I have come across several situations where I would like to use applicative style f <$> x1 <*> x2 <*> x3 but scanning the applicative arguments right to left instead of the usual left to right.
Naturally, if I bring this into a monadic context, I can do this without problem:
liftM3' :: Monad m => (a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> r) -> m a1 -> m a2 -> m a3 -> m r
liftM3' f x1 x2 x3 = do { x3' <- x3; x2' <- x2; x1' <- x1; return f x1' x2' x3' }
So, for my question: is there some general method to accomplish this in the context of only Applicative (perhaps a newtype wrapper) and if not, why can there not be one. That said, any insight about elegant solutions or workarounds to this problem are welcome.
Aside: My solution had been to define new right associative operators, but the solution was by no means elegant.
Edit: Here is my solution (I'd be interested in knowing if there is something equivalent in the standard libraries), if I require Monad:
newtype Reverse m a = Reverse (m a)
instance Monad m => Functor (Reverse m) where
f `fmap` x = pure f <*> x
instance Monad m => Applicative (Reverse m) where
pure x = Reverse $ return x
(Reverse f) <*> (Reverse x) = Reverse $ do { x' <- x; f' <- f; return $ f' x' }
The Backwards type is like your Reverse, and in a semi-standard package.
Naturally, if I bring this into a monadic context, I can do this without problem:
Don't forget that f is just a function. As such, you can simply define another function that takes the arguments in another order and then fall back to the usual applicative combinators:
-- | Lifts the given function into an applicative context.
-- The applicative effects are handled from right-to-left
-- e.g.
-- >>> liftA3 (\_ _ _ -> ()) (putStr "a") (putStr "b") (putStr "c")
-- will put "cba" on your console.
liftA3Rev :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> f a -> f b -> f c -> f d
liftA3Rev f x y z = f' <$> z <*> y <*> x
f' = \c b a -> f a b c
It's probably either impossible, or quite hard to write this with operators only, though. This is due to the nature of partial application. Remember that for f :: Int -> Char -> Bool and Applicative f => f Int, the expression f <$> x
has type Applicative f => f (Char -> Bool). We always "lose" types on the left end, not on the right end. If you change the order of arguments, it's easy again:
(>*>) :: Applicative f => f a -> f (a -> b) -> f b
(>*>) = flip (<*>)
infixr 4 >*> -- right associative
liftA3Rev' :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> f a -> f b -> f c -> f d
liftA3Rev' f x y z = z >*> y >*> x >*> pure f
I am trying to get a hold over understanding Applicative functors currently. And my understanding is falling short somewhere but I cannot pinpoint where.
Source from where I am trying to build an understanding CIS 194 UPenn - Homework 10
I am working with a custom data type and its Applicative instance which are as follows :
-- A parser for a value of type a is a function which takes a String
-- represnting the input to be parsed, and succeeds or fails; if it
-- succeeds, it returns the parsed value along with the remainder of
-- the input.
newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: String -> Maybe (a, String) }
instance Functor Parser where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
fmap fn parserA = Parser (fmap (first fn) . parseAFunc)
where parseAFunc = runParser parserA
appliedFunc p1 p2 str = case runParser p1 str of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (f, str2) -> case runParser p2 str2 of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (x, str3) -> Just (f x, str3)
instance Applicative Parser where
pure a = Parser (\s -> Just (a, s))
p1 <*> p2 = Parser (appliedFunc p1 p2)
-- For example, 'satisfy' takes a predicate on Char, and constructs a
-- parser which succeeds only if it sees a Char that satisfies the
-- predicate (which it then returns). If it encounters a Char that
-- does not satisfy the predicate (or an empty input), it fails.
satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
satisfy p = Parser f
f [] = Nothing -- fail on the empty input
f (x:xs) -- check if x satisfies the predicate
-- if so, return x along with the remainder
-- of the input (that is, xs)
| p x = Just (x, xs)
| otherwise = Nothing -- otherwise, fail
-- Using satisfy, we can define the parser 'char c' which expects to
-- see exactly the character c, and fails otherwise.
