Is it possible to create an RPZ (or similar functionality) with Google Cloud DNS? - dns

I'd like to use Google's Cloud DNS for a school district, but I need to be able to force safe search. With BIND the solution is to use a Response Policy Zone. From what I can find from trying it and from the docs, you have to verify ownership of the domain when creating a zone.
Is this possible? (Also open to non-Google cloud solutions)

Google Cloud DNS is an authoritative resolver, i.e. it responds to queries for zones that you own. It will not recurse to other DNS names, so is no use for configuring clients.
Google also run a recursive DNS resolver, (not to be confused with Cloud DNS):
but there is no way to configure this to return special results for your company or network.
As you say, the only real way to redirect queries to safesearch is via a modification to the recursive DNS resolver that your clients use.
(See here:
In this case I think your best bet is to have BIND recurse to, but with a manual RPZ for safesearch.


Prevent ability to perform reverse nameserver lookup on server for domain names

is there any possible way to prevent Joe Public from accessing the entire catalog of domain names on my web server, using a reverse nameserver lookup? Other than ghosting my nameservers. I use branded nameservers, so it's quite easy to reverse them, but is there a way I can stop this revealing how many and exactly which domains are hosted on those nameservers?
As a rule of thumb, DNS data is public. Anyone can build reverse and forward mapping databases which are independent of the public DNS (but use data from it). For example, Microsoft built such a reverse lookup service into its Bing search engine:
Bing reverse lookup for
At the time of writing, was one of the IP addresses used by StackOverflow, and the search results reflect that.
In the Bing case, their DNS database probably was built from the activities of their web crawlers. Other databases use various zone file transfer programs as a starting point to look for domain names. Others use passive DNS replication.
There is no way to avoid this level of scrutiny once a service is offer to the public over the Internet.

Azure App Service accept all domain names

Is it possible to have an App Service respond to all domain names that it receives? I would really like to be able to deploy to an App Service plan, rather than a VM. Note I am not trying to do wildcard subdomains - these require adding them through the Azure console. I am trying to accept any domain name that the app service receives. Adding and verifying each domain is not practical.
I have a multitenant app, so this is really important to me so that customers can use their own domain names.
I've tried adding the domain * and ., but it fails validation.
I don't think you can do this because Azure requires validation of domain ownership by adding specific records to DNS. Here is a discussion as to why they do that.
The best you might be able to do is to automate or script the binding, but even then you would need assistance from your third party partners/customers to verify their DNS ownership.
An alternative would be to transfer your DNS to Azure and use subdomains. I know you've said you're not looking at that solution, but using the Azure DNS offering would allow you to fully script out the onboarding process for a new customer.
Could you ensure that the changes to your DNS settings have been confirmed and validated from your DNS provider’s end. For certain providers, such as GoDaddy, changes to DNS records don't become effective until you select a separate Save Changes link.
For more details, refer "Map an existing custom DNS name to Azure Web Apps".
You may refer MSDN thread, which addresses similar issue.

Setting internally visible DNS entries on Google cloud

I would like set DNS records visible from instances inside the Google cloud.
For example if I query DNS from my PC I'll get one IP; however if I query DNS from the instance I'll get another IP. (A record to be exact)
Ideally I'd like doing this in most sane/convenient way possible; since I can install caching DNS server on every instance and setup authorative results; and forward caching for the rest (I guess bind9 can do that, never tried it before). But this is configuration sync mess; and it's not elegant. I kinda assume there might exist a better way.
One solution is to use totally different zones for different sets of machines and use the DNS search path to select.
So for example you could set up IN A IN A
Then set up your machines with resolv.conf containing either
And then when you lookup server1 on such a machine it will return the address from the appropriate zone. This scheme means you don't need to rely complex routing or IP detection. You will be immune to incidents where internal or external IPs get leaked into each others result.
Of course this does mean that you aren't keeping any IP addresses secret, so make sure you have other security layers in place (you probably shouldn't rely on secret IPs for security anyway)
Assuming you want your VM instances to be able to query other instances by name, and retrieve the desired instance’s private IP, this is already baked into GCP.
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks have an internal DNS service that allows you to use instance names instead of instance IP addresses to refer to Compute Engine virtual machine (VM) instances.
Each instance has a metadata server that also acts as a DNS resolver for that instance. DNS lookups are performed for instance names. The metadata server itself stores all DNS information for the local network and queries Google's public DNS servers for any addresses outside of the local network.
An internal fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for an instance looks like this:
You can always connect from one instance to another using this FQDN.
Otherwise, if you want to serve up entirely arbitrary records to a set of machines, you’ll need to serve those records yourself (perhaps using Cloud DNS). In this case, you’d need to reconfigure the resolv.conf file on those instances appropriately (although you can’t just change the file as you see fit). Note that you can't restrict queries to only your own machines, but as David also mentioned, security through obscurity isn't security at all.
Google Cloud DNS Private DNS was just announced to beta and does exactly what you need

