SFTP Directory Shortcut \ Bridge - linux

I followed this tutorial to create a SFTP group and to limit users within that group just to specific folders.
So I ended up with:
... and I want that public_html folder to be basically a shortcut or something similar so that when users upload files, these files will end up here:
How can I do that?
Note, I'm not Linux script expert, so I would appreciate step by step explanation using terminal commands .


pywatchdog and pyinotify not detecting changes on files inside ftp created directories

I have an application monitoring files sent to a FTP server (proftpd 1.3.5a). I am using pywatchdog to monitor file creation on FTP server root (app running locally), but under some very specific circumstance it does not issue a notification: when I create a new dir through ftp and, after that, create a file under this directory. The file creation/modification events are not caught!
In order to reproduce it in a simple way I've used pyinotify (0.9.6) itself and it looks like the problem comes from there. So, a simple way to reproduce the problem:
Install proftpd and pyinotify (python3) on the server with default settings
In the server, run the following command to monitor ftp root (recursive and autoadd turned on - considering user "user"):
python3 -m pyinotify -v -r -a /home/user
In the client, create a sample.txt, connect in the ftp server and issue the following commands, in this order:
mkdir dir_a
cd dir_a
put sample.txt
There will be no events related to sample.txt - neither create nor modify!
I've tried to remove the ftp factor from the issue by manually creating and moving directories inside the observed target and creating files inside these directories, but the issue does not happen - it all works smoothly.
Any help will be appreciated!

Upload files from linux vps to web host

I want to somehow automatically upload files every 5 minutes. I want to upload/transfer the files from my linux vps to my web host.
What I'm trying to do is upload some logs files generated on my vps to my web host so administrators can access it with an .htaccess file.
use wput along with cron to ftp files to your host
wput [options] [file]... ftp://[username[:password]#]hostname[:port][/[path/][file]]
You will probably have to install the tool as its not included by default (at least it hasnt been on most of my installs)
You'll want to set up a cron job for this. The Wikipedia page for this has a nice overview of how the crontab file is laid out. However, you should check your distribution's documentation for better information (they could be using a different version or a completely different cron daemon).
The line you'd add to the crontab would look something like this:
*/5 * * * * <user to run command as> <your command>
See also: http://www.unixgeeks.org/security/newbie/unix/cron-1.html
Hopefully your web host provides SCP or FTP servers to allow you to copy files over. How do you transfer files when you're uploading your web site files?
If it's ftp, use the ftp command:
ftp -u user:password#host/destination_folder/ sourcefile.txt
If it's scp, use the scp command:
scp foobar.txt username#host:/some/remote/directory

Allowing jenkins to access contents of currently logged in user folder

I am using Jenkins to build my project in a Linux machine. During build operation files are read from a source location and files are to be copied to a new destination location.The source and destination locations are input by the user from Jenkins UI. I want the user to be able to select any folder located within his/her home folder as source or destination. For example: /home/jdoe/folder.
Currently, any folder inside /var/lib/jenkins, with jenkins:nogroup user-group, can be selected. However, a folder inside /home/jdoe/folder with same (jenkins:nogroup) user-group, and with the same permissions as the folders within /var/lib/jenkins, cannot be selected. I get a permission denied error on trying to read or write inside /home/jdoe/folder.
What can I do to enable reading and writing to a folder within the home folder of the currently logged in user? Can I set up Jenkins in a certain way to be able to do that, or do I have to change group settings for the home folder?Could you suggest a good configuration for me to be able to make this work?
Would there be any difference in using Jenkins on an Windows platform?
First make sure that the folder is having read-write access for jenkins user group.
sudo chmod -R 77 /home/jdoe
Also as in comment by Daniel, grant execute permission on the /home/jdoe folder.
sudo chmod a+x /home/jdoe

How can I CHMOD files/directories on Windows Azure?

I am using FileZilla FTP to right click and change a directories File Permissions as I do on many other sites/servers. For some reason this is not working in Windows Azure. It outputs in FileZilla "500 'SITE CHMOD 777 (mydirectory)': command not understood"
Any ideas?
The Windows Azure portal has a "Console" for websites where you can execute some shell commands. One of them appears to be chmod (fileutils) 4.1. I was able to modify the permissions on a folder using this:
chmod -R 744 myfolder
I found a hack solution to delete files on Azure:
Stop your website from the management console (https://manage.windowsazure.com)
Open up the FTP site in Filezilla
Rename the directory that has the problem to anything else (Possibly an optional step, I dont know)
Delete the renamed directory
Restart your website.
That seems to do it.
Windows Azure Websites is a Windows Server based server. Thus, file permissions don't work like in Linux (as #SLaks already mentioned).
However, the account your scripts (PHP/ASP.NET/node.js) are executed under has full access to the folder /site/wwwroot, as does your FTP user. Meaning that from your PHP you can do all fully privileged file access operations - Read, Write, Delete, Create, Create directories.
What you cannot do, and cannot be changed, is to execute scripts (which 0777 would give you in Linux).

db.* files in /home from Perforce?

I see several db.* files in my /home directory, and it seems they come from perforce. For example, some files are db.archmap, db.bodtext, db.change, db.changex
Are these files useful? Can I delete them? They are making my /home directory messy
You have started a server using your home directory as the Perforce server's P4ROOT folder. Those files are files that are generated from starting the server and cannot be deleted unless you want to hose your server installation. It's not clear to me how you've started the server instance, so I'll try and cover multiple bases with my answer.
If you want to start up the server under your own account, you should set the P4ROOT environment variable and point it to where you want the server to store its files. Alternatively, when you start the server, you can specify the root folder on the command line using the -r option:
p4d -r /home/mark/p4server
which would put the server's files into the directory called 'p4server' off of my home directory.
Typically it is best to run the perforce server using a user that is dedicated to running perforce. I use a user called 'perforce'. I set P4ROOT (and other variables) in that users environment. If you cannot use a separate user, it might be easier to use the -r command line option that I mentioned above.
Those files are only server files, not client files. So it is safe to delete them, but if you start the server back up it will recreate them. So you might want to uninstall the server.
Unless you are running a beta version, they have p4sandbox coming soon(maybe in the beta, I forget) which MAY create those files. I don't have a beta version, so I can't verify what new files the client may or may not create.
You can check the documentation here to see what these files do/are for.
