Server state and users in a Meteor app, how to create state? - node.js

I have a Meteor application where I use RiveScript, a chatbot module for Node. The module can save some aspects of user input. My issue is that when I run the module on server, the state is not saved for one user, but for all users. How would I go about creating a state for each user?
One method would be to create a new bot for each user like so:
let RiveScript = require('rivescript');
let users = {};
Meteor.onConnection(connection => {
users[] = new RiveScript({utf8: true});
() => {
connection.onClose(() => {
delete users[]
However, in terms of memory management this can cause an issue. Are there any commonly used patterns in this regard?

I am not familiar with Meteor nor RiveScript, so I hope I'm answering your question.
If you want to keep a certain state for each conversation, e.g.
Chat #1 : the bot is waiting for the user to answer a particular question
Chat #2 : the bot is waiting for a command
Why don't you use a simple array mapping a conversation identifier (or in your case, I'm guessing) to its current state?
// Just to simulate an enumeration
var state = [];
Meteor.onConnection(connection => {
state[] = States.WAITING;
// Somewhere else, e.g. in response to a command
if (state[] == WAITING_XXX_CONFIRMATION && input === 'yes') {
// do something
// reset the state
set[] = WAITING;
You could then keep track of the state of every conversation, and act accordingly. You could also wrap the state management inside an object to make it more reusable and nice to use (e.g. StateManager, to be able to make calls such as StateManager.of(chatId).set(newState).
Hope this helps.


Unable to have multiple Subject listeners subscribed simultaneously in Angular

In Angular, I have two components that are listening to an RXJS Subject in a service. Both components are concurrently loaded, each in a separate tab.
My problem is that when the observable/subject is updated, only one of the event listeners get triggered. The one that does get triggered works as intended.
The subscriber, called in ngOnInit() (Its the same for both).
.subscribe((clearEvent)=> {
if(this.previousSelected !== null){
for(let i=0;i<this.previousSelected.cells.length;i++){
this.previousSelected = null
The service:
clearEventChange:Subject<boolean> = new Subject<boolean>()
constructor() {
this.clearEventChange.subscribe((value) => {
this.clearEvent = value
One idea that I'll try is to lazy load the tabs, so that only one component is loaded at a time, and then unsubscribe on ngOnDestroy, that way only one subscriber is connected at a time. That said, I am still curious if there is a way to connect multiple subscribers at once, or if I am just doing something wrong.
Maybe you run setClear() before the method connectClear() of the first component is initializated.
Check this:
Make sure you are using the same service (as singleton).
In order to do that, in the service decorator:
#injectable({ provideIn:'root})
Change the operator Subject for BehaviorSubject:
(remember to import BehaviorSubject instead import Subject).
clearEventChange:Subject<boolean> = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(true);
It will trigger a true value (and hold the value until next activation of setClear()).
If everything is good, both subscribers should activate.

Reading the entire tree from the OPC UA server

OPC UA newbie here!
I want to programmatically read a tree of nodes available on the OPC Server to present the tree to the user. The user would then pick the node they're interested in and the app will fetch the value of that node.
The client I'm going to use is node-opcua.
My initial idea is to use the session.browse() method to recursively read out all of the nodes, starting from the root:
const connectionStrategy = {
initialDelay: 1000,
maxRetry: 1,
const client = OPCUAClient.create({
applicationName: "MyClient",
connectionStrategy: connectionStrategy,
securityMode: MessageSecurityMode.None,
securityPolicy: SecurityPolicy.None,
endpoint_must_exist: false,
const endpointUrl = "opc.tcp://"
async function main() {
await client.connect(endpointUrl)
const session = await client.createSession()
const browseResult = await session.browse("RootFolder") // start with root
for (const reference of browseResult.references) {
// recursively session.browse() nodeId of reference
await session.close();
await client.disconnect();
Does the approach of recursive fetching the tree sound viable? I imagine trees can get large. Is there any better approach?
What you propose is as if when you open the windows explorer you had to wait several minutes for it to load the complete tree of directories and files.
The node tree of an OPC UA server can have several thousand nodes, most of them without interest for those who are looking for a variable or a specific group of variables to monitor.
The whole tree will probably take several minutes to load and the opinion that this will cause in the user of your program will not be good.
Child nodes should only be obtained and displayed when the user clicks on them, like the windows explorer.
Maybe you should start by designing the graphical interface first

what does the function incrementTransactionNumber() do in mongodb node driver?

