reactjs unrecognized tag attributes - svg

Is there a way to force-append an attribute to a react tag?
The full story:
I'm using reactjs and i've run into a problem with SVG and foreignObjects.
I wanted to center text in an SVG image so i figured the easiest approach would be to use a div in a foreign object.
It works fine on chrome, but in firefox the text isn't displayed.
On closer inspection, it appears that my
Isn't coming through to the browser.
I've read the reactjs docs which suggested putting the prefix
in, but the prefix stays in the browser.
I also tried to set the required features using the style={...}, but then this was inside the style string and not inserted as a tag attribute.
React Code:
import React, {Component,PropTypes} from 'react';
export default class myComponent extends Component {
render() {
return (<svg width = {this.props.width}
height = {this.props.height}>
<foreignObject x = {0} y = {0}
width = {this.props.width}>
<div> <p> {this.props.title} </p> </div > </foreignObject>

I haven't been able to get text in a foreignObject to work with react in firefox, but i did work out how to set 'arbitary' tag attributes.
For each of the react components i assigned refs, i.e.:
<div style={divStyle} ref="d2">
<p style={{wordWrap: 'normal', textAlign: 'left', margin: 'auto', position: 'relative'}} key="p2">
{Math.round(this.props.kW)} W
Then in componentdidmount:
componentDidMount() {
this.refs.svg1.setAttribute('xmlns', '');
this.refs.svg1.setAttribute('version', '1.2');
this.refs.fo1.setAttribute('requiredExtensions', '');
this.refs.d1.setAttribute('xmlns', '');
this.refs.fo2.setAttribute('requiredExtensions', '');
this.refs.d2.setAttribute('xmlns', '');
this.refs.fo3.setAttribute('requiredExtensions', '');
this.refs.d3.setAttribute('xmlns', '');
this.refs.fo4.setAttribute('requiredExtensions', '');
this.refs.d4.setAttribute('xmlns', '');
this.refs.fo5.setAttribute('requiredExtensions', '');
this.refs.d5.setAttribute('xmlns', '');
this.refs.fo6.setAttribute('requiredExtensions', '');
this.refs.d6.setAttribute('xmlns', '');
This actually broke the foreign object in BOTH chrome and firefox!!
I think the issue is that i'm going by
and they have:
<body xmlns="">
<p>Here is a paragraph that requires word wrap</p>
But since you can't use the <body> tag inside a react component, this doesn't get rendered.
I will manually edit the code in firefox and see if the inclusion of <body> in the foreign object fixes this issue.
I think the only option I have is to layer a second SVG component over the top of the first then use setInnerHTMLDangerously to write all of the foreign objects inside. Such a filthy hack!!


How to style element content in Svelte?

color: red;
Some html content!
this code does not work. In the Angular framework it can be done by using the :host selector. :global can't help in my case, because I just want to style the component, where these styles are written.
How can I do this in Svelte?
Thank you
PS. I'm pretty new in Svelte :)
.hello {
color: red;
<div class='hello'>Hello world</style>
This will style all elements with the hello class and only in this component.
Now if we do something like this
import A from './A.svelte'
import B from './B.svelte'
then svelte renders that as
<div>Hello world</div>
And there's no way to define a selector to style only "Hello" but not "word". The documentation also mentions that it need something to attach a class to:
CSS inside a block will be scoped to that component.
This works by adding a class to affected elements, which is based on a hash of the component styles (e.g. svelte-123xyz).

