Spark RDDs are stored in blocks or stored in memory ? Few queries around Spark - apache-spark

Have few questions around Spark RDD. Can someone enlighten me please.
I could see that RDDs are distributed across nodes, does that mean the
distributed RDD are cached in memory of each node or will that RDD data
reside on the hdfs disk. Or Only when any application runs the RDD data get
cached in memory ?
My understanding is, when I create a RDD based on a file which is present
on hdfs blocks , the RDD will first time read the data (I/O operation ) from
the blocks and then cache it persistently. Atleast one time it has to the
read the data from disk, Is that true ???
Is there any way if i can cache the external data directly into RDD instead
of storing the data first in hdfs and then load into RDD from hdfs blocks ?
The intention here is storing data first into hdfs and then loading it into
in memory will present latency ??

Rdd's are data structures similar to arrays and lists. When you create an RDD (example: loading a file ) if it is in the local mode it is stored in the laptop. If you are using hdfs it is stored in hdfs. Remember ON DISK.
If you want to store it in the cache (in RAM), you can use the cache() function.
Hope you got the answer for the second question too from the first one .
Yes you can directly load the data from your laptop without loading it into hdfs.
val newfile = sc.textFile("file:///home/user/sample.txt")
Specify the file path.
By default spark takes hdfs as storage u can change it by using the above line.
Dont forget to put the three ///:


Apache Spark loads the entire partition into memory?

Apache Spark loads the entire partition into memory or does it load gradually? Is there any reference (preferably official) about that?
If I have a large partition will be necessary to have the partition size in memory available?
Will loading data from the in-memory partition depend on the type of transformation?
That depends of your file type, if it is CSV/textFile spark usually will load gradually even if you have multiple partitions and it depends of the size of the files. CSV does that because you cannot split by which data you need to read. CSV/textFile to get one row of data you need to scan the whole file.
If we are talking about parquet or orc files the format is naturally splittable. The data will never load the full files if you put some conditions during the read as where and select to choose the columns. That is why the recommended file size is around 1GB to optimise the spark time processing.
So if you are using parquet, each partition of spark should be able to be stored in memory while the process is going. Spark will try to store most partitions it can in the memory of the cluster during the transformations you are doing, if that cannot be fitted that will spill to the disk, reducing the execution time but ensure your execution to finish.

Spark SQL data storage life cycle

I recently had a issue with with one of my spark jobs, where I was reading a hive table having several billion records, that resulted in job failure due to high disk utilization, But after adding AWS EBS volume, the job ran without any issues. Although it resolved the issue, I have few doubts, I tried doing some research but couldn't find any clear answers. So my question is?
when a spark SQL reads a hive table, where the data is stored for processing initially and what is the entire life cycle of data in terms of its storage , if I didn't explicitly specify anything? And How adding EBS volumes solves the issue?
Spark will read the data, if it does not fit in memory, it will spill it out on disk.
A few things to note:
Data in memory is compressed, from what I read, you gain about 20% (e.g. a 100MB file will take only 80MB of memory).
Ingestion will start as soon as you read(), it is not part of the DAG, you can limit how much you ingest in the SQL query itself. The read operation is done by the executors. This example should give you a hint:
In latest versions of Spark, you can push down the filter (for example if you filter right after the ingestion, Spark will know and optimize the ingestion), I think this works only for CSV, Avro, and Parquet. For databases (including Hive), the previous example is what I'd recommend.
Storage MUST be seen/accessible from the executors, so if you have EBS volumes, make sure they are seen/accessible from the cluster where the executors/workers are running, vs. the node where the driver is running.
Initially the data is in table location in HDFS/S3/etc. Spark spills data on local storage if it does not fit in memory.
Read Apache Spark FAQ
Does my data need to fit in memory to use Spark?
No. Spark's operators spill data to disk if it does not fit in memory,
allowing it to run well on any sized data. Likewise, cached datasets
that do not fit in memory are either spilled to disk or recomputed on
the fly when needed, as determined by the RDD's storage level.
Whenever spark reads data from hive tables, it stores it in RDD. One point i want to make clear here is hive is just a warehouse so it is like a layer which is above HDFS, when spark interacts with hive , hive provides the spark the location where the hdfs loaction exists.
Thus, Spark reads a file from HDFS, it creates a single partition for a single input split. Input split is set by the Hadoop (whatever the InputFormat used to read this file. ex: if you use textFile() it would be TextInputFormat in Hadoop, which would return you a single partition for a single block of HDFS (note:the split between partitions would be done on line split, not the exact block split), unless you have a compressed file format like Avro/parquet.
If you manually add rdd.repartition(x) it would perform a shuffle of the data from N partititons you have in rdd to x partitions you want to have, partitioning would be done on round robin basis.
If you have a 10GB uncompressed text file stored on HDFS, then with the default HDFS block size setting (256MB) it would be stored in 40blocks, which means that the RDD you read from this file would have 40partitions. When you call repartition(1000) your RDD would be marked as to be repartitioned, but in fact it would be shuffled to 1000 partitions only when you will execute an action on top of this RDD (lazy execution concept)
Now its all up to spark that how it will process the data as Spark is doing lazy evaluation , before doing the processing, spark prepare a DAG for optimal processing. One more point spark need configuration for driver memory, no of cores , no of executors etc and if the configuration is inappropriate the job will fail.
Once it prepare the DAG , then it start processing the data. So it divide your job into stages and stages into tasks. Each task will further use specific executors, shuffle , partitioning. So in your case when you do processing of bilions of records may be your configuration is not adequate for the processing. One more point when we say spark load the data in RDD/Dataframe , its managed by spark, there are option to keep the data in memory/disk/memory only etc ref -storage_spark.
Hive-->HDFS--->SPARK>>RDD(Storage depends as its a lazy evaluation).
you may refer the following link : Spark RDD - is partition(s) always in RAM?

