Matplotlib Multi-colored Title (Text) - in practice - python-3.x

There is an example here for how to create a multi-colored text title.
However, I want to apply this to a plot that already has a figure in it.
For example, if I apply it to this (same code as with the example minus a few extras and with another figure)...:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import transforms
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4,3), dpi=300)
def rainbow_text(x,y,ls,lc,**kw):
t = plt.gca().transData
fig = plt.gcf()
#horizontal version
for s,c in zip(ls,lc):
text = plt.text(x,y," "+s+" ",color=c, transform=t, **kw)
ex = text.get_window_extent()
t = transforms.offset_copy(text._transform, x=ex.width, units='dots')
rainbow_text(0.5,0.5,"all unicorns poop rainbows ! ! !".split(),
['red', 'orange', 'brown', 'green', 'blue', 'purple', 'black'],
...the result is 2 plots with the title enlarged.
This sort of makes sense to me because I'm using plt. two times.
But how do I integrate it so that it only refers to the first instance of plt. in creating the title?
Also, about this line:
t = transforms.offset_copy(text._transform, x=ex.width, units='dots')
I notice it can alter the spacing between words, but when I play with the values of x, results are not predictable (spacing is inconsistent between words).
How can I meaningfully adjust that value?
And finally, where it says "units='dots'", what are the other options? Are 'dots' 1/72nd of an inch (and is that the default for Matplotlib?)?
How can I convert units from dots to inches?
Thanks in advance!

In fact the bounding box of the text comes in units unlike the ones used, for example, in scatterplot. Text is a different kind of object that gets somehow redraw if you resize the window or change the ratio. By having a stabilized window you can ask the coordinates of the bounding box in plot units and build your colored text that way:
a = "all unicorns poop rainbows ! ! !".split()
c = ['red', 'orange', 'brown', 'green', 'blue', 'purple', 'black']
f = plt.figure(figsize=(4,3), dpi=120)
ax = f.add_subplot(111)
r = f.canvas.get_renderer()
space = 0.1
w = 0.5
counter = 0
for i in a:
t = ax.text(w, 1.2, a[counter],color=c[counter],fontsize=12,ha='left')
transf = ax.transData.inverted()
bb = t.get_window_extent(renderer=f.canvas.renderer)
bb = bb.transformed(transf)
w = w + bb.xmax-bb.xmin + space
counter = counter + 1
, which results in:
This, however, is still not ideal since you need to keep controlling the size of your plot axis to obtain the correct spaces between words. This is somewhat arbitrary but if you manage to do your program with such a control it's feasible to use plot units to achieve your intended purpose.
plt. is just the call to the library. In truth you are creating an instance of plt.figure in the global scope (so it can be seen in locally in the function). Due to this you are overwriting the figure because you use the same name for the variable (so it's just one single instance in the end). To solve this try controlling the names of your figure instances. For example:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import transforms
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4,3), dpi=300)
def rainbow_text(x,y,ls,lc,**kw):
t = plt.gca().transData
figlocal = plt.gcf()
#horizontal version
for s,c in zip(ls,lc):
text = plt.text(x,y," "+s+" ",color=c, transform=t, **kw)
ex = text.get_window_extent()
t = transforms.offset_copy(text._transform, x=ex.width, units='dots'),fig))
rainbow_text(0.5,0.5,"all unicorns poop rainbows ! ! !".split(),
['red', 'orange', 'brown', 'green', 'blue', 'purple', 'black'],
I've commented several instructions but notice I give a different name for the figure local to the function (figlocal). Also notice that in my examples of show I control directly which figure should be shown.
As for your other questions notice you can use other units as can be seen in the function documentation:
Return a new transform with an added offset.
trans is any transform
fig is the current figure; it can be None if units are 'dots'
x, y give the offset
units is 'inches', 'points' or 'dots'
EDIT: Apparently there's some kind of problem with the extents of the bounding box for text that does not give the correct width of the word and thus the space between words is not stable. My advise is to use the latex functionality of Matplotlib to write the colors in the same string (so only one call of plt.text). You can do it like this:
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
rc('text.latex', preamble=r'\usepackage{color}')
a = "all unicorns poop rainbows ! ! !".split()
c = ['red', 'orange', 'brown', 'green', 'blue', 'purple', 'black']
st = ''
for i in range(len(a)):
st = st + r'\textcolor{'+c[i]+'}{'+a[i]+'}'
This however is not an ideal solution. The reason is that you need to have Latex installed, including the necessary packages (notice I'm using the color package). Take a look at Yann answer in this question: Partial coloring of text in matplotlib