How to edit style attribute on Angular six component

I'm new to Angular development.
I have started developing a web site using Angular 6 Material ( and kicked this off with navigation schematic that delivers a responsive toolbar and side nav component for navigation. The default HTML layout looks something like this:
<mat-sidenav-container class="sidenav-container">
<mat-sidenav #drawer class="sidenav"
<mat-toolbar color="primary">
<a mat-list-item routerLink='/menu1'>menu 1</a>
<mat-sidenav-content >
<mat-toolbar color="primary" >
<mat-toolbar color="primary" class="mat-toolbar" >
<mat-toolbar-row >
<!-- Application components go here-->
mat-sidenav-container contains the 'drawer' mat-sidenav to the left of mat-sidenav-content
I want to programmaticaly shrink the width of mat-sidenav, subsequently shifting mat-sidenav-content to the left.
I can do the first part, by using [ngClass] on mat-sidenav and changing this on demand -
However, I'm not having the same success with the content section on the right of the drawer, by just merely changing its CSS Class to have the correct width..
Looking at the source code, I see mat-sidenav-content not only has CSS Classes but also has style attribute as "margin-left:200px"
(which overrides any CSS class styling I set)
I want to programmaticaly change this margin-left value.
How do I do that ?
Thanks -
<mat-sidenav #drawer [(ngStyle)]="{'width': myWidth}">
export class HeroesComponent implements OnInit {
myWidth: 25px;

A way to render multiple root elements on VueJS with v-for directive

Right now, I'm trying to make a website that shows recent news posts which is supplied my NodeJS API.
I've tried the following:
<div id="news" class="media" v-for="item in posts">
<h4 class="media-heading">{{item.title}}</h4>
const news = new Vue({
el: '#news',
data: {
posts: [
{title: 'My First News post', msg: 'This is your fist news!'},
{title: 'Cakes are great food', msg: 'Yummy Yummy Yummy'},
{title: 'How to learnVueJS', msg: 'Start Learning!'},
Apparently, the above didn't work because Vue can't render multiple root elements.
I've looked up the VueJS's official manual and couldn't come up with a solution.
After googling a while, I've understood that it was impossible to render multiple root element, however, I yet to have been able to come up with a solution.
The simplest way I've found of adding multiple root elements is to add a single <div> wrapper element and make it disappear with some CSS magic for the purposes of rendering.
For this we can use the "display: contents" CSS property. The effect is that it makes the container disappear, making the child elements children of the element the next level up in the DOM.
Therefore, in your Vue component template you can have something like this:
<div style="display: contents"> <!-- my wrapper div is rendered invisible -->
I can now use my component without the browser messing up formatting because the wrapping <div> root element will be ignored by the browser for display purposes:
<my-component></my-component> <!-- the wrapping div will be ignored -->
Note however, that although this should work in most browsers, you may want to check here to make sure it can handle your target browser.
You can have multiple root elements (or components) using render functions
A simple example is having a component which renders multiple <li> elements:
... etc
However the above will throw an error. To solve this error the above template can be converted to:
export default {
functional: true,
render(createElement) {
return [
createElement('li', 'Item'),
createElement('li', 'Item2'),
But again as you probably noticed this can get very tedious if for example you want to display 50 li items. So, eventually, to dynamically display elements you can do:
export default {
functional: true,
props: ['listItems'], //this is an array of `<li>` names (e.g. ['Item', 'Item2'])
render(createElement, { props }) {
return => {
return createElement('li', name)
INFO in those examples i have used the property functional: true but it is not required of course to use "render functions". Please consider learning more about functional componentshere
Define a custom directive:
Vue.directive('fragments', {
inserted: function(el) {
const children = Array.from(el.children)
const parent = el.parentElement
children.forEach((item) => { parent.appendChild(item) })
then you can use it in root element of a component
<div v-fragments>
<tr v-for="post in posts">...</tr>
The root element will not be rendered in DOM, which is especially effective when rendering table.
Vue requires that there be a single root node. However, try changing your html to this:
<div id="news" >
<div class="media" v-for="item in posts">
<h4 class="media-heading">{{item.title}}</h4>
This change allows for a single root node id="news" and yet still allows for rendering the lists of recent posts.
In Vue 3, this is supported as you were trying:
In 3.x, components now can have multiple root nodes! However, this does require developers to explicitly define where attributes should be distributed.
<!-- Layout.vue -->
<main v-bind="$attrs">...</main>
Multiple root elements are not supported by Vue (which caused by your v-for directive, beacause it may render more than 1 elements). And is also very simple to solve, just wrap your HTML into another Element will do.
For example:
<div id="app">
<!-- your HTML code -->
and the js:
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app', // it must be a single root!
// ...

