Sublime Text shows "NUL" characters in build output - sublimetext3

I've coded a simple Red "Hello world" program in Sublime Text 3:
Red []
print "Hello world!"
I've also created a build system that I'm trying to use to compile and run the program, where G:\Red Programming Language\redlang.exe is the Red programming language compiler that I downloaded from the Windows link here:
"shell_cmd": "\"G:\\Red Programming Language\\redlang\" \"$file\""
The problem is that whenever I use my build system on a saved program, a strange NUL character appears between each character of the build output:
This doesn't happen with any other build system I have installed. The output appears fine if I run the redlang.exe from the Command Prompt, so it's probably an issue with my Sublime Text setup; I'm using Sublime Text Build 3083 and Windows 10. How can I get rid of those NUL characters?

The output of Red programs on Windows is using the native UTF-16LE encoding, which is the cause of the NUL characters you are seeing, as Sublime's output capturing defaults to UTF-8. You need to change it in your build system using the encoding command as described in the Sublime build system documentation.
So you might try something like:
"shell_cmd": "\"G:\\Red Programming Language\\redlang\" \"$file\"",
"encoding": "UTF-16LE"
See the supported encodings list here. Hope this helps.


What's the default encoding in bash standard input? [duplicate]

I am using Gina Trapiani's excellent to organize my todo-list.
However being a dane, it would be nice if the script accepted special danish characters like ø and æ.
I am an absolute UNIX-n00b, so it would be a great help if anybody could tell me how to fix this! :)
Slowly, the Unix world is moving from ASCII and other regional encodings to UTF-8. You need to be running a UTF terminal, such as a modern xterm or putty.
In your ~/.bash_profile set you language to be one of the UTF-8 variants.
export LANG=C.UTF-8
export LANG=en_AU.UTF-8
You should then be able to write UTF-8 characters in the terminal, and include them in bash scripts.
echo "UTF-8 is græat ☺"
See also:
What does this command show?
It should show something like this for you:
If not, you might try doing this before you run your script:
You don't say what happens when you run the script and it encounters these characters. Are they in the todo file? Are they entered at a prompt? Is there an error message? Is something output in place of the expected output?
Try this and see what you get:
read -p "Enter some characters" string
echo "$string"

Unicode character not visible while doing cat

I have a CSV file generated by a windows system. The file is then moved to linux. The linux environment is NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server".VERSION="7.3 (Maipo)".ID="rhel".
When I use vi editor, all characters are visible. For example, one line is given :"Sarah--bitte nicht löschen".
But when i cat the file, i get something like "Sarah--bitte nicht l▒schen".
This file is consumed by datastage application and this unicode characters are coming as "?" in datastage. Since cat is not showing the character properly, I believe the issue is at the linux server. Any help is appreciated.
vi reads the file using encoding according fenc setting and show the content using your locales setting ($LANG env). If fenc is different from LANG, vi can handle the translate.
But cat doesn't handle the translate, it always output the exact byte stream without any convert.
Your terminal will show the output content of both vi and cat using your local PC locale setting.

UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode... solution in traceback? [duplicate]

Ok, i want to print a string in my windows xp console.
There are several characters the console cant print, so i have to encode to my stdout.encoding which is 'cp437'. but printing the encoded string, the 'ß' is printed as '\xe1'. after decoding back to unicode and printing the string, i get the output i want. but this feels somewhat wrong. how is the correct way to print a string and get ? for non-printable characters?
'Bla \u2013 großes'
UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u2013'
>>>var.encode('cp437', 'replace')
b'Bla ? gro\xe1es'
>>>print(var.encode('cp437', 'replace'))
b'Bla ? gro\xe1es'
>>>var.encode('cp437', 'replace').decode('cp437')
'Bla ? großes'
>>>print(var.encode('cp437', 'replace').decode('cp437'))
Bla ? großes
#Mark Ransom: since i print a lot this makes the code pretty bloated i feel :/
#eryksun: excactly what i was looking for. thanks a lot!
To print Unicode characters that can't be represented using the console codepage, you could use win-unicode-console Python package that uses Unicode API such as ReadConsoleW/WriteConsoleW() to read/write Unicode from/to Windows console directly:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import win_unicode_console
print('Bla \u2013 großes')
save it to file, and run it:
C:\> py
You should see:
Bla – großes
As a preferred alternative, you could use run module (included in the package), to run an ordinary script with enabled Unicode support in Windows console:
C:\> py -m run
To install win_unicode_console module, run:
C:\> pip install win-unicode-console
Make sure to select a font able to display Unicode characters in Windows console.
To save the output of a Python script to a file, you could use PYTHONIOENCODING envvar:
C:\> set PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8:backslashreplace
C:\> py >output_utf8.txt
Do not hardcode the character encoding of your environment inside your script, print Unicode instead. The examples show that the same script may be used to print to the console and to a file using different encodings and different methods.
An alternate solution is to not use the crippled Windows console for general unicode output. Tk text widgets (accessed as tkinter Text instances) handle all BMP chars as long as the selected font will.
Since Idle used tkinter, it can as well. Running an Idle editor file (call it containing
print('Bla \u2013 großes')
prints the following in the Shell window.
Bla – großes
A file can be run through Idle from the console with -m and -r.
C:\>python -m idlelib -r c:/programs/python34/
This opens a shell window and prints the same as above. Or you can create your own tk window with Label or Text widget.

