npm install error code EBUSY errono -4082 - node.js

I am running windows7 and have just installed the following...
c:\design_centre_dev\workspace>node -v
c:\design_centre_dev\workspace>npm -v
I'm having issues running npm install on my node project which one of my fellow dev's says he has no trouble with and should work for me.
When I run npm install i am getting errors like...
npm ERR! Windows_NT 6.1.7601
npm ERR! argv "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Users\\rriviere\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "install"
npm ERR! node v5.10.1
npm ERR! npm v3.8.6
npm ERR! path c:\design_centre_dev\workspace\node_modules\path-type
npm ERR! code EBUSY
npm ERR! errno -4082
npm ERR! syscall rename
npm ERR! EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rename 'c:\design_centre_dev\workspace\node_modules\path-type' -> 'c:\design_centre_dev\workspace\node_module
npm ERR!
npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this error at:
npm ERR! <>
It seems to throw these same types of errors for modules asynch,path_type and isarray and does not want to get past them.
Can anyone suggest what might be wrong?
Thanks for the suggestion of this thread possibly being answered somewhere else. I had a look and I believe it is a different problem. I think this because I've been investigating further today and I think the problem is that the node_modules directory which npm is creating. The permissions on that directory don't seem to be right. I think this might be an issue and probably a new thread so I'll close this one and create a new.

If you have open that node module file in your editor then just close the file from the editor
Close Editor Software
Then Try again

The cause of this was windows permissions problems. My work computer did not have privilleges to do certain things. When I moved to my personal mac everything just worked.

I got this error when tried to uninstall/re-install a module on Win10 VM. "npm cache clean", as suggested by some, did not work. Restarting the system resolved the issue.

This issue may links to country boycott or computer limitation. I live in a country which is boycott and I could rise that with turn on VPN and then do the process of installation. Please follow this:
npm run cache clean ---force (remove node_modules)
Turn on VPN (set it based on country which isn't boycott)
npm install

I met the same problem today. I found that is because I npm run in a terminal and npm install in another terminal. The file was occupied. I just delete the node_modules and npm run again.

This is an underlying issue of Anti Malware software blocking your application from connecting to node package manager (npm).
I am using Bullguard and disabling my Antivirus seemed to do the trick!

I was facing the same problem for 3 days and got this solution for it...
It's because of old files lying in your c drive:
Follow the steps below and try, It will work for sure.
npm ERR! Errno: -4048,
npm ERR! code: ‘EPERM’,
npm ERR! syscall: ‘scandir’,
Uninstall node with node uninstaller ( find it from run cmd )
Delete the npmrc file and delete the C:\Users\Administrator.npmrc file ( if don't find leave it )
Delete npm-cache folder from - C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming
Delete npm folder from - C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming
Restart your system and install fresh NodeJS and run this command in cmd: npm cache clean -–force to ensure the cache is cleared.
That's your ready to go now...
If you still face a problem feel free to get in touch with me #ishaiknadeem username on any platform

Just close the terminal and turn on a new one, then 'npm install' it works on me.


Cant upgrade Expo CLI

I am facing a problem while upgrading the expo cli.
After running npm install -g expo-cli it runs the command for like 3-5 min and then it exits with the error errno: -4048``code: EPERM
I tried running the VSCode terminal as an Admin and also tried installing it with CMD ran as Admninistrator same Errors.
Some additional info text:
npm ERR! The operation was rejected by your operating system.
npm ERR! It's possible that the file was already in use (by a text editor or antivirus),
npm ERR! or that you lack permissions to access it.
npm ERR!
npm ERR! If you believe this might be a permissions issue, please double-check the
npm ERR! permissions of the file and its containing directories, or try running
npm ERR! the command again as root/Administrator.
I also closed the Emmulator and Vscode while installing it but with no luck.
Okay so the fix for anybody having the same issue was to kill the adb.exe process. After that it ran faster and without an error!