#armatita: I think your answer actually does what I need. I thought I needed display coordinates instead, but it looks like I can just use axis 1 coordinates, if that's what this is (I'm planning on using multiple axes via subplot2grid). Here's an example:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
f = plt.figure(figsize=(f_width,f_height), dpi=dpi)
ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((100,115), (0,0), rowspan=95, colspan=25)
ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((100,115), (0,30), rowspan=95, colspan=20)
ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((100,115), (0,55), rowspan=95, colspan=35)
ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((100,115), (0,95), rowspan=95, colspan=20)
r = f.canvas.get_renderer()
t = ax1.text(.5, 1.1, 'a lot of text here',fontsize=12,ha='left')
transf = ax1.transData.inverted()
bb = t.get_window_extent(renderer=f.canvas.renderer)
bb = bb.transformed(transf)
e = ax1.text(.5+bb.width+space, 1.1, 'text',fontsize=12,ha='left')
I'm not sure what you mean about controlling the axis size, though. Are you referring to using the code in different environments or exporting the image in different sizes? I plan on having the image used in the same environment and in the same size (per instance of using this approach), so I think it will be okay. Does my logic make sense? I have a weak grasp on what's really going on, so I hope so. I would use it with a function (via splitting the text) like you did, but there are cases where I need to split on other characters (i.e. when a word in parentheses should be colored, but not the parentheses). Maybe I can just put a delimiter in there like ','? I think I need a different form of .split() because it didn't work when I tried it.
At any rate, if I can implement this across all of my charts, it will save me countless hours. Thank you so much!

Here is an example where there are 2 plots and 2 instances of using the function for posterity:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
f = plt.figure(figsize=(f_width,f_height), dpi=dpi)
ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((100,60), (0,0), rowspan=95, colspan=30)
ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((100,60), (0,30), rowspan=95, colspan=30)
f=f #Name for figure
string = str("Group 1 ,vs. ,Group 2 (,sub1,) and (,sub2,)").split(',')
color = ['black','red','black','green','black','blue','black']
xpos = .5
ypos = 1.2
#No need to include space if incuded between delimiters above
#space = 0.1
def colortext(f,string,color,xpos,ypos,axis):
#f=figure object name (i.e. fig, f, figure)
r = f.canvas.get_renderer()
counter = 0
for i in string:
t = axis.text(xpos, ypos, string[counter],color=color[counter],fontsize=12,ha='left')
transf = axis.transData.inverted()
bb = t.get_window_extent(renderer=f.canvas.renderer)
bb = bb.transformed(transf)
xpos = xpos + bb.xmax-bb.xmin
counter = counter + 1
string2 = str("Group 1 part 2 ,vs. ,Group 2 (,sub1,) and (,sub2,)").split(',')


How could I edit my code to plot 4D contour something similar to this example in python?

