Cassandra Performance Tuning - cassandra

I have successfully installed a multi-node Cassandra cluster with 10nodes,
The nodetool status command shows every node is UP and NORMAL.
but the Performance I am getting is very bad.
here are my results:
Operations /seconds = 4000
Read Latency = 13ms
write Latency = 10ms
I am using YCSB to measure performance
Tuning that I have done till now:
Consistency level = 1
Replication Factor = 3
Heap size = 4GB
My Hardware:
Each node is a VM with CentOS
2GHZ CPU with 8 cores
1GB/ps N/W
Please let me know what more settings I can tweak to get maximum performance out of my cluster.

If you have 1 system with 10 VMs running on it and 1 disk, the performance of any (not in-memory) database will be bad. Especially with spinning disks (no matter how expensive they are) is going to be a major contention point. With a really good SSD you may be able to pull off a few instances, but performance stress testing will likely always hit either that or a CPU bottleneck (if things configured correctly for system).
Pretty good chance with 4gb heaps and a stress workload you are going to be hitting GC and memory issues, do you have any monitoring around that? Can use visualvm and connect to the ip:7199 (ip set in
8gb of ram per vm is on the minimum spec end. You want at least 8gb of JVM heap with space for the offheap stuff and OS. A 16gb system is likely sufficient. Once again the shared disk will kill performance so it will only go so far. but should be able to do far better than 4k/sec.


Cassandra keep using 100% of CPU and not utilizing memoery?

We have setup Cassandra single node of 3.11 with JDK 1.8 on ec2 with instance type t2.large which has 2 CPU and 7 GB of RAM.
We facing the issue that Cassandra keeps reaching CPU 100% even we do not have that much load.
We have 7GB of RAM but Cassandra not utilizing that only uses 1.7-1.8 GB of RAM.
What configuration needs to change to reduce CPU utilization to not reach to 100%.
what best configuration to get better performance out of Cassandra.
Right now we able to get only about 100-120 read and 50-100 write operation per sec.
Please, some one helps us to understand the issue and what ways to improve performance configuration.

Cassandra CPU performance

I deployed a Cassandra 2.2 ring composed by 4 nodes in the cloud with 8 vCPU and 8GB of ram. I am running some tests now with cassandra-stress and YCSB tools to test its performance. I am mainly interested in read requests with a small amount of write requests (95%/5%).
Running the experiments, I noticed that even setting a high number of threads (or clients) the CPU (and disk) does not saturate, but still always around the 60% of utilisation.
I am trying to figure out where is the bottleneck in my system. From the hardware point of view it seems all ok to me.
I also looked into the Cassandra configuration file to see if there are some tuning parameters to increase the system throughput. I increase the value of concurrent_read/write parameter, but it doesn't increase the performance.
The log file also does not contain any warning.
What it could be that is limiting my system?
You might want to consider running cassandra-stress from outside the cluster and on multiple instances as described in
Usage of the Cassandra tool cassandra-stress

Too many Cassandra processes on the server

The following is the screenshot of htop on my dev server [arranged by MEM% used]:
I have only one cassandra instance running, but there are so many cassandra processes in htop, which is taking up 16 gb of ram.
The server is not being used in production, hence there are no queries being run on it at the moment.
I don't understand the reason why so many cassandra processes are running on my system, and how can I control this. Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Cassandra is a greedy process, It wont leave the RAM unless asked for.
You do not need to worry about the used RAM. If any other process will request for RAM, Cassandra process will leave the RAM.
Cassandra typically can take upto 16 GB RAM, which is the minimum prod recommendation from a performance point of view. Along with Cassandra there are a number of other processes which get the memory allocation like the JVM heap here. And as mentioned above it is a memory intensive technology.

Increasing Number of VMs decreases Cassandra Throughput. What can be reason?

