docker stop spark container from exiting - apache-spark

I know docker only listens to pid 1 and in case that pid exits (or turns into a daemon) it thinks the program exited and the container is shut down.
When apache-spark is started the ./ script how can I kept the container running?
I do not think: while true; do sleep 1000; done is an appropriate solution.
E.g. I used command: sbin/ to start the master. But it keeps shutting down.
How to keep it running when started with docker-compose?

As mentioned in "Use of Supervisor in docker", you could use phusion/baseimage-docker as a base image in which you can register scripts as "services".
The my_init script included in that image will take care of the exit signals management.
And the processes launched by would still be running.
Again, that supposes you are building your apache-spark image starting from phusion/baseimage-docker.
As commented by thaJeztah, using an existing image works too: gettyimages/spark/~/dockerfile/. Its default CMD will keep the container running.
Both options are cleaner than relying on a tail -f trick, which won't handle the kill/exit signals gracefully.

Here is another solution.
Create a file with the following contents and copy it into the spark conf directory.
If your CMD in the Dockerfile looks like this:
CMD ["/spark/sbin/"]
the container will not exit.

tail -f -n 50 /path/to/spark/logfile
This will keep the container alive and also provide useful info if you run -it interactive mode. You can run -d detached and it will stay alive.


PID 1 for application automatically restarted in bash loop

Given is a microservice that after some time needs to quit itself. This is no error condition but (in that case) normal behavior.
After exiting it should be automatically restarted.
So currently I have a script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while true; do ./app ; done
And in the Dockerfile (inheriting FROM ubuntu:16.04) I run it like this:
CMD ["./"]
It "works" but since app does not have PID 1, it does not receive SIGTERM etc. coming from Kubernetes, which is needed for a graceful shutdown during rolling updates etc.
Using while true; do exec ./app ; done in does not solve the problem since the loop no longer exists when app finished and no restart is performed.
How can I restart the app automatically inside the container without restarting the container / pod every time it quits, but still have the advantages of PID 1?
Well, your loop does restart your app, so this is not your problem. Your problem is that the signal sent to the docker container is not propagated into the container. Docker just isn't (AFAIK) not meant to be used like this, so it doesn't propagate signals to its app.
You have two ways of handling this:
You can teach the signal sender (Kubernetes or whatever) to instead of sending a signal to the Docker container do something more elaborate to get the information to the app inside the container. I guess this is not easy (if possible at all).
You can migrate the looping shell script outside of the container and let Kubernetes (or whatever) run this script instead. Within the loop you then can start the Docker container with your app inside. In this case you will need to catch the SIGTERM in the outside looping shell script (help trap) and either send a SIGTERM to the Docker container directly or to the app within the Docker container (using Docker exec or similar).

How can I attach to docker container running in detached mode?

If I start up a docker container in detached mode using the command:
docker run -d ubuntu
the container immediately exits. docker ps -a yields the output (selected columns shown):
245fe871a1e3 ubuntu "/bin/bash" Exited (0) 4 minutes ago
Is it possible to start the same container (container ID 245fe871a1e3) in interactive mode with a terminal session?
I'm afraid there's no such a way to archive this. docker attach and docker exec are working against running container only, but if you docker start the container in your case, it'll exited immediately again because the CMD is /bin/bash.
There's also a discussion about this, post some key info here:
It's not possible to enter a stopped container, because the processes are gone, and therefore, the namespaces are gone as well.

Cassandra process killed on exit

When I run dsc cassandra on CoreOS(tarball) using telnet everything comes up fine. But when i close the telnet session, it kills the process. How do i keep the cassandra server running?
I tried sudo bin/cassandra and sudo bin/cassandra -f
both didnt help.
I have no issues in other OS.
Option Description
-f Start the cassandra process in foreground. The default is to start as background process.
-h Help.
-p filename Log the process ID in the named file. Useful for stopping Cassandra by killing its PID.
-v Print the version and exit.
When you are starting cassandra using -f it runs in foreground, hence it will stop as soon as terminal is closed. Same is true for background process.
This will happen with any application you run in telnet session.
You can try
sudo service cassandra start OR nohup bin/cassandra this will keep your application running even when terminal is closed
You need to run Cassandra as a systemd service, as described here:
Running in the foreground with cassandra -f as your ExecStart= command will allow systemd to manage the state of the process (ideally inside a container).
While this is a bit different than what you're used to, it will lead to an overall more stable mechanism since you'll be using an init system that understands dependency chains, restart and reboot behavior, logging, etc.
Run the process in a screen or tmux session. Detaching from the screen session should allow the process to keep running.

