I get an error about not finding a matching constructor but the signatures match - groovy

class SharedWorld {
def db = Db(sql)
def help = Help(db)
class Db {
Sql sql
Db(def sql) {
this.sql = sql
class Help {
Db db
Help(Db db) {
this.db = db
I have this structure and for some reason when I compile my groovy I get an error that it can't find a matching constructor for Help(Db). Any ideas why? The signature obviously matches

You've got a few issues with your code.
First, class declarations don't take parameters or need parentheses immediately after the class name. Try making a constructor for SharedWorld inside the curly braces. In addition, you need to use the new keyword to instantiate classes (although there is a #Newify annotation to support the syntax you're using). Example:
class SharedWorld {
def db
def help
SharedWorld(sql) {
db = new Db(sql)
help = new Help(db)


Attempting to use the mongoose "findOne" build-in method in a generic function

I have a typescript generic function as following:
function foo<T>(model:T): Promise<Response>{
return model.findOne(email)
to call the function I do the following:
const result = await foo<'IUserModel>(User)'>
(* for those who are confused about the ' ', please ignore them *)
when I do this, I receive the following error which is:
*** Property 'findOne does not exist' on type 'T' ***
I read the mongoose documentation about the Model object but this did not help me.
Which interface or type or alternative solution is available to get rid of this typescript error?
Thank you in advance!
Using a generic function without a constraint (extends) in the parameter tells TypeScript that model can be anything. So you could use a number, for example, and a number doesn't have the .findOne() function:
function foo<T>(model: T): Promise<Response> {
return model.findOne() // error
foo(10) // no error
Using extends tells TypeScript that the model must have the Model properties, so it will always have the findOne() function:
import { Model } from 'mongoose';
function foo<T extends Model>(model: T): Promise<Response> {
return model.findOne() // no error
foo(10) // error, it must be a Model
#Lucas Surdi Franco had opened a way of solution for me.
to resolve my problem I had to extend T with Model
code solution:
import { Model } from 'mongoose';
function foo<T extends Model<T>>(model: T): Promise<Response> {
return model.findOne()
If there is a nicer solution for this, feel free to comment

pass only the fields on the interface typescript [duplicate]

