I'm trying to use Atom as external diff tool in tortoise svn.
Manually I am able to open files from command line, via palette run 'Pane: Split left and move active item' and then 'Split Diff:Enable'.
Any idea how to do it automatically?
You can use the tortoise-svn plugin, it lets you use all the tortoiseSVN commands by clickn rightClick on the project folder inside atom (in the treeview).
If you are lookin for something like changing the color of the file whenever it is different from the repo in the treeview like with github, then you can install the plugin SVN. Apparently that plugin does that, but im stucked in how to make it work.
I'm trying to use the Monogame Content Builder in Linux with VS Code. I installed this extension in order to easily run the Content.mgcb file, but when I right click the file, the option to run it doesn't appear. Alternatively, when I run dotnet mgcb-editor in the terminal, this window shows up, but there's no option to import a file or do anything! This is what it looks like:
What am I doing wrong? Why won't the extension work, and why won't the the editor open properly? I'm pretty sure the editor should look like this (this image is from a tutorial).
The Linux GTK version displays differently than the windows version.
Use the New button(Leftmost on Bar) or Open button to specify the .mgcb file in the project folder.
Once a file is open, the Bar adds buttons on the left for Build, Rebuild and Clean and Save on the right.
Right-Click the Content node under project to Add existing or add new or build.
In IntelliJ there is a gutter to the left of the text editing area that can show git diffs. I would like to have the same thing in android studio. Is there a way to make this appear?
I've run into this issue a couple times using Android Studio there are two reasons I've seen Git diffs not show in the gutter.
The Git VCS path for the project isn't set. You can typically set this in your project by going to:
System Preferences > VCS
Then hitting the + button and adding your Git root directory.
The project xml is borked. Sometimes a corruption exists some where in the code directory. Unfortunately, after hours of searching through XML in the .idea directory and other files and directories I was never able to find the culprit. However, simply deleting the project, pulling it down from source control and re-importing it into Android Studio re-enabled the git diffing in the sidebar.
If you already have the git-repository associated with project. And you just need to enable VCS, to be able to perform operations (pull, push, etc.). You need to select : VCS >> enable VCS. Then after, it is automatically able to understand the source-control associated with the project. You can validate, by selecting : VCS >> Git >> Branches.
NOTE : I had been using git for version-controling, hence it shows "Git" option in the VCS menu list. This may differ based on your tool.
I've been playing with haml and sass and generating a flat site with staticmatic from the command line.
Has anyone been using an ide for this?
I have the Apatana studio (RadRails) plugin installed and it has haml & sass highlighting out of the box. For this site I just want a lightweight script project (no rails).
What type of project would I use, and how would i add something so i could for example, right click the project folder in order to run
staticmatic build [my-project]
(or other) to generate the site from the haml + sass?
I like staticmatic as I can use ruby libraries as helpers.
Happy to take suggestions about any editor. But i am also keen to stick with one editor for everything. (also WTB auto complete).
You can run rake tasks from the RadRails IDE, though I didn't manage to get it work. Ruby is probably right choice for the project type. I don't like IDEs because they complicate and slow things down. So my choice is normally Textmate + terminal.
Take a look at Rakefile in this project: https://github.com/adamstac/staticmatic-bootstrap
This isn't exactly what you're asking for...but take a look at a tiny script that I wrote. It will watch directories of your choosing for changes in SCSS and HAML and compile them to html and css. You could make some minor edits to watch.rb if desired, run this in a terminal, and have the site generated without even having to run a command.
PS - if you decide to try this out, you'll need the fssm gem from github or rubygems.org.
A Ruby or Web project type would be most fitting, though I don't think it would matter which in this case.
You can achieve custom commands a number of ways...
You can write up a Rake task in the project Rakefile as Heikki suggested, and then right click and use the Rake menu (as of Studio 3.0.2) to launch that task, or run it inside the embedded Terminal view.
You can write/edit a custom ruble and add a command for launching staticmatic. See http://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/tis/Executing+an+External+Command
You can go the Eclipse route and create an "External Tool Launch configuration" under Run > External Tools. External Tools configuration... > Program. There you can set up a launch to execute some program (say the ruby interpreter or staticmatic script itself) and pass in the argument. Then you can use the run drop-down menu.
Thanks for letting me know I can change my posts this way. I am actually done with adding the project manager to my liking but now I am trying to ad snipmate to my plugins now entirely sure how though.
The project plugin needs a project file in your $HOME directory called .vimproject. A sample entry could be as follows on Windows (if you're using linux, replace vimfileswith .vim):
VIMSTUFF="~/vimfiles" CD=. flags=r {
This project holds all my vim related files that I created such as my_plugin.vim and after/syntax/c.vim.
To edit the .vimprojects file, open up vim and press F12 which will toggle the project window.
The documentation of the project plugin provides a few samples that will guide you how to start.
I'm working on a project where Subversion is used to maintain version control. I use TortoiseSVN to access the project repository.
Some changes were made between two revisions on a project (let's call them rev1 and rev2), and I want to be able to apply these changes to a working copy somewhere that temporarily does not have access to the repository.
I right-clicked on a project folder, clicked 'SVN show log', selected the two revisions and selected 'Show changes as unified diff'.
This causes a window to be shown, displaying output that very much looks like a patch file that I could save. Unfortunately, I find that there is no option in the window that lets me save this as a patch file.
How can I create the patch file?
The next version of TortoiseSVN (1.7.x) will have that save option. In the meantime, you can configure a plain text editor as your unified diff viewer:
Settings dialog->External Programs->Unified Diff Viewer
There you could, for example, specify notepad.exe as your diff viewer.
One way to achieve you goal is to right click on the revision in the TortoiseSVN log and choose "Merge revision to...". Then you select you local working project and click OK.