char :: Char -> Parser Char
char c = satisfy (== c)
-- Below is a parser for positive Ints which parses
-- the prefix of contiguous digits in a given String
-- as an Int
posUse :: Parser Int
posUse = Parser f
f xs
| null ns = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (read ns, rest)
where (ns, rest) = span isDigit xs
-- Below function takes a function and a pair and returns a pair
-- with the function applied to the first element of pair
first :: (a -> b) -> (a, c) -> (b, c)
first fn (x, y) = (fn x, y)
Using all the above setup, I am trying to construct some more complicated Parsers using simple Parsers defined above. So fmap has type fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. And as per my understanding currently, Applicative allows us to extend fmap to functions that take n-ary functions and n Functor parameters and return the resultant functor.
fmap can be defined in terms of pure and <*> as :
fmap1 :: Applicative f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap1 f x = pure f <*> x
I understand why the above will work given that the implementations of pure and <*> are appropriate since the types nicely line up.
Extending this to fmap2 aka liftA2 :
fmap2 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
fmap2 f x y = pure f <*> x <*> y
My understanding of why the above works is as follows :
pure g will have type f (a -> b -> c) And so therefore pure g <*> x will have type f (b -> c) since functions are curried. Then this type combined with the type type of y (f b) using <*> will finally give us the type of the result which is f c which is what we needed the type fmap2 to be.
This understanding did not break down when I tried to construct a Parser out of 2 simple Parsers as follows :
-- This Parser expects to see the characters ’a’ and ’b’ and returns them
-- as a pair.
abParser = liftA2 (\c1 c2 -> (c2 c1)) (char 'a') (char 'b')
The above works as expected.
But when I try to make the parser intPair which reads two integer values separated by a space and returns the integer values in a list using liftA3 my understanding of lift is not working since I expect the following to work but the linter complains :
intPair :: Parser [Int]
intPair = liftA3 (\x y z -> [z x]) posUse (char ' ') posUse
The above does not compile as the last argument needs to have the type Parser (Int -> a) (according to type inference) but I have passed posUse which has the type Parser Int.
Sorry for the long description. If anyone does not want to go through it all (expecially the custom data type and its Applicative and Functor instance) -- please let me know if my understanding of why fmap2 aka liftA2 works is correct and how does that understanding extend to liftA3 ?
The definition of liftA3 seems to be something different than just an extension of the definition of liftA2 using <*> and pure.
Edit 1 :
As stated above, the below line was being complained about by the linter
intPair :: Parser [Int]
intPair = liftA3 (\x y z -> [z x]) posUse (char ' ') posUse
The linter expected the type for the last argument to be Parser (Int -> a).
But after I defined an explicit function instead of passing a lambda, it worked as I expected to work.
fnn :: Int -> Char -> Int -> [Int]
fnn arg1 arg2 arg3 = [arg1, arg3]
intPair = liftA3 fnn posUse (char ' ') posUse
It works as I expected.
Yes, your understanding of liftA2 is correct, and liftA3 is just more of the same. I can't guess why it looks different to you, but inlining the definition of liftA2 into the definition of liftA3 may help.
liftA2 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c)
-> f a -> f b -> f c
liftA2 f x y = pure f <*> x <*> y
liftA3 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c -> d)
-> f a -> f b -> f c -> f d
liftA3 f a b c = liftA2 f a b <*> c
I took these definitions from https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-, and rearranged the definition of liftA2 a little to make it more explicit - it matches your fmap2 exactly.
Now, note that liftA3 includes a call to liftA2 f a b. We know how liftA2 f a b is defined, and because of purity, we can always inline definitions to yield semantically identical terms. So let's do that:
liftA3 f a b c = (pure f <*> a <*> b) <*> c
The parentheses are redundant, but I put them in while substituting just in case. Now if we remove them, we see there is no new idea here:
liftA3 f a b c = pure f <*> a <*> b <*> c
We lift the function, yielding f (a -> b -> c -> d), then apply that to a with <*> to get an f (b -> c -> d), and so on, all the way to an f d at the end.
