client sode:
mySocket = io('/', {forceNew: true}) helped me in similar situation.

Identifying remote disconnection in socket client

How do I find out from a socket client program that the remote connection is down (e.g. the server is down). When I do a recv and the server is down it blocks if I do not set any timeout. However in my case I cannot put any reliable timeout value to get around it since otherwise the recv times out even when the server is up but the response really takes longer than the timeout value that I have set.
Unfortunately, ZeroMQ just passes this on to the next layer. So the protocol you are implementing on top of ZeroMQ will have to handle this.
Heartbeats are recommended. Basically, just have one side send a message if the connection is otherwise idle. The other side can treat the absence of such messages as a failure condition and close the connection.
You may wish to modify your higher level protocols to be more robust. For example, you can submit a command, query its status, and allow the other side to forget about the command. That way, if the connection is lost, you can reconnect and query any outstanding commands. Any it doesn't have, you know didn't get through and can resubmit. Once you get a reply with the result of a command, you can tell the other side that it can now forget the response.
This allows you to keep the connection active while a long-running command is ongoing. Every so often you ask, "is everything okay". The other side responds, "yes". You can use long polling where the other side delays responding for a second or so while the command is in process. This allows it to return the results immediately rather than having to wait a second for your next query.
The specifics depend on your exact requirements, but you must design this correctly into your protocol.
If the remote host goes down without sending you a tcp FIN package then you have no chance to detect that. You can test that behaviour by firewalling a port after a connection has been established on that port. Your program will "hang" forever.
However, the Linux kernel supports a mechanism called TCP keep alives which are meant to close a tcp connection after a given timeout. If you can't specify a timeout for your application, than there isn't a reliable chance to use that. Last chance might be to use features of the application protocol (can you name it?), if that protocol does not support features for connection handling you may invent something on your own on top of that.

Does emit sometimes fail?

I have a web based multiplayer game. It happens from time to time that someone is kicked out because server did not get expected message from client. It seems from my logs that client did not disconnect, just did not send message or server did not receive it. My question here is "Does this things happen normally from time to time?" Should i use some kind of callback mechanism to ensure message is delivered and if not send it again or is there some issue that i am not aware? already provides ACKs and message ID tracking, on top of TCP.
Also, uses pings to check the connection. So, if you say that the client is not disconnected, and the server tells that the client is not disconnected, then the connection is still there.
The problem must be situated elsewhere.
Are you sure there is not a bug in either part of the implementation? Showing some code snippets could help, as well as the environment you are using.
