What is the Azure equivalent of AWS Lambda? - azure

At the moment we are running our application on an AWS Beanstalk but are trying to determine the suitablilty of Azure.
Our biggest issue is the amount of wasted CPU time we are paying for but not using. We are running on t2.small instances as these have the min amount of RAM we need but we never use even the base amount of CPU time allotted. (20% for a t2.small ) We need lots of CPU power during short bursts of the day and bringing more instances on line in advance of this is the only way we can handle it.
AWS Lambda looks a good solution for us but we have dependencies on Windows components like SAPI so we have to run inside of Windows VMs.
Looking at Azure cloud services we thought using a Web role would be best fit for our app but it seems a Web role is nothing more than a Win 2012 VM with IIS enabled. So as the app scales it just brings on more of these VMs which is exactly what we have at the moment. Does Azure have a service similar to Lambda where you just pay for the CPU processing time you use?
The reason for our inefficient use of CPU resources is that our speech generation app uses lost of 3rd party voices but can only run single threaded when calling into SAPI because the voice engine is prone to crashing when multithreading. We have no control over this voice engine. It must have access to a system registry and Windows SAPI so the ideal solution is to somehow wrap all dependencies is a package and deploy this onto Azure and then kick off multiple instances of this. What "this" is I have no Idea

Microsoft just announced a new serverless compute service as an alternative to AWS Lambda, called Azure Functions:
With Azure Functions you only pay for what you use with compute metered to the nearest 100ms at Per/GB price based on the time your function runs and the memory size of the function space you choose. Function space size can range from 128mb to 1536mb. With the first 400k GB/Sec free.
Azure Function requests are charged per million requests, with the first 1 million requests free.

Based on the documentation on Azure website here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/campaigns/azure-vs-aws/mapping/, the services equivalent to AWS Lambda are Web Jobs and Logic Apps.

The most direct equivalent of Lambda on Azure is Azure Automation which does a lot of what Lambda does except it runs Powershell instead of Node etc. It isn't as tightly integrated into other services like Lambda is, but it has the same model. i.e. you write a script, and it is executed on demand.
I presume by SAPI you are refering to the speech API? If so you can create Powershell modules for Azure, and they can include dll files. In which case you could create a module to wrap around the SAPI dll, and that should do what you are looking for.
If you want a full compute environment, without the complexity of multiple machines when you run. You could use Azure Batch which would be the Azure recommended way of running what you are looking for.
The cost benefit you need to evaluate would be how much quicker your solution would run against a native .net stack (in batch), and if performance is significantly degraded when run from Powershell.
Personally I would give Automation a try, it is surprisingly powerful.

There is something called "Cloud Service" in azure which allows you to run code on a pure VM. Scaling options on these include such things as CPU%, queue size, etc. If you can schedule your needs, Azure allows you to easily set up a scheduled scaler, i.e. 4 VM's from 8AM until 08:10AM, and of course, in Azure, you pay by the minute, so it could be a feasible solution.
I'd say more, but the documentation in Azure is really so great that I'd be offending them by offering my "translation" here. Checkout azure.com for more info :)


