Sensitive Data in Command Line Interfaces - security

I know it's frowned upon to use passwords in command line interfaces like in this example:
./commandforsomething -u username -p plaintextpassword
My understanding that the reason for that (in unix systems at least) is because it'll be able to be read in the scrollback as well as the .bash_history file (or whatever flavor shell you use).
HOWEVER, I was wondering if it was safe to use that sort of interface with sensitive data programatically while programming things. For example, in perl, you can execute a command using two ``, the exec command, or system command (I'm not 100% sure on the differences between these apart from the return value from the two backticks being the output of the executed command versus the return value... but that's a question for another post I guess).
So, my question is this: Is it safe to do things LIKE
system("command", "userarg", "passwordarg");
as it essentially does the same thing, just without getting posted in scrollback or history? (note that I only use perl as an example - I don't care about the answer specific to perl but instead the generally accepted principle).

It's not only about shell history.
ps shows all arguments passed to the program. The reason why passing arguments like this is bad is that you could potentially see other users' passwords by just looping around and executing ps. The cited code won't change much, as it essentially does the same.
You can try to pass some secrets via environment, since if the user doesn't have an access to the given process, the environment won't be shown. This is better, but is a pretty bad solution too (e.g.: in case program fails and dumps a core, all passwords will get written to disk).
If you use environment variables, use ps -E which will show you environment variables of the process. Use it as a different users than the one executing the program. Basically simulate the "attacker" and see if you can snoop the password. On a properly configured system you shouldn't be able to do it.


Why are some Bash commands both built-in and external?

Some commands are internal built-in Bash commands while others are external (other programs). I see why certain commands need to be built-in. Some of the reasons are:
If a command needs to change the internal state of the shell process.
If a command performs a very basic operation in the shell.
If a command is called often and needs to be made fast. An external command is executed by loading an external program and hence is slower.
But why are some commands both built-in and external, for example echo and test? I understand echo is used a lot and thus is built-in (Reason 3). But then why also have it as an external command and have a binary for it in /bin/echo? The built-in version of echo will always take precedence over the external version and thus, the external version is hardly ever used. So, why then have an external version of it at all?
It's exactly your point 3. When a command does very little (echo is a good example), spawning a new process dominates the run time behavior. With growing disks and bandwidth and code bases you always reach a spot when you have so much data and so many files (our code base at work has 100k files!!) that one less spawn per file makes a difference of minutes.
That's also why the typical built-in is a drop-in replacement which takes (perhaps a superset of) the same arguments as the binary.
You also ask why the old binary is still retained even though Bash has it as a built-in — the answer is that a lot of programs rely on the existence of that /bin/echo. It's actually standardized.
Bash is only one of many user interfaces and offline command interpreters. They all have different sets of built-ins. Some shells are purposefully small and rely a lot on what you could call "legacy" binaries. One example is ash and its successor, Dash. Dash is now the default /bin/sh in Ubuntu and Debian due to its speed, and is popular for embedded systems due to its small size. (But even Dash has builtins for echo, test and dozens of other commands, and provides a command history for interactive use.)

Secure Erase of a Bash Environmental Variable

Suppose I have in a Bash shell script an environmental variable that holds a sensitive value (e.g. a password). How may I securely overwrite the memory that holds this variable's value before exiting my script?
If possible, the technique used to do so would not be dependent on the particular implementation of Bash I'm using. I'd like to find a standards-respecting/canonical way to do this that works on all correct Bash implementations.
Please note that the following are not in the scope of the question:
1. How the sensitive value is placed into the environmental variable
2. How the sensitive value stored in the environmental variable is passed to the program that consumes it
7/10/2017 5:03 AM Update to Address Comment by rici
rici, thank you for your comment, copied here:
"Exiting the script is really the only way to reliably delete an
environment variable from the script's resident memory. Why do you
feel the string is less safe after the script terminates than while it
is running?"
My intent here is to follow good practice and actively scrub all cryptographically-sensitive values from memory as soon as I am through using them.
I do not know if Bash actively scrubs the memory used by a script when that script exits. I suspect that it does not. If it indeed does not, the sensitive cryptographic value will remain resident in memory and is subject to capture by an adversary.
In C/C++, one can easily scrub a value's memory location. I am trying to find out of this is possible in Bash. It may be that Bash is simply not the right tool for security-sensitive applications.
First off, we need to distinguish between environment variables and shell variables. Environment variables exist for the lifetime of the process and cannot be overwritten. Not only that, but on many systems they are trivially visible to other processes. For example Linux provides the /proc filesystem which allows for lots of introspection of running processes, including observing their environment variables.
Here's an example of a Bash script that attempts to overwrite an environment variable. Notice that although the value within the script changes, the process' environment is not changed:
$ SECRET=mysecret bash -c \
'strings /proc/$$/environ | grep SECRET
strings /proc/$$/environ | grep SECRET'
So it is never safe to store secrets in environment variables unless you control all access to the machine.
Holding a secret in a (non-environment) shell variable is much more secure, as an attacker would need to be able to access the memory of the process, which is generally something only the kernel can do. And while you're correct that minimizing the time you hold onto such secrets is a good practice, it's not generally worth jumping through lots of hoops for. It's far more important to secure your system and execution environment, because a motivated attacker who has sufficient access can observe a secret even if it only lives in memory for a brief time. Holding a secret in memory for longer than strictly necessary is only a marginal increase in risk, whereas running a privileged program on an insecure system already means all bets are off.

Creating temporary named fifo in *nix system

I have some tasks requiring massive temporary named pipes to deal with.
Originally, I just simply think that generate random numbers, then append it as <number>.fifo be the name of named pipe.
However, I found this post: Create a temporary FIFO (named pipe) in Python?
It seems there is something I don't know that may cause some security issue there.
So my question here is that, what's the best way to generate a named pipe?
Notice that even though I am referencing a Python related post, I don't really mean to ask only in Python.
Since I want to use a named pipe to connect unrelated processes, my plan is having process A call process B first via shell, and capture stdout to acquire the name of pipe, then both know what to open.
Here I am just worrying about whether leaking the name of pipe will become an issue. Before I never thought of it, until I read that Python post.
If you have to use named FIFOs and need to ensure that overlap/overwriting cannot occur, your best bet is probably to use some combination of mktemp and mkfifo.
Although mktemp itself cannot create FIFOs, it can be used to create unique temporary directories, which you can then put your FIFOs into.
The GNU mktemp documentation has an example of this.
Alternatively, you could create some name containing well random letters. You could read from /dev/random (or /dev/urandom, read random(4)) some random bytes to e.g. seed a PRNG (e.g. random(3) seeded by srandom), and/or mix the PID and time, etc.
And since named fifo(7) are files, you should use the permission system (and/or ACL) on them. In particular, you might create a command Linux user to run all your processes and restrict the FIFOs to be only owner-readable, etc.
Of course, and in all cases, you need to "store" or "transmit" securely these FIFO names.
If you start your programs in some bash script, you might consider making your fifo names using mktemp(1) as:
fifoname=$(mktemp -u -t yourprog_XXXXXX).fifo-$RANDOM-$$
mkfifo -m 0600 $fifoname
(perhaps in some loop). I guess it would be secure enough if the script is running in a dedicated user (and then pass the $fifoname in some pipe or file, not as a program argument)
The recent renameat2(2) syscall might be helpful (atomicity of RENAME_EXCHANGE).
BTW, you might want some SElinux. Remember that opened file descriptors -and that includes your fifos- are available as symlinks in proc(5) !
PS. it all depends upon how paranoid are you. A well sysadmined Linux system can be quite secure...

Homework: How can I log processes for auditing using the bash shell?