I am using YCSB benchmarking tool to benchmark Cassandra cluster.
I am varying the number of Virtual machines in the cluster.
I am using 1 physical host and I am using 1,2,3,4 virtual machines for benchmarking(as shown in attached figure).
The generated workload is same all the time Workload C 10,000,00 operations, 10,000 records
Each VM has 2 GB RAM, 20GB drive
Cassandra - 1 seed node, endpoint_snitch - gossipproperty
Keyspace YCSB - Replication factor 3,
The problem is that when I increase the number of virtual machines in the cluster, the throughput decreases. What can be the reason?
By definition, by increasing compute resources(i.e virtual machines), the cluster should offer better performance, but the opposite is happening as shown in attached figure. Kindly explain what can be the probable reason for this? I am writing my thesis on this topic but I am unable to figure out the reason for this, please help, I will be grateful to you.
Throughput observed by varying number of VMs in Cassandra cluster:
Very likely hitting a disk IO bottleneck. Especially with non ssd drives this is completely expected. Unless you have dedicated disk/cpu per vm the competition for resources will cause contention like this. Also 2gb per vm is not enough to do any kind of performance benchmark with Cassandra since the minimum recommended JVM heap size is 8gb.
Cassandra is great at horizontal scaling (nearly linear), but that doesn't mean that simply adding VMs to one physical host will increase throughput - a single VM on the physical host will have less contention for resources (disk, cpu, memory, network) than 4, so it's likely one VM would perform better than 4.
By definition, if you WERE increasing resources, you SHOULD see it perform better - but you're not, you're simply adding contention to existing resources. If you want to scale cassandra, you need to test it with additional physical resources - more physical machines, not more VMs on the same machine.
Finally, as Chris Lohfink mentions, your VMs are too small to do meaningful tests - 8GB JVM heap is recommended, with another 8GB of vm page cache to support reads - running Cassandra with less than 16G of RAM is typically non-ideal in production.
You're trying to test a jet engine (a distribute database designed for hundreds or thousands of physical nodes) with a gas station level equipment - your benchmark hardware isn't viable for a real production environment, so your benchmark results aren't meaningful.

Hardware requirements for Presto

I suspect the answer is "it depends", but is there any general guidance about what kind of hardware to plan to use for Presto?
Since Presto uses a coordinator and a set of workers, and workers run with the data, I imagine the main issues will be having sufficient RAM for the coordinator, sufficient network bandwidth for partial results sent from workers to the coordinator, etc.
If you can supply some general thoughts on how to size for this appropriately, I'd love to hear them.
Most people are running Trino (formerly PrestoSQL) on the Hadoop nodes they already have. At Facebook we typically run Presto on a few nodes within the Hadoop cluster to spread out the network load.
Generally, I'd go with the industry standard ratios for a new cluster: 2 cores and 2-4 gig of memory for each disk, with 10 gigabit networking if you can afford it. After you have a few machines (4+), benchmark using your queries on your data. It should be obvious if you need to adjust the ratios.
In terms of sizing the hardware for a cluster from scratch some things to consider:
Total data size will determine the number of disks you will need. HDFS has a large overhead so you will need lots of disks.
The ratio of CPU speed to disks depends on the ratio between hot data (the data you are working with) and the cold data (archive data). If you just starting your data warehouse you will need lots of CPUs since all the data will be new and hot. On the other hand, most physical disks can only deliver data so fast, so at some point more CPUs don't help.
The ratio of CPU speed to memory depends on the size of aggregations and joins you want to perform and the amount of (hot) data you want to cache. Currently, Presto requires the final aggregation results and the hash table for a join to fit in memory on a single machine (we're actively working on removing these restrictions). If you have larger amounts of memory, the OS will cache disk pages which will significantly improve the performance of queries.
In 2013 at Facebook we ran our Presto processes as follows:
We ran our JVMs with a 16 GB heap to leave most memory available for OS buffers
On the machines we ran Presto we didn't run MapReduce tasks.
Most of the Presto machines had 16 real cores and used processor affinity (eventually cgroups) to limit Presto to 12 cores (so the Hadoop data node process and other things could run easily).
Most of the servers were on a 10 gigabit networks, but we did have one large old crufty cluster using 1 gigabit (which worked fine).
We used the same configuration for the coordinator and the workers.
In recent times, we ran the following:
The machines had 256 GB of memory and we ran a 200 GB Java heap
Most of the machines had 24-32 real cores and Presto was allocated all cores.
The machines had only minimal local storage for logs, with all table data remote (in a proprietary distributed file system).
Most servers had a 25 gigabit network connection to a fabric network.
The coordinators and workers had similar configurations.