Error: "The operation was rejected by your operating system" when trying to create new angular project using windows powershell

I keep getting the same error message when trying to create a new angular project.
I tried to create a new angular project using Windows Powershell with the following commands:
ng new hello-world
-> Would you like to add angular routing? - Yes
-> Stylesheet format? - CSS
I obtained the error message below. I already tried to reinstall angular cli and I'm running Powershell using Administrator.
Installed versions:
Angular CLI: 8.0.6
Node: 10.16.0
OS: win32 x64
Error message:
npm WARN tarball data for tslint#~5.15.0 (sha512-6bIEujKR21/3nyeoX2uBnE8s+tMXCQXhqMmaIPJpHmXJoBJPTLcI7/VHRtUwMhnLVdwLqqY3zmd8Dxqa5CVdJA==) seems to be corrupted. Trying one more time.
npm WARN tarball tarball data for jasmine-spec-reporter#~4.2.1 (sha512-FZBoZu7VE5nR7Nilzy+Np8KuVIOxF4oXDPDknehCYBDE080EnlPu0afdZNmpGDBRCUBv3mj5qgqCRmk6W/K8vg==) seems to be corrupted. Trying one more time.
npm WARN tarball tarball data for acorn#^6.0.5 (sha512-jPTiwtOxaHNaAPg/dmrJ/beuzLRnXtB0kQPQ8JpotKJgTB6rX6c8mlf315941pyjBSaPg8NHXS9fhP4u17DpGA==) seems to be corrupted. Trying one more time.
npm WARN tarball tarball data for #angular/language-service#~8.0.3 (sha512-04XojOo9FJgEQE/rZafnaJQxPEU+//TSzTgpGoIVzCSMx+joCY/ZSSwJZPWxiHlOE57W/zX02ZY+TwcM81oTdw==) seems to be corrupted. Trying one more time.
npm WARN tar ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\konta\Desktop\Programming_files\Angular\hello-world\node_modules\.staging\#angular\platform-browser-447d0944\esm2015\animations\src\animation_builder.js'
npm ERR! path C:\Users\konta\Desktop\Programming_files\Angular\hello-world\node_modules\.staging\jasmine-spec-reporter-cbb15ffc\screenshot.gif
npm ERR! code EPERM
npm ERR! errno -4048
npm ERR! syscall unlink
npm ERR! Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'C:\Users\konta\Desktop\Programming_files\Angular\hello-world\node_modules\.staging\jasmine-spec-reporter-cbb15ffc\screenshot.gif'
npm ERR! { [Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'C:\Users\konta\Desktop\Programming_files\Angular\hello-world\node_modules\.staging\jasmine-spec-reporter-cbb15ffc\screenshot.gif']
npm ERR! cause:
npm ERR! { Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'C:\Users\konta\Desktop\Programming_files\Angular\hello-world\node_modules\.staging\jasmine-spec-reporter-cbb15ffc\screenshot.gif'
npm ERR! errno: -4048,
npm ERR! code: 'EPERM',
npm ERR! syscall: 'unlink',
npm ERR! path:
npm ERR! 'C:\\Users\\konta\\Desktop\\Programming_files\\Angular\\hello-world\\node_modules\\.staging\\jasmine-spec-reporter-cbb15ffc\\screenshot.gif' },
npm ERR! stack:
npm ERR! 'Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink \'C:\\Users\\konta\\Desktop\\Programming_files\\Angular\\hello-world\\node_modules\\.staging\\jasmine-spec-reporter-cbb15ffc\\screenshot.gif\'',
npm ERR! errno: -4048,
npm ERR! code: 'EPERM',
npm ERR! syscall: 'unlink',
npm ERR! path:
npm ERR! 'C:\\Users\\konta\\Desktop\\Programming_files\\Angular\\hello-world\\node_modules\\.staging\\jasmine-spec-reporter-cbb15ffc\\screenshot.gif',
npm ERR! parent: 'hello-world' }
npm ERR!
npm ERR! The operation was rejected by your operating system.
npm ERR! It's possible that the file was already in use (by a text editor or antivirus),
npm ERR! or that you lack permissions to access it.
npm ERR!
npm ERR! If you believe this might be a permissions issue, please double-check the
npm ERR! permissions of the file and its containing directories, or try running
npm ERR! the command again as root/Administrator (though this is not recommended).
npm WARN tar EPERM: operation not permitted, lstat 'C:\Users\konta\Desktop\Programming_files\Angular\hello-world\node_modules\.staging\#angular\router-8388bfd5\esm2015\src\directives'
npm WARN tarball tarball data for typescript#3.4.4 (sha512-xt5RsIRCEaf6+j9AyOBgvVuAec0i92rgCaS3S+UVf5Z/vF2Hvtsw08wtUTJqp4djwznoAgjSxeCcU4r+CcDBJA==) seems to be corrupted. Trying one more time.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:\Users\konta\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2019-07-01T01_21_13_653Z-debug.log