I know the function's name seems to be self explanatory, however, after researching for quite a while I can't find a transaction number anywhere within a clientSession.
Is it an internal number ? is it possible to get it ?
Transaction numbers are used by mongodb to keep track of operations(read/writes) per transaction per session. Sessions can be started either explicitly by calling startSession() or implicity whenever you create a mongodb connection to db server.
How incrementTransactionNumber() works with sessions (explicit)
When you start a session, by calling client.startSession() method, it will create a new ClientSession. This takes in already created server session pool as one of its' constructor parameters. (See) These server sessions have a property called txnNumber which is initialized to be 0.(Init) So whenever you start a transaction by calling startTransaction(), client session object calls incrementTransactionNumber() internally to increment the txnNumber in server session. And all the successive operations will use the same txnNumber, until you call, commitTransaction() or abortTransaction() methods. Reason that you can't find it anywhere within clientSession is, it is a property of serverSession not clientSession.
class ServerSession {
constructor() { = { id: new Binary(uuidV4(), Binary.SUBTYPE_UUID) };
this.lastUse = now();
this.txnNumber = 0;
this.isDirty = false;
So whenever you try to send a command to database (read/write), this txnNumber would be sent along with it. (Assign transaction number to command)
This is to keep track of database operations that belong to a given transaction per session. (A transaction operation history that uniquely identify each transaction per session.)
How incrementTransactionNumber() works with sessions (implicit)
In this case it would be called every time a new command is issued to the database if that command does not belong to a transaction and it's a write operation where retryWrites are enabled. So each new write operation would have new transaction number as long as it does not belong to a explicitly started transaction with startTransaction(). But in this case as well a txnNumber would be sent along with each command.
const willRetryWrite =
topology.s.options.retryWrites === true &&
session &&
!inTransaction &&
supportsRetryableWrites(server) &&
if (
operation.hasAspect(Aspect.RETRYABLE) &&
((operation.hasAspect(Aspect.READ_OPERATION) && willRetryRead) ||
(operation.hasAspect(Aspect.WRITE_OPERATION) && willRetryWrite))
) {
if (operation.hasAspect(Aspect.WRITE_OPERATION) && willRetryWrite) {
operation.options.willRetryWrite = true;
operation.execute(server, callbackWithRetry);
operation.execute(server, callback);
Also read this article as well. And yes if you need you can get the transaction number for any session through txnNumber property, clientSession.serverSession.txnNumber.

