Tree traversal inorder tail recursion - haskell

Did I implement inorder level-order tree transversal using tail-recursion correctly?
inorder (Leaf n) temp = n:temp
inorder (Node (n, left, right)) temp = inorder left (n:inorder right temp)
inorder :: Tree a -> [a] -> [a]
Tree is declared as
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (a, Tree a, Tree a) deriving Show
and returns
[2,1,3] on call inorder three [] where three = Node (1, Leaf 2, Leaf 3)

This technically isn't tail recursive because you have a recursive call inorder right temp in a nontail position. One way to fix this would be with continuations. You write a function which takes an accumulator like before, but rather than the accumulator being just a list it's actually a function representing the work left to do in the computation. This means that instead of making a non-tail call and just returning, we can always tail call because the context we need is saved to the continuation.
inorder = go id
where go :: ([a] -> r) -> Tree a -> r
go k Leaf = k []
go k (Node a l r) = go l (\ls -> go r (\rs -> k $ ls ++ n : rs))
Here every call is a tail call as required but it's quite innefficient because it requires a ++ operation at every level, pushing us into quadratic costs. A more efficient algorithm would avoid building up an explicit list and instead build up a difference list, delaying the construction on the concrete structure and giving a more efficient algorithm
type Diff a = [a] -> [a] -- A difference list is just a function
nil :: Diff a
nil xs = xs
cons :: a -> Diff a -> Diff a
cons a d = (:) a . d
append :: Diff a -> Diff a -> Diff a
append xs ys = xs . ys
toList :: Diff a -> a
toList xs = xs []
Note that all of these operations are O(1) except for toList which is O(n) in the number of entries. The important point here is that diff lists are cheap and easy to append so we'll construct these in our algorithm and construct the concrete list at the very end
inorder = go toList
where go :: (Diff a -> r) -> Tree a -> r
go k Leaf = k nil
go k (Node a l r) =
go l (\ls -> go r (\rs -> k $ ls `append` cons n rs))
And now, through gratuitous application of functions we've gotten a completely unidiomatic Haskell program. You see in Haskell we don't really care about tail calls because we generally want to handle infinite structures correctly and that's not really possible if we demand everything be tail recursive. In fact, I would say that while not tail recursive, the code you originally had is the most idiomatic, that's even how it's implemented in Data.Set! It has the property that we can lazily consume the result of that toList and it will work with us and lazily process the tree. So in your implementation, something like
min :: Tree a -> a
min = listToMaybe . toList
is going to be pretty darn close to how you would implement it by hand efficiency wise! It will not construct traverse the whole tree first like my version will have to. These sort of compositional effects of laziness pay more dividends in real Haskell code than syntactically making our code use only tail calls (which does nothing to actually guarantee space usage anyways).


