When is the Parse server cloud code beforeSave called? - parse-cloud-code

I created cloud code like this:
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave(Parse.User, function(request, response) {
console.log('before saving user')
if (!request.object.get("email")) {
response.error("email is required for signup");
} else {
But when I called Parse.User.save, this cloud code is never been called. Why? Thanks.

For users you have to use user.signUp()
var user = new Parse.User();
return user.signUp();
it returns a promise, and should hit your beforeSave function.


Execute function after return

I'm using nodejs with expressjs for my api.
I want to call a function after res.json() is called.
for example the api fetches data to the client but i want to log that action but no need to make client wait for request response till the api saves log
module.exports = {
getAll:async function(req,res){
////fetch data from db
logthis: async function ()
//save log
is this true that logthis will not be interupted after return; is called ?
also is there a better pattern to do this, like a event queue listener so that i threw that request in a pool and it's executed whenever it's possible ?
Sending a json response to the client or using return statement will not stop the script from executing logthis function only if you put return statement before it.
module.exports = {
getAll:async function(req,res){
//fetch data from db
logthis: function (data) {
// log data to file here
Remember that async function works in conjunction with await statement, if you don't have asynchronous functions inside getAll there is no need to use async keyword
You can simply use callback or promise instead.
function (data, callback){
// Do other stuff here.
//Enter your code here. res.json() has finished.

Passing a callback to an event handler

I'm working on an Alexa skill in Node that runs in AWS Lambda, and having trouble getting a callback to execute when I emit an event. The Alexa-skills-kit for Node.JS README demonstrates passing a callback function to an event handler, and recommends using the arrow function to preserve context:
this.emit('JustRight', () => {
this.emit(':ask', guessNum.toString() + 'is correct! Would you like to play a new game?',
'Say yes to start a new game, or no to end the game.');
I'm trying to do the same, but find that my callback never appears to be executed. I thought this was because AWS Lambda is limited to Node 4.3.2, and the arrow function is not available, so I tried passing this context back to the callback the old fashioned way:
In New Session handler:
if(!account_id) {
console.log('Access token:' + accessToken);
this.emit('getAccount', accessToken, function (retrieved_id) {
console.log('account id in callback: ' + retrieved_id);
In event handler:
accountHandler = {
'getAccount': function (accessToken, cb) {
console.log('fetching account id');
var client = thirdparty.getClient(accessToken);
var r = client.getAccountForToken(client);
r.then(function (data) {
console.log('got it:' + data);
this.attributes['account_id'] = data;
cb.call(this, data);
}).catch(function (err) {
this.emit('handleApiError', err);
I can see that I'm successfully retrieving the account ID, in the logs, but Lambda is executing without error and without invoking my callback function. I'm trying to figure out if there is a problem with invoking the callback within the Promise 'then' function, or if something else is going on.
The exact problem was the lack of context within the promise then function. I fixed this by using the arrow function inside the getAccount handler:
r.then(data => {
console.log('got it:' + data);
this.attributes['account_id'] = data;
Of course this also shows that Lambda Node.JS functions support the arrow function just fine.

Define/Use a promise in Express POST route on node.js

I currently have a POST route defined in an Express Node.js application as so:
var locationService = require("../app/modules/locationservice.js");
app.post('/createstop', isLoggedIn, function(req, res) {
locationService.createStop(res, req.body);
(for this question, please assume the routing in & db works.. my record is created on form submission, it's the response I am struggling with)
In the locationservice.js class I then currently have
var models = require('../models');
exports.createStop = function(res, formData) {
models.location.build({ name: formData.name })
.then(function(locationObj) {
res.json({ dbResult : locationObj });
So as you can see, my route invokes the exported function CreateStop which uses the Sequelize persistent layer to insert a record asynchronously, after which I can stick the result on the response in the promised then()
So at the moment this only works by passing the response object into the locationservice.js method and then setting res.json in the then() there. This is sub-optimal to me with regards to my service classes, and doesn't feel right either.
What I would like to be able to do is "treat" my createStop method as a promise/with a callback so I can just return the new location object (or an error) and deal with it in the calling method - as future uses of this method might have a response context/parameter to pass in/be populated.
Therefore in the route I would do something more like:
var locationService = require("../app/modules/locationservice.js");
app.post('/createstop', isLoggedIn, function(req, res) {
.then(dataBack) {
Which means, I could call createStop from else where in the future and react to the response in that promise handler. But this is currently beyond me. I have done my due diligence research, but some individual expert input on my specific case would be most appreciated.
Your locationservice.js could look like that
exports.createShop = function(data){
// here I have used create instead of build -> save
return models.location.create(data).then(function(location){
// here you return instance of saved location
return location;
And then your post() method should be like below
app.post('/createstop', isLoggedIn, function(req, res){
// here you access the location created and saved in createShop function
// handle the error
Wrap your createStop function with a promise like so:
exports.createStop = function(res, formData) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
models.location.build({ name: formData.name })
.then(function(locationObj) {
resolve({ dbResult : locationObj });
//in case of error, call reject();
This will allow you to use the .then after the createStop within your router.

Wait for an event to happen before sending HTTP response in NodeJS?

I'm looking for a solution to waiting for an event to happen before sending a HTTP response.
Use Case
The idea is I call a function in one of my routes: zwave.connect("/dev/ttyACM5"); This function return immediately.
But there exists 2 events that notice about if it succeed or fail to connect the device:
zwave.on('driver ready', function(){...});
zwave.on('driver failed', function(){...});
In my route, I would like to know if the device succeed or fail to connect before sending the HTTP response.
My "solution"
When an event happen, I save the event in a database:
zwave.on('driver ready', function(){
//In the database, save the fact the event happened, here it's event "CONNECTED"
In my route, execute the connect function and wait for the event to
appear in the database:
router.get('/', function(request, response, next) {
waitForEvent("CONNECTED", 5, null, function(){
// The function use to wait for the event
waitForEvent: function(eventType, nbCallMax, nbCall, callback){
if(nbCall == null) nbCall = 1;
if(nbCallMax == null) nbCallMax = 1;
// Looking for event to happen (return true if event happened, false otherwise
event = findEventInDataBase(eventType);
waitForEvent(eventType, nbCallMax, nbCall, callback);
setTimeout(waitForEvent(eventType, callback, nbCallMax, (nbCall+1)), 1500);
I don't think it is a good practice because it iterates calls over the database.
So what are your opinions/suggestions about it?
I've gone ahead and added the asynchronous and control-flow tags to your question because at the core of it, that is what you're asking about. (As an aside, if you're not using ES6 you should be able to translate the code below back to ES5.)
There are a lot of ways to handle async control flow in JavaScript (see also: What is the best control flow module for node.js?). You are looking for a structured way to handle it—likely Promises or the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (a.k.a RxJS).
Example using a Promise
From MDN:
The Promise object is used for asynchronous computations. A Promise represents a value which may be available now, or in the future, or never.
The async computation in your case is the computation of a boolean value describing the success or failure to connect to the device. To do so, you can wrap the call to connect in a Promise object like so:
const p = new Promise((resolve) => {
// This assumes that the events are mutually exclusive
zwave.on('driver ready', () => resolve(true));
zwave.on('driver failed', () => resolve(false));
Once you have a Promise representing the state of the connection, you can attach functions to its "future" value:
// Inside your route file
const p = /* ... */;
router.get('/', function(request, response, next) {
p.then(successful => {
if (successful) {
else {
You can learn more about Promises on MDN, or by reading one of many other resources on the topic (e.g. You're Missing the Point of Promises).
Have you tried this? From the look of it, your zwave probably have already implemented an EventEmmiter, you just need to attach a listener to it
router.get('/', function(request, response, next) {
zwave.once('driver ready', function(){
There is a npm sync module also. which is used for synchronize the process of executing the query.
When you want to run parallel queries in synchronous way then node restrict to do that because it never wait for response. and sync module is much perfect for that kind of solution.
Sample code
/*require sync module*/
var Sync = require('sync');
var sync_function_data = find_user.sync(null, {name: "sanjeev"});
/*****sync function defined here *******/
function find_user(req_json, callback) {
process.nextTick(function () {
users.find(req_json,function (err,data)
if (!err) {
callback(null, data);
} else {
callback(null, err);
reference link: https://www.npmjs.com/package/sync

Export a function from a function

I have an ExpressJS app where I have api.js in routes that manages connecting to Couchbase and then emits event couchbaseConnected that is awaited by init() function inside api.js.
Inside init() I want to push those exports.someFunction(req, res){return something;}. But when I just put these exports inside init() function, I get an error .get() requires callback functions but got a [object Undefined] so it seems like I am doing it wrong.
The question is how I can export functions from another function in NodeJS?
Here is the code:
//connecting to couchbase and emitting event on connection
couchbase.connect(dbConfiguration, function (err, bucket) {
if (err) {
cb = bucket;
//listening for the event and fire init() when it's there
eventEmitter.on('couchbaseConnected', function (e) {
console.log('Connected to Couchbase.'.green);
function init() {
exports.getUserData = function (req, res) {
if (req.user != undefined && req.user.meta != undefined) {
res.json(200, {result: 'ok'})
else {
res.json(401, {error: 'Unauthorized request.'})
Here is the ExpressJS .get() that is located in app.js:
app.get('/api/user/data/:type', api.getUserData);
Here is the ExpressJS .get() that is located in app.js:
app.get('/api/user/data/:type', api.getUserData);
The error message .get() requires callback functions but got a [object Undefined] makes quite clear what happens: You require the API module, it starts to connect to the db, you are defining your express app by passing a non-existent property to .get - which fails, since init has not yet been called and getUserData has not yet been assigned. What you need to do is
var api = require('api');
eventEmitter.on('couchbaseConnected', function () {
app.get('/api/user/data/:type', api.getUserData); // now it is available
However, this does not look like good code. Instead of loosely coupling them via that couchbaseConnected event you better should use explicit callbacks that are invoked with the requested values (i.e. the cb bucket, or the getUserData method). At least pass them as parameters to the emitted event.
Also, your setup is unconventional. I don't see why getUserData would need to be asynchronously defined - it should always be available. If the couchbase connection failed, I would not expect the /api/user/data/ service to not exist, but to respond with some 500 internal server error message.
This is an answer that I have made some assumptions as the data provided by you is not sufficient to know what you are doing when you start your app.
I would suggest some change in code:
module.exports.connect = function(callback){
couchbase.connect(dbConfiguration, function (err, bucket) {
if (err) {
cb = bucket;
module.exports.getUserData = getUserData();
callback(err); //just callback with no error as you don't require to send the database
function getUserData(req, res){
if (req.user != undefined && req.user.meta != undefined) {
res.json(200, {result: 'ok'})
else {
res.json(401, {error: 'Unauthorized request.'})
and in your app.js file where you are starting the app just do this
var api = require('./api');
if (error) throw error;
console.log('Express started on port 3000');
And then you can continue doing exactly what you were doing. It should work.
I have assumed that you are not explicitly calling the connect or its equivalent when you are starting the app.....So your getting that error.