programmatically access IME

Is there a way to access Japanese or chinese IME either from the command line or python? I have Linux/osx/win8 boxes, so which ever system exposes the easiest accessible api is fine.
I'm experimenting with building a Japanese kana-kanji conversion algorithm and would like to establish a baseline using existing tools. I also have some collections of kana I would like to process.
Preferably I would like something along the lines of
$ ime JP "きしゃのきしゃがきしゃできしゃした"
I've looked at anthy, mozc and dbus on Linux but can't find anyway to interact with them via the terminal or scripting (such as python)
Anthy provides a cli tool
Personally, I prefer google's IME / mozc for better results, but perhaps this helps.
The source for anthy (sourceforge, file anthy-9100h.tar.gz) includes a simple cli program for testing. Download the source file, extract it, run
./configure && make
Enter the directory test which contains the binary anthy. By default, it reads from test.txt and uses EUC_JP encoding.
Simple test:
Input file test.txt
Run (using iconv to convert to UTF-8:
./anthy --all | iconv -f EUC-JP -t UTF-8
にほんご(日本語:(1,1000,N,72089)2500,001 ,にほんご:(N,0,-)2 ,ニホンゴ:(N,0,-)1 ,):
にゅうりょく(入力:(1,1000,N,62394)2500,001 ,にゅうりょく:(N,0,-)2 ,ニュウリョク:(N,0,-)1 ,):
ももも(桃も:(,1000,Ny,72089)225,279 ,ももも:(N,1000,Ny,72089)220,773 ,モモも:(,1000,Ny,72089)205,004 ,腿も:(,1000,Ny,72089)204,722 ,股も:(,1000,Ny,72089)146,431 ,モモモ:(N,0,-)1 ,):
すももも(すももも:(N,1000,Ny,72089)202,751 ,スモモも:(,1000,Ny,72089)168,959 ,李も:(,1000,Ny,72089)168,677 ,スモモモ:(N,0,-)1 ,):
もものうち(桃のうち:(,1000,N,655)2,047 ,もものうち:(N,1000,N,655)2,006 ,モモのうち:(,1000,N,655)1,863 ,腿のうち:(,1000,N,655)1,861 ,股のうち:(,1000,N,655)1,331 ,モモノウチ:(N,0,-)1 ,):
。(。:(1N,100,N,70203)57,040 ,.:(1,100,N,70203)52,653 ,.:(1,100,N,70203)3,840 ,):
You can uncomment some printf statements in the source files test/main.c and src-main/context.c to make the output more readable/parsable, eg:
1 にほんごにゅうりょく
にほんご 日本語
にゅうりょく 入力
2 もももすももももものうち。
ももも 桃も
すももも すももも
もものうち 桃のうち
。 。

Preserving accentuated letters when running a PERL script from linux terminal

I want to get a plain text file from the French Wikipedia dump XML file.
To that end, I am applying a Perl script
I can give the full file if necessary, I only added the line
tr/a-zàâééèëêîôûùç-/ /cs;
to the script here:
However, when I run on linux terminal:
perl frwiki.xml > frwikiplaintext.txt
the output text file does not print accentuated letters correctly. For example, I get catégorie instead of catégorie...
I also tried:
perl -CS frwiki.xml > frwikiplaintext.txt
without better success (and other variants instead of -CS...)
the problem is with the text editor gedit.
If, instead of opening the file directly, I open gedit, and then go to "open" and down, in "Character encoding", I choose UTF-8 instead of "Automatically Detected", then the accents are printed correctly.