List based on right Kan extension

In the ``Kan Extensions for Program Optimisation'' by Ralf Hinze there is the definition of List type based on right Kan extension of the forgetful functor from the category of monoids along itself (section 7.4). The paper gives Haskell implementation as follows:
newtype List a = Abstr {
apply :: forall z . (Monoid z) => (a -> z) -> z
I was able to define usual nil and cons constructors:
nil :: List a
nil = Abstr (\f -> mempty)
cons :: a -> List a -> List a
cons x (Abstr app) = Abstr (\f -> mappend (f x) (app f))
With the following instance of Monoid class for Maybe functor, I managed to define head function:
instance Monoid (Maybe a) where
mempty = Nothing
mappend Nothing m = m
mappend (Just a) m = Just a
head :: List a -> Maybe a
head (Abstr app) = app Just
Question: How can one define tail function?
Here is a rather principled solution to implementing head and tail in one go (full gist):
First of all, we know how to append lists (it will be useful later on):
append :: List a -> List a -> List a
append (Abstr xs) (Abstr ys) = Abstr (\ f -> xs f <> ys f)
Then we introduce a new type Split which we will use to detect whether a List is empty or not (and get, in the case it's non empty, a head and a tail):
newtype Split a = Split { outSplit :: Maybe (a, List a) }
This new type forms a monoid: indeed we know how to append two lists.
instance Monoid (Split a) where
mempty = Split Nothing
mappend (Split Nothing) (Split nns) = Split nns
mappend (Split mms) (Split Nothing) = Split mms
mappend (Split (Just (m, ms))) (Split (Just (n, ns))) =
Split $ Just (m, append ms (cons n ns))
Which means that we can get a function from List a to Split a using List a's apply:
split :: List a -> Split a
split xs = apply xs $ \ a -> Split $ Just (a, nil)
head and tail can finally be trivially derived from split:
head :: List a -> Maybe a
head = fmap fst . outSplit . split
tail :: List a -> Maybe (List a)
tail = fmap snd . outSplit . split
This implementation of lists as free monoids is provided in the package fmlist, which notes some interesting properties of it (unlike most implementations of lists, which are right-biased, this one is truly unbiased; you can make an arbitrary tree, and although of course the monoid laws force you to see it as flattened, you can still observe some differences in the infinite case. This is almost a Haskell quirk -- usually, free monoids). It also has an implementation of tail, so that's sort of an answer to your question (but see below).
With these sorts of representations (not just this particular one one, but also e.g. forall r. (a -> r -> r) -> r -> r lists), there are usually some operations (e.g. appending) that become easier, and some (e.g. zip and tail) that become more difficult. This is discussed a bit in various places, e.g. How to take the tail of a functional stream.
Looking more closely at fmlist, though, its solution is pretty unsatisfactory: It just converts the nice balanced tree that you give it to a right-biased list using foldr, which allows it to do regular list operations, but loses the monoidal structure. The tail of a "middle-infinite" list is no longer "middle-infinite", it's just right-infinite like a regular list.
It should be possible to come up with a clever Monoid instance to compute the tail while disturbing the rest of the structure as little as possible, but an obvious one doesn't come to mind off-hand. I can think of a non-clever "brute force" solution, though: Cheat and reify the "list" into a tree using an invalid Monoid instance, inspect the tree, and then fold it back up so the end result is valid. Here's what it would look like with my nonfree package and fmlist:
nail :: FM.FMList a -> FM.FMList a
nail (FM.FM k) = FM.FM $ \f -> foldMap f (nail' (k N))
nail' :: N a -> N a
nail' NEmpty = error "nail' NEmpty"
nail' (N x) = NEmpty
nail' (NAppend l r) =
case normalize l of
NEmpty -> nail' r
N x -> r
l' -> NAppend (nail' l') r
-- Normalize a tree so that the left side of a root NAppend isn't an empty
-- subtree of any shape. If the tree is infinite in a particular way, this
-- won't terminate, so in that sense taking the tail of a list can make it
-- slightly worse (but you were already in pretty bad shape as far as
-- operations on the left side are concerned, and this is a pathological case
-- anyway).
normalize :: N a -> N a
normalize (NAppend l r) =
case normalize l of
NEmpty -> normalize r
l' -> NAppend l' r
normalize n = n