Docker not responding to CTRL+C in terminal

Having an issue with Docker at the moment; I'm using it to run an image that launches an ipython notebook on startup. I'm looking to make some edits to ipython notebook itself, so I need to close it after launch.
However, hitting CTRL+C in the terminal just inputs "^C" as a string. There seems to be no real way of using CTRL+C to actually close the ipython notebook instance.
Would anyone have any clues as to what can cause this, or know of any solutions for it?
Most likely the container image you use is not handling process signals properly.
If you are authoring the image then change it as Roland Webers' answer suggests.
Otherwise try to run it with --init.
docker run -it --init ....
This fixes Ctrl+C for me.
The problem is that Ctrl-C sends a signal to the top-level process inside the container, but that process doesn't necessarily react as you would expect. The top-level process has ID 1 inside the container, which means that it doesn't get the default signal handlers that processes usually have. If the top-level process is a shell, then it can receive the signal through its own handler, but doesn't forward it to the command that is executed within the shell. Details are explained here. In both cases, the docker container acts as if it simply ignores Ctrl-C.
If you're building your own images, the solution is to run a minimal init process, such as tini or dumb-init, as the top-level process inside the container.
This post proposes CTRL-Z as a workaround for sending the process to background and then killing the process by its process id:
Cannot kill Python script with Ctrl-C
Possible problems:
The program catches ctrl-c and does nothing, very unlikely.
There are background processes that are not managed correctly. Only the main process receives the signal and sub-processes hang. Very likely what's happening.
Proposed Solution:
Check the programs documentation on how it's properly started and stopped. ctrl-c seems not to be the proper way.
Wrap the program with a bash script that blocks the container process and is able to catch ctrl-c. This bash example should help:
After catching ctrl-c invoke the proper shutdown method for ipython notebook.
From this post on the Docker message boards:
Open a new shell and execute
$ docker ps # get the id of the running container
$ docker stop <container> # kill it (gracefully)
This worked well for me. CTRL-Z, CTRL-\, etc. only came up as strings, but this killed the Docker container and returned the tab to terminal input.
#maybeg's answer already explains very well why this might be happening.
Regarding stopping the unresponsive container, another solution is to simply issue a docker stop <container-id> in another terminal. As opposed to CTRL-C, docker stop does not send a SIGINT but a SIGTERM signal, to which the process might react differently.
Usage: docker stop [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]
Stop a running container by sending SIGTERM and then SIGKILL after a grace period
If that fails, use docker kill <container-id> which sends a SIGKILL immediately.

Automatically Start Services in Docker Container

I'm doing some initial tests with docker. At moment i have my images and I can put some containers running, with:
docker ps
I do docker attach container_id and start apache2 service.
Then from the main console I commit the container to the image.
After exiting the container, if I try to start the container or try to run one new container from the committed image, the service is always stopped.
How can create or restart one container with the services started, for example apache?
I've learned a lot about Docker since originally posting this answer. "Starting services automatically in Docker containers" is not a good usage pattern for Docker. Instead, use something like fleet, Kubernetes, or even Monit/SystemD/Upstart/Init.d/Cron to automatically start services that execute inside Docker containers.
If you are starting the container with the command /bin/bash, then you can accomplish this in the manner outlined here:
So, if you are starting the container with docker run -i -t IMAGE /bin/bash and if you want to automatically start apache2 when the container is started, edit /etc/bash.bashrc in the container and add /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl -f /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf (or whatever your apache2 start command is) to a newline at the end of the file.
Save the changes to your image and restart it with docker run -i -t IMAGE /bin/bash and you will find apache2 running when you attach.
An option that you could use would to be use a process manager such as Supervisord to run multiple processes. Someone accomplished this with sshd and mongodb:
I guess you can't. What you can do is create an image using a Dockerfile and define a CMD in that, which will be executed when the container starts. See the builder documentation for the basics ( and see Run a service automatically in a docker container for information on keeping your service running.
You don't need to automate this using a Dockerfile. You could also create the image via a manual commit as you do, and run it command line. Then, you supply the command it should run (which is exactly what the Dockerfile CMD actually does). You can also override the Dockerfiles CMD in this way: only the latest CMD will be executed, which is the command line command if you start the container using one. The basic docker run -i -t base /bin/bash command from the documentation is an example. If your command becomes too long you could create a convenience script of course.
By design, containers started in detached mode exit when the root process used to run the container exits.
You need to start a Apache service in FOREGROUND mode.
docker run -p 8080:80 -d ubuntu/apache apachectl -D FOREGROUND
Try to add start script to entrypoint in dockerfile like this;
ENTRYPOINT service apache2 restart && bash