Package install failed, see above.
I found the problem: My antivirus was somehow blocking the files without me knowing. It worked once I paused my antivirus during the installation.
In windows10 I disabled the windows defender / windows security ==> realtime protection and try again npm install command and it worked
NOTE : Turn on the real time protection again after installation complete.
Restarting the machine worked for me.
I had this problem on MAC. I just added 'sudo' before the command and it worked.
sudo npm install -g parcel-bundler
I tried opening CMD with Run as Admisnistrator then run npm i and it worked for me
I'd just like to add a small little answer based on Qadir Hussain's answer.
If you disable "Realtime Protection" in Windows Security, you're going to leave your laptop or PC vulnerable to any viruses that may infect it when "Realtime Protection" is off. This may seem a bit impossible if you're only installing an NPM package, but some apps may have a hidden background process waiting for "Realtime Protection" to be disabled, and when it is, it could inject a virus.
That been said, there's still an option.
First things first, open Windows Security by typing "Windows Security" in the Start Menu and tap "Open".
After that, go to "Virus & Threat Protection".
Next, scroll down until you find "Manage Settings" under "Virus & Threat Protection Settings".
Then, scroll down until you see "Exclusions". Under "Exclusions" there's a link that says "Add or remove exclusions".
Once that's done, tap the button that says "Add an exclusion". Then tap "Folder" on the drop-down menu.
Choose the node_modules directory that is giving issues.
Last but not least, Allow administrative permissions.
Finally, exit Windows Security.
I wouldn't recommend excluding your entire Projects folder, as that will disable all scans for the directory.
Small disclaimer here, I'm only making this answer as a means of helping others without disabling "Realtime Protection". While I'm not encouraging this, this might help fix a common problem.
Have a good day. :)
For me, there are several possibilities:
Intercepted by anti-virus software, resulting in inoperability.
It is locked by IDE, resulting in inoperable.
The task is locked by npm running, resulting in inoperable.
Cancelling the npm start process and closing the terminal window (I use Hyper Terminal) worked for me (using Win 10).
I was then able to uninstall an npm package and install another.
I had visual studio code running. I turned it off and boom! worked for me!
To me, using Windows 10 the only thing that solved this problem was: exclude the node_modules folder, open Visual Studio Code in Admin mode in the project folder, and execute the following command:
npm install -g --unsafe-perm
For me the issue was with npm version I was using. I changed to a npm version which did not have the bug by using the below command:
npm install --global npm#8.3.1
I found this solution in a github issue:
Link to github issue
Hope it helps you like it did me!
was facing this problem and this is how it got solved :
-stoping the execution of the development server for both front-end and backend:
two things:
try admin.
make sure other processes does not occupying the folder/file
with me, it was not related to antivirus.
it appears that a process occupied this folder. in my case a node process occupied my node_modules folder.
i found it out by using process-explorer - i searched the path end found that a node process using this folder(even though I closed it! very common in windows), so i ended this process and then i did not got this error anymore.
I had the same issue What I have done wrong is I had set the npm registry to a local registry, without knowing that I faced this issue once I reset to globally using npm config set registry error went away.
I tried everything above.
Deleting node_modules and re-installing did the trick for me.
This happened when I tried installing a new npm dependency, jest, with:
npm i --save-dev jest
I got it working by simply rerunning the command.