Infinite lazy bitmap

I am trying to construct a lazy data structure that holds an infinite bitmap. I would like to support the following operations:
true :: InfBitMap
Returns an infinite bitmap of True, i.e. all positions should have value True.
falsify :: InfBitMap -> [Int] -> InfBitMap
Set all positions in the list to False. The list is possible infinite. For example, falsify true [0,2..] will return a list where all (and only) odd positions are True.
check :: InfBitMap -> Int -> Bool
Check the value of the index.
Here is what I could do so far.
-- InfBitMap will look like [(#), (#, #), (#, #, #, #)..]
type InfBitMap = [Seq Bool]
true :: InfBitMap
true = iterate (\x -> x >< x) $ singleton True
-- O(L * log N) where N is the biggest index in the list checked for later
-- and L is the length of the index list. It is assumed that the list is
-- sorted and unique.
falsify :: InfBitMap -> [Int] -> InfBitMap
falsify ls is = map (falsify' is) ls
-- Update each sequence with all indices within its length
-- Basically composes a list of (update pos False) for all positions
-- within the length of the sequence and then applies it.
falsify' is l = foldl' (.) id
(map ((flip update) False)
(takeWhile (< length l) is))
$ l
-- O(log N) where N is the index.
check :: InfBitMap -> Int -> Bool
check ls i = index (fromJust $ find ((> i) . length) ls) i
I am wondering if there is some Haskellish concept/data-structure that I am missing that would make my code more elegant / more efficient (constants do not matter to me, just order). I tried looking at Zippers and Lenses but they do not seem to help. I would like to keep the complexities of updates and checks logarithmic (maybe just amortized logarithmic).
Note: before someone suspects it, no this is not a homework problem!
It just occurred to me that check can be improved to:
-- O(log N) where N is the index.
-- Returns "collapsed" bitmap for later more efficient checks.
check :: InfBitMap -> Int -> (Bool, InfBitMap)
check ls i = (index l i, ls')
ls'#(l:_) = dropWhile ((<= i) . length) ls
Which can be turned into a Monad for code cleanliness.
A slight variation on the well-known integer trie seems to be applicable here.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
data Trie a = Trie a (Trie a) (Trie a) deriving (Functor)
true :: Trie Bool
true = Trie True true true
-- O(log(index))
check :: Trie a -> Int -> a
check t i | i < 0 = error "negative index"
check t i = go t (i + 1) where
go (Trie a _ _) 1 = a
go (Trie _ l r) i = go (if even i then l else r) (div i 2)
modify :: Trie a -> Int -> (a -> a) -> Trie a
modify t i f | i < 0 = error "negative index"
modify t i f = go t (i + 1) where
go (Trie a l r) 1 = Trie (f a) l r
go (Trie a l r) i | even i = Trie a (go l (div i 2)) r
go (Trie a l r) i = Trie a l (go r (div i 2))
Unfortunately we can't use modify to implement falsify because we can't handle infinite lists of indices that way (all modifications have to be performed before an element of the trie can be inspected). Instead, we should do something more like a merge:
ascIndexModify :: Trie a -> [(Int, a -> a)] -> Trie a
ascIndexModify t is = go 1 t is where
go _ t [] = t
go i t#(Trie a l r) ((i', f):is) = case compare i (i' + 1) of
LT -> Trie a (go (2*i) l ((i', f):is)) (go (2*i+1) r ((i', f):is))
GT -> go i t is
EQ -> Trie (f a) (go (2*i) l is) (go (2*i+1) r is)
falsify :: Trie Bool -> [Int] -> Trie Bool
falsify t is = ascIndexModify t [(i, const False) | i <- is]
We assume strictly ascending indices in is, since otherwise we would skip places in the trie or even get non-termination, for example in check (falsify t (repeat 0)) 1.
The time complexities are a bit complicated by laziness. In check (falsify t is) index, we pay an additional cost of a constant log 2 index number of comparisons, and a further length (filter (<index) is) number of comparisons (i. e. the cost of stepping over all indices smaller than what we're looking up). You could say it's O(max(log(index), length(filter (<index) is)). Anyway, it's definitely better than the O(length is * log (index)) that we would get for a falsify implemented for finite is-es using modify.
We must keep in mind that tree nodes are evaluated once, and subsequent check-s for the same index after the first check are not paying any extra cost for falsify. Again, laziness makes this a bit complicated.
This falsify is also pretty well-behaved when we want to traverse a prefix of a trie. Take this toList function:
trieToList :: Trie a -> [a]
trieToList t = go [t] where
go ts = [a | Trie a _ _ <- ts]
++ go (do {Trie _ l r <- ts; [l, r]})
It's a standard breadth-first traversal, in linear time. The traversal time remains linear when we compute take n $ trieToList (falsify t is), since falsify incurs at most n + length (filter (<n) is) extra comparisons, which is at most 2 * n, assuming strictly increasing is.
(side note: the space requirement of breadth-first traversal is rather painful, but I can't see a simple way to help it, since iterative deepening is even worse here, because there the whole tree must be held in memory, while bfs only has to remember the bottom level of the tree).
One way to represent this is as a function.
true = const True
falsify ls is = \i -> not (i `elem` is) && ls i
check ls i = ls i
The true and falsify functions are nice and efficient. The check function can be as bad as linear. It's possible to improve the efficiency of the same basic idea. I like its elegance.

