convert date (from datefield ) J2ME to sql date - java-me

hye, I need to convert date taken from a datefield (J2ME) and convert it to sql date to save in my database, but it's impossible for me to use sql date in j2me
any ideas please
i tried to extract the date
String getDateString(Date date) {
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);
int day = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
int hour = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
int minute = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
int second = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND);
return new String(day+"-0"+month+"-"+year+"");}
return new String(day+"-"+month+"-"+year+"");
then I send it via url
hc = (HttpConnection) Connector.
open(url + "nom=" + tfNom.getString() + "&type=" + myCh.getString(myCh.getSelectedIndex())+ "&date_debut=" + datec + "&date_fin=" + date_fin.getString() );
but in my database i found date 00-00-0000!!


Countdown animation for LocalTime

val dateNow =
val formatter: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS")
val dateTime = LocalDateTime.parse(it?.LastUpdated, formatter)
println("The date is :" + dateTime)
val duration = Duration.between(dateTime, dateNow).toMinutes()
val countDown =
Duration.ofMinutes( duration )
So I'm pulling LastUpdated using Retrofit then, I'm getting the difference between the two dates and then displaying it in minutes (HH:SS) format.
Let's say, for example, the output of countDown is 24:45.
How can one make that text count down with animation?

Android Studio - Kotlin - SQLite Database isn't changing the ID for one of the corresponding tables