You've just made a silly mistake when converting from a named function to an anonymous one. Contrast:
fnn arg1 arg2 arg3 = [arg1, arg3] -- your working code
fnn = \x y z -> [z x] -- your broken code
fnn = \x y z -> [z, x] -- type-correct code
fnn = \x y z -> [x, z] -- more correct translation of your working code
I wound up with this skeleton:
f :: (Monad m) => b -> m ()
f x = traverse_ (f . g x) =<< h x -- how avoid explicit recursion?
g :: b -> a -> b
-- h :: (Foldable t) => b -> m (t a) -- why "Could not deduce (Foldable t0) arising from a use of ‘traverse_’"
h :: b -> m [a]
How can I avoid the explicit recursion in f?
Bonus: When I try to generalize h from [] to Foldable, f does not type check (Could not deduce (Foldable t0) arising from a use of ‘traverse_’) -- what am I doing wrong?
Here's the real code. The Right side is for recursing down directories of security camera footage whose names are integers. Left is the base case to process leaves whose names are not integers.
a <|||> b = left a . right b
doDir (Right d) = traverse_ (doDir . doInt) =<< listDirectory d
where doInt s = ((<|||>) <$> (,) <*> const) (d </> s) $ (TR.readEither :: String -> Either String Int) s
f = doDir and g ~ doInt but got refactored a little. h = listDirectory. to answer the bonus, i was just being silly and wasn't seeing that i had to combine all the definitions to bind the types together:
f :: (Monad m, Foldable t) => (b -> a -> b) -> (b -> m (t a)) -> b -> m ()
f g h x = traverse_ (f g h . g x) =<< h x
If you don't mind leaking a bit of memory building a Tree and then throwing it away, you can use unfoldTreeM:
f = unfoldTreeM (\b -> (\as -> ((), g b <$> as)) <$> h b)
I do not believe there is a corresponding unfoldTreeM_, but you could write one (using explicit recursion). To generalize beyond the Tree/[] connection, you might also like refoldM; you can find several similar functions if you search for "hylomorphism" on Hackage.
Say I have function two functions f and g that both take in regular values and return an Either value like so:
g :: a -> Either x b
f :: b -> Either x c
How do I chain the two together to get something like f . g?
The best solution I have come up with is creating a helper function called applyToRight that works like this
applyToRight :: (a -> Either x b) -> Either x a -> Either x b
applyToRight f x =
case x of
Left a -> Left a
Right b -> f b
So that I can then do
applyToRight f (g a)
In this case I am specifically talking about Either, but I think this problem could be generalized to all applicative functors. What is the most elegant way to deal with this?
Not Applicative. You have rediscovered the Monadic bind:
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
Either x is a Monad:
> Left "a" >>= (\x -> Right (1+x))
Left "a"
> Right 1 >>= (\x -> Right (1+x))
Right 2
Chaining two monad-creating functions like you have is done with the Kleisli composition operator, like f <=< g, or equivalently in the other direction g >=> f with the forward composition operator,
(>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> a -> m c
the types are easier to follow with this one:
f :: b -> Either x c
g :: a -> Either x b
g >=> f :: a -> Either x c
In fact one way to summarize the monads is to say they are about the generalized function composition.
>=> is defined simply as
(g >=> f) x = g x >>= f
(f <=< g) x = g x >>= f = f =<< g x
See also:
Monadic types diagram
Generalized function application
More links here
Functor and Applicative are both too weak: Monad contains the function you seek.
applyToRight = flip (>>=)
class Applicative f => Monad f where
return :: a -> f a
(>>=) :: f a -> (a -> f b) -> f b
(<*>) can be derived from pure and (>>=):
fs <*> as =
fs >>= (\f -> as >>= (\a -> pure (f a)))
For the line
fs >>= (\f -> as >>= (\a -> pure (f a)))
I am confused by the usage of >>=. I think it takes a functor f a and a function, then return another functor f b. But in this expression, I feel lost.
Lets start with the type we're implementing:
(<*>) :: Monad f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(The normal type of <*> of course has an Applicative constraint, but here we're trying to use Monad to implement Applicative)
So in fs <*> as = _, fs is an "f of functions" (f (a -> b)), and as is an "f of as".
