It is possible to combine Linux (one core) and bare-bone firmware (second core) on one dual core computer? - linux

I was checking project Embedded ECG data acquisition system from instructables and there is mension a TODO:
Combining the OS and bare-bone firmware
** Since the bootloader only loads one firmware to the Core,
I need to modify the ELF file, to have Linux and bare-bone Core at the same time **
It seems to me as interresting approach how to make full featured Linux and critical realtime OS on one board (for example Raspberry PI). It is really possible? I have heard, that Linux can be setup to not use some cores. But I suppose that Linux use virtual memory and bare-bone firmware does usually not. Can the memory be shared between these OS. What about interruptions? Can these two OS handle interruptions separately? Can boot loader load these two systems to both core at once? I can imagine that one thread in boot loader will skip to address of bare-bone OS. It is correct approach?

Yes, it is possible, even if the full setup is not straightforward.
A couple of examples:
Xilinx released a white paper explaining how to run Linux + FreeRTOS on a dual-core Zynq ARM
Evidence explained how to run Linux + Erika Enterprise RTOS on a dual-core Freescale imx6 ARM
Those examples are based on system partitioning by hard-coding the assignment of the different cores to different OSs.
If your system is capable of hardware-assisted virtualization, you can use an hypervisor for making (and enforcing) such partitioning. You can for example use Siemen's Jailhouse, KVM or Xen.

Kind of. This is what people already do to some extent with network stack / driver. For example IsoStack idea works in a similar way. There's a project which actually implements this on linux by dedicating cores to network cards, but my google-fu is failing me.


How to emulate a pcie device which has a cpu?

Now, some pcie device has a cpu, ex:DPU.
I want to use qemu to emulate this device.
Can qemu support this requirment?
QEMU's emulation framework doesn't support having devices which have fully programmable CPUs which can execute arbitrary guest-provided code in the same way as the main system emulated CPUs. (The main blocker is that all the CPUs in the system have to be the same architecture, eg all x86 or all Arm.)
For devices that have a CPU on them as part of their implementation but where that CPU is generally running fixed firmware that exposes a more limited interface to guest code, a QEMU device model can provide direct emulation of that limited interface, which is typically more efficient anyway.
In theory you could write a device that did a purely interpreted emulation of an onboard CPU, using QEMU facilities like timers and bottom-half callbacks to interpret a small chunk of instructions every so often. I don't know of any examples of anybody having written a device like that, though. It would be quite a lot of work and the speed of the resulting emulation would not be very fast.
This can be done by hoisting two instances of QEMU, one built with the host system architecture and the other with the secondary architecture, and connecting them through some interface.
This has been done by Xilinx by starting two separate QEMU processes with some inter-process communication between them, and by Neuroblade by building QEMU in nios2 architecture as a shared library and then loading it from a QEMU process that models the host architecture (in this case the interface can simply be modelled by direct function calls).
How can I use QEMU to simulate mixed platforms?

Linux and RTOS using SoC (ARM, Xilinx)

I am facing a design "issue". I have a board with Xilinx Zynq Soc including dual-core ARM9 and I need to develop an application to support real-time property control application (time deadlines to response time) and also application to do heavy processing (image etc.) and some basic communications between them, but most importantly I will need to be able to control the Linux part (at least e.g. to somehow suspend it, "pause it" in best case to have possibility to shut it down and then run it again). So I was wondering how to combine it.
One of the option, could be RTLinux, which at least to description, what I found offers possibility to run realtime kernel and linux kernel next to it as a thread but it seems that it is now proprieatary by WindRiver..
Then I stepped up over MicroBlaze, where it could be possible to "create" soft processor on Programmable logic, but I am not sure if I can run RTOS on ARM and Linux there?
There are two things that seem to be known as rtlinux. The one you mention, a Wind River revival of the MERT system is a product of that company. Another one, seemingly “RT Linux”, is a real time patch to the mainline kernel which provides deterministic scheduling and fine grained kernel pre-emption.
I think it is the latter one that you want. 10s of google indicates that there is a kconfig target for this SoC, so all the pieces you need should be there.
Do remember there is more to a real time system than just the ability to be real time; the subsystems also have to be well behaved.
Given your description, you have (at least) the following design options:
Dual kernel approach: this means patching the Linux kernel with a (quite invasive) patch that runs a tiny real-time kernel alongside the standard kernel. This approach allows reaching good real-time performance (even in the order of us) at the cost of complexity. It was implemented by the RTLinux project (acquired and then discontinued by Windriver), then by RTAI (mostly focusing on x86) and Xenomai.
If you go along this path, you can see if Xenomai supports your specific SoC; then patch, configure and rebuild the kernel; and finally write the real-time code following Xenomai's API.
Improving the responsiveness of the Linux standard kernel: this is what the PREEMPT_RT project aims at. The real-time performance is lower with respect to the previous approach, but you don't have to write real-time specific code. With this approach, you can patch and build the kernel, then see if the real-time performance is sufficient for your needs.
Synthesizing a Microblaze soft-core on the FPGA, then run Linux on the ARM cores and the real-time code ((either bare-metal or with an RTOS) on the Microblaze.
Unfortunately, your specific SoC does not support ARM's virtualization extensions. Otherwise there would be the additional option of Multi-OS approach: running the Linux OS on one ARM core and the real-time code (either bare-metal or with an RTOS like ERIKA Enterprise) on the other ARM core, through a hypervisor like Jailhouse or Xen.