npm install no longer possible after deleting module directory

So I wanted to help out, and forked a Node-RED module to make some small contribution, but then got lost messing around with how to get Node-RED to run my fork (for testing) rather than the packaged version. Then I learned about npm's ability to install from a Github URL, which is nice, but it wouldn't work because I had already installed the module. Then I found I couldn't uninstall it either
npm uninstall original-module
npm ERR! path /home/nodered/.node-red/node_modules/original-module/package.json
npm ERR! code ELOOP
npm ERR! errno -40
npm ERR! syscall open
npm ERR! ELOOP: too many symbolic links encountered, open '/home/nodered/.node-red/node_modules/original-module/package.json'
so in frustration I deleted the module's directory, only to find myself unable to move forwards, or backwards. npm install fails with
npm ERR! code 128
npm ERR! Command failed: /usr/bin/git clone --depth=1 -q -b master /root/.npm/_cacache/tmp/git-clone-d31dc53b
npm ERR! fatal: could not create leading directories of '/root/.npm/_cacache/tmp/git-clone-d31dc53b': Permission denied
npm ERR!
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2017-08-22T01_07_18_257Z-debug.log
and trying to install the original with npm install original-module fails with
npm ERR! code ENOLOCAL
npm ERR! Could not install from "node_modules/original-module" as it does not contain a package.json file.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2017-08-22T01_09_56_127Z-debug.log
As you've probably guessed, I'm pretty new to Node.js, Node-RED and npm, but I haven't been able to help myself, so have to ask for help! It seems nonsensical to me that npm appears to be looking for a local copy of the package.json file belonging to the package I'm trying to install?
Edit: I should add that the above commands were all run as root.
Ok, found a solution, not sure if it's the best one though!
In the "project" directory (/home/nodered/.nodered in my case) there's a package-lock.json file which lists the packages used by the project. In there I found an entry for the original-module which I removed, after which I was able to install the package "normally" with npm install original-module.
Then to solve the permission issue when installing from a GitHub URL, I found I needed to impersonate the "nodered" user with su - nodered (it's a password-less user in my case). As "nodered" npm install succeeded without any error. A little curious since I was trying to do this as root before, and got a permission error, but there you go. I also took the opportunity to chown -R the project's node_modules directory to nodered:nodered as I could see that was a bit of mess.
In future, I will try to remember to su - to my nodered user first, and navigating to the project root (again, /home/nodered/.node-red in my case) before running npm install anything. Hopefully that will avoid any further issues. Oh and a note to anyone else who just wants to contrib some quick changes to a module hosted on GitHub: to "pull" in changes you simply run npm install again - npm doesn't appear to provide any dedicated "update" method.
I had the same issue, in my case the solution was to delete the package-lock.json, delete node_modules, then reinstall npm modules.