Similar to many other researchers on stackoverflow who are trying to plot a contour graph out of 4D data (i.e., X,Y,Z and their corresponding value C), I am attempting to plot a 4D contour map out of my data. I have tried many of the suggested solutions in stackover flow. From all of the plots suggested this, and this were the closest to what I want but sill not quite what I need in terms of data interpretation. Here is the ideal plot example: (source)
Here is a subset of the data. I put it on the dropbox. Once this data is downloaded to the directory of the python file, the following code will work. I have modified this script from this post.
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as mtri
#####Importing the data
df = pd.read_csv('Data_4D_plot.csv')
do_random_pt_example = False;
index_x = 0; index_y = 1; index_z = 2; index_c = 3;
list_name_variables = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'c'];
name_color_map = 'seismic';
if do_random_pt_example:
number_of_points = 200;
x = np.random.rand(number_of_points);
y = np.random.rand(number_of_points);
z = np.random.rand(number_of_points);
c = np.random.rand(number_of_points);
x = df['X'].to_numpy();
y = df['Y'].to_numpy();
z = df['Z'].to_numpy();
c = df['C'].to_numpy();
# We create triangles that join 3 pt at a time and where their colors will be
# determined by the values of their 4th dimension. Each triangle contains 3
# indexes corresponding to the line number of the points to be grouped.
# Therefore, different methods can be used to define the value that
# will represent the 3 grouped points and I put some examples.
triangles = mtri.Triangulation(x, y).triangles;
choice_calcuation_colors = 2;
if choice_calcuation_colors == 1: # Mean of the "c" values of the 3 pt of the triangle
colors = np.mean( [c[triangles[:,0]], c[triangles[:,1]], c[triangles[:,2]]], axis = 0);
elif choice_calcuation_colors == 2: # Mediane of the "c" values of the 3 pt of the triangle
colors = np.median( [c[triangles[:,0]], c[triangles[:,1]], c[triangles[:,2]]], axis = 0);
elif choice_calcuation_colors == 3: # Max of the "c" values of the 3 pt of the triangle
colors = np.max( [c[triangles[:,0]], c[triangles[:,1]], c[triangles[:,2]]], axis = 0);
###=====adjust this part for the labeling of the graph
list_name_variables[index_x] = 'X (m)'
list_name_variables[index_y] = 'Y (m)'
list_name_variables[index_z] = 'Z (m)'
list_name_variables[index_c] = 'C values'
# Displays the 4D graphic.
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (15,15));
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d');
triang = mtri.Triangulation(x, y, triangles);
surf = ax.plot_trisurf(triang, z, cmap = name_color_map, shade=False, linewidth=0.2);
surf.set_array(colors); surf.autoscale();
#Add a color bar with a title to explain which variable is represented by the color.
cbar = fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5); = 15;[index_c], rotation = 270);
# Add titles to the axes and a title in the figure.
ax.set_xlabel(list_name_variables[index_x]); ax.set_ylabel(list_name_variables[index_y]);
ax.view_init(elev=15., azim=45)
Here would be the output:
Although it looks brilliant, it is not quite what I am looking for (the above contour map example). I have modified the following script from this post in the hope to reach the required graph, however, the chart looks nothing similar to what I was expecting (something similar to the previous output graph). Warning: the following code may take some time to run.
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv('Data_4D_plot.csv')
x = df['X'].to_numpy();
y = df['Y'].to_numpy();
z = df['Z'].to_numpy();
cc = df['C'].to_numpy();
# convert to 2d matrices
Z = np.outer(z.T, z)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
C = np.outer(cc.T,cc)
# fourth dimention - colormap
# create colormap according to cc-value
color_dimension = C # change to desired fourth dimension
minn, maxx = color_dimension.min(), color_dimension.max()
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(minn, maxx)
m =, cmap='jet')
fcolors = m.to_rgba(color_dimension)
# plot
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(X,Y,Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, facecolors=fcolors, vmin=minn, vmax=maxx, shade=False)
Now I was wondering from our kind community and experts if you can help me to plot a contour figure similar to the example graph (image one in this post), where the contours are based on the values within the range of C?

