Odoo Mac OSX installation get error "Could not execute command lessc" in PyCharm Community Edition - node.js

I installed Odoo 9 on Mac OSX using Homebrew virtual environment.
I installed npm, less and less-plugin-clean-css.
Finally if I launch Odoo from the Mac Terminal, using the appropriate parameters, everything goes well and I can enter my odoo with localhost:8069.
I then setup PyCharm Community Edition for odoo development, but when I run odoo from within PyCharm I get the error:
"Could not execute command lessc"
and obviously the web layout is totally wrong.
I saw here NodeJS plugin in IntelliJ Community Edition does not work that you cannot use NodeJS plugin with PyCharm CE.
My question then is: "How to enable PyCharm CE to use less and get rid of the error?".

If you are in Pycharm in getting error Could not execute command lessc and you have installed less which you can check by entering lessc command in terminal
If you are using virtualenv then activate virtualenv from terminal and restart the server again from terminal, this time it won't give any error.
If you are not using virutalenv then you can just run from terminal server without any problems
I'm not sure why this problem is specific to PyCharm.

I had the same issue from PyCharm Professional, but I solve this issue with this way
When i finish installing the PyCharm pro ,then i set the environment variables in the 'run/debug configuraition'
which value(path) i found is using command "which lessc" in the terminal
Then I think the PyCharm can find lessc, and finnally I get rid of this nightmare
`Could not execute command 'lessc'

For me, updating the node was the solution. It was version 0.10.33. Now it's 6.1.12.

Check out this answer. You must uninstall node and reinstall it in a certain order:
At least that is what worked for me.


How do you get past the Windows Script Host error when trying to call `nvm use 16.19.0`

I need to set the node version to an older version for a new project I am working on. I am on Windows 11 Pro. This is a new computer that I setup yesterday and is pretty clean from a node perspective.
I have just removed nodejs and installed nvm (v 1.1.10).
After calling nvm install 16.19.0, I tried to call nvm use 16.19.0 and recieved the following error popup:
Here is the CLI history:
I was expecting this to set my current node version to 16.19.0.
I was trying to do this while running git-bash from Visual Studio Code so when I loaded up git-bash as Administrator I was able to get the nvm use call to work correctly.
Sorry for the stupid question, but I didn't see it answered on here anywhere else, so hopefully it will be useful to someone else.

Visual Code gives error that it cannot find Python on Mac Pro

I'm running a Mac Pro 2021 model version 12.6. For some reason, my vscode will not run Python anymore when I tried using a program. I switched over to the cloud-based version for a while and now switched back to the application. It says that it could not find Python in my files. I believe both VSCode and my Mac are updated up to date. I installed python 3.11.0 for Mac, but no progress. I also tried running the update shell.command and the certificate commands as a part of the download in the vscode terminal, but it did not help. I also reinstalled the Python
v2022.16.1 Vscode extension and restarted the program. I still get the same error.
Explained above.
Have you tried Shift + Command + P type "Python: Select interpreter" yet?
Usually, all installed Python interpreters show up here, and you can also enter a path to a Python interpreter on your system.

ConEmu doesn't find bash commands

I recently downloaded ConEmu Linux terminal for running groovy. Installing groovy went well but switching to its environment returns me an error "bash: groovysh: command not found". Is there a way to get those command to the terminal? Installing scoop via Powershell didn't no help unfortunately
The solution was to install groovy from the link directly as well as from the terminal and starting the terminal as administrator afterwards. Issue resolved.

In the linked question, what does the op talk about regarding installing node.js in the working directory?

I am a complete newbie to all this.
I tried to install node.js 4 times and then again uninstalled it every time trying different things, thinking one of them would work.
The link to the question is-Cannot find runtime 'node' on PATH - Visual Studio Code and Node.js
After I typed $node --version in powershell terminal in VSCode (after installing node.js in C drive, defaulting to all recommended options in the setup) I get an error. I have uploaded the image of the error.
the error
Please tell me how to get node.js working with VSCode.
To get the version of Node, just type node --version in the terminal without the "$".

How to install/use Meteor with Babun Windows Shell

so I have a problem here with this custom cmd shell for windows called Babun and using it with meteor. To be honest, I am still a beginner when it comes to the cmd etc... but here is the situation.
So I am working on a meteor website and I am using WebStorm for this, meteor is already installed on my computer and the meteor commands are recognized on the windows cmd. I don't really like the default look of the windows cmd and add to the fact that I have to force it into legacy code mode in order for it to properly work as a terminal for WebStorm. That's why I searched for a more 'feature - rich' cmd and came across Babun which seems pretty handy.
I got as far as getting Babun to work within WebStorm without any problems, but its not recognizing meteor at all like my default windows cmd. This is the error I keep receiving from the console: zsh: command not found: meteor
Which is funny because my default windows cmd can pick it up, why can't Babun or this "oh-my-zsh".
I already tried adding the meteor plugin as instructed here: https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/wiki/Plugins but meteor is still not being recognized for me. I'm running windows 10 if that helps with the latest versions of both Meteor JS and WebStorm.
If anyone could shed some light into this issue I'm having that would be greatly appreciated!
Did you add the path in the .zshrc file? See how to add path in cygwin. A lot of Babun issue can be resolved by using cygwin solution.
You can confirm by running: which meteor