npm ERR! tarball.destroy is not a function

Hi I'm having issue while installing react-dom module.
I'm able install other modules like react express modules, on windows 10. 64 bit machine
npm install react-dom
npm WARN package.json -panel-client#1.0.0 No description
npm WARN package.json -panel-client#1.0.0 No repository field.
npm WARN package.json -panel-client#1.0.0 No README data
npm WARN package.json -panel-client#1.0.0 No license field.
npm WARN retry will retry, error on last attempt: Error: EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rename 'C:\Users\NOI-DE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\npm-3064-f12f714d\\react-dom\-\react-dom-0.14.8.tgz.2090210803' -> 'C:\Users\NOI-DE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\npm-3064-f12f714d\\react-dom\-\react-dom-0.14.8.tgz'
npm ERR! Windows_NT 10.0.10586
npm ERR! argv "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "install" "react-dom"
npm ERR! node v4.4.3
npm ERR! npm v2.15.1
npm ERR! tarball.destroy is not a function
npm ERR!
npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this error at:
npm ERR! <>
npm WARN retry will retry, error on last attempt: Error: EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rename 'C:\Users\NOI-DE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\npm-3064-f12f714d\\react-dom\-\react-dom-0.14.8.tgz.2000813013' -> 'C:\Users\NOI-DE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\npm-3064-f12f714d\\react-dom\-\react-dom-0.14.8.tgz'
We met the same issue in one Dell computer. Finally we found it was caused by the ByteFence Anti-malware software. After we uninstalled it, npm works.
yes It is caused by the anti-malware software
I had the same issue before. On removing anti-malware(ByteFence) it worked like a charm.
I got this error when I was out of disk space.
Deleting my /root/dump files, and dropping a very large mongo db, then doing a server reboot fixed this issue for me.
sudo rm /tmp/* -R -f solved my problem in arch linux.
ByteFence create problem. uninstall and npm install worked fine.
uninstall or stop ByteFence and it will run
I was using npm in dell machine. I met the same issue (tarball.destroy is not a function). At the time I had installed anti-malware software. Then I had uninstalled it, then npm working fine. This is my suggestion.
Reason : anti-malware software
Try : uninstall "ByteFence" named application
Try: npm cache clean, if the issue exists try renaming the folder npm-3064-f12f714d in the mentioned path C:\Users\NOI-DE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\npm-3064-f12f714d for the issue mentioned above.
I had got the same error while installing angular/cli. On uninstalling the anti-malware on my Windows 10 machine worked as the trick, I was able to successfully install angular/cli.
The anti-malware in some ways restricts the installation of certain modules via npm.
Make a new directory in C:\Users\AppData\Local with Temp2
Go to Environment variables
Change variable TEMP value = %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp2.
Hope it works.
I found mentioned folder (e.g 'npm-3064-f12f714d') unmarked as being readonly and I think that helped. The difference also was that I run command from cmd and earlier I did it from VS Code, but I think it doesn't matter.
This was truly caused by Anti-Malware software in my own case.
Try disabling the antivirus and then run it. It worked for me.

Fail to install npm package "npm ERR! errno -4048"

