removing the empty space occupied by hidden field in CRM form - dynamics-crm-2011

I am having two subgrids one below the other
I have a tab designed using a html webresource, on click of the tabs I will show/hide the subgrids accordingly
When I hide the bottom subgrid, I don't get any problem, but when I hide the top subgrid, it hides the subgrid, but the space occupied by the subgrid is still there
I also tried using normal jQuery to hide (using $("#parentid").hide() ) the parent container, but its not supported in CRM. So is there a way to remove this empty space occupied by the hidden subgrid in CRM

Try putting your subgrids into sections and hiding the section instead. This is fully supported by CRM and should not leave empty space behind.


Sharepoint 2013 - Remove [2] from webpart Title

My Home page with all the webparts has a number in brackets after the webpart title.
How can I remove this?
Ok, I found a solution.
Stay at the page that you can see "XXX [Number]"
Click the "Page" button at the top-left corner
Click the "Edit Properties" button
Click the text(possibly blue) "Open Web Part Page in maintenance view"
Check the duplicate web parts you want to remove and click the "delete" button above.
(If you are NOT sure which are the web parts you want to keep, please delete them all and re-add the web parts you need. Otherwise, you might end up with some white space on the web part page.)
The number gets added because you have multiple web parts configured with the same title. You need some change on the webpart's title to make the [2] disappear.
Alternatively, you might want to hide the webpart's title. Edit your webpart, expand the "Appearance" section, and select the option "None" on the "Chrome type" dropdown.
This was driving me nuts too. Follow the steps here for the steps to delete it through the webpart maintenance page:
Add a space after the title, this way you can use the same title for multiple webparts.
Of course you should delete the "extra" duplicate web parts using the same title if they aren't visible on the page. But it's not unusual to want the same title showing for different web parts. In that scenario, a simple fix is to add a space after the title in the Appearance section of the duplicate web part's properties. If there are multiple web parts with the same title, just add more spaces. SP will treat the titles as unique.

Subgrids only show 2 rows on Form / White space increases with each update of Form

The subgrids on my Form are set to Number of Rows: 250, and Automatically expand to use available space is checked.
This works fine for a short time, and the subgrids do dynamically size themselves.
However, ANY time new customizations are published, the subgrids go back to showing only 2 rows and some white space is added after the subgrid. Over time, the whitespace appears to increase. When I go back to the Form editor, the section containing the subgrid is all wonky looking (extra spaces under the subgrid). If I check the properties of the subgrid, they still show as indicated above.
As I understand it, this was to have been resolved with Rollup 17. The rollup download page indicates this as one of the bugs that were fixed: Removing / Adding any field to the form after enabling the option "Automatically expand to use available space" causes the sub grid to shrink or resize to much smaller in size.
However, the problem persists (and it's the most frustrating thing ever!)
Does anyone know how to resolve this? Alternatively, does anyone know how I can contact Microsoft to inform them of this issue without them charging me for a solution?
If memory serves this happens when more than one SUBGRID , IFRAME or TEXTAREA are set to automatically expand although only a single auto expand element is allowed / supported.
You need to reset all element with auto expand Save , Publish and then set the SUBGRID with auto expand again.
Dynamics CRM - Thinking outside the BOX

Show hidden ribbon elements

In previous iterations, there were some ribbon buttons and tabs that were hidden via the HideCustomAction in the customizations.xml. Now the client is requesting that some of those elements be shown. I've exported the solution, and removed the hide custom action. The tab is still not shown even though the HideCustomAction was removed. Are there any additional steps needed to be taken to re-show the hidden elements?
The best thing would be to have the developer of the managed solution update the solution with the proper ribbon configuration. That's the supported approach.
If that isn't an option, you could look to recreate the CustomAction buttons in a solution with different IDs but the same actions. Basically creating two sets of the buttons.

I'm having problems using jquery-masonry in a drop down menu

I'd like to use jquery masonry within a drop down menu, to organize the dynamic menu item blocks (images and text) in a complex drop down menu.
I'm having a couple of issues.
First of all, if I start with display:none then masonry doesn't do any position calculations. Since I'm using masonry with a drop down menu, I can't open the page with the drop down visible.
Secondly, the menu container has to be position:absolute so that the drop down opens Over the continuing page and doesn't push down the text below the menu. Masonry pushes the rest of the page down.
Thirdly, with IE 8 and 9 (didn't try 7 yet), when the I hide and show the dropdown, the blocks of items start off unorganized and then instantly switch to the organized masonry layout. It's the flash on every hide and show that I don't understand and can't get rid of.
Has anyone successfully used jquery masonry within a dropdown menu?
According to the first issue, just use visibility:hidden and in hover event visibility: visible instead of display:none & display:block.

SharePoint 2007 navigation and removing its delay

In SharePoint 2007, there's a top nav that the user can hover over, which reveals a dropdown menu of subitems. When they remove their mouse from the dropdown, it disappears, but only after a short delay. This can cause problems, as if people are trying to click a link on the page somewhere, but the nav menu hasn't hidden itself yet, they'll accidentally click it instead. This is compounded with the fact that the menu appearing in the first place is delayed as well, so right before they mouse over the link on the page they actually want to click, the menu will suddenly appear and intercept their click when they weren't meaning to.
I've poked at core.js at some suspect areas, but can't seem to nail it down. Any thoughts?
This is the normal behaviour of SharePoint. This control is the asp:Menu control of ASP.Net 2.0 and the only thing you can do is customized the MasterPage or the DefaultPage of your Site.
If you change the core.js file of "layouts" folder you'll lose Microsoft support, so take care about change any of the file from this folder.
I recommend that you modify the existent control or create a new one and put it in this position of the MasterPage.
This bit of CSS will fix it. I just had the same thing in sharepoint 2010 and this was all that was required to make the list disappear as soon as you roll off:
The way it works is when you hover over an item in the nav it adds a css class called "hover" and as soon as your mouse leaves the area it changes the class to "hover-off" for 1 second before removing it completely. This CSS will hide the unordered list directly below the list item that has the class "hover-off" thus hiding the flyout as soon as your mouse leaves the parent.
