Difference in bdf format between Patran and Virtual Lab - nastran

Here is my problem, i received a body-in-white in the bdf format which, by reading the file, seems to have been created through Patran 2013 and i need to make some changes to the body-in-white. I use LMS Virtual Lab in order to make my modifications but unfortunately with Virtual Lab i can only import the bdf file and then after modifications i need to export the work into a new bdf file. One remarkable difference is the size of the bdf file shortening from 128MB to 92MB.
My next step is to compute the normal modal analysis through MD Nastran which works fine with the original bdf file giving me an OP2 result file. However with the modified bdf file it runs, gives an exit(0) (which means no abnormal exit) as does the original file and then when i try to look at the resulting OP2 file (in Nastran NX) it tells me it can't find any results (whereas in the original it does).
Any thoughts ?

Maybe you already found the answer but I would do the following:
First step would be to check f06 for Fatal Errors. If no errors found, you can check if Eigenvalues are listet in f06. If no clue by checking f06, I would check what LMS is doing with the model:
1.) input original file in LMS and output it as BDF
-> check if output-file contains same entities as input-file (number of grids,number of rbe2/3, number of quads,trias,hex, number of forces,spc)
2.) if 1.) shows you that input and output are the same, this means that LMS output-settings are ok
3.) if 1.) shows that there are some small differences, but size of the file is the same it means that some LMS settings are not suitable for your output
-> check LMS output Settings
-> start modal analysis
I hope it helps


How to check the available free space in Haxe?

I don't find a way to check the free space available in a device using Haxe, Openfl, Lime or another library.
I would like to avoid download data that will exceed the size recommended for an app in each device.
What do you do to check that?
Try creating a file of that size! Then either delete it or reopen and write (not append) over its contents.
I don't know whether all platforms Haxe supports will work fine with this trick, but this algorithm is reported to work in many places and languages (I personally tested it in Ruby and saw the same suggestion for C++/.NET). To check whether X bytes of disk space are available:
open a new file for writing
seek X-1 bytes from the beginning
write a byte of data (whatever you want, 0, 42...)
close the file (probably unrelated to the task at hand, but don't forget to do that anyway)
If there's insufficient disk space, you'll likely get an exception at some point in this algorithm. You'll have to find out what errors to expect and process them properly.
Using ihx I've found this is working and requires nothing but Haxe Standard Library:
haxe interactive shell v0.3.4
type "help" for help
>> import sys.io.*;
>> var f = File.write('loca', true)
sys.io.FileOutput : { __f => #abstract }
>> f.seek(39999, FileSeek.SeekBegin)
Void : null
>> f.writeByte(0)
Void : null
>> f.close()
Void : null
After these manipulations, I had a file named loca of exactly 40000 bytes in my working directory.
By the way, be careful when doing things like these in ihx since it re-runs the entire session with the last entered line appended each time.
Ongoing experimentation:
However, when there's insufficient disk space, it may not fail with errors. In this case you'll have to check the real size with sys.FileSystem.stat(path).size. And don't forget to delete the file if there's not enough space.

Ubuntu 14.04 arbtt-stats index to large error

I've recently installed arbtt which seems to be an intersting, rule based, automatic time tracker. http://arbtt.nomeata.de/#what
I've got it working for the most part, but after 30 minutes or so of gathering stats, I end up with the following error.
Processing data [=>......................................................................................................................................................................................] 1%
arbtt-stats: Prelude.(!!): index too large
Does anyone have any suggestions on ways I can troubleshoot this issue, or better yet, solve it? I have 0 experience with the coding language used to create the rules (Haskell I believe). All I've done to this point is follow the documentation as closely as possible.
This error ultimately renders the tool useless since it doesn't gather data any longer than 30 minutes. To fix it, I have to delete the log and start from scratch. I'm primarily interested in the notion of having a customizable, rule based time tracker but I'm by no means tied to using arbtt.
Based on the comments below, I'm including some more information below.
When I try to run arbtt-recover I get a long list of errors that look like this. All of them seem to be related to an Unsupported TimeLogEntry.
Trying at position 1726098.
Failed to read value at position 1726098:
Unsupported TimeLogEntry version tag 0
As for the configuration file, here is what I have so far.
$idle > 30 ==> tag inactive,
-- A rule that matches on a list of strings
current window $program == ["Chrome", "Firefox"] ==> tag Web,
current window $program == ["skype"] ==> tag Skype,
current window $program == ["jetbrains-phpstorm"] ==> tag PhpStorm,
( current window $title =~ m!Inbox! ||
current window $title =~ m!Outlook! ) ==> tag Emails,
( current window $title =~ m!AdWords! ||
current window $title =~ m!Analytics! ) ==> tag Adwords,
It goes on further, but I'm fairly confident I've followed this same syntax for all other lines. The rest of the lines are following the same format but are project/client specific for me. If required, I'm happy to include the rest of the file.
As discussed in the comments: This is a case of a corrupt ~/.arbtt/capture.log. You can usually fix this by
running arbtt-recover
and then moving ~/.arbtt/capture.log.recovered to ~/.arbtt/capture.log.
The second manual step is required to avoid accidentially deleting too much data. You can test that the recovered file is better by making arbtt-stats using the recovered file by passing --logfile=~/.arbtt/capture.log.recovered to it.
Data corruption happens for example when there is an unclean shutdown, or other undetermined reasons. But the log file format is such that even after a corruption (e.g. a partial write of one sample), further samples will be written correctly and should be picked up by arbtt-recover, so you did not lose more than a few samples.

