What do nested parenthesis indicate in a PRIMARY KEY definition - cassandra

What is difference between these two kinds of tables in Cassandra?
First :
sensor_id int,
collected_at timestamp,
volts float,
volts2 float,
PRIMARY KEY (sensor_id, collected_at,volts )
and Second:
sensor_id int,
collected_at timestamp,
volts float,
volts2 float,
PRIMARY KEY ((sensor_id, collected_at),volts )
My questions:
What is difference between these two tables?
When would we use first table, and when would we use the second table?

The difference is the primary key. Cassandra primary key is divided in (Partition Key, Clustering Key).
Partition Key decides where a register goes within the ring and Clustering determines how the registers with same partition key are stored to make use of the on-disk sorting of columns in your queries.
First table:
Sensor_id is your Partition Key so you know every register with the same sensor_id will go to the same node.
You have two clustering keys, collected_at and volts fields so data with the same sensor_id will be stored ordered by collected_at field in ascending order and data with same sendor_id, collected_at fields will be stored ordered by volts field in ascending order.
Second table:
You will have a compound Partition Key (sensor_id, collected_at) so you know every register with the same sensor_id and collected_at will go to the same node.
Your clustering key is volts so data with same (sensor_id, collected_at) will be stored ordered by volts in ascending order.
Imagine you have billions of registers for the same sensor_id. Using the first approach you will store it in the same node so probably you will run out of space. If you use the second approach you will have to query using an exact sensor_id and collected_at timestamp so probably it doesn't make sense. Because of that in Cassandra modeling you must know what queries are you going to execute before create the model.

The first table partitions data on sensor_id only. Meaning, that all data underneath each sensor_id is stored in the same data partition. The hashed token value of sensor_id also determines which node(s) in the cluster the data partition is stored on. Data within each partition is sorted by collected_at and volts.
The second table uses a composite key on both sensor_id and collected_at to determine data partitioning. Data in each partition is sorted by volts.
When we use first table and when we use the second table ?
As you have to pass all of your partition keys in a query, the first table offers more query flexibility. That is, you can decide to query only on sensor_id, and then you can choose whether or not to also query by collected_at and then volts. In the second table, you have to query by both sensor_id and collected_at. So you have less query flexibility, but you get better data distribution out of the second model.
And actually, partitioning on a timestamp (second table) value is typically not very useful, because you would have to have that exact timestamp before executing your query. Typically what you see when timestamp components are used in a partition key, is in a technique called "date bucketing," in which you would use something with less precision like month or day. That way, you could still query for an entire month/day or whatever your bucket was.


