Bash : how to grep string from file - linux

am having issue with grep as VESTACP is using it a lot.
i have file mysql.conf
HOST='localhost' USER='root' PASSWORD='xxxxxx' CHARSETS='UTF8,LATIN1,WIN1250,WIN1251,WIN1252,WIN1256,WIN1258,KOI8' MAX_DB='500' U_SYS_USERS='' U_DB_BASES='1' SUSPENDED='no' TIME='05:32:47' DATE='2016-03-20'
now when i run
echo host_str=$(grep "HOST='$1'" $VESTA/conf/mysql.conf)
i get empty result , although there is HOST in mysql.conf file which i pasted above in code
so any idea whats wrong with it
UPDATE :: Vesta db connect code block
host_str=$(grep "HOST='$1'" $VESTA/conf/mysql.conf)
eval $host_str
if [ -z $HOST ] || [ -z $USER ] || [ -z $PASSWORD ]; then
echo "Error: mysql config parsing failed"
log_event "$E_PARSING" "$EVENT"
and i get
Error: mysql config parsing failed

$1 is the first parameter of your script.
So, host_str=$(grep "HOST='$1'" $VESTA/conf/mysql.conf) gets the line containing some variables from your file according to your parameter, and eval $host_str sets these variables in your script.
Therefore, your script needs an argument to know which host to look for in your file, in your case, it's localhost, so run: ./ localhost.

You probably don't want to use $1. Rather try this:
echo host_str=$(grep -o "HOST='[^']*'" $VESTA/conf/mysql.conf)
The [^']* expands to everything that happens to be in between the single quotes. The option -o makes sure you only get the matching string, not the whole line, if that is what you want.


