meteor: how to upload whole folder using collectionFS? - node.js

im trying to upload folder to the server and keep the structure of the folder in the server using collectionFS and filesystem.
Are there any ways to do this?


How to upload files with NodeJs express-fileuploaf to a Synology NAS shared folder

I would like to upload files using nodejs and express-fileupload to a NAS (Network attached storage) device but I cannot find any documentation for this online. Does anybody know if this is possible?
I cannot use nodejs path to connect to the NAS server.

Downloading file in mernstack from mongodb

I have uploaded the file to MongoDB and stored it in my upload folder in my project and its schema is in MongoDb with multer library. Now I want to download that file. How can I do that?
below are my files in my upload folder. I want to download all of them simultaneously.

Store file in a local drive folder using electron or node.js

I create one software in electron. I need to add image upload functionality into it. Uploaded images will store in a local drive(D:// Drive) folder and also on preview time I need to access the same folder so I have not idea it is possible in electron and if yes then how can I do this?
And for an extra thing in the backend, I use nodejs if you have an idea about that thing is possible using node js then also tell me so I can integrate with node js also. just I need to store that images to a particular folder which is in my local drive and I also access that image from my local drive for preview things.
For selecting file to upload trigger event (ex. upload-start) through ipc from render process.
In main process in handler for this event use dialog module and .showOpenDialog() method which will return a path to the file.
Then in main process you can use fs module to work with file: read it, copy, move, rename and write.
And check How do I handle local file uploads in electron?

How to setup file upload from NodeJS/VueJS to another server?

I've created a VueJS App for file uploading in which it will be my admin panel (For CMS) with NodeJS as back-end. Now I want to upload the files that was passed to the NodeJS and move it to another VueJS App which is going to be my primary website in order for me to access the files locally. How can I do it? Any suggestions or different approach will do.
You have many options on how to move the files to another site.
You could store them in a shared bucket or shared directory between your 2 backends or you could add another route to download that file.
You could configure a cronjob to scp or rsync those files to your target machine.
This is really more of a question of how to sync a directory to some place else. File Upload

File upload does not work with GridFS in CentOS; file uploads get stuck at 0%.
I changed it to FileSystem and now it works after restarting the service.
Where exactly do the files reside once uploaded?
Side question: anyone know why GridFS does not work?
I had this problem as well. GridFS worked for a few days then stopped. It turns out GridFS is using a subdirectory in /var/tmp which was getting automatically deleted. If you switch to FileSystem you can manually specify the upload location in the server admin configuration.