Cassandra Data modelling with multiple tables for same data

Cassandra Data Modeling Query
The data model i am working on is as below with different tables for same data data set for satisfying different kinds of query. The data mainly stores event data of some campaigns sent out on multiple channels like email, web, mobile app, sms etc. Events can include page visits, email opens, link clicks etc for different subscribers.
Table 1:
(enterprise_id int, domain_id text, campaign_id int, event_category text, event_action text, datetime timestamp, subscription_id text, event_label text, ........) (many more columns not part of primary key)
PRIMARY KEY ((enterprise_id,campaign_id),domain_id, event_category, event_action, datetime, subscription_id))
CLUSTERING ORDER BY (domain_id DESC, event_category DESC, event_action DESC, datetime DESC, subscription_id DESC)
Keys and Data size for Table 1:
I have partition key as enterprise_id + campaign_id . Each enterprise can have several campaigns . The datastore may have data for few hundred campaigns. Each campaign can have upto 2-3 million records. Hence there may be 3000 partitions across 100 enterprises and each partition having 2-3 miilion records.
Cassandra Queries: Query always with partition key + primary key including the datetime field. The subscription id is included in primary key to keep each record unique as we can have multiple records with similar values for rest of the keys in primary key. enterprise_id +c ampaign_id is always available as a filter in the queries.
Table 2:
(enterprise_id int, domain_id text, event_category text, event_action text, datetime timestamp, subscription_id text, event_label text, campaign_id int........) (many more columns not part of primary key)
PRIMARY KEY (enterprise_id, domain_id, event_category, event_action, datetime, subscription_id))
CLUSTERING ORDER BY (domain_id DESC, event_category DESC, event_action DESC, datetime DESC, subscription_id DESC)
Keys and Data size for Table 2) : I have partition key as enterprise_id only. Each enterprise can have several campaigns . May be few hundred campaigns. Each campaign can have upto 2-3 Mn records. In this case the partition is quite big with data for all campaigns in a single partition. can have upto 800 - 900 million entries
Cassandra Queries: Query always with partition key + primary key upto datetime. The subscription id is included in primary key to keep each record unique as we can have multiple records with similar values for rest of the keys in primary key. In this case, data has to be queries across campaigns and we may not have campaign_id as a filter in the queries.
Table 3:
(enterprise_id int, subscription_id text, domain_id text, event_category text, event_action text, datetime timestamp, event_label text, campaign_id int........) (many more columns not part of primary key)
PRIMARY KEY (enterprise_id, subscription_id, domain_id, event_category, event_action, datetime, ))
CLUSTERING ORDER BY ( subscription_id DESC, domain_id DESC, event_category DESC, event_action DESC, datetime DESC,)
Keys and Data size for Table 3) : I have partition key as enterprise_id. Each enterprise can have several campaigns . May be few hundred campaigns. Each campaign can have upto 2-3 Mn records. In this case the partition is quite big with data for all campaigns in a single partition. can have upto 800 -900 million entries
Cassandra Queries: Query always with partition key + primary key as subscription_id only. Should be able to query directly on enterprise_id + subscription_id.
My Queries:
Size of data on each partition: With Table 2) and Table 3) i may end up with more than 800 -900 million rows per partition. As per my reading it is not ok to have so many entries per partition. How can i achieve my use case in this scenario? Even if i create multiple partitions based on some data like a week_number (1-52 in a year), the query will need to query across all partitions and end up using a IN clause with all week numbers which is as good as scanning all data.
Is it ok to have multiple tables with same partition key and different primary keys with Clustering order change? For example in Table 2 and Table 3 the hash will be on enterprise_id and will lead to same node. However only the clustering key order has changed and will allow me to query directly on the required key. Will the data be in different physical partitions for Table2 and Table3 in such a scenario? Or if it maps to same partition number how will cassandra internally distinguish between the two tables?
Is it ok to use ALLOW FILTERING if i specify the partition key. For example i can avoid the need for creating Table 3 and use table 2 for query on subscription_id directly if i use ALLOW FILTERING on Table 2. What will be the impact again.
First of all, please only as one question per question. Given the length and detail required for your answers, this post is unlikely to provide long term value for future users.
As per my reading it is not ok to have so many entries per partition. How can I achieve my use case in this scenario?
Unfortunately, if partitioning on a time component will not work, then you'll have to find some other column to partition the data by. I've seen rows-per-partition work ok in the range of 50k to 20k. Most of those use cases on the higher end had small partitions. It looks like your model has many columns, so I'd be curious as to the average partition size. Essentially, find a column to partition on which keeps your partition sizes in the 10MB to 1MB range.
Is it ok to have multiple tables with same partition key and different primary keys with Clustering order change?
Yes, this is perfectly fine.
Will the data be in different physical partitions for Table2 and Table3 in such a scenario? Or if it maps to same partition number how will cassandra internally distinguish between the two tables?
The partition is hashed into a number ranging from +/- 2^63. That number will then be compared to the partition ranges mapped to all nodes, and then the query will be sent to that node. So all the partition does, is determine which node is responsible for the data.
The tables have their data files written to different directories, based on table name. So Cassandra distinguishes between the tables by the table name provided in the query. Nothing you need to worry about.
Is it ok to use ALLOW FILTERING if I specify the partition key.
I would still recommend against it if you're concerned about performance. But the good thing about using the ALLOW FILTERING directive while specifying a full partition key, will indeed prevent Cassandra from reading multiple nodes to build the result set. So that should be ok. The only drawback here, is that Cassandra stores/reads data from disk by the defined CLUSTERING ORDER, and using ALLOW FILTERING obviously complicates that process (forcing random reads vs. sequential reads).