Adding minor tick marks to a histogram

I am working through this:
About 3/4 of the way through there is a histogram, but the author does not supply the code used to generate it.
So I decided to give it a go...
I have everything working, but I would like to add minor ticks to my plot.
X-axis only, spaced 200 units apart (matching the bin width used in my code).
In particular, I would like to add minor ticks in the style from the last example from here:
I have tried several times but I just can't get that exact 'style' to work on my plot.
Here is my working code:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
print('NumPy: {}'.format(np.__version__))
print('Pandas: {}'.format(pd.__version__))
print('\033[1;31m' + '--------------' + '\033[0m') # Bold red
display_settings = {
'max_columns': 15,
'max_colwidth': 60,
'expand_frame_repr': False, # Wrap to multiple pages
'max_rows': 50,
'precision': 6,
'show_dimensions': False
# pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}'.format
for op, value in display_settings.items():
pd.set_option("display.{}".format(op), value)
file = "e:\\python\\pandas\\medium\\sets.csv"
lego = pd.read_csv(file, encoding="utf-8")
print(lego.shape, '\n')
print(, '\n')
print(lego.head(), '\n')
print(lego.isnull().sum(), '\n')
dfs = [lego]
names = ['lego']
def NaN_percent(_df, column_name):
# empty_values = row_count - _df[column_name].count()
empty_values = _df[column_name].isnull().sum()
return (100.0 * empty_values)/row_count
c = 0
print('Columns with missing values expressed as a percentage.')
for df in dfs:
print('\033[1;31m' + ' ' + names[c] + '\033[0m')
row_count = df.shape[0]
for i in list(df):
x = NaN_percent(df, i)
if x > 0:
print(' ' + i + ': ' + str(x.round(4)) + '%')
c += 1
# What is the average number of parts in the sets of legos?
print(lego['num_parts'].mean(), '\n')
# What is the median number of parts in the sets of legos?
print(lego['num_parts'].median(), '\n')
print(lego['num_parts'].max(), '\n')
# Create Bins for Data Ranges
bins = []
for i in range(lego['num_parts'].min(), 6000, 200):
bins.append(i + 1)
# Use 'right' to determine which bin overlapping values fall into.
cuts = pd.cut(lego['num_parts'], bins=bins, right=False)
# Count values in each bin.
print(cuts.value_counts(), '\n')
plt.hist(lego['num_parts'], color='red', edgecolor='black', bins=bins)
plt.title('Histogram of Number of parts')
plt.ylabel('Number of values per bin')
plt.axvline(x=162.2624, color='blue')
plt.axvline(x=45.0, color='green', linestyle='--')
legend_elements = [Line2D([0], [0], color='blue', linewidth=2, linestyle='-'),
Line2D([0], [1], color='green', linewidth=2, linestyle='--')
labels = ['mean: 162.2624', 'median: 45.0']
plt.legend(legend_elements, labels)
You can just add:
ax = plt.gca()
ax.tick_params(which='minor', length=4, color='r')
See this post to get a better idea about the difference between plt, ax and fig. In broad terms, plt refers to the pyplot library of matplotlib. fig is one "plot" that can consist of one or more subplots. ax refers to one subplot and the x and y-axis defined for them, including the measuring units, tick marks, tick labels etc.. Many function in matplotlib are often called as plt.hist, but in the underlying code they are drawing on the "current axes". These axes can be obtained via plt.gca() or "get current axes". It is not always clear which functions can be called via plt. and which only exist via ax.. Also, sometimes the get slightly different names. You'll need to look in the documentation or search StackOverflow which form is needed in each specific case.

Bokeh: update zoom plot when hide something on legend

I have the following graph in Bokeh:
I'd like to know if there are some commands in Bokeh library that allows me to update the y axis (or box zoom my plot) when I hide some series on the legend. Example: when I hide the first pair of bars from legend, I'd like this to be the result:
Here is an example:
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Legend, CustomJS
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from import show, output_notebook
import numpy as np
the draw code:
x = np.linspace(0, 4*np.pi, 100)
y1 = np.sin(x)
y2 = y1 + 1.2
y3 = 0.1 * x**2
fig = figure(plot_height=250)
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y1=y1, y2=y2, y3=y3))
line1 = fig.line("x", "y1", source=source, legend="Y1", color="red", line_width=3)
line2 = fig.line("x", "y2", source=source, legend="Y2", color="green", line_width=3)
line3 = fig.line("x", "y3", source=source, legend="Y3", color="blue", line_width=3)
legend = fig.legend[0]
legend.click_policy = "hide"
def callback(fig=fig, legend=fig.legend[0]):
y_range = fig.y_range
y_range.have_updated_interactively = False
y_range.renderers = [item.renderers[0] for item in legend.items if item.renderers[0].visible]
for item in legend.items:
item.renderers[0].js_on_change("visible", CustomJS.from_py_func(callback))
the result:
In modern Bokeh, DataRange1d class (it's used to create a range by default if you don't specify any) has the only_visible property.
To do what you want, just specify y_range=DataRange1d(only_visible=True) in the call to figure.
The short answer is no, since currently (as of Bokeh 0.12.13) the interactive legend does not expose any events or hooks to make this possible. It seems like a reasonable feature and perhaps not too hard to implement, so I'd encourage you to make an issue on GitHub.
There might be other more roundabout ways to accomplish something like this, but it would require some exploration and iteration which SO is not really good for. I'd suggest posting to the public mailing list if you'd like to continue trying to find a workaround solution.
If you're stuck with Bokeh 1.3.4 like I am, Bryan from Bokeh recommends:
callback = """
y_range = fig.y_range
y_range.have_updated_interactively = false
y_range.renderers = []
for (let it of legend.items) {
for (let r of it.renderers) {
if (r.visible)
for item in legend.items:
CustomJS(args=dict(fig=fig, legend=fig.legend[0]), code=callback))
They use custom JS so the updates happen in the client's browser rather than in the bokeh server.