Building a BST from a depth-first preorder list in Haskell more idiomatically

This submission to Programming Praxis gives an O(n) function that "undoes" a preorder traversal of a binary search tree, converting a list back into a tree. Supplying the missing data declaration:
data Tree a = Leaf | Branch {value::a, left::Tree a, right:: Tree a}
deriving (Eq, Show)
fromPreOrder :: Ord a => [a] -> Tree a
fromPreOrder [] = Leaf
fromPreOrder (a:as) = Branch a l (fromPreOrder bs)
(l,bs) = lessThan a as
lessThan n [] = (Leaf,[])
lessThan n all#(a:as)
| a >= n = (Leaf,all)
| otherwise = (Branch a l r,cs)
where (l,bs) = lessThan a as
(r,cs) = lessThan n bs
It's obvious that one constructor is added to the tree in each recursive step, which is key to its efficiency.
The only "problem" is that the list is threaded through the computation manually, which is not a terribly Haskellian way to do it and makes it a little harder to see that it is actually consumed element by element in a single-threaded manner.
I attempted to correct this using a state monad (prettified on Codepad):
import Control.Monad.State
data Tree a = Leaf
| Branch {root::a, left::Tree a, right::Tree a}
deriving (Eq,Show)
peek = State peek' where
peek' [] = (Nothing,[])
peek' a#(x:_) = (Just x,a)
pop = State pop' where
pop' [] = error "Tried to read past the end of the list"
pop' (_:xs) = ((),xs)
prebuild'::Ord a => State [a] (Tree a)
prebuild' = do
next <- peek
case next of
Nothing -> return Leaf
Just x -> do
leftpart <- lessThan x
rightpart <- prebuild'
return (Branch x leftpart rightpart)
lessThan n = do
next <- peek
case next of
Nothing -> return Leaf
Just x -> do
if x < n
then do
leftpart <- lessThan x
rightpart <- lessThan n
return (Branch x leftpart rightpart)
return Leaf
prebuild::Ord a => [a] -> Tree a
prebuild = evalState prebuild'
Unfortunately, this just looks obscenely messy, and doesn't seem any easier to reason about.
One thought I haven't been able to get anywhere with yet (in part because I don't have a deep enough understanding of the underlying concepts, quite likely): could I use a left fold over the list that builds a continuation that ultimately produces the tree? Would that be possible? Also, would it be anything short of insane?
Another thought was to write this as a tree unfold, but I don't think it's possible to do that efficiently; the list will end up being traversed too many times and the program will be O(n^2).
Taking things from another direction, I have the nagging suspicion that it might be possible to come up with an algorithm that starts by splitting up the list into increasing segments and decreasing segments, but I haven't yet found something concrete to do with that idea.
I think the problem you're having with State is that your primitives (push, pop, peek) are not the right ones. I think a better one would be something like available_, which checks if the front of the stack matches a particular condition, and executes something different in each case:
available_ p f m = do
s <- get
case s of
x:xs | p x -> put xs >> f x
_ -> m
Actually, in our use case, we can specialize a bit: we will always want to return a Leaf when the head of our stack doesn't satisfy the condition, and we'll always want to recurse when it does.
available p m = available_ p
(\x -> liftM2 (Branch x) (lessThan' x) m)
(return Leaf)
(You could also just write available to begin with and skip available_ entirely. In my first iteration, that is what I did.) Now writing fromPreOrder and lessThan are a snap, and also I think give some insight into their behavior. I'll name them with primes so we can double-check they do the right thing with QuickCheck.
fromPreOrder' = available (const True) fromPreOrder'
lessThan' n = available (<n) (lessThan' n)
And in ghci:
> quickCheck (\xs -> fromPreOrder (xs :: [Int]) == evalState fromPreOrder' xs)
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
While I can't answer the question about continuation passing, I believe that the State monad based implementation can be written much more clearly. First, we can use notational convenience such as those from Control.Applicative to make it easier to read. Second, we can upgrade the effect stack to include Maybe in order to capture the notion of failure (a) from taking the head of an empty list and (b) from the (a >= n) comparison as an effect.
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Applicative