Differences between persist(DISK_ONLY) vs manually saving to HDFS and reading back

This answer clearly explains RDD persist() and cache() and the need for it - (Why) do we need to call cache or persist on a RDD
So, I understand that calling someRdd.persist(DISK_ONLY) is lazy, but someRdd.saveAsTextFile("path") is eager.
But other than this (also disregarding the cleanup of text file stored in HDFS manually), is there any other difference (performance or otherwise) between using persist to cache the rdd to disk versus manually writing and reading from disk?
Is there a reason to prefer one over the other?
More Context: I came across code which manually writes to HDFS and reads it back in our production application. I've just started learning Spark and was wondering if this can be replaced with persist(DISK_ONLY). Note that the saved rdd in HDFS is deleted before every new run of the job and this stored data is not used for anything else between the runs.
There are at least these differences:
Writing to HDFS will have the replicas overhead, while caching is written locally on the executor (or to second replica if DISK_ONLY_2 is chosen).
Writing to HDFS is persistent, while cached data might get lost if/when an executor is killed for any reason. And you already mentioned the benefit of writing to HDFS when the entire application goes down.
Caching does not change the partitioning, but reading from HDFS might/will result in different partitioning than the original written DataFrame/RDD. For example, small partitions (files) will be aggregated and large files will be split.
I usually prefer to cache small/medium data sets that are expensive to evaluate, and write larger data sets to HDFS.

Spark driver running out of memory when reading multiple files

My program works like this:
Read in a lot of files as dataframes. Among those files there is a group of about 60 files with 5k rows each, where I create a separate Dataframe for each of them, do some simple processing and then union them all into one dataframe which is used for further joins.
I perform a number of joins and column calculations on a number of dataframes finally which finally results in a target dataframe.
I save the target dataframe as a Parquet file.
In the same spark application, I load that Parquet file and do some heavy aggregation followed by multiple self-joins on that dataframe.
I save the second dataframe as another Parquet file.
The problem
If I have just one file instead of 60 in the group of files I mentioned above, everything works with driver having 8g memory. With 60 files, the first 3 steps work fine, but driver runs out of memory when preparing the second file. Things improve only when I increase the driver's memory to 20g.
The Question
Why is that? When calculating the second file I do not use Dataframes used to calculate the first file so their number and content should not really matter if the size of the first Parquet file remains constant, should it? Do those 60 dataframes get cached somehow and occupy driver's memory? I don't do any caching myself. I also never collect anything. I don't understand why 8g of memory would not be sufficient for Spark driver.
conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")
//you have to use serialization configuration if you are using MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER
val rdd1 = sc.textFile("some data")
rdd1.persist(storageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER) // marks rdd as persist
val rdd2 = rdd1.filter(...)
val rdd3 =
For tuning your code follow this link
Caching or persistence are optimisation techniques for (iterative and interactive) Spark computations. They help saving interim partial results so they can be reused in subsequent stages. These interim results as RDDs are thus kept in memory (default) or more solid storages like disk and/or replicated.
RDDs can be cached using cache operation. They can also be persisted using persist operation.
The difference between cache and persist operations is purely syntactic. cache is a synonym of persist or persist(MEMORY_ONLY), i.e. cache is merely persist with the default storage level MEMORY_ONLY.
refer to use of persist and unpersist

What does Spark recover the data from a failed node?

Suppose we have an RDD, which is being used multiple times. So to save the computations again and again, we persisted this RDD using the rdd.persist() method.
So when we are persisting this RDD, the nodes computing the RDD will be storing their partitions.
So now suppose, the node containing this persisted partition of RDD fails, then what will happen? How will spark recover the lost data? Is there any replication mechanism? Or some other mechanism?
When you do rdd.persist, rdd doesn't materialize the content. It does when you perform an action on the rdd. It follows the same lazy evaluation principle.
Now an RDD knows the partition on which it should operate and the DAG associated with it. With the DAG it is perfectly capable of recreating the materialized partition.
So, when a node fails the driver spawn another executor in some other node and provides it the Data partition on which it was supposed to work and the DAG associated with it in a closure. Now with this information it can recompute the data and materialize it.
In the mean time the cached data in the RDD won't have all the data in memory, the data of the lost nodes it has to fetch from the disk it will take so little more time.
On the replication, yes spark supports in memory replication. You need to set StorageLevel.MEMORY_DISK_2 when you persist.
This ensures the data is replicated twice.
I think the best way I was able to understand how Spark is resilient was when someone told me that I should not think of RDDs as big, distributed arrays of data.
Instead I should picture them as a container that had instructions on what steps to take to convert data from data source and take one step at a time until a result was produced.
Now if you really care about losing data when persisting, then you can specify that you want to replicate your cached data.
For this, you need to select storage level. So instead of normally using this:
MEMORY_ONLY - Store RDD as deserialized Java objects in the JVM. If the RDD does not fit in memory, some partitions will not be cached and will be recomputed on the fly each time they're needed. This is the default level.
MEMORY_AND_DISK - Store RDD as deserialized Java objects in the JVM. If the RDD does not fit in memory, store the partitions that don't fit on disk, and read them from there when they're needed.
You can specify that you want your persisted data replcated
MEMORY_ONLY_2, MEMORY_AND_DISK_2, etc. - Same as the levels above, but replicate each partition on two cluster nodes.
So if the node fails, you will not have to recompute the data.
Check storage levels here:
