SSRS time out issue - sharepoint

I have created a SSRS report in SharePoint and its uploaded in to the SharePoint library. While running, its working fine. It taking less than 10 seconds to load the report. But If I kept the report in idle mode for the next 5 minutes, then I tried to enter the text in search box in report tool and then clicked find. But instead of displaying the result, it loads the report again. And If I pass the search criteria, it will works. So My assumption is that, it would be the problem of time out. So can you guys advise me where can I update the time out value to avoid this issue?

If this is SSRS SharePoint integrated mode I guess something should be available in Central Admin to which usually developers might not be having acces atleast in prod environment. Check with the administrators who manage your farm.


Crystal Reports 8.5: Exporting to Excel causes decimals to disappear

There's an issue with the way reports are being generated. The reports are generated through Crystal Reports 8.5 with parameters passed through an application developed in Clarion 6.3
The problem is that the first time the report is generated (client balance, for example) it's generated correctly: the amounts all show up with their respective decimal places according to the Crystal .rpt file. If this report is then exported to Excel via the Crystal interface (Export button), and then re-generated it shows up without the respective decimal places.
I haven't been able to replicate this behavior locally (running Windows 8.1, Crystal Reports 8.5, MS Excel 2013, SQL Server 2008-R2) but I have confirmed this behavior on a client's server, where the application and CR8.5 are installed. One difference I've noticed is that they're running MS Excel 2016, but haven't been able to establish a correlation to the presented behavior.
Has anyone else run into this type of problem before, or have heard of someone who has run into this? This has only been confirmed with two clients, both running the application and reporting tool on Windows Server 2012, the rest haven't seen this type of behavior while generating reports (any report that contains decimal places).
The first time the report is generated everything shows up fine, but if the report is then exported, to any other format (Excel, PDF, etc.) the subsequent "generations" have the decimals at .00 in the Crystal preview and the Excel or PDF export, even if previously they showed some value. NOTE: This behavior has been shown to happen only when connected via remote desktop. If the report is generated/exported on a local machine (laptop, workstation) this type of behavior cannot be replicated.
Are you saying that the decimals do not show up in Excel? Or that they show up in the preview in Crystal, show up in the Excel export, but when the preview is re-run after exporting to Excel they do not show up in the preview the second time?
Either way, Crystal Reports 8.5 is 16 years old according to:
I can tell you that on CR11 this is not an issue I have experienced. Do you have the ability/license to update your software? Try updating your software and see if that solves your problem.
Thanks for the help, Jackson. At this time the client isn't able to upgrade to CR11, for some reason that they didn't quite specify, but I was able to identify the cause of the issue.
For some reason that I haven't been able to fully identify, the region of the machine comes into play. As I mentioned that the issue presents itself while accessing the application via Remote Desktop, if there is a difference between the region configuration on the host and remote machine, the decimals will reset to zero upon subsequent report generations. If the machines coincide in the region configuration, this doesn't happen.
I will still attempt to persuade the client to upgrade the reporting software and see if this issue is still present. Will do some local tests and research on the matter as well to determine if this deserves a ticket with SAP/BusinessObjects.

Sharepoint - Link to a file that is updated Dynamically?

I'm hoping this is possible.
The organization I work for has a Sharepoint site and I am able to Upload Files to pages, however I am not an admin on our Sharepoint. I'm not sure what the version is, I think its older (ie: 2005).
I have some Excel Reports I've built. The data for these reports is pulled from a SQL Server Database which I have full control over. I have setup a Job in SQL Server to run every 12 minutes, this procedure pulls in some data and updates a few tables. These tables are used to feed my Excel Reports.
I have a separate Scheduled task set to open my excel report(s) refresh the data connections and save as a PDF.
I would like to link to these PDF Files via our Sharepoint so that the VIPs can access the reports as they want, but they always see the most up to date report.
I was trying to link to a Shortcut to the PDF Files but SharePoint doesn't seem to like that. How do I make the SharePoint link point to the PDF File that is saved over every 15 minutes?
Thanks in advance,
Any insight is greatly appreciated.
The way I do it (newish version of Sharepoint) is make the save location for the PDF the network location where Sharepoint keeps the files for that site. Usually you'll have access to those if you can edit the Sharepoint site.
Here is a tutorial to find that network location.
EDIT: It very well may be disabled by the admin at the moment. But it looks like the functionality is there.
Given the age of your SharePoint (either 03 or 07), most of the modern tools that you could use to do this don't exist for you (Excel reporting, BI tools, etc). The easiest solution I can think of is to actually modify the other side of the equation. A few options:
Change your report to output two copies of the same file. One entitled (as an example) currentreport.xls and the other report20150626.xls . Put the link to the currentreport.xls in SharePoint.
Build an page that runs the SQL query you have built and pull the data through a view. Since this would be pulled on demand, it may be a few more cycles of your SQL code, but indexing, caching and selective data pull can prevent this from being an issue. Put the code in an iFrame in a SharePoint content editor web part.
Build your report using SSRS and host the output of that in SharePoint using an iFrame.
Run a scheduled job in SQL that copies your current report data to a table and query that table instead of your normal report table. That way you only have one Excel file that points to a specific table so no need to update links. You can always keep copying data to specific files if you need a historical record and can't use the DB to store this data for you (though the amount of space that it would take to do so would be minimal).

