Find and count matches between two arrays in excel - excel

I'm trying to make a table that tracks pupil progress. Upon entry, pupils are given a predicted grade in all their subjects. Later in the year, their teachers give them an exam (which has a grade) and then give a set of new predicted grades.
This gives me two tables (each on a different sheet)...
-Entry - Subject -
-Student - Art - Maths - French -
- Jane - U - U - n -
- Alice - E - A+ - n -
- Tom - D - A - c -
-Later - Subject -
-Student - Art Exam - Art New Grade - Maths Exam - Maths New Grade -
- Jane - U - U - E - E -
- Alice - D - D - A+ - A+ -
- Tom - C - B - A - A+ -
I have created a dashboard that has two drop downs where users can select the subject and then the comparison (exam grade, new grade, best possible grade, ...). Using SUMPRODUCT I can take that input and easily count the grades in the matching columns.
What I want to do is create a table similar to the one below that can show how the pupils have changed between the two tracking periods...
- Subject - New Grade -
- Art - n - U - E - D - C - B - A - A+ -
- E n - - - - - - - - -
-- -----------------------------------------
- n U - - 1 - - - - - - -
-- -----------------------------------------
- t E - - - - 1 - - - - -
-- -----------------------------------------
- r D - - - - - - 1 - - -
-- -----------------------------------------
- y C - - - - - - - - -
- B - - - - - - - - -
- A - - - - - - - - -
- A+ - - - - - - - - -
Each cell counts the number of times it finds matching values between the two arrays where subject = chosen value (in this case Art) and comparison = chosen value (in this case new grade). I don't mind null values being zero or blank. I need to have the count of matches so I can then look at how many pupils are making progress (getting a letter earlier in the alphabet than the test upon entry suggested).
Ideally, I'll also end up making both rows and columns selectable so teachers can compare exam result to new predicted grade.
In my two arrays, the students appear in the same order (one less criteria to worry about) but the subjects and comparators don't. (NB - I've been using concatenation to merger subject and comparator)
All the help I've seen so far expects the data to be in just two rows, but I've 20 subjects and then each subject can have 5 or so comparisons to be made!
Thanks for any advice!

Try this:
=IF(SUMPRODUCT(($B3=INDEX(Sheet1!$B$3:$D$5,0,MATCH($A$2,Sheet1!$B$2:$D$2,0)))*(C$2=INDEX(Sheet2!$B$3:$E$5,0,MATCH($A$2 & " New Grade",Sheet2!$B$2:$E$2,0))))=0,"",SUMPRODUCT(($B3=INDEX(Sheet1!$B$3:$D$5,0,MATCH($A$2,Sheet1!$B$2:$D$2,0)))*(C$2=INDEX(Sheet2!$B$3:$E$5,0,MATCH($A$2 & " New Grade",Sheet2!$B$2:$E$2,0)))))
If you don't mind the 0s then the just the true part of the above if statement will work:
=SUMPRODUCT(($B3=INDEX(Sheet1!$B$3:$D$5,0,MATCH($A$2,Sheet1!$B$2:$D$2,0)))*(C$2=INDEX(Sheet2!$B$3:$E$5,0,MATCH($A$2 & " New Grade",Sheet2!$B$2:$E$2,0))))
For Reference:
Entry sheet (Sheet1):
New Grade Sheet (Sheet2)
One caveat, the Students must be in the same order.


App insight query to get result for each id and category mapping with number of count

Event 1
Custom Event
Prop1- abc
ID - [4,6,11] //multiple id’s
Category- Q //can be one of P,Q,R,S
Event 2
Custom Event
Prop1- abc
ID - [10,11,25,2] //multiple id’s
Category- Q //can be one of P,Q,R,S
Event 3
Custom Event
Prop1- abc
ID - [11,9,26,8] //multiple id’s
Category- R //can be one of P,Q,R,S
These are application insight events,
I'm looking for result records as below in 3 columns mapped for each ID, Category, and count
ID - Category - count
11 - Q - 2
11 - R - 1
4 - Q - 1
6 - Q - 1
26 - R - 1
As posted by the asker in the comments, here is the syntax which we need to use to expand the CustomDimensions into columns:
mv-expand split(customDimensions_ID,',')
Check mv-expand operator for more information.