How Google cloud resolves duplicate DNS records?

I am new to Google Cloud DNS service. While still trying to understand the features of this service, a question popped up that though Google doesn't allow a user to create duplicate DNS A records, but how does it ensures that any other user or same user for other project is also not able to create a duplicate record?
For example. My DNS record may point to I.P
What will happen if another user who is also using Google cloud DNS service, creates a similar record for his project with either a different i.p address or different domain address?
For example: -->
or -->
How will DNS lookup resolve in either case since the domain ( is registered with a common registrar? Please help.
There is always one entity (person, organization, something like that) that controls a zone in DNS. If Google has control of (do not use as your example, it is a perfectly valid existing domain that belongs to someone else), Google can fill it with whatever information they want. If they want to let their customers add exactly one A record per name in it, that's a choice they can make. It's up to Google to make sure that they don't allow creation of records that cause problems for their customers.
If you own, you can put whatever you feel like in it. If you chose to have 42 A record for a name, you can. Someone looking up that name will pick one of the records more or less at random. Nobody will police what IP addresses you put in your A records. You can have records containing absolutely any IP address at all. Nobody will police what names in the zone you create (within technical constraints). You can have an entire dictionary of foul language, if you want.
If someone you have no relationship with owns, you have no influence on what names and records exist in that zone. It would not be a very good idea to rely on anything in it.
Possibly something here answers your question. Possibly not. Your question is a bit confused, to be honest.
I believe the key here is the difference between a 'Registrar' and a DNS. In Registrar you set the DNS to be publicly used on the rest of the internet for your domain. You can do this only when you are the owner of that domain. DNS is the translator from a domain name to an IP.
Having in account this concepts, you can have two situations:
1) You are a domain owner: You will have your domain setup on 'Registrar' and your site will be accessible from the internet. If you use it on a Cloud DNS zone you will be able also to use all the provided features. No one will be able to modify that information to redirect traffic to other IP but the owner itself.
2) You are not the domain owner: You can configure zones using domains that might be owned by other person, but they will not be publicly accessible by domain name, this zones will only work on internal bases.
Every Cloud DNS resource lives within a Google Cloud Platform project, therefore the possible overlapping of domains is controlled internally by Google Cloud on a Project permission bases, meaning that even if someone has a zone using a domain exactly as yours, it won't be able to modify it as it doesn't have access to your project, and if you are the domain owner the traffic will only go to the name servers ( not Cloud DNS) defined on Registrar that will redirect the requests to the right IP.

Dynamic Hostname resolving for DNS based on availability

I have two servers that provide a service to clients.
The client devices access the server through a DNS name.
Now we generally use server1 (primary) but if server one becomes inaccessible, I want the DNS to change its resolving name to server 2 (secondary server)
How can I go about doing this, Is there a service that dyndns provides?
The only way I know to do it is to log into the DNS server and manually change the addresses that the dns resolves 2.
It sounds like you're looking to create an automated failover in the event of an outage. While this is a service that Dyn provides as an added service in the DynECT Managed DNS service (hit up for more info on that), you can also use the Dyn Updater API to push an IP update up to your Standard DNS account as well. It would be a matter of using a 3rd party monitoring solution to trigger the update in your code using their API, then using the Dyn Updater API to switch the IP.
Whether you want to spend the money on upgrading to DynECT Managed DNS or keep using your Standard DNS account, we can help you either way.
Good luck, and if you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