Wrapping legacy object in IConnectableObservable

I have a legacy event-based object that seems like a perfect fit for RX: after being connected to a network source, it raises events when a message is received, and may terminate with either a single error (connection dies, etc.) or (rarely) an indication that there will be no more messages. This object also has a couple projections -- most users are interested in only a subset of the messages received, so there are alternate events raised only when well-known message subtypes show up.
So, in the process of learning more about reactive programming, I built the following wrapper:
class LegacyReactiveWrapper : IConnectableObservable<TopLevelMessage>
private LegacyType _Legacy;
private IConnectableObservable<TopLevelMessage> _Impl;
public LegacyReactiveWrapper(LegacyType t)
_Legacy = t;
var observable = Observable.Create<TopLevelMessage>((observer) =>
LegacyTopLevelMessageHandler tlmHandler = (sender, tlm) => observer.OnNext(tlm);
LegacyErrorHandler errHandler = (sender, err) => observer.OnError(new ApplicationException(err.Message));
LegacyCompleteHandler doneHandler = (sender) => observer.OnCompleted();
_Legacy.TopLevelMessage += tlmHandler;
_Legacy.Error += errHandler;
_Legacy.Complete += doneHandler;
return Disposable.Create(() =>
_Legacy.TopLevelMessage -= tlmHandler;
_Legacy.Error -= errHandler;
_Legacy.Complete -= doneHandler;
_Impl = observable.Publish();
public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<TopLevelMessage> observer)
return _Impl.RefCount().Subscribe(observer);
public IDisposable Connect()
return Disposable.Create(() => _Legacy.DisconnectFromMessageSource());
public IObservable<SubMessageA> MessageA
// This is the moral equivalent of the projection behavior
// that already exists in the legacy type. We don't hook
// the LegacyType.MessageA event directly.
return _Impl.RefCount()
.Where((tlm) => tlm.MessageType == MessageType.MessageA)
.Select((tlm) => tlm.SubMessageA);
public IObservable<SubMessageB> MessageB
return _Impl.RefCount()
.Where((tlm) => tlm.MessageType == MessageType.MessageB)
.Select((tlm) => tlm.SubMessageB);
Something about how it's used elsewhere feels... off... somehow, though. Here's sample usage, which works but feels strange. The UI context for my test application is WinForms, but it doesn't really matter.
// in Program.Main...
MainForm frm = new MainForm();
// Updates the UI based on a stream of SubMessageA's
IObserver<SubMessageA> uiManager = new MainFormUiManager(frm);
LegacyType lt = new LegacyType();
// ... setup lt...
var w = new LegacyReactiveWrapper(lt);
var uiUpdateSubscription = (from msgA in w.MessageA
where SomeCondition(msgA)
select msgA).ObserveOn(frm).Subscribe(uiManager);
var nonUiSubscription = (from msgB in w.MessageB
where msgB.SubType == MessageBType.SomeSubType
select msgB).Subscribe(
m => Console.WriteLine("Got MsgB: {0}", m),
ex => Console.WriteLine("MsgB error: {0}", ex.Message),
() => Console.WriteLine("MsgB complete")
IDisposable unsubscribeAtExit = null;
frm.Load += (sender, e) =>
var connectionSubscription = w.Connect();
unsubscribeAtExit = new CompositeDisposable(
frm.FormClosing += (sender, e) =>
if(unsubscribeAtExit != null) { unsubscribeAtExit.Dispose(); }
This WORKS -- The form launches, the UI updates, and when I close it the subscriptions get cleaned up and the process exits (which it won't do if the LegacyType's network connection is still connected). Strictly speaking, it's enough to dispose just connectionSubscription. However, the explicit Connect feels weird to me. Since RefCount is supposed to do that for you, I tried modifying the wrapper such that rather than using _Impl.RefCount in MessageA and MessageB and explicitly connecting later, I used this.RefCount instead and moved the calls to Subscribe to the Load handler. That had a different problem -- the second subscription triggered another call to LegacyReactiveWrapper.Connect. I thought the idea behind Publish/RefCount was "first-in triggers connection, last-out disposes connection."
I guess I have three questions:
Do I fundamentally misunderstand Publish/RefCount?
Is there some preferred way to implement IConnectableObservable<T> that doesn't involve delegation to one obtained via IObservable<T>.Publish? I know you're not supposed to implement IObservable<T> yourself, but I don't understand how to inject connection logic into the IConnectableObservable<T> that Observable.Create().Publish() gives you. Is Connect supposed to be idempotent?
Would someone more familiar with RX/reactive programming look at the sample for how the wrapper is used and say "that's ugly and broken" or is this not as weird as it seems?
I'm not sure that you need to expose Connect directly as you have. I would simplify as follows, using Publish().RefCount() as an encapsulated implementation detail; it would cause the legacy connection to be made only as required. Here the first subscriber in causes connection, and the last one out causes disconnection. Also note this correctly shares a single RefCount across all subscribers, whereas your implementation uses a RefCount per message type, which isn't probably what was intended. Users are not required to Connect explicitly:
public class LegacyReactiveWrapper
private IObservable<TopLevelMessage> _legacyRx;
public LegacyReactiveWrapper(LegacyType legacy)
_legacyRx = WrapLegacy(legacy).Publish().RefCount();
private static IObservable<TopLevelMessage> WrapLegacy(LegacyType legacy)
return Observable.Create<TopLevelMessage>(observer =>
LegacyTopLevelMessageHandler tlmHandler = (sender, tlm) => observer.OnNext(tlm);
LegacyErrorHandler errHandler = (sender, err) => observer.OnError(new ApplicationException(err.Message));
LegacyCompleteHandler doneHandler = sender => observer.OnCompleted();
legacy.TopLevelMessage += tlmHandler;
legacy.Error += errHandler;
legacy.Complete += doneHandler;
return Disposable.Create(() =>
legacy.TopLevelMessage -= tlmHandler;
legacy.Error -= errHandler;
legacy.Complete -= doneHandler;
public IObservable<TopLevelMessage> TopLevelMessage
return _legacyRx;
public IObservable<SubMessageA> MessageA
return _legacyRx.Where(tlm => tlm.MessageType == MessageType.MessageA)
.Select(tlm => tlm.SubMessageA);
public IObservable<SubMessageB> MessageB
return _legacyRx.Where(tlm => tlm.MessageType == MessageType.MessageB)
.Select(tlm => tlm.SubMessageB);
An additional observation is that Publish().RefCount() will drop the underlying subscription when it's subscriber count reaches 0. Typically I only use Connect over this choice when I need to maintain a subscription even when the subscriber count on the published source drops to zero (and may go back up again later). It's rare to need to do this though - only when connecting is more expensive than holding on to the subscription resource when you might not need to.
Your understanding is not entirely wrong, but you do appear to have some points of misunderstanding.
You seem to be under the belief that multiple calls to RefCount on the same source IObservable will result in a shared reference count. They do not; each instance keeps its own count. As such, you are causing multiple subscriptions to _Impl, one per call to subscribe or call to the Message properties.
You also may be expecting that making _Impl an IConnectableObservable somehow causes your Connect method to be called (since you seem surprised you needed to call Connect in your consuming code). All Publish does is cause subscribers to the published object (returned from the .Publish() call) to share a single subscription to the underlying source observable (in this case, the object made from your call to Observable.Create).
Typically, I see Publish and RefCount used immediately together (eg as source.Publish().RefCount()) to get the shared subscription effect described above or to make a cold observable hot without needing to call Connect to start the subscription to the original source. However, this relies on using the same object returned from the .Publish().RefCount() for all subscribers (as noted above).
Your implementation of Connect seems reasonable. I don't know of any recommendations for if Connect should be idempotent, but I would not personally expect it to be. If you wanted it to be, you would just need to track calls to it the disposal of its return value to get the right balance.
I don't think you need to use Publish the way you are, unless there is some reason to avoid multiple event handlers being attached to the legacy object. If you do need to avoid that, I would recommend changing _Impl to a plain IObservable and follow the Publish with a RefCount.
Your MessageA and MessageB properties have potential to be a source of confusion for users, since they return an IObservable, but still require a call to Connect on the base object to start receiving messages. I would either change them to IConnectableObservables that somehow delegate to the original Connect (at which point the idempotency discussion becomes more relevant) or drop the properties and just let the users make the (fairly simple) projections themselves when needed.