I am very new to linux and am sorry for the newbie questions.
I had a homework extra credit question that I was trying to do but failed to get it.
Q. Write a security shell script that logs the following information
for every process: User ID, time started, time ended (0 if process is
still running), whether the process has tried to access a secure file
(stored as either yes or no) The log created is called
process_security_log where each of the above pieces of information is
stored on a separate line and each entry follows immediately (that is,
there are no blank lines). Write a shell script that will examine
this log and output the User ID of any process that is still running
that has tried to access a secure file.
I started by trying to just capturing the User and echo it but failed.
output=`ps -ef | grep [*]`
set -- $output
echo $User
The output of ps is both insufficient and incapable of producing data required by this question.
You need something like auditd, SELinux, or straight up kernel hacks (ie. fork.c) to do anything remotely in the realm of security logging.
Others have made suggestions to use shell command logging, ps and friends (proc or sysfs). They can be useful, and do have their place (obviously). I would argue that they shouldn't be relied on for this purpose, especially in an educational context.
... whether the process has tried to access a secure file (stored as either yes or no)
Seems to be the one that the other answers are ignoring. I stand by my original answer, but as Daniel points out there are other interesting ways to garnish this data.
For an educational exercise these tools will help provide a more complete answer.
Since this is homework, I'm assuming that the scenario isn't a real-world scenario, and is merely a learning exercise. The shell is not really the right place to do security auditing or process accounting. However, here are some pointers that may help you discover what you can do at the shell prompt.
You might set the bash PROMPT_COMMAND to do your process logging.
You can tail or grep your command history for use in logging.
You can use /usr/bin/script (usually found in the bsdutils package) to create a typescript of your session.
You can run ps in a loop, using subshells or the watch utility, to see what processes are currently running.
You can use pidof or pgrep to find processes more easily.
You can modify your .bashrc or other shell startup file to set up your environment or start your logging tools.
As a starting point, you might begin with something trivial like this:
$ export PROMPT_COMMAND='history | tail -n1'
56 export PROMPT_COMMAND='history | tail -n1'
$ ls /etc/passwd
57 ls /etc/passwd
and build in any additional logging data or process information that you think necessary. Hope that gets you pointed in the right direction!
Take a look at the /proc pseudo-filesystem.
Inside of this, there is a subdirectory for every process that is currently running - process [pid] has its information available in /proc/[pid]/. Inside of that directory, you might make use of /prod/[pid]/stat/ or /proc/[pid]/status to get information about which user started the process and when.
I'm not sure what the assignment means by a "secure file," but if you have some way of determining which files are secure, you get get information about open files (including their names) through /prod/[pid]/fd/ and /prod/[pid]/fdinfo.
Is /proc enough for true security logging? No, but /proc is enough to get information about which processes are currently running on the system, which is probably what you need for a homework assignment about shell scripting. Also, outside of this class you'll probably find /proc useful later for other purposes, such as seeing the mapped pages for a process. This can come in handy if you're writing a stack trace utility or want to know how they work, or if you're debugging code that uses memory-mapped files.

How to tell if running in a linux console versus an ssh session?

I have an application that needs to behave differently if run directly from the linux console. So if a user connects with SSH to run FooBar, or the user walks over to the console and logs in directly to run FooBar, I want it to do something different.
What C API do I need to call to tell the difference between these two scenarios? I was thinking I'd have to look at the "tty/pts" information (such as what I see when I run "ps axf"), but I'm not certain if that is the best solution, nor what API to call to get that information.
Hints appreciated. :)
Depending on how much you're worried about it being spoofed, an easy check would be for the presence/absence of the SSH_CLIENT and SSH_CONNECTION environment variables, in which case you'd want the getenv function.
Checking the return value of ttyname(3) against your stdin should give you the name of the terminal which is feeding the input of your process.
It will be /dev/console if the program is being run on the console (and doesn't have it's input redirected). You can also check stdout to see if it is connected to /dev/console - see which fits your usage scenario better.
ttyname will tell you the name of the terminal connected to a given file descriptor; for example, ttyname(0) will tell you stdin's terminal.
This will of course fail if input or output is redirected.
Barring that, you can check various environment variables (SSH_CONNECTION, SSH_CLIENT, REMOTEHOST, DISPLAY, SESSIONNAME). Wireshark has logic to detect if it's being run remotely so that it doesn't capture network traffic that it generates; you might be interested in the logic that its get_conn_cfilter function uses to implement this.
I'd look at environment variables as a reasonable sign of what's going on. I'm not sure what C API you'd want for that, but I'm sure one exists.
For example, both the SSH_CLIENT or SSH_CONNECTION environment variables are set on my machine regardless of the SSH client being used.
It may be worth checking how universal these are based on the SSH server running on the machine.
ugly, but works:
// don't force scripts to pause!
if (_isatty(_fileno(stdout)))
_tprintf(_T("\nPress enter to continue..."));
