MySql++ (C++) Segmentation fault under peculiar conditions - mysql++

check out the following code:
#if 1
mysqlpp::Connection conn(false);
conn.connect(FACE_DB_NAME, "localhost","root", "root");
m_pconn = new mysqlpp::Connection(false);
m_pconn->connect(FACE_DB_NAME, "localhost","root", "root");
if "1" is #defined, and the Connection object is on the stack, both chunks of code execute (conn.connect, and m_pconn->connect)
if "0" is #defined, and the second Connection object is dynamically allocated, I get a segmentation fault on m_pconn->connect.
Any ideas?

Problem was that the original application was compiled using:
mysql++, however, was not.
Will need to look at this more deeply to understand the issue with the CRT, when I get a chance.


Coded UI Test change user causes FatalExecutionEngineError returning a AgentRestart.dat

I'm running a Coded UI Test with CUITe in VS 2012 Update in C#.
QA agent is falling over and producing a dat file
running in Debug mode
It successfully opens the IE browser window , logs in, attempts to change user in a combo box. the format for these names are 'Mr First Last (username)'
CUITe_HtmlComboBox cboUsers = bw.Get<HtmlComboBox>("Id~user");
string terminatingString = ")";
int i = -1;
foreach(string userPart in cboUsers.Items) //'Mr'
During debugging VS will throw this
FatalExecutionEngineError was detected
Message: The runtime has encountered a fatal error.
The address of the error was at 0x69c08d3b, on thread 0x1410.
The error code is 0xc0000005. This error may be a bug in the CLR or in the unsafe or non-verifiable portions of user code.
Common sources of this bug include user marshaling errors for COM-interop or PInvoke, which may corrupt the stack.
Running through MSTest.exe there is a AgentRestart.dat as follows ( apologies for the
ÿÿÿÿ sMicrosoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.AgentObject, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 7Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.Agent.AgentRestartInfo m_runIdm_testsCompleted System.Guid ýÿÿÿSystem.Guid _a_b_c_d_e_f_g_h_i_j_k ÂTíÚi©D¹È›ë¤÷
I'm working through the Managed Debugging Assistants. As the debugging is done in the Test Explorer it may not get called. I've kept the code to a minimum, and will include more if needed
Found the answer, couldn't connect to the
telnet ip port for the data source

Delete [] pBuff throws 'c0000374 (heap corruption)' Exception and program crashes

In my mfc application, I have a rich text box in which user can enter strings.
When user Enter anything in the rich text box, i have invoked a function 'FormatText(int start, int end)' that formats the text enterd.
in the function i have written following code
TCHAR *pBuffer = NULL;
pBuffer = new TCHAR[nEnd - nStart + 1];
delete [] pBuffer;
but when i enter any values in the rich text box, i get and Exception of Heap memory corruption and program crashes,
when i debugged code, visual studio shows an exception at line,
delete [] pBuffer;
is there any other way to delete/free the memory.
any help would be appreciated.
You have to find and fix the corruption, not look for another way to delete. The heap corruption occured at some time prior to the delete [] operation. That operation merely detects that it happened previously. Comment out some sections of code, and/or replace them with trivial operations, until the corruption goes away. That should help you isolate which code is causing the problem.
Are you really catching all exceptions and silently dropping them? There could be a failed new here (std::bad_alloc)
Are there any checks on nEnd & nStart, making sure the size of the buffer you 'new' is > 0 ?
So, you might want to check pBuffer for NULL before deleting it.

Why seems my object to become NULL from one line to the next? - Could it be a hardware thing?