Recommended Azure service to replace Azure functions

We have a service running as an Azure function (Event and Service bus triggers) that we feel would be better served by a different model because it takes a few minutes to run and loads a lot of objects in memory and it feels like it loads it every time it gets called instead of keeping in memory and thus performing better.
What is the best Azure service to move to with the following goals in mind.
Easy to move and doesn't need too many code changes.
We have long term goals of being able to run this on-prem (kubernetes might help us here)
Appreciate your help.
To achieve first goal:
Move your Azure function code inside a continuous running Webjob. It has no max execution time and it can run continuously caching objects in its context.
To achieve second goal (On-premise):
You need to explain this better, but a webjob can be run as a console program on-premise, also you can wrap it into a docker container to move it from on-premise to any cloud but if you need to consume messages from an Azure Service Bus you will need an On-Premise-Azure approach connecting your local server to the cloud with a VPN or expressroute.
There are a couple of ways to solve the said issue, each with slightly higher amount of change from where you are.
If you are just trying to separate out the heavy initial load, then you can do it once in a Redis Cache instance and then reference it from there.
If you are concerned about how long your worker can run, then Webjobs (as explained above) can work, however, that is something I'd suggest avoiding since its not where Microsoft is putting its resources. Rather look at durable functions. Here an orchestrator function can drive a worker function. (Even here be careful, that since durable functions retain history after running for very very very long times, the history tables might get too large - so probably program in something like, restart the orchestrator after say 50,000 runs (obviously the number will vary based on your case)). Also see this.
If you want to add to this, the constrain of portability then you can run this function in a docker image that can be run in an AKS cluster in Azure. This might not work well for durable functions (try it out, who knows :) ), but will surely work for the worker functions (which would cost you the most compute anyways)
If you want to bring the workloads completely on-prem then Azure functions might not be a good choice. You can create an HTTP server using the platform of your choice (Node, Python, C#...) and have that invoke the worker routine. Then you can run this whole setup inside an image on an AKS cluster on prem and to the user it looks just like a load balanced web-server :) - You can decide if you want to keep the data on Azure or bring it down on prem as well, but beware of egress costs if you decide to move it out once you've moved it up.
It appears that the functions are affected by cold starts:
Serverless cold starts within Azure
Upgrading to the Premium plan would move your functions to pre-warmed instances, which should counter the problem you are experiencing:
Pre-warmed instances for Azure Functions
However, if you potentially want to deploy your function/triggers to on-prem, you should spin them out as microservices and deploy them with containers.
Currently, the fastest way would probably be to deploy the containerized triggers via Azure Container Instances if you don't already have a Kubernetes Cluster running. With some tweaking, you can deploy them on-prem later on.
There are few options:
Move your function app on to premium. But it will not help u a lot at the time of heavy load and scale out.
Issue: In that case u will start facing cold startup issues and problem will be persist in heavy load.
Redis Cache, it will resolve your most of the issues as the main concern is heavy loading.
Issue: If your system is multitenant system then your Cache become heavy during the time.
Create small micro durable functions. It will be not the answer of your Q as u don't want lots of changes but it will resolve your most of the issues.

Azure Functions - Node vs .Net Performance - ColdStart

I don't know whether it is purposefully done or Azure is poor by performance than AWS. Whenever I cold-start an Azure Function it takes close to a minute.
The same function cold starts less than a second (close to 250 msecs) with AWS.
What I see is, Azure stores all the function code in Azure Storage account and load it over the network creating this latency. This is with consumption plan.
If I use App Service Plan for functions, so junky to even have that in modern applications. It can reduce to 3 seconds but not even close to what AWS performs.
What are the other way I can improve performance with Azure, so that I can cold start my functions quickly?
I'm a member of the Azure Functions team. I can assure you we're not deliberately making JavaScript slow. It just comes with some challenges we're still working through.
As you noted, the 60 second cold start performance you are getting is due to the network latency incurred when loading a very large number of small files which is typical for node.js applications.
Our current recommendation is for your to take advantage of Azure-Functions-Pack. It uses webpack to dramatically decrease the number of files loaded by your application.
We are working on some improvements designed to make the manual process of running Functions Pack unnecessary. We aim to have some of these improvements in production sometime later in 2017.