When using typescript a declared interface could look like this:
interface MyInterface {
test: string;
And an implementation with extra property could be like this:
class MyTest implements MyInterface {
test: string;
newTest: string;
Example (here the variable 'reduced' still contain the property 'newTest'):
var test: MyTest = {test: "hello", newTest: "world"}
var reduced: MyInterface = test; // something clever is needed
In a general way, how can you make the 'reduced' variable to only contain the properties declared in the 'MyInterface' interface.
The problem occur when trying to use the 'reduced' variable with angular.toJson before sending it to a rest service - the toJson method transforms the newTest variable, even if it's not accessible on the instance during compile, and this makes the rest service not accept the json since it has properties that shouldn't be there.
It is not possible to do this. The reason being interface is a Typescript construct and the transpiled JS code is empty
//this code transpiles to empty!
interface MyInterface {
test: string;
Thus at runtime there is nothing to 'work with' - no properties exist to interrogate.
The answer by #jamesmoey explains a workaround to achieve the desired outcome.
A similar solution I use is simply to define the 'interface' as a class -
class MyInterface {
test: string = undefined;
Then you can use lodash to pick the properties from the 'interface' to inject into you object:
import _ from 'lodash'; //npm i lodash
const before = { test: "hello", newTest: "world"};
let reduced = new MyInterface();
_.assign(reduced , _.pick(before, _.keys(reduced)));
console.log('reduced', reduced)//contains only 'test' property
see JSFiddle
This is a pragmatic solution that has served me well without getting bogged down on semantics about whether it actually is an interface and/or naming conventions (e.g. IMyInterface or MyInterface) and allows you to mock and unit test
TS 2.1 has Object Spread and Rest, so it is possible now:
var my: MyTest = {test: "hello", newTest: "world"}
var { test, ...reduced } = my;
After that reduced will contain all properties except of "test".
Another possible approach:
As other answers have mentioned, you can't avoid doing something at runtime; TypeScript compiles to JavaScript, mostly by simply removing interface/type definitions, annotations, and assertions. The type system is erased, and your MyInterface is nowhere to be found in the runtime code that needs it.
So, you will need something like an array of keys you want to keep in your reduced object:
const myTestKeys = ["test"] as const;
By itself this is fragile, since if MyInterface is modified, your code might not notice. One possible way to make your code notice is to set up some type alias definitions that will cause a compiler error if myTestKeys doesn't match up with keyof MyInterface:
// the following line will error if myTestKeys has entries not in keyof MyInterface:
type ExtraTestKeysWarning<T extends never =
Exclude<typeof myTestKeys[number], keyof MyInterface>> = void;
// Type 'UNION_OF_EXTRA_KEY_NAMES_HERE' does not satisfy the constraint 'never'
// the following line will error if myTestKeys is missing entries from keyof MyInterface:
type MissingTestKeysWarning<T extends never =
Exclude<keyof MyInterface, typeof myTestKeys[number]>> = void;
// Type 'UNION_OF_MISSING_KEY_NAMES_HERE' does not satisfy the constraint 'never'
That's not very pretty, but if you change MyInterface, one or both of the above lines will give an error that hopefully is expressive enough that the developer can modify myTestKeys.
There are ways to make this more general, or possibly less intrusive, but almost no matter what you do, the best you can reasonably expect from TypeScript is that your code will give compiler warnings in the face of unexpected changes to an interface; not that your code will actually do different things at runtime.
Once you have the keys you care about you can write a pick() function that pulls just those properties out of an object:
function pick<T, K extends keyof T>(obj: T, ...keys: K[]): Pick<T, K> {
return keys.reduce((o, k) => (o[k] = obj[k], o), {} as Pick<T, K>);
And them we can use it on your test object to get reduced:
var test: MyTest = { test: "hello", newTest: "world" }
const reduced: MyInterface = pick(test, ...myTestKeys);
console.log(JSON.stringify(reduced)); // {"test": "hello"}
That works!
Playground link to code
Are you trying to only set/assign properties listed on the interface only? Functionality like that is not available in TypeScript but it is very simple to write a function to perform the behaviour you looking for.
interface IPerson {
name: string;
class Person implements IPerson {
name: string = '';
class Staff implements IPerson {
name: string = '';
position: string = '';
var jimStaff: Staff = {
name: 'Jim',
position: 'Programmer'
var jim: Person = new Person();
limitedAssign(jimStaff, jim);
function limitedAssign<T,S>(source: T, destination: S): void {
for (var prop in destination) {
if (source[prop] && destination.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
destination[prop] = source[prop];
In your example newTest property won't be accessible thru the reduced variable, so that's the goal of using types. The typescript brings type checking, but it doesn't manipulates the object properties.
In a general way, how can you make the 'reduced' variable to only contain the properties declared in the 'MyInterface' interface.
Since TypeScript is structural this means that anything that contains the relevant information is Type Compatible and therefore assignable.
That said, TypeScript 1.6 will get a concept called freshness. This will make it easier to catch clear typos (note freshness only applies to object literals):
// ERROR : `newText` does not exist on `MyInterface`
var reduced: MyInterface = {test: "hello", newTest: "world"};
Easy example:
let all_animals = { cat: 'bob', dog: 'puka', fish: 'blup' };
const { cat, ...another_animals } = all_animals;
console.log(cat); // bob
One solution could be to use a class instead of an interface and use a factory method (a public static member function that returns a new object of it's type). The model is the only place where you know the allowed properties and it's the place where you don't forget to update them accidentaly on model changes.
class MyClass {
test: string;
public static from(myClass: MyClass): MyClass {
return {test: myClass.test};
class MyTest extends MyClass {
test: string;
newTest: string;
const myTest: MyTest = {test: 'foo', newTest: 'bar'};
const myClass: MyClass = MyClass.from(myTest);

