Print the missing words and the file name - linux - linux

I have two files in the given format:
File 1:
India 215.0
country 165.0
Indian 163.0
s 133.0
Maoist 103.0
Nepal 89.0
group 85.0
Kathmandu 85.0
File 2:
Nepal 89.0
would 88.0
Kathmandu 85.0
rule 82.0
king 80.0
parliament 79.0
card 79.0
I want to print the words that are present in one file but not the other. The file in which each word is found should also be printed next to the word. For example, I want the output to be:
India 215.0, file 1
country 165.0, file 1
group 85.0, file 1
would 88.0, file 2
I tried using:
grep -v file1 file2
I get the words that are not present in file2, but I want the words that are present in file1 and not file2 and vice-versa, with their respective file names. How can I achieve this? Please help!

# print out all the rows only in file2 and append filename
$ awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]++;next} !($1 in a){print $0, FILENAME}' file1 file2
would 88.0 file2
rule 82.0 file2
king 80.0 file2
parliament 79.0 file2
card 79.0 file2
# print all the rows only in file1 and append filename
$ awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]++;next} !($1 in a){print $0, FILENAME}' file2 file1
India 215.0 file1
country 165.0 file1
Indian 163.0 file1
s 133.0 file1
Maoist 103.0 file1
group 85.0 file1
The default field separator is space, $1 is the first column.


How to delete in file 1 which is not in file 2

I have 2 files; file1 and file2. File1 has many lines/rows and columns. File2 has just one column, with several lines/rows. All of the strings in file2 are found in file1. I want to create a new file (file3),
For example,
Sally ate 083 popcorn
Rick has 241 cars
John won 505 dollars
Bruce knows 121 people
Desired file3:
Sally ate 083 popcorn
Bruce knows 121 people
Just use grep -f:
$ cat file1
Sally ate 083 popcorn
Rick has 241 cars
John won 505 dollars
Bruce knows 121 people
$ cat file2
$ grep -f file2 file1
Sally ate 083 popcorn
Bruce knows 121 people
To save the output in file3:
grep -f file2 file1 > file3

How to delete lines in file1 based on column match with file2

I have 2 files; file1 and file2. File1 has many lines/rows and columns. File2 has just one column, with several lines/rows. All of the strings in file2 are found in file1. I want to create a new file (file3), such that the lines in file1 that contain the any of the strings in file2 are deleted.
For example,
Sally ate 083 popcorn
Rick has 241 cars
John won 505 dollars
Bruce knows 121 people
Desired file3:
Rick has 241 cars
John won 505 dollars
Note that I do not want to enter the strings in file 2 into a command manually (the actual files are much larger than in the example).
awk approach:
awk 'BEGIN{p=""}FNR==NR{if(!/^$/){p=p$0"|"} next} $0!~substr(p, 1, length(p)-1)' file2 file1 > file3
p="" the variable treated as pattern containing all column values from file2
FNR==NR ensures that the next expression is performed for the first input file i.e. file2
if(!/^$/){p=p$0"|"} means: if it's not an empty line !/^$/ (as it could be according to your input) concatenate pattern parts with | so it eventually will look like 083|121|
$0!~substr(p, 1, length(p)-1) - checks if a line from the second input file(file1) is not matched with pattern(i.e. file2 column values)
The file3 contents:
Rick has 241 cars
John won 505 dollars
grep suites your purpose better than a line editor
grep -v -f File2 File1 >File3
Try this -
#cat f1
Sally ate 083 popcorn
Rick has 241 cars
John won 505 dollars
Bruce knows 121 people
#cat f2
#grep -vwf f2 f1
Rick has 241 cars
John won 505 dollars

How to append a column for the result set in shell script

I need a script for the below scenario. I am very new to shell script.
wc file1 file2
the above query results with following result
40 149 947 file1
2294 16638 97724 file2
Now I need to get result as follows: 1st column, 3rd column ,4th column of above result set and new column with default values
40 947 file1 DF.tx1
2294 97724 file2 DF.rb2
Here the last column values is always known values i.e for file1 DF.tx1 and file2 DF.rb2.
If the give filenames in any order the default values should not change.
Please help me to write this script. Thanks in advance!!
You can use awk:
wc file1 file2 |
awk '$4 != "total"{if ($4 ~ /file1/) f="DF.tx1"; else if ($4 ~ /file2/) f="DF.rb2";
else if ($4 ~ /file3/) f=""; print $1, $3, $4, f}'
1 12 file1 DF.tx1
9 105 file2 DF.rb2
5 15 file3

Shell script to mail script output in table format [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
how to mail script output in table format
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I am new to shell script. I need your help on below scenario.
Script: wc file1 file2 file3 file4
results :
1488 2977 2248 file1
123 345 657 file2
123 896 456 file3
567 987 124 file4
Now I need to mail this result in below format with header name
Here,2nd column is always default value.
Filename Destname rowcount bytesize
file1 default 1488 2248
file2 default 123 657
file3 default 123 456
file4 default 567 124
Please some one help me to write this script.
$ wc file1 file2 file3 file4 |
awk 'BEGIN{print "Filename Destname rowcount bytesize"}
{print $NF, "default", $1, $3}' file |
column -t |
mail -s "table" you#host.tld
Filename Destname rowcount bytesize
file1 default 1488 2248
file2 default 123 657
file3 default 123 456
file4 default 567 124

script to join 2 separate text files and also add specified text

hi there i want to creat a bash script that does the following:
i have 2 texts files one is links and the other Recipie names
i want to creat a batch scrript that takes each line from each text file and do the following
<li>**Recipie name line 1 of txt file**</li>
<li>**Recipie name line 2 of txt file**</li>
ect ect and save all the results to another text file called LINKS.txt
someone please help or point me in direction of linux bash script
this awk one-liner will do the job:
awk 'BEGIN{l="<li>%s</li>\n"}NR==FNR{a[NR]=$0;next}{printf l, a[FNR],$0}' file1 file2
more clear version (same script):
awk 'BEGIN{l="<li>%s</li>\n"}
{printf l, a[FNR],$0}' file1 file2
kent$ seq -f"%g from file1" 7 >file1
kent$ seq -f"%g from file2" 7 >file2
kent$ head file1 file2
==> file1 <==
1 from file1
2 from file1
3 from file1
4 from file1
5 from file1
6 from file1
7 from file1
==> file2 <==
1 from file2
2 from file2
3 from file2
4 from file2
5 from file2
6 from file2
7 from file2
kent$ awk 'BEGIN{l="<li>%s</li>\n"};NR==FNR{a[NR]=$0;next}{printf l, a[FNR],$0}' file1 file2
<li>1 from file2</li>
<li>2 from file2</li>
<li>3 from file2</li>
<li>4 from file2</li>
<li>5 from file2</li>
<li>6 from file2</li>
<li>7 from file2</li>
EDIT for the comment of OP:
if you have only one file: (the foo here is just dummy text)
awk 'BEGIN{l="<li>foo</li>\n"}{printf l,$0}' file1
output from same file1 example:
if you want to save the output to a file:
awk 'BEGIN{l="<li>foo</li>\n"}{printf l,$0}' file1 > newfile
Try doing this :
$ cat file1
$ cat file2
$ paste file1 file2 | while read a b; do
printf '<li>%s</li>\n' "$a" "$b"
done | tee newfile
