microsoft navision 2009, checkbox checked - dynamics-nav-2009

I try to check a checkbox in navision 2009 with the tool box.
I try it like this:
IF CurrForm."Bestaand afleveradres" = TRUE THEN
Bestaand afleveradres is the name of the checkbox
Thank you

Every control on form in Nav must have SourceExpr property filled with variable name. In your case it must be Boolean variable. Let's say it's called BoolVar. This variable is what you must check.
You should really read some guide first.


How to force Excel add-in to load default settings on FIRST start up

I am developing a small Excel add-in for a company's internal use. I have an issue with settings for some of the procedures.
Some of the variables inside my macros have modifiable settings, for example, a macro which changes number format to user-defined one, or shortcuts for some of the macros. I have dedicated user-forms for those settings and I save/read them to/from Windows registry using those forms. Users can also set default settings - this is a simple system with SaveSetting/GetSetting procedures.
However, I have an issue with loading the settings on start up. I need the add-in to load DEFAULT settings the FIRST time it is launched, and then USER settings next time the add-in is launched. I know how to load default settings, but I cannot figure a way to load default settings only once, and then load user modified settings (changed, or default, depending on their choice through the mentioned user-forms). Right now I am only aware of a way how to load default settings EVERY TIME the add-in is loaded...
Did anyone have this kind of issue and is willing to help?
When the add-in is first time loaded, it will create a key in Registry, having the value, let us say, True. When add-in is loaded, in the Workbook_Open() event, that specific key is checked. If it does not exist (or it is False if you sometime will need to reset the add-in), the default settings will be loaded...
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim regValue As String, MyApp As String, myKey As String, keyValue As String
MyApp = "MyAddin": myKey = "add_default": keyValue = "Default"
regValue = GetSetting(MyApp, myKey, keyValue, "No value")
If regValue <> "No value" Then
If CBool(regValue) = True Then GoTo Continue
'load default settings
SaveSetting MyApp, myKey, keyValue, "True"
'load default settings
SaveSetting MyApp, myKey, keyValue, "True"
End If
'your code without loading default
End Sub
I cannot comment on your post yet due to my current privilege.
But looking at your issue:
The first time, you can store a Default setting in the Addin itself you will call during the event ThisAddIn_Startup which is loading the Adding.
Then you store the setting in 2 ways based on the need:
2.1. If it is a General Setting shared with other persons then you better use INI files to store the setting when the Admin for example set the initial settings.
2.2. If it is each User Setting then you better store them in the Registry:
2.2.a. Where you create the keys on the first set up
2.2.b. Store the user settings using the recently created keys.
Then next time the Application loads, you use the ThisAddIn_Startup to check if the keys were already created:
3.1. If it is YES, then you just read the stored settings.
3.2. If NO then you start on Step #2 again.
Hope this will help you!

How to make #DbLookup in XPages verify the existence of a value in another database?

I have an XPage that is doing an #DbLookup with a user's input and trying to find that value in a view in a different database yet on the same server.
I have already verified that the view is in fact sorted by the first column and therefore #DbLookup friendly. The following code below appears in the server-side Javascript OnClick event handler for a button on my XPage.
My problem is that the an error occurs when trying to assign the value of lRep to the 'firstNameLabel'. lRep is returning a null value from the dbLookup even though the a record under the 'FirstName' field exists with the key 'P301993'. This dbLookup should be finding a returning a single 'FirstName' result. However, it is not.
var resultLabel = getComponent("firstNameLabel");
var dbName = new Array(#DbName()[0],"UKCSandbox.nsf");
var lRep = #DbLookup(dbName,"customerLookup","P301993","FirstName");
Unless your formatting was lost in copy and paste, your code has flaws. This is not Java, this is JavaScript. Line endings matter and functions don't act on the object, but return a value. Also #DbLookup returns a string when you have exactly one match, so checking for string doesn't help you.
Your code should look like that:
var ukcNumber = Registration.getItemValueString('UKCNumber').toUpperCase();
var resultLabel = getComponent("ukcNumberLabel");
var dbName = #DbName();
dbName[1] = "UKC\\UKCSandbox.nsf";
var lRep = #DbLookup(dbName,"customerLookup",ukcNumber,1);
resultLabel.setValue((lRep) ? "Success" : "Failed");
Does that work for you?
Update: 2 things to check:
does the lookup work in the same database using #DbName?
XPages have the same security constraints as Java agents. Do you have enough rights in the server document to do a 'get value from other database'? Default is No!
Have you tried making the dblookup work outside of xpages, i.e. with ScanEZ or in the Notes client?
Check your ukcNumber variable so it contains a value.
Check so the user has rights to do the lookup in the other database.
Also try a similar code on an old Notes Form and see if you get the same result.
Why can't you use keyword '[FAILSILENT]' in your #DBLookup call. It'll return "", if no entry matches with your key.
If you still have issues, use SSJS/java code to see where it's breaking up.