How to render the HTML into react component

I want to render the pure HTML coming from some external source into react component. I saw few solutions where people are talking about some conversion tools (HTML to JSX) but I want to handle everything in my component so while mounting it will get the HTML response and that needs to render.
You can use dangerouslySetInnerHTML for this:
function createMarkup() { return {__html: 'First ยท Second'}; };
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={createMarkup()} />
But as the method name suggests: you should be very sure of what you are doing there and the security implications it has.
This shouldn't be difficult to do . Assign your HTML to a div and then render it using {variable name} JSX allows you to do this and with ES6 integration you can also use class instead of className.
var Hello = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var htmlDiv = <div>How are you</div>
return <div>Hello {}
<Hello name="World" />,
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="container">
<!-- This element's contents will be replaced with your component. -->

Reveal.js presentation full screen from JHipster

I am trying to show a reveal.js presentation full screen from a JHipster single page app. The reveal.js example below works fine inside JHipster, it's just not full screen. It can be made full screen by creating a second page, but given JHipster's design as a single page app things get messy with grunt and the production profile. I've also tried hiding the app menu bar and footer div elements but the reveal presentation still has padding around it. Ideally a full-screen view can configured.
Simple Reveal slide
<div ng-cloak>
<div class="reveal">
<div class="slides">
<section data-background="#faebd7">
A second page is the way to go and below is a way to by-pass optimizations made by JHipster's production build.
JHipster's production build only optimizes files under src/main/webapp/scripts and src/main/webapp/assets directories. So, put your presentation files including revealjs under another folder (e.g. src/main/webapp/slides) and use a simple link from your app to load the presentation.
This is what is done for swagger-ui under src/main/webapp/swagger-ui
I solved the problem while keeping it a single page app. Previously I tried hiding elements of the page that prevented full-screen, but padding on the main div container was preventing full screen. The solution was to create a second ui-view div designed for full screen and hide all other div elements.
1. Add "hidewhenfullscreen" class to the elements to hide.
2. Use javascript to show/hide elements
3. Add a second fullpage ui-view designed for full screen
4. Reference the fullpage ui-view from the controller
<div ng-show="{{ENV === 'dev'}}" class="development hidewhenfullscreen" ng-cloak=""></div>
<div ui-view="navbar" ng-cloak="" class="hidewhenfullscreen"></div>
<div class="container hidewhenfullscreen">
<div class="well" ui-view="content"></div>
<div class="footer">
<p translate="footer">This is your footer</p>
JavaScript to show/hide elements
function hide (elements) {
elements = elements.length ? elements : [elements];
for (var index = 0; index < elements.length; index++) {
elements[index].style.display = 'none';
function show (elements) {
elements = elements.length ? elements : [elements];
for (var index = 0; index < elements.length; index++) {
elements[index].style.display = 'block';
JavaScript controller
.state('show', {
parent: '',
url: '/show/{presentationName}',
data: {
authorities: [], // none, wide open
pageTitle: 'page title'
views: {
'fullpage#': {
templateUrl: 'scripts/show/show.html',
controller: 'ShowController'
The page has a single small "Home" href that calls the show function. This way the user can go back and forth between the full-screen Reveal presentation and the standard jHipster view.
<div ng-show="{{ENV === 'dev'}}" class="development"></div>
<div class="miniMenu" id="miniMenu" ng-cloak="">
<div class="reveal">
<div class="slides">
<section data-background={{getBackgroundURI($index)}} ng-repeat="slide in slides track by $index">
<div ng-bind-html="getContent($index)"></div>
For completeness, creating a second page can work but I don't think it is worth the added complexity. A two-page solution worked fine in the development profile, but the production profile had issues with caching shared css files, js files and fonts. With time and energy, I am sure the proper grunt configuration can be made to work, although the idea seems to counter the single page design concept. While in Rome, do as the Romans do.