Apache Cassandra stock data model design

I got a lot of data regarding stock prices and I want to try Apache Cassandra out for this purpose. But I'm not quite familiar with the primary/ partition/ clustering keys.
My database columns would be:
My users will always filter for the Stock_Symbol (where stock_symbol=XX) and then they might filter for a certain time range (Greater/ Less than (equals)). There will be around 30.000 stock symbols.
Also, what is the big difference when using another "filter", e.g. exchange_id (only two stock exchanges are available).
So my users would first filter for the stock exchange (which is more or less a foreign key), then for the stock symbol (which is also more or less a foreign key). The data would be inserted/ written in this order as well.
How do I have to choose the keys?
The Quick Answer
Based on your use-case and predicted query pattern, I would recommend one of the following for your table:
PRIMARY KEY (Stock_Symbol, Timestamp)
The partition key is made of Stock_Symbol, and Timestamp is the only clustering column. This will allow WHERE to be used with those two fields. If either are to be filtered on, filtering on Stock_Symbol will be required in the query and must come as the first condition to WHERE.
Or, for the second case you listed:
PRIMARY KEY ((Exchange_ID, Stock_Symbol), Timestamp)
The partition key is composed of Exchange_ID and Stock_Symbol, and Timestamp is the only clustering column. This will allow WHERE to be used with those three fields. If any of those three are to be filtered on, filtering on both Exchange_ID and Stock_Symbol will be required in the query and must come in that order as the first two conditions to WHERE.
See the last section of this answer for a few other variations that could also be applied based on your needs.
Long Answer & Explanation
Primary Keys, Partition Keys, and Clustering Columns
Primary keys in Cassandra, similar to their role in relational databases, serve to identify records and index them in order to access them quickly. However, due to the distributed nature of records in Cassandra, they serve a secondary purpose of also determining which node that a given record should be stored on.
The primary key in a Cassandra table is further broken down into two parts - the Partition Key, which is mandatory and by default is the first column in the primary key, and optional clustering column(s), which are all fields that are in the primary key that are not a part of the partition key.
Here are some examples:
Exchange_ID is the sole field in the primary key and is also the partition key. There are no additional clustering columns.
PRIMARY KEY (Exchange_ID, Timestamp, Stock_Symbol)
Exchange_ID, Timestamp, and Stock_Symbol together form a composite primary key. The partition key is Exchange_ID and Timestamp and Stock_Symbol are both clustering columns.
PRIMARY KEY ((Exchange_ID, Timestamp), Stock_Symbol)
Exchange_ID, Timestamp, and Stock_Symbol together form a composite primary key. The partition key is composed of both Exchange_ID and Timestamp. The extra parenthesis grouping Exchange_ID and Timestamp group them into a single composite partition key, and Stock_Symbol is a clustering column.
PRIMARY KEY ((Exchange_ID, Timestamp))
Exchange_ID and Timestamp together form a composite primary key. The partition key is composed of both Exchange_ID and Timestamp. There are no clustering columns.
But What Do They Do?
Internally, the partitioning key is used to calculate a token, which determines on which node a record is stored. The clustering columns are not used in determining which node to store the record on, but they are used in determining order of how records are laid out within the node - this is important when querying a range of records. Records whose clustering columns are similar in value will be stored close to each other on the same node; they "cluster" together.
Filtering in Cassandra
Due to the distributed nature of Cassandra, fields can only be filtered on if they are indexed. This can be accomplished in a few ways, usually by being a part of the primary key or by having a secondary index on the field. Secondary indexes can cause performance issues according to DataStax Documentation, so it is typically recommended to capture your use-cases using the primary key if possible.
Any field in the primary key can have a WHERE clause applied to it (unlike unindexed fields which cannot be filtered on in the general case), but there are some stipulations:
Order Matters - The primary key fields in the WHERE clause must be in the order that they are defined; if you have a primary key of (field1, field2, field3), you cannot do WHERE field2 = 'value', but rather you must include the preceding fields as well: WHERE field1 = 'value' AND field2 = 'value'.
The Entire Partition Key Must Be Present - If applying a WHERE clause to the primary key, the entire partition key must be given so that the cluster can determine what node in the cluster the requested data is located in; if you have a primary key of ((field1, field2), field3), you cannot do WHERE field1 = 'value', but rather you must include the full partition key: WHERE field1 = 'value' AND field2 = 'value'.
Applied to Your Use-Case
With the above info in mind, you can take the analysis of how users will query the database, as you've done, and use that information to design your data model, or more specifically in this case, the primary key of your table.
You mentioned that you will have about 30k unique values for Stock_Symbol and further that it will always be included in WHERE cluases. That sounds initially like a resonable candidate for a partition key, as long as queries will include only a single value that they are searching for in Stock_Symbol (e.g. WHERE Stock_Symbol = 'value' as opposed to WHERE Stock_Symbol < 'value'). If a query is intended to return multiple records with multiple values in Stock_Symbol, there is a danger that the cluster will need to retrieve data from multiple nodes, which may result in performance penalties.
Further, if your users wish to filter on Timestamp, it should also be a part of the primary key, though wanting to filter on a range indicates to me that it probably shouldn't be a part of the partition key, so it would be a good candidate for a clustering column.
This brings me to my recommendation:
PRIMARY KEY (Stock_Symbol, Timestamp)
If it were important to distribute data based on both the Stock_Symbol and the Timestamp, you could introduce a pre-calculated time-bucketed field that is based on the time but with less cardinality, such as Day_Of_Week or Month or something like that:
PRIMARY KEY ((Stock_Symbol, Day_Of_Week), Timestamp)
If you wanted to introduce another field to filtering, such as Exchange_ID, it could be a part of the partition key, which would mandate it being included in filters, or it could be a part of the clustering column, which would mean that it wouldn't be required unless subsequent fields in the primary key needed to be filtered on. As you mentioned that users will always filter by Exchange_ID and then by Stock_Symbol, it might make sense to do:
PRIMARY KEY ((Exchange_ID, Stock_Symbol), Timestamp)
Or to make it non-mandatory:
PRIMARY KEY (Stock_Symbol, Exchange_ID, Timestamp)

Should every table in Cassandra have a partition key?