Linux support for AMP architecture?

When I search about linux kernel, I know that linux support for SMP architecture.
But I don't find any specification about the linux for AMP.
Does linux support for AMP?
Have any documents or specification for descripting about that?
Anyone help?
Linux has the remoteproc subsystem and the closely tied virtio and rpmsg. remoteproc can be use to boot up a firmware blob on the remote core and the communicated with it using rpmsg. Examples of such processors include iMX7 and Vybrid. Vybrid has a Cortex A5 and Cortex M4.
See the documentation on remoteproc. ARM's big.Little might also interest you.
Yes. AMP precedes SMP, and both techs precede Linux.
Asymmetric multi processing was used when 2 Pentium II 33MhZ processors ran in parallel on the same motherboard.
It's an old Operating System, that is still supported in the current Linux kernel, and is in fact getting a face lift since cloud computing (which is essentially the same concept as AMP, but across a network instead of across a motherboard.
There's no recent talks about AMP around Linux devs, but just ask some of the cloud devs they'll talk your ears off about AMP.

Linux porting for RISCV multicore processor

We are developing a multi-core processor with RISCV architecture.
We had already ported Linux for single-core RISCV processor and it is working on our own FPGA based board with busybox rootfs.
I want to port Linux for multi-core RISCV processor now.
My doubts are:
Whether the gnu-riscv-gcc toolchain available now supports multi-core?
Whether spike available now supports multi-core?
Should I make any change to the bbl bootloader (Berkely bootloader) to support multi-core?
What are the changes I should make for my single-core Linux kernel to support multi-core?
The current RISC-V ecosystem already supports SMP Linux.
No changes to the compiler are required for multicore.
Spike can simulate multicore when using the '-p' flag.
BBL supports multicore.
Before building linux, configure it to support SMP.
Any hiccups, are probably due to the toolchain out of sync with the newest privileged spec changes. Last Fall, users successfully built and ran multicore Linux on RISC-V.
This is all expected to work out of the box. My standard testing flow for Linux and QEMU pull requests is to boot a Fedora root filesystem on QEMU via Linux+BBL. Instructions can be found on the QEMU Wiki Article about RISC-V. This will boot in our "virt" board, which uses VirtIO based devices. These devices have standard upstream Linux drivers that are very well supported, so there isn't really any platform-level work to be done.
In addition to the standard VirtIO-based devices, SiFive has devices that are part of the Freedom SOC platform. If you platform differs significantly from SiFive's Freedom platform then you'll need some additional drivers in both Linux and BBL.
We maintain an out-of-tree version of the drivers we haven't cleaned up for upstream yet in freedom-u-sdk, which should give you a rough idea of how much work it is. Running make qemu in that repository will boot Linux on QEMU via BBL, and running make will show you how to flash an SD card image for the HiFive Unleashed board.

What is SoC (system on chip)? Does Renesas V850 have a system on it?

I have experience writing a C program and burning the program into a chip using an IDE provided by the chip manufacturer.
I also heard that there is a concept called SoC, which means an operating system, like Linux, is running on a chip. In this case, I can run my program on the chip just like on a Linux PC.
I don't really know the differences between these two kinds of chips. Are they the same? Can I install Linux on every chip?
And I have to use a chip called Renesas V850 in my work. Which kind of chip is this V850?
SoC is just a marketing term for 'more than a processor on a chip'. It doesn't mean Linux or operating system.
Years ago, each part of a system was on its own chip: processor, serial port, memory, ADC, DAC, etc. You had a PCB and a schematic that tied them all together.
Over time, more and more got integrated into the processor, particularly for application-specific processors and microcontrollers. Today, pretty much only big iron processors like Intel and AMD flagship processors are stand-alone, and even then there's some x86 chip produced that are 'SoC's (like the AMD Geode line, if that's still around). Everything else has USB ports, serial ports, ADCs, DACs, even wireless radios integrated into the same die.
As for 'what is a Renasas v850?' You'd do better to google that and read the product documentation. It isn't an ARM or MIPs core, and it doesn't appear to support the mainline Linux kernel, only μClinux.
The Renesas V850 Wikipedia page states that the Linux kernel support for v850 has been absent since version 2.6.27 (which released in 2008).
Typically, you need to know what group your chip belongs to and to read more about it on Renesas website. They provide all the documentation you may need. There is also a section for application notes and sample code that may also help.