vbar in bokeh doesn't not support nonselection color and alpha?

Update the question:
How to select a certain species in barplot, nonselected bars will change color?
How to show text on top of each bar?
from bokeh.sampledata.iris import flowers
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, CategoricalColorMapper
from bokeh.layouts import column, row
#color mapper to color data by species
mapper = CategoricalColorMapper(factors = ['setosa','versicolor', 'virginica'],\
palette = ['green', 'blue', 'red'])
#group by species and plot barplot for count
species = flowers.groupby('species')
source = ColumnDataSource(species)
p = figure(plot_width = 800, plot_height = 400, title = 'Count by Species', \
x_range =['species'], tools = 'box_select')
p.vbar(x = 'species', top = 'petal_length_count', width = 0.8, source = source,\
nonselection_fill_color = 'gray', nonselection_fill_alpha = 0.2,\
color = {'field': 'species', 'transform': mapper})
First: please try to ask unrelated questions in separate SO posts.
Hit testing and selection was not implemented for vbar and hbar until recently. Using the recent 0.12.11 release, your code behaves as you are wanting:
Regarding labels for each bar, you want to use the LabelSet annotation, as demonstrated in the User's Guide Something like:
labels = LabelSet(x='species', y='petal_count_length', text='some_column',
x_offset=5, y_offset=5, source=source)
The linking question is too vague. I would suggest opening a new SO question with more information and description of what exactly you are trying to accomplish.

Why is the saved video from FuncAnimation a superpositions of plots?

Regards, I would like to ask about Python's FuncAnimation.
In the full code, I was trying to animate bar plots (for integral illustration). The animated output from
ani = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=Iter, init_func = init, blit=True);;
looks fine.
But the output video from"example_new.mp4", fps = 5)
gives a slightly different version from the animation showed in Python. The output gives a video of 'superposition version' compared to the animation. Unlike the animation : in the video, at each frame, the previous plots kept showing together with the current one.
Here is the full code :
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
Num = 20
p =[0], [0], 1, color = 'b')
Iter = tuple(range(2, Num+1))
xx = list(np.linspace(0, 2, 200)); yy = list(map(lambda x : x**2,xx));
def init():
ax.set_xlim(0, 2)
ax.set_ylim(0, 4)
return (p)
def update(frame):
w = 2/frame;
X = list(np.linspace(0, 2-w, frame+1));
Y = list(map(lambda x: x**2, X));
X = list(map(lambda x: x + w/2,X));
C = (0, 0, frame/Num);
L = plt.plot(xx , yy, 'y', animated=True)[0]
p =, Y, w, color = C, animated=True)
P = list(p[:]); P.append(L)
return P
ani = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=Iter, init_func = init, interval = 0.25, blit=True)"examplenew.mp4", fps = 5)
Any constructive inputs on this would be appreciated. Thanks. Regards, Arief.
When saving the animation, no blitting is used. You can turn off blitting, i.e. blit=False and see the animation the same way as it is saved.
What is happening is that in each iteration a new plot is added without the last one being removed. You basically have two options:
Clear the axes in between, ax.clear() (then remember to set the axes limits again)
update the data for the bars and the plot. Examples to do this:
For plot: Matplotlib Live Update Graph
For bar: Dynamically updating a bar plot in matplotlib