Change default entity to search for in CRM 2011 when adding connection account

In CRM 2011, under Account, there is the ability to add Connection. After clicking add Connection, you can browse/search for Name which defaults to "Contact". Is there a way to switch "Contact" to "Account" by default without having to switch the select box?
Apparently is just doing this:
document.getElementById("record2id").setAttribute("defaulttype", "1");
But i do a little search and this not work for the dialog of connections, check this alternative.
This doesn't work with connections.
With connections the object type code for the lookup is set in the Mscrm.Connection.preSelectObjectType function in Microsoft Dynamics CRM\CRMWeb_static\entities\connection.js.
There is a line like
where the object type is set. $v_3 is set depending on the chosen role.
So you need to change it to
But you will lose the role based lookup configuration, so you might want to modify that. Plus it is unsupported and you will need to take into account the updating behavior when installing new rollups that change the connection.js (i.e. copy newer connection.js files by hand from an updated system, and customize them again).
Here are two approaches. Both works, but the first adds the type record Icon to the loockup field even if it empy. The second doesn't do that but a little bit more risky as it depends on the internal method names.
1st method:
if (IsNull(Xrm.Page.getAttribute('record2id').getValue())) {$("#record2id")[0].DataValue = [{ "type": scrm.EntityTypeCode.SystemUser.toString() }];}
2nd Method
document.original_preSelectObjectType = Mscrm.Connection.preSelectObjectType;
Mscrm.Connection.preSelectObjectType = function (roleLookup, peerRoleLookup) {
if (IsNull(roleLookup.DataValue) && IsNull(peerRoleLookup.DataValue) && !window.event.srcElement.DataValue) {
var $v_0 = window.event.srcElement;
$v_0.defaulttype = Mscrm.EntityTypeCode.SystemUser.toString();
$v_0.DefaultViewId = "";
$v_0.Lookup(true, false, null, false);
else {
document.original_preSelectObjectType(roleLookup, peerRoleLookup); }}

Overwrite Major Version Using Object Model

I have versioning and checkin/checkout enabled in a SharePoint 2010 list, and for business-related reasons, would like to update information in a field: overwriting the field data for all versions in a similar manner and in place so that the version numbers do not change.
If I call SPListItemVersion.ListItem.UpdateOverwriteVersion(), it fails stating that I need to check out the item before making changes to it. Makes sense. So I precede the update statement with SPListItemVersion.ListItem.CheckOut() statement, attempt the update, and receive an error that I cannot overwrite a published version. I've also attempted to precede the check out with SPSite.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true, setting it back to false after the update call, but the latter error still occurs. Any ideas?
Stripped code below:
foreach (SPListItemVersion itemVersion in item.Versions){
itemVersion.ListItem.File.CheckOut(SPFile.SPCheckOutType.Online, itemVersion.ListItem.File.TimeLastModified.ToString());
site.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
itemVersion.ListItem["FieldName"] = "changed value here";
site.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
itemVersion.ListItem.File.CheckIn("Updated list item version", SPCheckinType.OverwriteCheckIn);
To anyone that may find themselves facing this issue, you do not need to toggle the AllowUnsafeUpdates field. What worked for me is replacing the itemVersion.ListItem.UpdateOverwriteVersion() statement with itemVersion.ListItem.SystemUpdate(false). The parameter passed in tells SharePoint to not create a new version when updating.
Edit: This answer only updates the current item again. SPListItemVersion field references are available via a get only; it appears this is not possible in the object model.

sharepoint - add custom column to list via object model

I'm having trouble figuring out how to add a custom column type to a list with the object model.
SPFieldCollection.Add() has a parameter SPFieldType, but that must be one of the enumerated values in the Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldType enumeration, thus it cannot be used to create columns of a custom type.
I next attempted using SPFieldCollection.CreateNewField() but when I call SPField.Update() on the returned value I get an exception: "ArgumentException was unhandled. Value does not fall within the expected range.".
I see a reference to SPFieldCollection.AddFieldAsXml() here: How do I add custom column to existing WSS list template but there's hardly any info and I'm not sure that's the right track to take.
UPDATE: I found a post on AddFieldAsXml: and it turns out it's very easy and worked well for me. Posting anyway in hopes it will help someone else.
SPFieldCollection.AddFieldAsXml() is the way to go as far as I can tell. See here for an example:
Try with:
SPField newField = null;
newField= web.Fields.CreateNewField("MyFieldTypeName", fieldName);
newField = web.Fields[fieldName];
// set some properties
newField.ShowInDisplayForm = false;
newField.ShowInViewForms = true;