Where does Sharepoint 2010 codes goes and SP Audit Reports

I know it's a weird question, and possibly to easy for almost all of you, sorry for that, but I am extremely new on Sharepoint (actually, extreeeemely new!). So here's my doubt..
I need to do generate automatically audit reports of some libraries in SP2010 but not manual with Site Collection Administration > Audit Log Reports.
I need to report every time an user OPENS a document on the library, and register that on a document each time that happens maybe.. so i need to do the audit report automatically, but i don't know how.
I heard that with this code i can do it (, but first i don't even know where does the code goes in sharepoint, i see this kind of code everywhere but i don't know where it goes, and second.. i don't even know how to start with my automatic audit reports..
If someone could help me, it'd be great!
It depends on your requirements for example if you want a live view of the audit data then you could add the code to a Web Part and place this on a page in the site so when a user visits the page they see the stats that are generated at that particular instant.
This could have performance implications for the page load time depending on the size of the audit data so you may want to create a custom Timer Job to run the code you could then set the schedule for this to run nightly and save the audit report out to a document library.
If you need guidance on how to create Web Parts
Web Parts in SharePoint Foundation - This also has a Walkthrough for Creating a Basic Web Part
or Timer Jobs
Andrew Connell - Creating Custom SharePoint Timer Jobs and DotNet Finder - Creating Custom Timer Job in SharePoint 2010

Maximum number of columns in edit form in sharepoint 2010

I have a list which is having around 75 columns in it. The edit form of this page is customized using sharepoint designer and 70 columns are visible there. Now the task is to add 30 more columns in the edit page. I added all those columns in list but when I edited the edit form to include the 30 columns after a point the webpart is showing the error.
"Unable to display this Web Part. To troubleshoot the problem, open this Web page in a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation-compatible HTML editor such as Microsoft SharePoint Designer. If the problem persists, contact your Web server administrator."
I commented the field I added, then page is rendering in browser. I want to know is there is any limit to the edit form? if yes, how much is that.
If you need any more information, pls ask.
A hot fix is available from Microsoft to resolve this issue. You need to log a call with them and ask for sharepointfoundation2010-kb2597136-fullfile-x64-glb.exe.
After installing it, use the below Powershell script to make the changes to the Timeout value. Changing it to 2 seconds worked.
$farm = Get-SPFarm
$farm.XsltTransformTimeOut = 5
Another workaround for this is setting the "AllowPersonalization" property of the Web Part Zone to true. This error occurs when the "AllowPersonalization" property of the Web Part Zone is set to false and a user with less privilege tries to access the zone. This leads to the WebPartPageUsageException. This could be overcome by just setting the AllowPersonalization property to true.

Sharepoint Workflow Fails When First Run But Succeeds When Run Manually

We are using an infopath form that when submitted is supposed to fire off a custom .NET workflow. Basically, the information within the form is used to create a new sharepoint site. What I am seeing happen is that the first time the workflow runs (which is automatic after the form is submitted), the workflow errors out. When I run the workflow manually immediately after it fails, the workflow runs fine.
this.workflowProperties.Item["Client Name"]
I've debugged the issue down to the above line where workflowProperties is of type Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWorkflowActivationProperties. The first time the workflow runs, the property listed above (and all others) are null. The second time it is run the client name property is as it should be (populated from the infopath form).
Another important piece of information is that this workflow was working fine for over a year and suddenly started not working correctly a few weeks ago for no particular reason. We were having some permissions issues the past month but I cannot see how that could be related to the workflow issue. The user I am logged in as is a site collection administrator. I use the same user to kick the workflow off manually (which succeeds). I do not think that the workflow runs as the user that is logged in though (when it is run automatically on form submission).
Another interesting wrinkle to the whole situation: there are a total of 3 custom workflows that the application uses. 2 were made in visual studio - one of these works fine and other is displaying the behavior described above. The last was made in sharepoint designer and is failing.
I'm willing to try just about anything at this point. I am on a dev server (which displays the exact symptoms as production) so I can try just about anything.
I'm guessing this has to do with the workflow being fired asynchronously from the commit operation that sets the fields values. Can you try and fetch the item explictly from the list instead of using the Item from the workflow properties. something like the following:
SPListItem l_item =
i'm not certain, but it may be worth a try.
The other thing to keep in mind is the SPContext.Current object will be null if being called from an EventReceiver, but will be valid if called manually. It doesn't sound like this is the issue, but its something to be aware of nonetheless.
If the InfoPath forms are submitted from a Vista or Win 7 machine, you might face this issue of getting a NULL value for the fields in the InfoPath form. Try adding a delay activity with around 10seconds and see if your are able to get the value of the fields from InfoPath.
Refer to this link for more details: Why does my SharePoint workflow fail when the client is running Vista or Windows 7?
Try looking in your SharePoint Logs.
They are located under the 12-Hive in the LOGS folder - open up the latest and look for something with 'Workflow infrastructure' in it, maybe that can point you in the right direction.
The "solution" was to do an export and transfer to a new server. Basically just use STSADM to do the export operation and then import the same file on the new server.
I was on the phone with Microsoft Support for hours on this issue - transferring to a new server would be my recommendation for anyone else that might encounter this problem.