Combining rows with nearly same fields

I have two data frames and want to combine them into a single data frame. I used a common key to merge two frames. The final result was a data frame that some of rows have nearly identical fields except a few columns have different values. I want to combine these nearly identical rows into a single row considering adding appropriate columns.
Here are the data frames:
Banner - Region - Store ID
Walmart - NC - 66999
TJ - NY - 4698
Price - Store ID - UPC
3.6 - 66999 - 234565
4.5 - 4698 - 334526
I already merged tow frames and played a little bit to converge to the desired frame.
store_cross = pd.crosstab(stores['Store ID'],stores['Region'],margins=True)
merged_df2 = pd.merge(store_cross,prices,left_on='Store ID', right_on='Store ID')
merged_df2 = pd.merge(merged_df2,stores,left_on='Store ID', right_on='Store ID')
This is the result so far:
NY - NC - Price - UPC - Banner
1 - 0 - 3.6 - 234565 - Walmart
0 - 1 - 4.5 - 334526 - TJ
It is possible to have a UPC at different stores. It means that there are other rows in the frame that have the same UPC and Banner but at different locations.
What I am looking to have is something like this:
Banner - UPC - NC - NY
Walmart - 234565 - 3.9 - 3.6
TJ - 334526 - 4.5 - 4.3
I believe you need first merge and then DataFrame.pivot_table:
df = pd.merge(stores, prices, on='Store ID')
store_cross = df.pivot_table(index=['Banner', 'Store ID','UPC'],
print (store_cross)
Region Banner Store ID UPC NC NY
0 TJ 4698 334526 NaN 4.5
1 Walmart 66999 234565 3.6 NaN

Is there a way to count unique values in column X where Y and Z match set criteria?

I have a list of data with A, B, C and D where there are lots of duplicate names. I want to count each name only once, if B and C matches kriteria set.
Peter - Clerk - Working - Male
Peter - Clerk - Working - Male
Steve - Clerk - Working - Male
John - Manager - Working - Male
John - Manager - Working - Male
Dave - Clerk - Working - Male
I have tried various Sum's and Countifs, and manage to count the amount of unique encounters for each name, but when i try to add filters for "clerk" and "working" i fail in making a coherent formula.
The kriteria are set to be Clerk and Working, so i expect the count to return 3. With my current formula i get 4.
You need to use the numerator as a filter then change the COUNTIF to a COUNTIFS and supplement with the condions and finally add the inverse of the numerator into the denomonator.

How to automatically delimit a column, then copy and pasting into new row? Excel

my data set looks like this.
Column 1 - Column 2 - Column 3 - Column 4
X - Y - A,B,C - F
H - J - E,O,P - L
I want it to look like
Column 1 - Column 2 - Column 3 - Column 4
X - Y - A - F
X - Y - B - F
X - Y - C - F
H - J - E - L
H - J - O - L
H - J - P - L
MY current process is super manual with manually delimiting column 3, then manually posting the line 3 times, and deleting the columns I don't need.
Please let me know if there is a way to do this more automatically! I would prefer a formula that I can use, since I've never used VBA, but I can attempt to understand a VBA Macro as well!
How many lines do you have? Is this a constant number of columns and row?

Using SUMIFS to sum all rows matching one criteria within a column matched by another criteria

I think I'm very close to what I want but I'm still getting an #N/A error -
I have some wage sheets that cross reference a labour table 'Table1' which stores the information of my employees (Pay code, Site, Contracted Hours etc). In Table1 I have columns titled 1-10 which values.
On the wage sheet I have a cell 'AM3' that will be a number between 1-10. Depending on that cell, the cell below should sum up all values in that column for all staff at that particular site.
For example - I have a wage sheet for site 'EXAMPLE SITE' which is stored in cell C2 and cell AM3 = 9.
I am trying to use the following formula to make this work:
That is, I'm checking Table1, and finding the column headed with the value contained in cell AM3 (with an exact match). criteria_range1 is the Site column and criteria1 is 'EXAMPLE SITE' stored in C2.
I would expect this to sum every cell in column header 9, matching Site 'EXAMPLE SITE'. But I just get the #N/A error.
Name - Site - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10
Tom - EXAMPLE SITE - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 10 - 20
Geoff- EXAMPLE SITE - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 9 - 18
Sarah- RANDOM SITE - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 5 - 15 - 25 - 40
With that example I want the formula to return '19' as a numerical value. I feel like I'm just being dumb but no amount of googling is helping me.
MATCH seems to be having a hard time with matching table headers with numeric values. Try this:
Same problem with MATCH as earlier but alternate resolution.
=SUMIFS(INDEX(Table1[[1]:[10]],0,MATCH(TEXT(AM3, "0"),Table1[[#Headers],[1]:[10]],0)),Table1[Site],C2)