Google Cloud node.js flexible environment

I deployed a node.js app as a learning tool and noticed that I'm getting billed for the project (around a $1/day). I know node.js on Google Cloud uses Compute Engine to run the vm's, but they say the flexible environment has all the advantages of the AppEngine platform, but it seems the instances don't auto stop and start to reduce billing when not in use.
I have java project that's been running on App Engine for years and I've never been billed anything, i'm guessing that's because the instances are shutdown automatically when not in use. So my questions are;
Is there a way to configure the flexible environment to mimic the standard environment to reduce the operating costs?
Am I miss-using something with the flexible environment?
According to Google App Engine Documentation,
Instances within the standard environment have access to a daily limit
of resource usage that is provided at no charge defined by a set of
Instances within the flexible environment are charged the cost of the
underlying Google Compute Engine Virtual Machines.
According to this article,
Currently, the Flexible Environment needs at least one instance
running to serve traffic and there is no free tier.
This means that at any one time, you have at least one instance running, if you're using a Flexible VM. That should explain the billing.
Please note that by default appengine launches two g1-small instances. Depending on your application needs, this may be an over-kill. You should configure the compute resource settings in your app.yaml to the appropriate sizes of RAM, disk size and CPU, so as to save costs. You may also want to specify the min_num_instances as 1 in your service scaling settings.
I had the same problem. You can try to use Google's pricing calculator to figure out which configuration you need and how to minimize the cost of your application.
According to the calculator, the minimal cost for a flexible environment app is a little less than 40$ per month, There is nothing to do about it right now.
I eventually moved to Heruko because of that.

Implementing LONG background tasks on Azure webapps

A user with a TB worth of files on our Azure blob storage and gigabytes of storage in our Azure databases decides to leave our services. At this point, we need to export all his data into 2GB packages and deposit them on the blob storage for a short period (two weeks or so).
This should happen very rarely, and we're trying to cut costs. Where would it be optimal to implement a task that over the course of a day or two downloads the corresponding user's blobs (240 KB files) and zips them into the packages?
I've looked at a separate webapp running a dedicated continuous webjob, but webjobs seem to shut down when the app unloads, and I need this to hibernate and not use resources when not up and running, so "Always on" is out. Plus, I can't seem to find a complete tutorial on how to implement the interface, so that I may cancel the running task and such.
Our last resort is abandoning webapps (three of them) and running it all on a virtual machine, but this comes up to greater costs. Is there a method I've missed that could get the job done?
This sounds like a job for a serverless model on Azure Functions to me. You get the compute scale you need without paying for idle resources.
I don't believe that there are any time limits on running the function (unlike AWS Lambda), but even so you'll probably want to implement something to split the job up first so it can be processed in parallel (and to provide some resilience to failures). Queue these tasks up and trigger the function off the queue.
It's worth noting that they're still in 'preview' at the moment though.
Edit - have just noticed your comment on file size... that might be a problem, but in theory you should be able to use local storage rather than doing it all in memory.

deploying CPU intensive web service on cloud

I have an application which I want to expose as a web service (SaaS). The application is CPU intensive and is a multithreaded application which takes good amount of time for the execution(on an average 15-20secs). Since, I want to expose it as a SaaS and want to use existing cloud services available in the market like Amazon, Google App Engine etc. so that the cost involved and the work involved while scaling my service is not much. I have couple of questions in my mind like:
1.) Since the application is multithreaded and the number of threads invoked depends on the number of results thrown by the service(so basically number of threads is a dynamic entity). Right now I have a 6 core processor so I have kept the threadpool size to be 6 but since I am moving onto the cloud, how can I optimally use the cloud infrastructure?
2.) Do the cloud service providers(which?) give the option to select number of CPU cores required for each request (or something similar to serve my purpose)?
3.) What changes are needed in the code (related to the threads)?
4.) Any other specific area which I should give a sight for moving to the cloud?
In Amazon EC2 you are basically paying for different types of instances - you are free to pick one with only single core and one with sixteen. You get what you pay for.
how can I optimally use the cloud infrastructure?
Your approach is fine, if your task is CPU-intenstive, have a thread pool with the same number of threads as CPU cores/CPUs.
select number of CPU cores required for each request
No, at least not Amazon. You run your application on a given instance and that's all you get. You have to pick instance type in advance, but of course you are free to switch between them, add new, etc. at any time. The cloud!
In Google App Engine you can't create threads, so it's a no-option for you. See also: Why does Google App Engine support a single thread of execution only?
3.) What changes are needed in the code (related to the threads)?
None. It's a standard PC, after all.
4.) Any other specific area which I should give a sight for moving to the cloud?
Well, see above, some services are completely useless for you, like GAE. Make some research before you actually pay for something.