First thing to say: I program in a relatively unknown language: Blitzmax, which is a object oriented Basic dialect.
My problem is the following:
I wrote a debugmanager which runs in an own thread. So from every position in the program (it will be a game) you can add debug- or errormessages to the manager's queue.
In its own thread, it will fetch the messages from the queue and process them by writing them into a file and (if the message has the current chosen Debuglevel, Debugcategory and outputcategory, which are just enums) write it to the console.
Now I tested the program on three systems: My desktop PC which has Windows 8 as OS, my own laptop which has Windows 7 and the laptop of a friend which also has windows 7.
On my PC and my friend's laptop everything is fine.
But on my own laptop I get, nearly everytime, an "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" Error while the manager is processing the messages.
Sometimes the program just runs fine, but most of the time it breaks down with this error.
Even in debugmode no line or stacktrace is shown which made it very hard to debug.
I broke all needed classes down to a minimum of attributes and functionality to make it easier to find the problem.
Now the queue is just a list (which is natively build in in Blitzmax) and the message just has one attribute which is a string.
Also the debugmanager only writes the message into the console without passing it to the process method which would write it to a file etc.
So the code which is actually needed is the following.
This is the message:
Type TThreadsafeMessage
Field complete_String:String
Method New_ThreadsafeMessage:TThreadsafeMessage(actual_Message:String, from_File:String, debugCategory:TDebugCategory_Enum, ..
debugLevel:TDebugLevel_Enum, outputCategory:TOutputCategory_Enum, from_Class:String = "", from_Method:String = "")
'Just create the string from the parameters.
Self.complete_String = actual_Message + " | " + from_File + "/" + from_Class + "/" + from_Method
Return Self
End Method
Method ToString:String()
'Just return the string attribute:
Return Self.complete_String' out_String
End Method
Method toString_Formatted_For_File:String()
Return Self.ToString()
End Method
Method toString_Formatted_For_Console:String()
Return Self.ToString()
End Method
End Type
This is the queue:
Type TThreadsafeQueue
'Predefined list.
Field list:TList
Method New()
Self.list = New TList
End Method
Method isEmpty:Byte()
Return Self.list.IsEmpty()
End Method
Method enqueue(to_Enqueue:Object)
'Add object to list
End Method
Method dequeue:Object()
Return Self.list.RemoveFirst()
End Method
End Type
Here is the method which adds messages to the debugmanager:
Function enqueueMessage(message_To_Enqueue:TThreadsafeMessage)
'Test message for null pointer.
If(message_To_Enqueue = Null) Then
Throw New TNullpointer_Exception.NewException("'message_To_Enqueue' is NULL.", "TDebugmanager.bmx", ..
"TDebugmanager", "enqueueMessage")
'Lock mutex for threadsafety.
'Enqeue message in the queue
'Tell the update thread there is a message
'Free the mutex for update thread.
End Function
Now here is the (currently smaller) update function of the debugmanager:
Function _update:Object(thread_Object:Object)
'Do this over and over till the queue is empty AND the debugmanager is shut down
Local message_To_Process:TThreadsafeMessage = Null
'Lock mutex for thread safety
'Queue epmty...
If(TDebugmanager.getSingleton_Instance().message_Queue.isEmpty()) Then
'... Wait for a signal from the main thread
WaitCondVar(TDebugmanager.getSingleton_Instance().sleep_ConditionVariable, ..
'...Get the next message from the queue.
message_To_Process = TThreadsafeMessage(TDebugmanager.getSingleton_Instance().message_Queue.dequeue())
'Unlock the mutex.
'Check if the message is NULL.
If(message_To_Process = Null) Then
Throw "Got null message from queue."
'Actually the _processMessage method is used. But for debugging
'it is commented out.
' TDebugmanager.getSingleton_Instance()._processMessage(message_To_Process)
'Write the message to the console.
'HERE is the error.
'See in the following description under the code section.
DebugLog("Message processed: " + message_To_Process.complete_String)
Until TDebugmanager.isFinished()
End Function
So at the position where it says in the update function 'HERE is the error.' the problem is the following: If this line is commented out or deleted, the program runs fine on my laptop and no error occures.
But if this line is there, the error occures most of the times.
An "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" is thrown for example when: A stackoverflow occures somewhere. Or when you try to access to a NULL object.
Actually everything which tries to read or write from forbidden memory.
The really strange thing is: Only a few lines earlier, I check if the message which I got from the queue is NULL.
It should throw an error, as you can see.
But it never does.
Has anyone seen such a behaviour before?
I cannot explain that.
As I said: Debugging is really hard in this case. I could just break it down to smaller classes and finally the code you see here.
I also cannot just go step for step through the program with the debugger because then no error occures.
Can someone maybe think of something which can cause the error in this moment?
I know, this is much code, but I could not make it any shorter.
You are basically writing concurrently to a stream. If DebugLog is not reentrant (eg. there's some static buffer used internally), you will get random access violation. On faster machine, that could be perhaps avoided because contention will happen at the message queue, hence each thread will have the time to do a full loop on its own.
The solution is to lock the use of that function (you may want to make a function wrapper which implement that locking independently of the queue processing).
The problem was the following:
When I tried to debug the program a little bit more, sometimes the debugger kicked in and showed me where the debugger thought the error occured. It didn't occure there, but I was able to use the step-In function of the debugger.
The result was: It jumed into a library which is used for network methods. I do not use this library anywhere in the project.
So I tried a little bit further and the actual solution was: Deinstall Blitzmax and reinstall it. Now everything works fine.
Seems as if the linker was broken somehow.

My Java thread stops at "OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream());" w/o any error?

So I am currently writing a program used to access a website and retrieve information.
The functional part of the program lies as follows:
URL url = new URL("website name");
URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream());
I am trying to use threads to implement this program, so that each new thread created will open up a new connection. I have already tested this program separately from a thread and this code works perfectly fine, but the moment that place this code into the run() method of my Thread class, it stops working.
I placed print statements after every single line of code, to give me an idea as to where the program was stopping and the last sign of life is consistently "setDoOutput(true)" and nothing happens after that. No errors, no nothing, the program just stops.
What is going on?

Linux SIGPIPE Crashing Server

So at the start of my application I call
which I thought would have my application ignore SIGPIPE. However I still got a SIGPIPE crash with the following code:
write(fd, outgoingStr->c_str(), size);
where fd is an int (file descriptor) and size is the size of the string. What am I doing wrong here?
On a side note, I recently use to wrap that write inside an if to check for an error value returned and I believe I never had SIGPIPE crashes until that was removed. The if check did nothing but cout to the console if there was an error, so I'm not sure if it is relevant or not.
The problem ended up being that GDB will stop on SIGPIPE even if it is being ignored. When running the application normally it works as intended.
