Real time chat using laravel & redis - node.js

I just follow the steps shown in this link to creat a real time chat it works perfictly , but this way it sends messages to all users, I want chat to be one to one.
any suggestions ?

I'm sorry, but i think you should be more specific.
I can't give you the right recipe for a good solution,
but i think you're choosing the wrong platforms to make
a messenger-chat.
Try look at NodeJS and maybe use to communicate through. has an example on how to make a simple chat. You can use the example
as a starting point for your project.


WebRTC server node

I'm painfuly new to webrtc world. Have learned the essentials but when I want to build my own very simple app, I understand I'm missing a lot to start develope.
What I want?
Build a receiver audio node server that receive the audio stream and do with it something
(my main goal is sending the stream to another SIP node after adding some audio background effects, but that can wait for another time)
What the heck is my problem?
I don't know from where to start and what is the best way for me to do it right... I'm kinda lost..
There are already built webrtc servers like Kurento or Janus from one hand,
and (It sound better choice for me, but I'm not sure) some node base webrtc servers like node-webrtc, easyrtc, electron-rtc to the other hand
I also looked at the native API and it is a bit complicated and it is written in CPP that I do not master (but can learn if you guys tell me it is the best way to go)
What choice should I choose for my purpose?
I'm fairly good programmer and can cope with any lang, but still wish the easiest and best option for my purpose.
Please, if anyone was at the same phase as I'm now and passed it,
Or if you know how to help me and set me on the right track.
Please help
As you can see, I'm lost and beg for guidance.
Thank you heros of the world wide web!!
If you want someone using a browser to speak with a SIP user (or another webrtc user), then one of the easiest paths is to setup a Freeswitch server and use its 'verto' webrtc js library. See
The doc above will show you how to make a webrtc call to Freeswitch. You will still need to find a way for the 2nd caller to find what call/session to connect to. Ask about that on the Freeswitch users mailing list.

Facebook like notifications with node

I kept searching for a tutorial that explains the logic behind facebook notifications (or any similar notifications system) and I couldn't really find any that approach this.
I mean those notifications with a dropdown that say "X commented on your picture" and so on.
How would you guys build such a feature with node? ( What would you store in the database? If someone can give me some references would be great.
I never did a notification system to be honest, but as far as I know, yes, sockets (and for node specifically,, it's the only one I know) can allow you to do that easily, you should look at their basic documentation to learn more about it and understand how it can be done, and yes you can at the same time as notifying the user about the like, store it in a database for further reference, you can store the time, the profile who liked the post, the ID of the post, this kind of things.
Hope I'm clear and that you will find documentation easy enough to build your notification system!

Chat + Express

I need to create a chat with Express and enabling conversations between two users per room, searching the web noticed several different ways to do there, be in no doubt that the most scalable and efficient way since the chat will have many users connected at the same time. Could anyone give me an idea or tip?
As a starting point, you might be interested in this github project and start tweaking things.
I see, u also asked about scalability as well. To be honest it is not possible to predict stuff like performance until u have the application up and running and has actually withness one.
If u ever got hit by one then u can always do profiling against the nodejs code and resolve the problem one by one. You can read more about how to do nodejs profiling here.
Anyway, you might also want to check the project's licensing before using it thou.

Create a REST-ful api in Node.js for notifications

I'm a newbie in Node.js and after doing initial learning on Node.js, I find it rather confusing to find out any best practices. My project requires to build a real-time notification system such that, when something happens at the server side or any of the connected clients, a notification can pop up at all connected clients. I couldn't find any official recommendations on what's the best approach and tools to take. I saw there are various frameworks written in Node.js seem able to do the job, but I'm hoping some one can give me some direction.
Thank you in advance.
Start with Angularfire if you want to code less.
You can create real-time apps without a backend part like so:
Note, this is a Q&A site. Ask a question next time. "Please direct me" is not allowed to ask here.

Chat server on node.js (NowJS) with features found in XMPP?

I am looking for a chat server written in node.js, I am looking for something I can extend.
can anyone suggest something that is out there that supports at least a minimal amount of features out of the box, I don't mind getting my hands dirty and extending it, actually lookin forward to it.
I know something called NowJS existed but it appears that it isn't actively being developed anymore.
I was looking for some features like XMPP offers, i.e. Pub/Sub, sending images, contacts ... this was noramlly done with XML...
Anyone using something like this... The only one i found was but i was hoping for something with a litle more out of the box functionality.
Also to use websockets out of the box
Socket.IO might be something you are looking for:
