python 3 tkinter Pycharm - error on messagebox - python-3.x

Im writing a GUI and I say:
from tkinter import *
Further in the program theres a function wich is:
def nameFunc():
The problem is that by running the code in the latest Pycharm, it tells me that messagebox is not defined even if I already imported everything from tkinter, it only works if I explicitly say:
from tkinter import messagebox
This only occurs when I run the code on Pycharm, in the standard python IDLE its fine.

PyCharm is behaving exactly as it should, if you take a look at the documentation on packages:
what happens when the user writes from sound.effects import *? Ideally, one would hope that this somehow goes out to the filesystem, finds which submodules are present in the package, and imports them all. This could take a long time and importing sub-modules might have unwanted side-effects that should only happen when the sub-module is explicitly imported.
The only solution is for the package author to provide an explicit index of the package. The import statement uses the following convention: if a package’s code defines a list named __all__, it is taken to be the list of module names that should be imported when from package import * is encountered.
tkinter does not define a __all__ to automatically import submodules and you should be glad it doesn't import them all automatically:
import tkinter.__main__
print("this will only print after you close the test window")
the program only continues to run after a window pops up with the current tcl/Tk version and some other content is closed, to import submodules of the package you must explicitly import them with:
from tkinter import messagebox
however as I describe in my other answer here, because of how IDLE is built it has already loaded some of the submodules when your code is being executed in the idle Shell.


Spyder reorders my import statements - breaks function

I am using Spyder as Editor/IDE.
I play with the options to include files/function/modules form other olders just to get a better understanding of how it works.
But Spyder rearranges my import statements in alphabetical order and thus breaks my functionality:
This is what I need:
import sys
import helloworld
But when I do "Save File" in Spyder, it rearranges to
import helloworld
import sys
and of course it will fail, since it cannot import "helloworld" before the path is defined via sys.path.insert.
This alphabetical order might be a good python style, but how can I fix this issue ?

How to implement a Meta Path Importer on Python 3

I'm struggling to refactor some working import-hook-functionality that served us very well on Python 2 the last years... And honestly I wonder if something is broken in Python 3? But I'm unable to see any reports of that around so confidence in doing something wrong myself is still stronger! Ok. Code:
Here is a cooked down version for Python 3 with PathFinder from importlib.machinery:
import sys
from importlib.machinery import PathFinder
class MyImporter(PathFinder):
def __init__(self, name): = name
def find_spec(self, fullname, path=None, target=None):
print('MyImporter %s find_spec fullname: %s' % (, fullname))
return super(MyImporter, self).find_spec(fullname, path, target)
sys.meta_path.insert(0, MyImporter('BEFORE'))
print('sys.meta_path:', sys.meta_path)
# import an example module
import json
So you see: I insert an instance of the class right in front and one at the end of sys.meta_path. Turns out ONLY the first one triggers! I never see any calls to the last one. That was different in Python 2!
Looking at the implementation in six I thought, well THEY need to know how to do this properly! ... 🤨 I don't see this working either! When I try to step in there or just put some prints... Nada!
After all:IF I actually put my Importer first in the sys.meta_path list, trigger on certain import and patch my module (which all works fine) It still gets overridden by the other importers in the list!
* How can I prevent that?
* Do I need to do that? It seems dirty!
I have been heavily studying the meta_path in Python3.8
The entire import mechanism has been moved from C to Python and manifests itself as sys.meta_path which contains 3 importers. The Python import machinery is cleverly stupid. i.e. uncomplex.
While the source code of the entire python import is to be found in importlib/
meta_path[1] pulls the importer from frozen something: bytecode=?
underscore import is still the central hook called when you "import mymod"
--import--() first checks if the module has already been imported in which case it retrieves it from sys.modules
if that doesn't work it calls find_spec() on each "spec finder" in meta_path.
If the "spec finder" is successful it return a "spec" needed by the next stage
If none of them find it, import fails
sys.meta_path is an array of "spec finders"
0: is the builtin spec finder: (sys, _sre)
1: is the frozen import lib: It imports the importer (importlib)
2: is the path finder and it finds both library modules: (os, re, inspect)
and your application modules based on sys.path
So regarding the question above, it shouldn't be happening. If your spec finder is first in the meta_path and it returns a valid spec then the module is found, and remaining entries in sys.meta_path won't even be asked.

Avoiding multiple import in Kivy when calling a function from a different file

I'm developing a small app using kivy and python3.6 (I'm still a beginner). I'm planning to separate the code in different files for clarity, however I have encountered a problem in a specific situation. I have made minimal working example to illustrate.
I have the following files:
Here a minimal code:
from import App
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.lang import Builder
import module
class MainApp(App):
def function():
print('parent function')
if __name__ == '__main__':
from kivy.uix.button import Button
class CallFunction(Button):
def call_function(self):
from main import function
id : parent_button
text: 'Call parent button'
on_press: self.call_function()
So the problem is that when I run this code, I receive a warning
The file /home/kivy/python_exp/test/module.kv is loaded multiples times, you might have unwanted behaviors.
What works:
If the function I want to call is part of the main app class, there is no problem
If the function is part of the there is no problem
If the function is part of another module, there is no problem
What doesn't work
I cannot call a function which is in the If I use the import the function as the beginning of, kivy has a weird behavior and call everything twice. Calling within this call_function allows to have a proper interface, but I get the warning that the file has been loaded multiple time.
There are easy workarounds, I'm well aware of that, so it's more about curiosity and understanding better how the imports in kivy works. Is there a way to make it work?
I wanted to use the to initialize different things at the startup of the app. In particular I wanted to create an instance of another class (not a kivy class) in the and when clicking on the button on the interface, calling a method on this instance.
Thanks :)
When you import something from another python module the python virtual machine execute this module. In the call_function you import function from the main file so everytime you press the CallFunction the module.kv is loaded.
To solve this it is recommended to include the other kv files in your main kv file.
You can also move the import statement from the method to the top of the module file.
Your kv file is loaded twice because the code is executed twice. This is due to how pythons module system works and kivy just realized that loading the kv twice is probably not what you want.
Generally python objects live in a namespace. So when a function in the module foo looks up a variable the variable is searched in the namespace of the module. That way if you define two variables foo.var and bar.var (in the modules foo and bar resp.) they don't clash and get confused for each other.
The tricky thing is that the python file you execute is special: It does not create a module namespace but the __main__ namespace. Thus if you import the file you are executing as __main__ it will create a whole new namespace with new objects and execute the module code. If you import a module that was already imported in the current session the module code is not executed again, but the namespace already created is made available. You don't even need two files for that, put the following in
import test
If you now execute python you will see two hello! and once __main__ and once test.
You can find more information on namespaces and how variable lookups works in python in the documentation.
Also if your function actually does some work and mutates an object that lives in you might want to rethink the information flow. Often it is a good idea to bind the state and functions working on them together in classes and passing the objects then where they are called i.e. to CallFunction in your example.

Why don't I need to import sys?

I have 2 python scripts, both utilizing sys.stdout, sys.exit(), etc. In one script, PyCharm highlights "import sys" as gray, (meaning it is never used), and if I remove the import statement, the program works just fine, including sys.stdout and sys.exit().
However, the second module does not highlight "import sys" as gray, and if I try to run it without that statement, I get an error on the first occurrence of sys.stdout:
NameError: name 'sys' is not defined
I have looked up the official documentation for sys, which says
"This module provides access to some variables used or maintained by the interpreter and to functions that interact strongly with the interpreter. It is always available."
Yet, most guides or instructions on how to use sys tell you to import.
So, do I have to import it or not? Why does one program need to, but not the other?
Possibly important differences between the two programs:
One program has a main function, and imports the other program. This is the one that does not need to import sys. Perhaps it inherently imports sys when it imports the other one as a module?
It seems that the first script does not just import the second script; it imports * from it, like this:
in module_1:
from module_2 import *
And in module_2:
import sys
This causes module_1 to import sys, indirectly. If I change
from module_2 import *
import module_2
then it no longer works.

Why import * and then ttk?

My understanding is that the standard set-up for a tkinter program starts off like this:
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
I understand that tkinter is a package, but if I've already imported all with the *, why do I still need to import ttk? Why do I get an error if I take out the second line and try to reference ttk?
When you do from some_package import *, python will import whatever that package chooses to export. What it chooses to export may be a subset of what is actually stored in the package folder. Why is that? There's no particular reason, it's just how the package author decided to do things.
This information about what to export is defined in the file that is inside the package (in this case, tkinter/ If you look at that file you'll notice that it doesn't import ttk itself, thus ttk won't be exported and therefore can't be imported with a wildcard import.
Again, there's no particular reason other than that's how the authors of tkinter and ttk chose to do things.
For more information on the mechanics of packaging, see the packaging portion of the python tutorial (
The better way to import tkinter
You may think it's standard because many tutorials do it that way, but it's generally a bad practice. The better way, IMO, is to give the tkinter library an explicit name:
# python 3.x
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
# python 2.x
import Tkinter as tk
import ttk
This will make your code considerably easier to read, because you have to explicitly state which toolkit you are using:
b1 = tk.Button(...) # uses a standard tk button
b2 = ttk.Button(...) # uses a ttk button
I can think of no good reason to do it any other way. Doing a global import saves you a couple of bytes each time you call a tkinter function, but at the expense of clarity. Plus, it reinforces a bad practice that might bleed into how you use other libraries.
The real authority, IMO, is PEP8, which has this to say on the matter:
Wildcard imports (from import *) should be avoided as they make it unclear which names are present in the namespace, confusing both readers and many automated tools. There is one defensible use case for a wildcard import, which is to republish an internal interface as part of a public API (for example, overwriting a pure Python implementation of an interface with the definitions from an optional accelerator module and exactly which definitions will be overwritten isn't known in advance).
Because tkinter/ doesn't import ttk, so ttk isn't included in from tkinter import *.
Briefly: from tkinter import * imports from file/packet tkinter but it doesn't mean that it will import from file/packet tkinter.ttk
what the other two answers here failed to state is that ttk is not imported because it is a submodule within the tkinter module, effectively a module in itself.
so when you import tkinter you get all of the parts that directly belong to tkinter
but ttk does not directly belong and so must be imported explicitly.
however Bryan Oakley makes a good point that importing everything from a module into local namespace (as many newbies do) can lead to big problems later on when you start to use more modules. this is because some of these modules may share function names even though the functions themselves may do completely different things.
it is always best for large modules to do:
import module as mod
import module
and then reference the functions as belonging to the modules namespace:
this gives you more control over what you are doing and makes it clearer later on what the function actually belonged to.