I'm trying to implement my first SQLite Database in an Android App regarding obtaining location coordinates to keep track of where the user has been.
I'm trying to add information from my entry into two tables:
a Location table that contains information of the places name, id, latitude, and longitude information &
a CheckIn table that contains information of the places address, corresponding location_id to know which location it corresponds to, latitude, longitude, and time of check in.
Whenever I try to do this, my entry is never updated for the Locations table, solely the CheckIn table, despite using the insert() function to insert into the Locations table as well the id is not updating for the Location table.
I've went through my app in a debugger and I can't figure out what's causing the problem here, as there's no error and the program proceeds just fine to add in the necessary info for the CheckIn table.
I've tried checking StackOverFlow but I can't quite find anything that has been able to help fix my problem. If there's anyone who could help me, it'd be greatly appreciated
My add function:
fun addLoc_CheckIn(Entry: Locations)
val db = this.readableDatabase
val cursor = db.rawQuery(selectQuery, null)
var con = 0
if (cursor.moveToFirst())
while (cursor.moveToNext())
val pSLong = cursor.getDouble(cursor.getColumnIndex(SLONG))
val pCLong = cursor.getDouble(cursor.getColumnIndex(CLONG))
val pSLat = cursor.getDouble(cursor.getColumnIndex(SLAT))
val pCLat = cursor.getDouble(cursor.getColumnIndex(CLAT))
val Theta = (pCLong * Entry.cLong) + (pSLong * Entry.sLong)
var dist = (pSLat * Entry.sLat) + (pCLat * Entry.cLat * Theta)
// dist = (Math.acos(dist) * 180.00 / Math.PI) * (60 * 1.1516 * 1.609344) / 1000
dist = Math.acos(dist) * 6380000
if (dist <= 30)
con = 1
val db1 = this.writableDatabase
val values = ContentValues()
values.put(LOC_ID, cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(ID)))
values.put(ADDRESS, Entry.Checks[0].Address)
values.put(LATI, Entry.Lat)
values.put(LONGI, Entry.Long)
values.put(TIME, Entry.Checks[0].Date_Time)
db1.insert(CHECKINS, null, values)
if (con == 0)
val db1 = this.writableDatabase
val values = ContentValues()
values.put(LOC_NAME, Entry.Name)
values.put(LAT, Entry.Lat)
values.put(LONG, Entry.Long)
values.put(CLAT, Entry.cLat)
values.put(SLAT, Entry.sLat)
values.put(CLONG, Entry.cLong)
values.put(SLONG, Entry.sLong)
Entry.Id = db1.insert(LOCATIONS, null, values)
val cvalues = ContentValues()
cvalues.put(LOC_ID, Entry.Id)
cvalues.put(ADDRESS, Entry.Checks[0].Address)
cvalues.put(LATI, Entry.Lat)
cvalues.put(LONGI, Entry.Long)
cvalues.put(TIME, Entry.Checks[0].Date_Time)
db1.insert(CHECKINS, null, cvalues)
My OnCreate function with the corresponding companion object:
companion object {
private val DATABASE_NAME = "LocationsDB"
private val DATABASE_VERSION = 1
// 1st Table - Unique Check Ins
private val ID = "ID"
private val LOC_NAME = "LOC NAME"
private val LAT = "LAT"
private val LONG = "LONG"
private val CLAT = "CLAT"
private val SLAT = "SLAT"
private val CLONG = "CLONG"
private val SLONG = "SLONG"
// 2nd Table - Repeated Check Ins
private val CHECKINS = "CHECKINS"
private val CHECKIN_ID = "CHECKIN_ID"
private val LOC_ID = "LOC_ID"
private val ADDRESS = "ADDRESS"
private val TIME = "TIME"
private val LATI = "LAT"
private val LONGI = "LONG"
override fun onCreate(p0: SQLiteDatabase?) {
" TEXT, " + LAT + " INTEGER, " + LONG + " INTEGER, " +
" TEXT, " + TIME + " TEXT " + ")"
Now, in my constructor for the Location class and the CheckIns class, I have the id's set to -1, which is what the id for the location remains, even after using the insert() function. Now, this doesn't cause me any issues with regards to adding in my CheckIns as well incrementing the ids in my CheckIns table and I doubt it's causing an issue but I figured it'd be best to include the information, just in case.
I believe that you have an issue with the name of the column due to using
private val LOC_NAME = "LOC NAME"
A column name cannot have a space unless it is enclosed in special characters as per SQL As Understood By SQLite - SQLite Keywords.
This isn't an issue when the table is create (the column name will be LOC). However, when you attempt to insert you will get a syntax error, the row will not be inserted but as you are using the SQLiteDatabase insert method, the error is trapped and processing continues.
However, in the log you would see something similar to :-
2019-10-29 15:47:35.119 12189-12189/aso.so58600930insert E/SQLiteLog: (1) near "NAME": syntax error
2019-10-29 15:47:35.121 12189-12189/aso.so58600930insert E/SQLiteDatabase: Error inserting LOC NAME=MyLoc LAT=100 CLAT=120 LONG=110 SLAT=140 CLONG=130 SLONG=150
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: near "NAME": syntax error (code 1 SQLITE_ERROR): , while compiling: INSERT INTO LOCATIONS(LOC NAME,LAT,CLAT,LONG,SLAT,CLONG,SLONG) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
You could circumvent the above by using :-
val db1 = this.writableDatabase
val values = ContentValues()
values.put("LOC", Entry.Name)
values.put(LAT, Entry.Lat)
values.put(LONG, Entry.Long)
values.put(CLAT, Entry.cLat)
values.put(SLAT, Entry.sLat)
values.put(CLONG, Entry.cLong)
values.put(SLONG, Entry.sLong)
Entry.Id = db1.insert(LOCATIONS, null, values)
However, it is not suggested that you use the above BUT that instead you correct the name, e.g. using :-
private val LOC_NAME = "LOC_NAME"
then clear the App's data or uninstall the App and then rerun the App.
This fix assumes that you are developing the App and can afford to lose any existing data. You could retain data but this is a little more complicated as you basically have to create a new table with the appropriate column name, copy the data from the original table, rename or drop the original table and then rename the new table to be the original name.