The final code uses the backtracking-state monad transformer stack. This means that we wrap State around Maybe instead of Maybe around State. In some sense we can think of this as meaning that failure is the "primary" effect. In practice it means that if the algorithm fails there's no way to continue using potentially bad state and so it must backtrack to the last known good state.
type Preord a b = StateT [a] Maybe b
Since we keep taking the head of a list and want to capture that failure correctly, we'll use a "safe head" function (which is the natural destructor of a list anyway, despite not being in the base Haskell libraries)
-- Safe list destructor
uncons :: [a] -> Maybe (a, [a])
uncons [] = Nothing
uncons (a:as) = Just (a, as)
If we look at it cleverly we'll notice that this is already exactly the form of our monadic computation (StateT [a] Maybe b is isomorphic to [a] -> Maybe (b, [a])). We'll give it a more evocative name when lifted into the Monad.
-- Try to get the head or fail
getHead :: Preord a a
getHead = StateT uncons
A common feature of this algorithm is stopping local failures by providing a default value. I'll capture this in the certain combinator
-- Provides a default value for a failing computation
certain :: b -> Preord a b -> Preord a b
certain def p = p <|> return def
And now we can write the final algorithm very cleanly in our Preord monad.
fromPreOrder :: Ord a => Preord a (Tree a)
fromPreOrder = certain Leaf $ do
a <- getHead
Branch a <$> lessThan a <*> fromPreOrder
lessThan :: Ord a => a -> Preord a (Tree a)
lessThan n = certain Leaf $ do
a <- getHead
guard (a < n)
Branch a <$> lessThan a <*> lessThan n
Note that Applicative style helps to indicate that we're building the components of the Branch constructor using further effectful (state consuming) computations. The guard short-circuits lessThan when the pivot is already the least element in the pre-order traversal. We also explicitly see how both fromPreOrder and lessThan default out to Leaf when they cannot compute a better result.
(Also note that fromPreOrder and lessThan are nearly identical now, a commonality Daniel Wagner exploited in his own answer when writing available.)
We finally would want to hide all the monadic noise since, to an outside user, this is just a pure algorithm.
rebuildTree :: [a] -> Tree a
rebuildTree = fromMaybe Leaf . runStateT fromPreOrder
For a complete picture, here's the implementation of the algorithm using only the State monad. Note all the extra noise for handling failure! We've absorbed the entire popElse function into the effects of the backtracking state monad. We also lift the if up into the failure effect. Without that effect stack, our combinators are terrifically specific to the application instead of decomplected and useful elsewhere.
-- Try to take the head of the state list and return the default
-- if that's not possible.
popElse :: b -> (a -> State [a] b) -> State [a] b
popElse def go = do
x <- get
case x of
[] -> return def
(a:as) -> put as >> go a
push :: a -> State [a] ()
push a = modify (a:)
fromPreOrder :: Ord a => State [a] (Tree a)
fromPreOrder = popElse Leaf $ \a -> Branch a <$> lessThan a <*> fromPreOrder
lessThan :: Ord a => a -> State [a] (Tree a)
lessThan n =
popElse Leaf $ \a ->
if a >= n
then push a >> return Leaf
else Branch a <$> lessThan a <*> lessThan n
As you've said, the state monad doesn't really improve the situation, and I don't think it can be expected to, as it's both much too general in that it allows arbitrary access to the state, and annoying in that it enforces unnecessary sequencing.
At first glance, this looks quite like a foldr : we do one thing for the empty case, and in the (:) case we take the head off and make a recursive call based on the tail. However, as the recursive call isn't just using the tail directly, it isn't quite a foldr.
We could express it as a paramorphism but I don't think that really adds anything to the readability.
What I did notice is that the complicated recursion on the tail is all based on lessThan, which led me to the following idea for breaking down the algorithm:
lessThans [] = []
lessThans (a:as) = (a, l) : lessThans bs
where (l, bs) = lessThan a as
fromPreOrder2 :: Ord a => [a] -> Tree a
fromPreOrder2 = foldr (\(a, l) r -> Branch a l r) Leaf . lessThans
I'm sure lessThans could have a better name but I'm not quite sure what!
The foldr can also be expressed as foldr (uncurry Branch) Leaf but I'm not sure if that's an improvement.
EDIT: also, lessThans is an unfoldr, leading to this version:
fromPreOrder3 :: Ord a => [a] -> Tree a
fromPreOrder3 = foldr (uncurry Branch) Leaf . unfoldr lessThanList
lessThanList [] = Nothing
lessThanList (a:as) = Just ((a, l), bs)
where (l, bs) = lessThan a as