I am trying to create a Cassandra table where i store the logs for a shop as per the timestamp. I also want to create a query which returns the data in a descending order with respect to the timestamp. If I make my timestamp as the primary key it will be automatically be the partition key as i don't have any other columns as composite primary key.
And in Cassandra we can't do ORDER BY on partition keys. Is there any way that I make my timestamp as primary key and not as partition key (A Cassandra DB without a partition key).
Thanks in advance.
table creation if required :
CREATE TABLE myCass.logs(timestamp timestamp, logs text, PRIMARY KEY (timestamp));
Since you have the timestamp you know the year, month, day. You could use those as your partition key and have the timestamp as a clustering column. In this way you would satisfy also the need for a partition key, you will have a primary key for the data, you could order by on timestamps and you would evenly spread your data across the cluster.
This way of splitting data is called bucketing. Here is some good reading on this subject - Cassandra Time Series Data Modeling For Massive Scale

Cassandra Cql schema best practice

Here I am again asking similar question after getting really a great explanation on
How do secondary indexes work in Cassandra?
CREATE TABLE update_audit (
scopeid bigint,
formid bigint,
time timestamp,
operation int,
record_id bigint,
ipaddress text,
user_id bigint,
value text,
PRIMARY KEY ((scopeid), formid, time)
operation Column possible values are 1,2 and 3. Low cardinality.
record_link_id high-cardinality. every entry can be unique.
user_id is the best candidate for Index according to How do secondary indexes work in Cassandra? and The sweet spot for cassandra secondary indexing.
Search should work based on
time with limit 100.
operation and time with limit 100.
user_id and time with limit 100.
record_id and time with limit 100.
total records more than 10,000M
which One is best
- creating Index over operation, user_id and record_id and applying limit 100.
1) Does Hidden columnfamily for index operation Will return only 100 results?
2) More seeks will slow down the fetch operation?
OR Create a new columnfamily with definition like
CREATE TABLE audit_operation_idx (
scopeid bigint,
formid bigint,
operation int,
time timeuuid,
PRIMARY KEY ((scopeid), formid, operation, time)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (formid ASC, operation ASC, time DESC)
required two select query for single select operation.
So, if I will create new columnfamily for operation, user_id and record_id
I have to make a batch query to insert into these four columnfamilies.
3) Does TCP problems will come? while executing batch query.because writes will be huge.
4) what else should I cover to avoid unnecessary problems.
There are three options.
Create a new table and use bulk insert. If the size of insert query becomes huge you'll have to configure its related parameter. Don't worry about writes in Cassandra.
Create a materialized View with required columns of where clause.
Create secondary index if cardinality is low. (Not recommended)

Order by with Cassandra No Sql Db

I'm starting to using Cassandra but I'm getting some problems on "ordering" or "selecting".
CREATE TABLE functions (
id_function int,
sort int,
id_subfunction int,
php_class varchar,
php_function varchar,
PRIMARY KEY (id_function, sort, id_subfunction)
This is my table.
If I execute this query
SELECT * FROM functions WHERE id_subfunction = 0 ORDER BY sort;
this is what I get.
Bad Request: ORDER BY is only supported when the partition key is restricted by an EQ or an IN.
Where I'm doing wrong?
PRIMARY KEY (id_function, sort, id_subfunction)
In Cassandra CQL the columns in a compound PRIMARY KEY are either partitioning keys or clustering keys. In your case, id_function (the first key listed) is the partitioning key. This is the key value that is hashed so that your data for that key can be evenly distributed on your cluster.
The remaining columns (sort and id_subfunction) are known as clustering columns, which determine the sort order of your data within a partition. This essentially means that your data will only be sorted by your clustering key(s) when a partitioning key is first designated in your WHERE clause.
You have two options:
1) Query this table by id_function instead:
SELECT * FROM functions WHERE id_function= 0 ORDER BY sort;
This will technically work, although I'm guessing that it won't give you the results that you are looking for.
2) The better option, is to create a "query table." This is a table designed to specifically handle your query by id_subfunction. It only differs from the original functions table in that the PRIMARY KEY is defined with id_subfunction as the partitioning key:
CREATE TABLE functionsbysubfunction (
id_function int,
sort int,
id_subfunction int,
php_class varchar,
php_function varchar,
PRIMARY KEY (id_subfunction, sort, id_function)
This query table will allow this query to function as expected:
SELECT * FROM functionsbysubfunction WHERE id_subfunction = 0;
And you shouldn't need to indicateORDER BY, unless you want to specify either ASCending or DESCending order.
Remember with Cassandra, it is important to design your data model according to how you want to query your data. And that may not necessarily be the way that it originally makes sense to store it.