DateFormat system.currenttimemillis()

As the date is in Milli second format, How do i convert it to have a DD/MM/YY format??
Long Ldate = System.currentTimeMillis();
String date = Ldate.toString();
Please use this code. This will help you.
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
SimpleDateFormat dayTime = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yy");
String str = dayTime.format(new Date(time));

ServiceStack.OrmLite with a DateTime.Month Predicate

While using ServiceStack.OrmLite, and following some of the examples from the ServiceStack.OrmLite wiki.
I am trying to select rows where the LastActivity date month = 1.
I keep getting the error:
{"variable 'pp' of type 'Author' referenced from scope '', but it is not defined"}
LastActivity is a nullable DateTime, defind like:
public DateTime ? LastActivity { get; set;}
I have tried:
db.Select<Author>(q => q.LastActivity.Value.Month == 1);
var visitor = db.CreateExpression<Author>();
db.Select<Author>(visitor.Where(q => q.LastActivity.Value.Month == 1));
SqlExpressionVisitor<Author> ev = OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider.ExpressionVisitor<Author>();
db.Select<Author>(ev.Where(q => q.LastActivity.Value.Month == 1));
var predicate = ServiceStack.OrmLite.PredicateBuilder.True<Author>();
predicate = predicate.And(q => q.LastActivity.Value.Month == 1);
I am trying to avoid using a sql string in the select because I like the compile time checking of the field names and types.
do a less than and more than on the date field IE
LastActivity >= variableThatHoldsStartDateOfMonth && LastActivity <= VariableThatHoldsLastDayOfMOnth.
This will give you results for the whole month

Most efficient way to read from bottom of Azure Table Storage

I have a an Azure table which serves as an event log. I need the most efficient way to read the bottom of the table to retrieve the most recent entries.
What is the most efficient way of doing this?
First of all, I would really advice you to base your partition key on UTC ticks. You can do it in a way that all the antities are ordered from latest to oldest.
Then if you want to get lets say 100 latest logs you just call (lets say that query is IQueryable something from your favorite client - we use Lucifure Stash): query.Take(100);
If you want to fetch entities for certain period you write: query.Where(x => x.PartitionKey <= value); or something similar.
The "value" variable has to be constructed based on the way you construct the values for partition key.
Assuming you want to fetch the data for last 15 minutes, try this pseudo code:
DateTime toDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
DateTime fromDateTime = toDateTime.AddMinutes(-15);
string myPartitionKeyFrom = fromDateTime.ToString("yy-MM");
string myPartitionKeyTo = toDateTime.ToString("yy-MM");
string query = "";
if (myPartitionKeyFrom.Equals(myPartitionKeyTo))//In case both time periods fall in same month, then we can directly hit that partition.
query += "(PartitionKey eq '" + myPartitionKeyFrom + "') ";
else // Otherwise we would need to do a greater than and lesser than stuff.
query += "(PartitionKey ge '" + myPartitionKeyFrom + "' and PartitionKey le '" + myPartitionKeyTo + "') ";
query += "and (RowKey ge '" + fromDateTime.ToString() + "' and RowKey le '" + toDateTime.ToString() + "')";
If you want to fetch latest 'n' number of entries then you need to slightly modify your PartitionKey and RowKey value, So that latest entries will be pushed to the top of the table.
For this you need to compute both the keys using DateTime.MaxValue.Subtract(DateTime.UtcNow).Ticks; instead of DateTime.UtcNow.
Microsoft provides a SemanticLogging framework that has a specific sink to log to Azure Table.
If you look at the library code, it generates a partition key (in reverse order) based on a Datetime :
static string GeneratePartitionKeyReversed(DateTime dateTime)
dateTime = dateTime.AddMinutes(-1.0);
return GetTicksReversed(
new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, dateTime.Hour, dateTime.Minute, 0));
static string GetTicksReversed(DateTime dateTime)
return (DateTime.MaxValue - dateTime.ToUniversalTime())
.Ticks.ToString("d19", (IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
So you can implement the same logic in your application to build your partitionkey.
If you want to retrieve the logs for a specific date range, you can write a query that looks like that:
var minDate = GeneratePartitionKeyReversed(DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-2));
var maxDate = GeneratePartitionKeyReversed(DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-1));
// Get the cloud table
var cloudTable = GetCloudTable();
// Build the query
IQueryable<DynamicTableEntity> query = cloudTable.CreateQuery<DynamicTableEntity>();
// condition for max date
query = query.Where(a => string.Compare(a.PartitionKey, maxDate,
StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0);
// condition for min date
query = query.Where(a => string.Compare(a.PartitionKey, minDate,
StringComparison.Ordinal) <= 0);3