Im missing an output from MOTD, MTU and users from docker group

So, I'm writing a bash script that doesnt give me any output.
The script is:
a) going to detect what operating system that is running
b) And know what package managers to use between APT, DNF and Pacman.
Further in the script it is:
a) going to choose the correct package manager to use when installing both Docker and Docker-Compose.
I have written down the MOTD function that should show a message on my ubuntu server.
Im creating a function that adds users to a docker group.
Configuring Docker Daemon that sets a specific MTU value to 1442 and logging.
The problem is that I dont get any output, otherwise from the MTU value that is actually 1442, that seems correct in my script.
Furhter i should get an empty line where i can get an input scenario to add a user that will be added in to a docker group.
# This script will install Docker and Docker-Compose, configure the Docker daemon,
# and add specified users to the docker group.
# Define default values
# Function to detect operating system
detect_os() {
if [ -f /etc/lsb-release ]; then
elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then
elif [ -f /etc/arch-release ]; then
echo "Error: Unable to detect operating system."
exit 1
# Function to update MOTD
update_motd() {
local motd_file="/etc/motd"
echo "$1" > "$motd_file"
echo "MOTD updated with message: $1"
# Function to add users to docker group
add_users() {
local users="$1"
local group="docker"
for user in $users; do
# Check if user exists
if ! id "$user" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
useradd "$user"
echo "User $user created."
# Add user to docker group
usermod -aG "$group" "$user"
echo "User $user added to $group group."
# Function to install Docker and Docker-Compose
install_docker() {
local package_manager="$1"
local packages="docker docker-compose"
case "$package_manager" in
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y $packages
sudo dnf install -y $packages
sudo pacman -S --noconfirm $packages
echo "Error: Invalid package manager: $package_manager"
exit 1
# Function to configure Docker daemon
configure_docker() {
local mtu="$1"
local config_file="/etc/docker/daemon.json"
# Create config file if it does not exist
if [ ! -f "$config_file" ]; then
sudo touch "$config_file"
sudo chmod 644 "$config_file"
# Update MTU value in config file
sudo sh -c "echo '{\"mtu\": $mtu}' > $config_file"
echo "Docker daemon configured with MTU=$mtu."
# Parse command line argume
while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
--motd )
shift 2
shift 2
shift 2
echo "MOTD: $MOTD"
echo "USERS: $USERS"
echo "MTU: $MTU"
echo "Script is finish"
The output doesnt show me anything more than the MTU=1442, and missing the users and MOTD.
Im not sure if I was clear enough, but from my project i thought my script was correct, but probably I'm missing some logic any places in my script. The projects tasks are described above, but im not sure if im on the right way here
Would appreciate any suggestions for the way in my script :)
This is not a full-fix of your script - since I'm sure you are not about to cheat on your project but want to understand and know why your script doesn't provide your expected output so you will be able to develop it on your own.
Here I'm pasting a small script that may help you better understand the basic usage of functions in BASH. Hope it will help 🤞.
### Defining function - Functions are reusable code blocks in the script and can accept arguments while calling them.
# So each time we call an individual function later in the script we may pass different arguments to it (if needed).
echo "this is a function that doesn't expect any arguments."
echo "End of 'my_function1'"
echo "this is a function that do expect an argument."
echo "this function expects one argument to print/echo it."
echo "Hello ${1}" # <-- Numerical Variables ($1 $2 .. $N) are reserved variables in 'BASH' which values are assigned from the relevant argument(s) provided to them on script runtime and function runtime.
echo "End of 'my_function2'"
echo "this is a function that expect one or more arguments."
echo "this function print/echo all arguments passed to it."
echo "Hi ${#}"
echo "End of 'my_function3'"
### Calling the functions to execute their code - we may pass relevant argument(s) to them.
# This is done by using the function name - and any parameter/string added after the function name will be passed to it as the function's argument accordingly.
# Running the `my_function1` without providing any arguments - since it is not neccessary.
# Print an empty line to seperate outputs
echo ""
# Running the `my_function2` passing it a name as argument. Ex. Vegard
my_function2 Vegard
# Print an empty line to seperate outputs
echo ""
# Running the `my_function3` passing it a `name` as first argument and a `LAST_NAME` as second argument. Ex. Vegard YOUR_LASTNAME
my_function3 Vegard YOUR_LASTNAME
# Print an empty line to seperate outputs
echo ""
### End of the script.
# Exitting the script with the `0` exit-code.
exit 0
Bonus Update #1
How to provide arguments to a script at run time:
You can provide arguments to the scripts almost in the same way as providing arguments to the functions.
Assuming the script file name is, it is located in our current working directory, and it is executable:
NAME - as first argument.
LAST_NAME - as second argument.
Run the script as follows:
Bonus Update #2
How to provide Dynamic arguments to a function from the script run time:
If you need to provide a dynamic argument for a function at runtime instead of having hard-coded argument(s) for that function, you may use the same
reserved numeric variables princip.
Simple example
Consider you run your script providing some argument that can be change on every run.
./ firstarg secondarg "last arg"
Note: If a single argument contains space character should be quoted to avoid detecting it as separate arguments - same applies to providing arguments to funtions
Sum-up: These arguments will can be called by $1 $2 .. $<N> variables accordingly within the Script anywhere out of the Functions code blocks.
${#} or ${*} will get all the provided arguments - google to find their difference.
Consider you defined functions that works with one or more arguments.
# Since this $1 is defined in the function's block itself, it
# will get its value from the argument provided to function
# at run-time Not directly from the arguments provided to the Script!
echo "Argument I got is: ${1}"
# Printing the first three arguments provided to function
# delimited by Collons.
echo "Arguments I got are: ${1} : ${2} : ${3}"
# $# will get all the argument provided to function
# at run-time Not directly from the arguments provided to the Script!
echo "All arguments got are: ${#}"
### Now at calling those functions
# Providing a static argument
# Passing the First argument provided to the script at run-time to the same function.
my_function "${1}"
# Passing the Three arguments provided to the script at run-time to this function.
my_other_function "${1}" "${2}" "${3}"
# Passing all the provided arguments of the script to this function at run-time.
another_function ${#}
The same numeric reserved variables that used to refer to the argument passed to the script can be passed to a function when calling it, and in the same manner the function's arguments can be referred from within the function block.
The behavior of a script that deals with any argument that will contain space or other special character may vary since the Bash threats them differently.

How can I store the result of this command as a variable in my bash script?