I'm trying to install npm package (node-xmpp-server) but it fail to install. previously when I'm trying to install a package that is install globally instead of locally, but now it's not installing at all. Plz Help me.
npm install node-xmpp-server
error is: npm ERR! errno -4048
npm ERR! Windows_NT 6.3.9600
npm ERR! argv "c:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "c:\Program
Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" "install" "node-xmpp-server"
npm ERR! node v0.12.4
npm ERR! npm v2.10.1
npm ERR! path c:\Users\Jaseem Abbas\Documents\node_modules\node- xmpp-server\examples
npm ERR! code EPERM
npm ERR! errno -4048
npm ERR! Error: EPERM, unlink 'c:\Users\Jaseem Abbas\Documents\node_modules\node-xmpp-server\examples'
npm ERR! at Error (native)
npm ERR! { [Error: EPERM, unlink 'c:\Users\Jaseem Abbas\Documents\node_modules\node-xmpp-server\examples']
npm ERR! errno: -4048,
npm ERR! code: 'EPERM',
npm ERR! path: 'c:\Users\Jaseem Abbas\Documents\node_modules\node-xmpp-server\examples' } npm ERR!
npm ERR! Please try running this command again as root/Administrator.
npm ERR! error rolling back Error: EPERM, unlink 'c:\Users\Jaseem Abbas\Documents\node_modules\node-xmpp-server\examples'
npm ERR! error rolling back at Error (native)
npm ERR! error rolling back { [Error: EPERM, unlink 'c:\Users\Jaseem
npm ERR! error rolling back errno: -4048,
npm ERR! error rolling back code: 'EPERM',
npm ERR! error rolling back path: 'c:\Users\Jaseem Abbas\Documents\node_modules\node-xmpp-server\examples' }
Kill whatever process is locking your files
It seems like this kind of error can be caused by a file permissions lock - I experienced something very similar (the same ERRNO: -4048) when installing whatwg-fetch.
I found that a Visual Studio instance I had open at the same time was acquiring all kinds of files which it didn't need. Once I closed that down, the install worked perfectly.
This may be a quickly-checked possible cause to eliminate before moving on to more drastic measures...
if you still have troubles with this error and maybe you upgrade the node version to 5.4 > ... that version presents an error. here the solution that basically consist in downgrade node version
In Windows will be:
npm install -g npm#5.3
That's works for me.
I was having the same problem and I found the following solution:
remove both of
Go into %ProgramFiles%\nodejs\node_modules\npm and copy the file named npmrc in the new npm folder, which should be %appdata%\npm\node_modules\npm. This will tell the new npm where the global installed packages are.
Restart Windows and it worked.
Found this over here (the npm troubleshooting section). Credits to the authors there
It seems that this error can manifest for more than one reason, so there probably won't be a single fix which works for everyone.
However, concurrency issues often are the cause of the failing installs. According to the accumulated wisdom in one of the related npm issue threads, which has received nearly 180 comments so far, the underlying problem is
a race condition between asynchronous I/O operations accessing the same files on the harddisk. You can certainly influence it by cleaning up the harddisk e.g. with "npm cache verify" or moving the project to a SSD, but this does not solve the root cause of the problem.
Likewise, closing the IDE or disabling the virus scanner works sometimes, for some people, but does not really fix the problem for good if concurrency issues are behind it.
A patch has landed in npm 5.6.0. According to initial reports, it seems to do the trick. So if your npm --version is lower, update to 5.6.0 (or whatever the current version is when you read this):
npm uninstall -g npm
npm install -g npm#5.6.0
as suggested here.
If that doesn't help, then perhaps a file lock is the true cause. And closing the IDE, or disabling the virus scanner temporarily, or some similar action is indeed the way to go, as #Oly has said above.
Had the same issue
Closing visual studio solved the problem
Upgrade npm to 5.4.2 it will fix this problem.
Command to install : npm i -g npm#5.4.2 or npm i -g npm
if still doesn't work try clearing cache using npm cache clean
you can use force like this npm cache clean --force
Someone said it was due to npm bug
Adding "--force" to install allegedly works around the problem.
For me #Oly's solution worked, I'll just add for Angular folks that it was ng serve -o that had locked the files. Yep - don't run npm install while ng serve is running for the project.
I had this same problem, after setting up node.js I followed parts of a guide intended for unix and ended up moving my current working directory to a new folder, but I forgot to copy the .npmrc file from the old location to the new one. I also changed the location of my prefix away from %AppData%, which I found by using npm config ls -l to compare my current settings to the default. The two clues here were that I had a line at the start called userconfig pointing to my .npmrc file, which was in a different location, and that my prefix was overridden from the default value. Changing this back to the default fixed the problem.
Try resetting these to the defaults and check what your config settings are. I'm not sure if reinstalling node.js would help anything if it was still referencing your old settings.
I tried following solutions, I don't know which one worked for me.
Ran reactive-native init in command prompt as Administrator (on Windows OS), hoping works well with sudo reactive-native init on Mac OS
Ran npm cache clean command in Command prompt.
Disable your antivirus for time being.
Try any of the solution or all,
This is a long standing issue with npm that they seem to have no interest in fixing. Various things others are mentioning will work sometimes (e.g. closing running programs, downgrading the version, etc...). It's been generally limited to Windows installations, though I've even had it happen a bit in Linux lately as well.
np init
This will create a dummy package.json.
Open the file and enter your required dependencies list.
Now go for:
npm i
This fixed the problem for me.
In my case fetch same issue. Then first I stopped npm run watch then try again then it works.
Do the followings. This might be permission issue.
Uninstall all antivirus program and restart system
Install yarn
Delete package.lock.json and node_modules folder (if any)
Clear the cache (npm cache clean --force)
Close VS code or other code editor tool (If opened)
now run yarn install
This should resolve the issue.
I had this same issue, and determined that it was caused by having link-sharing enabled for the Google Drive folder that my project was in. Once I moved it to a non-link-sharing folder everything worked fine.
In my case, I right clicked the json file that was mentioned in the error, Unchecked the read only flag, and it worked
If you have XAMPP server running in the background, kill it.
Then run the installation again.
Worked like magic for me
I had the same is the fix:
install nodejs in your local directory that does not need admin privilege.
I changed the npm version and this did not happen again
I just run npm cache clean, and worked for me
Delete package-lock.json
and try again