NODE.JS accessing shared variable in socket.IO event handler

I am doing an experimental online poker game using NODE.JS and socket.IO. The game requires 3 players to join to start. I use socket.IO to listen to the connections from joining players. Whenever there are 3 players coming, they will form one group. Currently I use some shared variables to do this. But if there are lots of players coming in at the same time, I am fear it will cause synchronization problem. As you can see from the code snippet, the players, groups, groupNumber, comingPlayer, clients are all shared between multiple 'connection' event handlers. So when one event handler is executed and another event handler got scheduled by the V8 engine, it may corrupt the states of these shared variables.
I have done some research using Google but didn't find satisfactory answers. So I posted here to see if any expert can help me. Thanks in advance!
var clients = {}; // {"player1": 1} {"player2": 1} {"player3": 1}
var groups = {}; // {"1": ["player1", "player2", "player3"]
var groupNumber = 1; // the current group number
var comingPlayers = 0; // a temporary variable for the coming players
var players = []; // a temporary array containing the players which have not formed 1 group
socket.on('connection', function(client) {
sockets[] = client;
clients[] = groupNumber;
if (comingPlayers === 3) { // now there are 3 players which can compose 1 group
groups[groupNumber] = arrayClone(players);
players = [];
comingPlayers = 0;
The code you've shown is atomic (it will completely finish before another event handler can run), so you shouldn't have any synchronization issues. Remember that in node, all user-written code runs in a single thread. If somebody else is trying to connect, it won't interrupt what you're doing.