We'll start by binding fs:
(<*>) :: Monad f => f ( a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fs <*> as
= fs >>= _
If you actually compile that, GHC will tell us what type the hole (_) has:
foo.hs:4:12: warning: [-Wtyped-holes]
• Found hole: _ :: (a -> b) -> f b
Where: ‘a’, ‘f’, ‘b’ are rigid type variables bound by
the type signature for:
(Main.<*>) :: forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Monad f =>
f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
at foo.hs:2:1-45
That makes sense. Monad's >>= takes an f a on the left and a function a -> f b on the right, so by binding an f (a -> b) on the left the function on the right gets to receive an (a -> b) function "extracted" from fs. And provided we can write a function that can use that to return an f b, then the whole bind expression will return the f b we need to meet the type signature for <*>.
So it'll look like:
(<*>) :: Monad f => f ( a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fs <*> as
= fs >>= (\f -> _)
What can we do there? We've got f :: a -> b, and we've still got as :: f a, and we need to make an f b. If you're used to Functor that's obvious; just fmap f as. Monad implies Functor, so this does in fact work:
(<*>) :: Monad f => f ( a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fs <*> as
= fs >>= (\f -> fmap f as)
It's also, I think, a much easier way to understand the way Applicative can be implemented generically using the facilities from Monad.
So why is your example written using another >>= and pure instead of just fmap? It's kind of harkening back to the days when Monad did not have Applicative and Functor as superclasses. Monad always "morally" implied both of these (since you can implement Applicative and Functor using only the features of Monad), but Haskell didn't always require there to be these instances, which leads to books, tutorials, blog posts, etc explaining how to implement these using only Monad. The example line given is simply inlining the definition of fmap in terms of >>= and pure (return)1.
I'll continue to unpack as if we didn't have fmap, so that it leads to the version you're confused by.
If we're not going to use fmap to combine f :: a -> b and as :: f a, then we'll need to bind as so that we have an expression of type a to apply f to:
(<*>) :: Monad f => f ( a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fs <*> as
= fs >>= (\f -> as >>= (\a -> _))
Inside that hole we need to make an f b, and we have f :: a -> b and a :: a. f a gives us a b, so we'll need to call pure to turn that into an f b:
(<*>) :: Monad f => f ( a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fs <*> as
= fs >>= (\f -> as >>= (\a -> pure (f a)))
So that's what this line is doing.
Binding fs :: f (a -> b) to get access to an f :: a -> b
Inside the function that has access to f it's binding as to get access to a :: a
Inside the function that has access to a (which is still inside the function that has access to f as well), call f a to make a b, and call pure on the result to make it an f b
1 You can implement fmap using >>= and pure as fmap f xs = xs >>= (\x -> pure (f x)), which is also fmap f xs = xs >>= pure . f. Hopefully you can see that the inner bind of your example is simply inlining the first version.
Applicative is a Functor. Monad is also a Functor. We can see the "Functorial" values as standing for computations of their "contained" ⁄ produced pure values (like IO a, Maybe a, [] a, etc.), as being the allegories of ⁄ metaphors for the various kinds of computations.
Functors describe ⁄ denote notions ⁄ types of computations, and Functorial values are reified computations which are "run" ⁄ interpreted in a separate step which is thus akin to that famous additional indirection step by adding which, allegedly, any computational problem can be solved.
Both fs and as are your Functorial values, and bind ((>>=), or in do notation <-) "gets" the carried values "in" the functor. Bind though belongs to Monad.
What we can implement in Monad with (using return as just a synonym for pure)
do { f <- fs ; -- fs >>= ( \ f -> -- fs :: F (a -> b) -- f :: a -> b
a <- as ; -- as >>= ( \ a -> -- as :: F a -- a :: a
return (f a) -- return (f a) ) ) -- f a :: b
} -- :: F b
( or, with MonadComprehensions,
[ f a | f <- fs, a <- as ]
), we get from the Applicative's <*> which expresses the same computation combination, but without the full power of Monad. The difference is, with Applicative as is not dependent on the value f there, "produced by" the computation denoted by fs. Monadic Functors allow such dependency, with
[ bar x y | x <- xs, y <- foo x ]
but Applicative Functors forbid it.
With Applicative all the "computations" (like fs or as) must be known "in advance"; with Monad they can be calculated -- purely -- based on the results of the previous "computation steps" (like foo x is doing: for (each) value x that the computation xs will produce, new computation foo x will be (purely) calculated, the computation that will produce (some) y(s) in its turn).