Output other than .txt

I'm looking to build a simple program that will simply modify existing output files from an other program so I don't have to open the program and enter a bunch of data the long way. This program is very specific to my domain and has an extension named .wcc. However, when I change the extension of one of these output files to .txt, I get half gibberish :
ÿÿ WPointÿÿ WPolygonÿÿ  WQuadrilateralÿÿ  WMemberDataÿÿ
WLoadÿÿ WLStandardMembersÿÿ WLSavedDesignSettingsÿÿ WLSavedFormatSettingsÿÿ  WLSavedViewSettingsÿÿ WLSavedProjectSettingsÿÿ  WLSavedSettingsÿÿ  WLSavedLoadSettingsÿÿ WLSavedDefaultSettingsÿÿ WLineÿÿ WProductÿÿ WBeamDataÿÿ  WColumnDataÿÿ
WWallStudDataÿÿ WSupportingMemberDataÿÿ WSavedAnalysisSettingsÿÿ WSavedGravityDesignSettingsÿÿ WSavedPreferencesSettingsÿÿ WNotchÿÿ WIJoistÿÿ WFloorCWC37 ÀAE LumberS-P-F No.1/No.2 # À# lumwall.cww ÿÿÿÿ1.2.3.1.Mur_1_EX-D ÿÿÿÿÿÿ B Cÿÿ B C €? 4C 4C   Neige #F #F ÈC ÿÿÿ
WLStandardMembersÿÿ "
There are also musical notes and perpendicular signs which I can't copy paste here. I can sorta read the text, but still not enough to make modifications via txt file. What type of file could this be? Is it even possible to do what I'm trying to do? Thanks!
I am surprised that you are trying to open a .wcc file as a text file (it's contents - as you will see - don't lend themselves to being converted to such a file type); however, the attempt to open the file as a .txt file seems to be specific to your domain.
I noticed part of your question is as follows: "What type of file could this be?"
You are right in thinking that the .wcc file is a rather obscure file type - we don't think about that file type a lot (or are not conscious of it existing). A .wcc file is a WinCam 2000 Cache file that allows WinCam 2000 movies to be previewed in the slide browser - these were often generated by older WinCam 2000 screen recording and editing programs.
Again, the file extension is very rare these days (a Google search only returns ~700 results). But, it appears you have a program that is producing the file, which - as you are saying - "is quite specific to your domain". You may be out of luck with regard to opening them for modification purposes.
Supposedly, you can covert .wac files to .wav files, which are much more relevant to today's technology (and definitely alterable from code); however, without knowing the purpose of the file, e.g. what you are trying to do with the file domain-side, I can't say that this will suit your needs.
Also, the above comments are "correct": changing a file extension will not convert the file to the file extension type. Typically, converters - like a simple software - are needed to convert files.

file command generating 'invalid argument'

I have a perl script that traverses a set of directories and when it hits one of them it blows up with an Invalid Argument and I want to be able to programmatically skip it. I thought I could start by finding out the file type with the file command but it too blows up like this:
$ file /sys/devices/virtual/net/br-ex/speed
/sys/devices/virtual/net/br-ex/speed: ERROR: cannot read `/sys/devices/virtual/net/br-ex/speed' (Invalid argument)
If I print out the mode of the file with the perl or python stat function it tells me 33060 but I'm not sure what all the bits mean and I'm hoping a particular one would tell me not to try to look inside. Any suggestions?
To understand the stats number you got, you need to convert the number to octal (in python oct(...)).
Then you'll see that 33060 interprets to 100444. You're interested only in the last three digits (444). The first digit is file owner permissions, the second is group and the third is everyone else.
You can look at each of the numbers (in your case all are 4) as 3 binary bits in this order:
Since in your case owner, group & other has 4, it is translated (for all of them) to 100 (in binary) which means that only the read bit is on for all three - meaning that all three can only read the file.
As far as file permissions go, you should have been successful reading /sys/devices/virtual/net/br-ex/speed.
There are two reasons for the read to fail:
- Either speed is a directory, (directories require execute permissions to read inside).
- Or it's a special file - which can be tested using the -f flag in perl or bash, or using os.path.isfile(...) in python.
Anyhow, you can use the following links to filter files & directories according to their permissions in the 3 languages you mentioned:
ways to test permissions in perl.
ways to test permissions in python.
ways to test permissions in bash.
Not related to this particular case, but I hit the same error when I ran it on a malicious ELF (Linux executable) file. In that case it was because the program headers of the ELF was intentionally corrupted. Looking at the source code for file command, this is clear as it checks the ELF headers and bails out with the same error in case the headers are corrupted:
* Loop through all the program headers.
for ( ; num; num--) {
if (pread(fd, xph_addr, xph_sizeof, off) <
CAST(ssize_t, xph_sizeof)) {
return -1;
TLDR; The file command checks not only the magic bytes, but it also performs other checks to validate a file type.

Allocating matrix / structure data instead of string name to variable

I have a script that opens a folder and does some processing on the data present. Say, there's a file "XYZ.tif".
Inside this tif file, there are two groups of datasets, which show up in the workspace as
If I want to continue with the 2nd set, I can use
However, XYZ usually is much longer and varies per file, whereas data.ch3e is consistent.
Therefore I tried
where origfilename of course is XYZ, which has (automatically) been extracted before.
However, that gives me a string A (since I practically typed
instead of the matrix that data.ch3eXYZ actually is.
I think it's just a problem with ()'s, []'s, or {}'s but Ican't seem to figure it out.
Thanks in advance!
If you know the string, dynamic field references should help you here and are far better than eval
Slightly modified example from the linked blog post:
fldnm = 'fred';
s.fred = 18;
y = s.(fldnm)
y =
So for your case:
test = data.(['ch3e' origfilename]);
Should be sufficient
Edit: Link to the documentation