How to traverse AST tree

I'm trying to create an static analysis for Groovy. As a POC for my superiors I'm just trying to parse simple code and detect SQL injections, which are the easiest kind to spot. I did it successfully on Python, which is my main language, but my company mostly uses Grails (on Groovy).
This is what I have so far:
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.*;
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.*;
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.*
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilePhase
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.CodeVisitorSupport
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.builder.AstBuilder
public class SecurityCheck extends CodeVisitorSupport {
void visitBlockStatement(BlockStatement statement) {
println statement.getText();
//keep walking...
statement.getStatements().each { ASTNode child ->
println "CHILD FOUND: "
println child.getText();
def code = new File('groovy_source.groovy').text // get the code from the source file
def AstBuilder astBuilder = new AstBuilder() // build an instance of the ast builder
def ast = astBuilder.buildFromString(CompilePhase.CONVERSION, code) // build from string when the compiler converts from tokens to AST
def SecurityCheck securityCheck = new SecurityCheck() // create an instance of our security check class
println ast
println ast[0]
The groovy_source.groovy file is very simple, containing only a minimal file with a super easy to spot vulnerability:
def post(id) {
query = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = " + id;
result = sql.execute query
return result;
It is my understanding that, as I'm inheriting from CodeVisitorSupport, this would just visit a BlockStatement and then, for each statement inside that statement, it would visit it using the method from the supper class.
Nevertheless, when I print the text from the BlockStatement, it is an empty string, and the for each method never even gets called (which I assume must mean the AST found no children for my block statement, even when the function definitively has statements inside it.
[org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.BlockStatement#363a52f[]] // println ast
org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.BlockStatement#363a52f[] // println ast[0]
{ } // println statement.getText()
Any help here would be tremendously appreciated. Thanks!
I found the answer. I wasn't so hard in the end, but the horrible documentation doesn't make it easy. If you one to traverse the tree, you need to give the constructor the false boolean as a second argument, like this:
def ast = astBuilder.buildFromString(CompilePhase.CONVERSION, false, code)
Then you can use the visit* methods as you expect.

Generics and Anonymous types

I have a function,
public static IPagedResponse<T> GetPagedResponse<T, TAnon>(
this IQueryable<TAnon> query,
QueryableRequestMessage request)
where T : class
I'm trying to pass query as an IQueryable of an anonymous type.
var query = _repository.All.Select(
i => new //anon type
var result = query.GetPagedResponse<EftInterfaceDto, ??????>(request);
The issue is I don't know what to put in place of ??????? It can't seem to infer it. And any combinations using .GetType() or typeof() I have tried, failed.
I tried changing the function to be IQueryable<dynamic> but that resulted in other errors, about dynamic not being allowed in Expression trees.
I can make it work if I change my function to this:
public static IPagedResponse<T> GetPagedResponse<T, TAnon>(
this IQueryable<TAnon> query,
QueryableRequestMessage request,
T typeSample)
where T : class
And then pass in an instance of T
var result = query.GetPagedResponse(request, new SomeClassOfT());
This way, I can use type inference to determine the anonymous type TAnon, and don't need to be explicit in the call to the generic (no <types> required).
However, I don't want to do this, as it's clearly not clear what I'm doing.

System.Linq.Dynamic .Select("new ...") does not appear to be thread safe

I grabbed System.Linq.Dynamic.DynamicQueryable from here:
The issue that I am running into is in code that looks like this:
var results = dataContext.GetTable<MyClass>.Select("new (MyClassID, Name, Description)").Take(5);
It appears that if that line of code is executed by multiple threads near simultaneously, Microsoft's dynamic Linq code crashes in their ClassFactory.GetDynamicClass() method, which looks like this:
public Type GetDynamicClass(IEnumerable<DynamicProperty> properties)
Signature signature = new Signature(properties);
Type type;
if (!classes.TryGetValue(signature, out type))
type = CreateDynamicClass(signature.properties);
classes.Add(signature, type); // <-- crashes over here!
return type;
The crash is a simple dictionary error: "An item with the same key has already been added."
In Ms code, The rwLock variable is a ReadWriterLock class, but it does nothing to block multiple threads from getting inside classes.TryGetValue() if statement, so clearly, the Add will fail.
I can replicate this error pretty easily in any code that creates a two or more threads that try to execute the Select("new") statement.
Anyways, I'm wondering if anyone else has run into this issue, and if there are fixes or workarounds I can implement.
I did the following (requires .NET 4 or later to use System.Collections.Concurrent):
changed the classes field to a ConcurrentDictionary<Signature, Type> ,
removed all the ReaderWriterLock rwLock field and all the code referring to it,
updated GetDynamicClass to:
public Type GetDynamicClass(IEnumerable<DynamicProperty> properties) {
var signature = new Signature(properties);
return classes.GetOrAdd(signature, sig => CreateDynamicClass(sig.properties));
removed the classCount field and updated CreateDynamicClass to use classes.Count instead:
Type CreateDynamicClass(DynamicProperty[] properties) {
string typeName = "DynamicClass" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