If you want to see how the types are aligned in the >>= expressions, here's your expression with its subexpressions named, so they can be annotated with their types,
exp = fs >>= g -- fs >>=
where g f = xs >>= h -- (\ f -> xs >>=
where h x = return (f x) -- ( \ x -> pure (f x) ) )
x :: a
f :: a -> b
f x :: b
return (f x) :: F b
h :: a -> F b -- (>>=) :: F a -> (a -> F b) -> F b
xs :: F a -- xs h
-- <-----
xs >>= h :: F b
g f :: F b
g :: (a -> b) -> F b -- (>>=) :: F (a->b) -> ((a->b) -> F b) -> F b
fs :: F (a -> b) -- fs g
-- <----------
fs >>= g :: F b
exp :: F b
and the types of the two (>>=) applications fit:
(fs :: F (a -> b)) >>= (g :: (a -> b) -> F b)) :: F b
(xs :: F a ) >>= (h :: (a -> F b)) :: F b
Thus, the overall type is indeed
foo :: F (a -> b) -> F a -> F b
foo fs xs = fs >>= g -- foo = (<*>)
where g f = xs >>= h
where h x = return (f x)
In the end, we can see monadic bind as an implementation of do, and treat the do notation
do {
abstractly, axiomatically, as consisting of the lines of the form
a <- F a ;
b <- F b ;
n <- F n ;
return (foo a b .... n)
(with a, F b, etc. denoting values of the corresponding types), such that it describes the overall combined computation of the type F t, where foo :: a -> b -> ... -> n -> t. And when none of the <-'s right-hand side's expressions is dependent on no preceding left-hand side's variable, it's not essentially Monadic, but just an Applicative computation that this do block is describing.
Because of the Monad laws it is enough to define the meaning of do blocks with just two <- lines. For Functors, just one <- line is allowed ( fmap f xs = do { x <- xs; return (f x) }).
Thus, Functors/Applicative Functors/Monads are EDSLs, embedded domain-specific languages, because the computation-descriptions are themselves values of our language (those to the right of the arrows in do notation).
Lastly, a types mandala for you:
T a
T (a -> b)
(a -> T b)
T (T b)
T b
This contains three in one:
F a A a M a
a -> b A (a -> b) a -> M b
-------------- -------------- -----------------
F b A b M b
You can define (<*>) in terms of (>>=) and return because all monads are applicative functors. You can read more about this in the Functor-Applicative-Monad Proposal. In particular, pure = return and (<*>) = ap is the shortest way to achieve an Applicative definition given an existing Monad definition.
See the type signatures for (<*>), ap and (>>=):
(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
ap :: Monad m => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
The type signature for (<*>) and ap are nearly equivalent. Since ap is written using do-notation, it is equivalent to some use of (>>=). I'm not sure this helps, but I find the definition of ap readable. Here's a rewrite:
ap m1 m2 = do { x1 <- m1; x2 <- m2; return (x1 x2) }
≡ ap m1 m2 = do
x1 <- m1
x2 <- m2
return (x1 x2)
≡ ap m1 m2 =
m1 >>= \x1 ->
m2 >>= \x2 ->
return (x1 x2)
≡ ap m1 m2 = m1 >>= \x1 -> m2 >>= \x2 -> return (x1 x2)
≡ ap mf ma = mf >>= (\f -> ma >>= (\a -> pure (f a)))
Which is your definition. You could show that this definition upholds the applicative functor laws, since not everything defined in terms of (>>=) and return does that.
(m >>= f) >>= g = m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)
what's different from f and \x->f x ??
I think they're the same type a -> m b. but it seems that the second >>= at right side of equation treats the type of \x->f x as m b.
what's going wrong?
The expressions f and \x -> f x do, for most purposes, mean the same thing. However, the scope of a lambda expression extends as far to the right as possible, i.e. m >>= (\x -> (f x >>= g)).
If the types are m :: m a, f :: a -> m b, and g :: b -> m c, then on the left we have (m >>= f) :: m b, and on the right we have (\x -> f x >>= g) :: a -> m c.
So, the difference between the two expressions is just which order the (>>=) operations are performed, much like the expressions 1 + (2 + 3) and (1 + 2) + 3 differ only in the order in which the additions are performed.
The monad laws require that, like addition, the answer should be the same for both.