Cassandra cluster monitoring - cassandra

How to collect data from all nodes within cluster from single node in cassandra.
Does jmx provide aggregated values for all nodes which are present on same cluster on single node?

Yes. For Cassandra cluster you will be able to do so.As per my knowledge there are two well know ways for monitoring and getting cluster status.
nodetool utility :
The nodetool utility is a command-line interface for monitoring Cassandra and performing routine database operations. Included in the Cassandra distribution, nodetool and is typically run directly from an operational Cassandra node.
Datastax Ops-center : OpsCenter provides a graphical representation of performance trends in a summary view that is hard to obtain with other monitoring tools. The GUI provides views for different time periods as well as the capability to drill down on single data points. Both real-time and historical performance data for a Cassandra or DataStax Enterprise cluster are available in OpsCenter. OpsCenter metrics are captured and stored within Cassandra.
I think the the first way (nodetool utility) will be more useful to meet your requirements.
You will get more information at
Cassandra cluster monitoring and nodetool options.

JMX provides information from a single node. To have information about entire cluster we collect data from all nodes into Zabbix. Zabbix allows to create graphs and screens that show jmx values from all nodes in one place. E.g. we can see all Read Pending Tasks for all nodes in single graph.
I think, to have separate information for each node in one place it's better solution to diagnose possible issues than to have common aggregate information.
Regarding metrics, I can recommend Guide to Cassandra Thread Pools that provides a description of the different cassandra metrics and how to monitor them.


How to check from/to which Cassandra node the client read/write data?

I'm working with Cassandra 3.x and Phantom driver (scala), and modifying my Cassandra deployment from a simple, three nodes cluster to a multi datacenter Cassandra deployment that consists of two datacenters:
Transactional - the "main" datacenter, to which all reads/writes occur (except for reads/writes done by some analytics job).
Analytics - a datacenter used for analytics purposes only. The analytics job should operate (i.e. read/write to) on this datacenter.
I configured the client on the analytics job to read/write to the analytics data-center, and all other services to read/write from the transactional data-center.
How can I check the client actually behaves as expected - and reads/writes the data to the correct data-center?
The driver has an option allowing you to turn on tracking. That should allow you to see which nodes are involved with each query.
There's a short description of how to do this on the driver documentation page:
The query logger reference API has a lot more detail on the available methods, and can even show the values of bind vars, if needed.

In Cassandra 3.x, is there a way to set a limit on the cluster usage for each keyspace?

I am currently working on setting up a Cassandra cluster that will be used by different applications each with their own keyspace (in a multi-tenancy fashion).
So I was wondering if I could limitate the usage of my cluster for each keyspace individually.
For example, if keyspace1 is using 65% of the cluster resources, every new request on that keyspace would be put in a queue so it doesn't impact requests on other keyspaces.
I know I can get statistics on each keyspace using nodetool cfstats but I don't know how to take counter measures.
Cluster resources is also a term to define as it can be total CPU usage, JVM heap usage, or proportion of write/read on each keyspace on the cluster at instant t.
Also, if you have strategies to avoid entering into this kind of situation, I'm glad to hear about it !
No, Cassandra doesn't have such functionality. That's why it's recommended to setup separate clusters to isolate from noisy neighbors...
Theoretically you can do this on Docker/Kubernetes/... but it could take a lot of resources to build something working reliably.

Whats the best way to mirror a live Cassandra cluster for analytics tasks?

Assuming a live cluster with several DCs, whats the best way to setup some nodes that are dedicated for analytic queries?
Analytic nodes will be hosted in a separate (routed) network and must not write any data back to the production nodes. They also must not be counted against for any CL. This especially applies to EACH_QUORUM that will be used for some writes. Analytics nodes may be offline at any time.
All solutions I've looked into seem to have their own drawbacks.
1) Take snapshots on production and transfer to independent analytics cluster
Significant update delay
IO intensive either on network or disk (e.g. rsync)
Lots of duplicate data due to different replication factors (3:1 prod. vs analytics)
Mismatch in SSTable row ranges and cluster topology on analytics cluster may require to use sstableloader
2) Use write survey mode to establish read-only nodes
Not 100% sure how this could be done for setting up multiple survey nodes to cover the whole ring
Queries can only be executed against each node locally as they could not be part of a coordinated execution
3) Add regular DC dedicated for analytics
EACH_QUORUM will fail in case analytics cluster is not available
Queries on production should not be served from analytics
Would require a way to prevent users on analytics to be able to execute queries or updates on production
Any other options or existing tools that could be used?

What is meant by a node in cassandra?

I am new to Cassandra and I want to install it. So far I've read a small article on it.
But there one thing that I do not understand and it is the meaning of 'node'.
Can anyone tell me what a 'node' is, what it is for, and how many nodes we can have in one cluster ?
A node is the storage layer within a server.
Newer versions of Cassandra use virtual nodes, or vnodes. There are 256 vnodes per server by default.
A vnode is essentially the storage layer.
machine: a physical server, EC2 instance, etc.
server: an installation of Cassandra. Each machine has one installation of Cassandra. The Cassandra server runs core processes such as the snitch, the partitioner, etc.
vnode: The storage layer in a Cassandra server. There are 256 vnodes per server by default.
Helpful tip:
Where you will get confused is that Cassandra terminology (in older blog posts, YouTube videos, and so on) had been used inconsistently. In older versions of Cassandra, each machine had one Cassandra server installed, and each server contained one node. Due to the 1-to-1-to-1 relationship between machine-server-node in old versions of Cassandra people previously used the terms machine, server and node interchangeably.
Cassandra is a distributed database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers. Like all other distributed database systems, it provides high availability with no single point of failure.
You may got some ideas from the description of above paragraph. Generally, when we talk Cassandra, we mean a Cassandra cluster, not a single PC. A node in a cluster is just a fully functional machine that is connected with other nodes in the cluster through high internal network. All nodes work together to make sure that even if one of them failed due to unexpected error, they as a whole cluster can provide service.
All nodes in a Cassandra cluster are same. There is no concept of Master node or slave nodes. There are multiple reason to design like this, and you can Google it for more details if you want.
Theoretically, you can have as many nodes as you want in a Cassandra cluster. For example, Apple used 75,000 nodes served Cassandra summit in 2014.
Of course you can try Cassandra with one machine. It still work while just one node in this cluster.
What is meant by a node in cassandra?
Cassandra Node is a place where data is stored.
Data centerĀ is a collection of related nodes.
A cluster is a component which contains one or more data centers.
In other words collection of multiple Cassandra nodes which communicates with each other to perform set of operation.
In Cassandra, each node is independent and at the same time interconnected to other nodes.
All the nodes in a cluster play the same role.
Every node in a cluster can accept read and write requests, regardless of where the data is actually located in the cluster.
In the case of failure of one node, Read/Write requests can be served from other nodes in the network.
If you're looking to understand Cassandra terminology, then the following post is a good reference:

Cassandra statistics about coordinator nodes

After a constant flow of read/write operations to a Cassandra cluster, I would like to know, for each node of the cluster, for how many read/write requests the node has been used as coordinator.
I would like to know if the read/write requests are distributed uniformly/randomly in the entire cluster or some particular nodes get chosen as coordinators more often than the others.
I have not found this kind of statistic on nodetool. Is there a way to obtain this data ?
There are JMX MBeans that track coordinator metrics. They are org.apache.cassandra.metrics.ClientRequest.Read and ...ClientRequest.Write. There's a Count attribute on each of them that will give you the number of reads and writes that the node has coordinated.
I don't believe the count is currently exposed through any tools, although latencies are (through nodetool proxyhistograms).