I'm building a simple tool that will let me know if a site "" resolves. If I run the command "ping | grep "Name or service not known"" in the linux command line then it only returns text if the site does not resolve. Any working site returns nothing.
Using this I want to check if the result of that command is empty, and if it is I want to perform an action.
Problem is no matter what I do the variable is empty! And it still just prints the result to stdout instead of storing it.
I've already tried switching between `command` and $(command), and removed the pipe w/ the grep, but it has not worked
result=$(ping | grep "Name or service not known")
echo "Result var = " $result
if ["$result" = ""]
then resolved
#/usr/local/bin/textMe/ " has resolved"
echo "It would send the text"
When I run the script it prints this:
ping: Name or service not known
Result var =
It would send the text
It's almost certainly because that error is going to standard error rather than standard output (the latter which will be captured by $()).
You can combine standard error into the output stream as follows:
result=$(ping 2>&1 | grep "Name or service not known")
In addition, you need spaces separating the [ and ] characters from the expression:
if [ "$result" = "" ]
Or even slightly more terse, just check whether ping succeeds, e.g.
if ping -q -c 1 &>/dev/null
echo "It would send the text"
## set result or whatever else you need on success here
This produces no output due to the redirection to /dev/null and succeeds only if a successful ping of succeeds.

Checking cmd line argument in bash script bypass the source statement

I have an bash script "" like this:
# load Xilinx environment settings
source $XILINX/../
cp -r "../../../EDK/platform" "hw_platform"
if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then
cp $1/system.xml hw_platform/system.xml
echo "Done"
Normally I run it as "./" and it execute the "source" statement to set environment variables correct. Sometimes I need to let the script to copy file from an alternative place, I run it as "./ ~/alternative_path/"; My script check whether there is an cmd line argument by checking $# against 0.
When I do that, the "source" statement at the beginning of the script somehow get skipped, and build failed. I have put two "echo" before and after the "source", and I see echo statements get executed.
Currently I circumvent this issue by "source $XILINX/../;". However, please advise what I have done wrong in the script? Thanks.
Try storing the values of your positional paramaters first on an array variable then reset them to 0. "$XILINX/../" may be acting differently when it detects some arguments.
# Store arguments.
# Reset to 0 arguments.
set --
# load Xilinx environment settings
source "$XILINX/../"
cp -r "../../../EDK/platform" "hw_platform"
if [[ ${#ARGS[#]} -ne 0 ]]; then
cp "${ARGS[0]}/system.xml" hw_platform/system.xml
echo "Done"

Need to fix if else script

I wanted to make a script which should take an argument and check if it is equal to a given word and then display a message accordingly. I use the bash shell of ubuntu OS. I tried something as per the tutorial - and it failed.
if ["$1"=="password"]
echo correct password
echo wrong password
bash password.
error message is -
[password=password]: command not found.
How to fix it ?
if [ "$1" == "password" ]
echo correct password
echo wrong password
The expression after the if is actually a command, and commands are delimited by whitespaces. So your command is ["$1"=="password"] that expands to [password==password], that obiously does not exist (/usr/bin/[password==password] anyone?).
In my corrected code, the command is [ (yes, there is a /bin/[) and the rest of the line are the arguments.
See man test for details (test is a kind-of-alias for [).

Bash config file or command line parameters

If I am writing a bash script, and I choose to use a config file for parameters. Can I still pass in parameters for it via the command line? I guess I'm asking can I do both on the same command?
The watered down code:
source builder.conf
function xmitBuildFile {
for IP in "{SERVER_LIST[#]}"
echo $1#$IP
$bash> ./ myname
My expected output should be myname# and myname#, but when I do an $ echo $#, I am getting 0, even when I passed in 'myname' on the command line.
Assuming the "config file" is just a piece of shell sourced into the main script (usually containing definitions of some variables), like this:
. /etc/script.conf
of course you can use the positional parameters anywhere (before or after ". /etc/..."):
echo "$#"
test -n "$1" && ...
you can even define them in the script or in the very same config file:
test $# = 0 && set -- a b c
Yes, you can. Furthemore, it depends on your architecture of script. You can overwrite parametrs with values from config and vice versa.
By the way shflags may be pretty useful in writing such script.
