Azure stream analytics - How to redirect or handle error events/rows? - azure

Is there a way to capture and redirect data error events/rows to a separate output?
For example, say I have events coming through and for some reason there are data conversion errors. I would like to handle those errors and do something, probably a separate output for further investigation?
Currently in stream analytics error policy, if an event fails to be written to output we only got two options
Drop - which just drops the event (or)
Retry - retries writing the event until it succeeds

Collecting all error events is not supported currently. You can enable diagnostic logs and get a a sample of every kind of error at frequent intervals.
Here is the documentation link.
If there is a way for you to filter such events in the query itself, then you could redirect such events to a different output and reprocess that later.


Azure Monitor alert is sending false failure email notifications of failure count of 1 for Functions app

I have a Functions app where I've configured signal logic to send me an alert whenever a failure greater than or equal to one has occurred in my application. I have been getting emails everyday saying my Azure Monitor alert was triggered followed by an email later saying that the failure was resolved. I know that my app didn't fail because I checked in Application Insights. For instance, I did not have a failure today, but did have a failures the prior 2 days:
However, I did receive a failure email today. If I go to configure the signal logic where I set a static threshold of failure count greater than or equal to 1 it shows this:
Why is it showing a failure for today, when I know that isn't true from the Application Insights logs? Also, if I change the signal logic to look at total failures instead of count of failures, it looks correct:
I've decided to use the total failures metric instead, but it seems that the count functionality is broken.
Additional screenshot:
I suggest you can use Custom log search as the signal if you have already connected your function app with Application insights(I'd like to use this kind of signal, and don't see such behavior like yours).
The steps as below:
Step 1: For signal, please select Custom log search. The screenshot is as below:
Step 2: When the azure function times out, it will throw an error and the error type is Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host.FunctionTimeoutException, so you can use the query below to check if it times out or not:
| where type == "Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host.FunctionTimeoutException"
Put the above query in the "Search query" field, and configure other settings as per your need. The screenshot is as below:
Then configure other settings like action group etc. Please let me know if you still have such issue.
One thing should be noted: Some kinds of triggers support retry logic, like blogtrigger. So if it reties, you can also receive the alert email. But you can disable the retry logic as per this doc.

How can I get old cloud-watch logs in node js lambda code (aws-sdk)

I want to get old cloud watch logs into my lambda code and update it in some other db. I want to use AWS-SDK solution so that i can write code in NODEJS to get some changes in logs n save it to some other DB
GetLogEvents method may work for you.
Lists log events from the specified log stream. You can list all the log events or filter using a time range.
By default, this operation returns as many log events as can fit in a response size of 1MB (up to 10,000 log events). You can get additional log events by specifying one of the tokens in a subsequent call.
here is the link for details

Azure Function Event Hub Trigger reliability

I'm a bit confused regarding the EventHubTrigger for Azure functions.
I've got an IoT Hub, and am using its eventhub-compatible endpoint to trigger an Azure function that is going to process and store the received data.
However, if my function fails (= throws an exception), that message (or messages) being processed during that function call will get lost. I actually would expect the Azure function runtime to process the messages at a later time again. Specifically, I would expect this behavior because the EventHubTrigger is keeping checkpoints in the Function Apps storage account in order to keep track of where in the event stream it has to continue.
The documention of the EventHubTrigger even states that
If all function executions succeed without errors, checkpoints are added to the associated storage account
But still, even when I deliberately throw exceptions in my function, the checkpoints will get updated and the messages will not get received again.
Is my understanding of the EventHubTriggers documentation wrong, or is the EventHubTriggers implementation (or its documentation) wrong?
This piece of documentation seems confusing indeed. I guess they mean the errors of Function App host itself, not of your code. An exception inside function execution doesn't stop the processing and checkpointing progress.
The fact is that Event Hubs are not designed for individual message retries. The processor works in batches, and it can either mark the whole batch as processed (i.e. create a checkpoint after it), or retry the whole batch (e.g. if the process crashed).
See this forum question and answer.
If you still need to re-process failed events from Event Hub (and errors don't happen too often), you could implement such mechanism yourself. E.g.
Add an output Queue binding to your Azure Function.
Add try-catch around processing code.
If exception is thrown, add the problematic event to the Queue.
Have another Function with Queue trigger to process those events.
Note that the downside of this is that you will loose ordering guarantee provided by Event Hubs (since Queue message will be processed later than its neighbors).
Quick fix. As retry policy would not work if down system is down for few hours. You can call Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); in exception handling. This would stop the checkpoint moving forward. I have tested this with consumption based function app. You will not see anything in logs but i added email to notify that something went wrong and to avoid data loss i have killed the function instance.
Hope this helps.
Would put an blog over it and other part of workflow where I stop function in case of continuous failure on down system using logic app.

Azure Functions notification on failure

I have timer-triggered Azure functions running in production, but now I want to be notified if the function fails.
In my case, access to various connected services can cause crashes, and there are many to troubleshoot. The crash is the type of error I need notification for.
When the function does fail, the log entry indicates failure, so I wonder if there is a hook in the system that would allow me to cause the system to generate a notification.
I know that blob and queue bindings, for instance, support the creation of poison queue entries, but timer trigger binding doesn't say anything about any trigger outputs of that nature.
I see that functions can pass their $return status as input to other functions, but that operation is not explained in depth in the docs. Also, in that case, I need to write another function to process the error status, and I was looking for something built-in.
I Have inquired with #AzureSupport on this, but their answer had nothing to do with Azure Functions, instead referring me to DLL notification hooks, then recommending I file on uservoice.
I'm sure there must be people here who have implemented some sort of error status notification. I prefer a solution that doesn't require code.
The recommended way to monitor and alert on failures is to use AppInsights which integrates fully with Azure Functions now
Since all the logs are available in AppInsights it's easy to monitor for failures and setup alerts based on your own criteria.
However, if you only care about alerting and not things like monitoring etc, you could use Azure Monitor instead:
When the function does fail, the log entry indicates failure, so I wonder if there is a hook in the system that would allow me to cause the system to generate a notification.
I prefer a solution that doesn't require code.
This is a zero-code solution:
I poked #AzureFunctions once before on this topic, and a suggested response was to use Application Insights. It can handle the alerts upon failure and also can use webhooks.
See the Azure Functions App-Insights documentation on how to link your function app to App Insights. Then set up any alerts you want.
Unfortunately this hook doesn't exist.
Can you switch from a timer trigger to a queue trigger?
You can get retries (if you want them), and after the specified number of attempts the message is sent to a poison queue.
To schedule executions you can add queue messages with a visibility timeout to match your schedule.
In order to get alerts on failure you have two options:
A timer trigger than scans the execution logs (via SFTP) for failures.
Wrap the whole function in a try/catch block and in the catch block write a few lines to send you an email with the error details.
Hope this helps.
No code:
Go to your azure cloud account
From the menu select Monitor
Then select Add New Rule
Then Select your condition, action and add the alert details.

Stream Analytic to PowerBI complains about PowerBIOutputAdapterTransientError

I'm outputting a Stream Analytics job to It successfully sends the first 11-100 messages just fine, but after which it fails. In the operational log it says the operation "failed to send events" and is categorized as a "PowerBIOutputAdapterTransientError" without much other information. What are the symptoms of this type of error?
Messages are still going through Event Hubs but all operations seem to be haulted on the PowerBI side.
Looks like this was a transient service issue.