Asymptotic runtime of list-to-tree function

I have a merge function which takes time O(log n) to combine two trees into one, and a listToTree function which converts an initial list of elements to singleton trees and repeatedly calls merge on each successive pair of trees until only one tree remains.
Function signatures and relevant implementations are as follows:
merge :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a --// O(log n) where n is size of input trees
singleton :: a -> Tree a --// O(1)
empty :: Tree a --// O(1)
listToTree :: [a] -> Tree a --// Supposedly O(n)
listToTree = listToTreeR . (map singleton)
listToTreeR :: [Tree a] -> Tree a
listToTreeR [] = empty
listToTreeR (x:[]) = x
listToTreeR xs = listToTreeR (mergePairs xs)
mergePairs :: [Tree a] -> [Tree a]
mergePairs [] = []
mergePairs (x:[]) = [x]
mergePairs (x:y:xs) = merge x y : mergePairs xs
This is a slightly simplified version of exercise 3.3 in Purely Functional Data Structures by Chris Okasaki.
According to the exercise, I shall now show that listToTree takes O(n) time. Which I can't. :-(
There are trivially ceil(log n) recursive calls to listToTreeR, meaning ceil(log n) calls to mergePairs.
The running time of mergePairs is dependent on the length of the list, and the sizes of the trees. The length of the list is 2^h-1, and the sizes of the trees are log(n/(2^h)), where h=log n is the first recursive step, and h=1 is the last recursive step. Each call to mergePairs thus takes time (2^h-1) * log(n/(2^h))
I'm having trouble taking this analysis any further. Can anyone give me a hint in the right direction?
It's almost there. You already know the expression is
so the only problem is to evaluate this sum. Using log(AB) = log A + log B and log 2N = N we have
With help of calculators, we can find that X = O(2m) = O(n), which is expected.
(If you want to compute this yourself, search for "Geometric series", or approximate the sum using an integral.)

Finding the leaves of an inductively-defined tree

So, I have a function of type:
genTree :: Node -> [Nodes]
Given a node, this function generates the set of children of that node in a tree. The function can be applied again to those children to generate their children, until it eventually generates a node with no children, i.e. a node for which genTree returns [].
What I'm trying to do is, given a starting node, generate the list of all leaf nodes in the tree that has it as the root.
Any advice?
The function from Martijn's answer generates a list of all nodes in the tree. You can use this list and filter out the nodes without children to get the leaves:
nodes root = root : concatMap nodes (genTree root)
leaves root = filter (null . genTree) (nodes root)
You can also combine these two functions into one to directly generate just a list of leaves, if you prefer:
leaves node
| null children = [node]
| otherwise = concatMap leaves children
where children = genTree node
Let's generalize it a bit:
leaves :: (a -> [a]) -> a -> [a]
leaves tree x = case (tree x) of
[] -> [x]
-- the node x has no children and is therefore a leaf
xs -> concatMap (leaves tree) xs
-- otherwise get list of all leaves for each child and concatenate them
Applying static argument transformation (, we get
leaves :: (a -> [a]) -> a -> [a]
leaves tree x = leaves' x where
leaves' x = case (tree x) of
[] -> [x]
xs -> concatMap leaves' xs
Use it as
leaves genTree root
or if you really want it to work only with genTree, inline it into the definition:
leaves1 root = case (genTree x) of
[] -> [x]
xs -> concatMap leaves1 xs
which is morally equivalent to sth's second answer.
(not exactly an answer to the question, but related)
I like to represent trees of a as "ListT [] a". (ListT from the List package in hackage)
Then the answer for this question is just to use the function lastL.
"Monad m => ListT m a" is a monadic list containing "a"s, where trying to get the next list item (which may find out there is no such item) is a monadic action in "m".
A usage example for ListT - a program that reads numbers from the user until the user does not type a number and prints the sum of numbers after each input:
main =
execute . joinM . fmap print .
scanl (+) 0 .
fmap (fst . head) .
takeWhile (not . null) .
fmap reads .
joinM $ (repeat getLine :: ListT IO (IO String))
Where repeat, scanl and takeWhile are from Data.List.Class. They work both for regular lists and monadic lists.
joinM :: List l => l (ItemM l a) -> l a -- (l = ListT IO, ItemM l = IO)
execute :: List l => l a -> ItemM l () -- consume the whole list and run its actions
If you are familiar with Python, python iterators/generators are "ListT IO"s.
When using [] instead of IO as the monad of the monadic list, the result is a tree. Why? Imagine a list where getting the next item is an action in the list monad - the list monad means there are several options, therefore there are several "next items", which makes it a tree.
You can construct monadic lists either with higher-order functions (like the example above), or with cons, or with a python-generator notation (with yield) using the GeneratorT monad transformer from the generator package in hackage.
Disclaimer: ListT and GeneratorT are in no way widely used. I wrote those and I am not aware of any other users except for myself. There are several of users of equivalent ListTs, such as the one from the Haskell wiki, NondetT, and others.
flatten node = node : concatMap flatten (genTree node)
