Azure WebApp scaling through powershell - azure

I host my application in 2 Azure regions and expecting only one region to take traffic at any point of time. I can control that through traffic manager through fail over mode. Now, I want to manage (enable/ disable) scaling automatically based on which region is taking traffic (through Azure automation). I wrote PS to the point where i can identify which region is taking traffic using traffic manager cmdlets
Can this be achieved through Power shell?


Azure availability set or zone vm auto turn on

I have a VM that runs IIS and SQL server for an enterprise application used by around 100 users.
Right now I just have this VM but I would like to add some availability. It’s not critical to have zero downtime application but at least that if by some reason the server fails then I’m able to wake up a secondary instance and reroute traffic to it.
So I guess this is done by using Availabilty Sets but what I understand is that I have at least to have two VMs in the availability set and load balancer so traffic is redirected round robin to each VM. By using the above approach that means that I must have to pay for having two instances with same specs I guess.
What I would like and don’t know if this is possible is like having same above scenario where one the of the VMs is stopped so I don’t get any charge and in case of VM failure I can started maybe manually so the application works again. If this is possible how does the hard drive is available so that the other VM always have the latest data.
If it’s not possible then can I have then for the availabilty set a second VM with the lowest specs that my app can support so if the main VM fails at least critical users can still access the app (maybe performance won’t be great but app will work) and when main VM is functional again then main traffic is again redirected to main VM.
you can achieve this by having 2 vms with premium disks only and having one as a cold backup. single vm qualify for an SLA if they only use premium disks, SLA would be 99.9% afair.
with AV sets - you need to have at least 2 running vms.

Load balance between two Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS)

Our issue:
The amount of time for provisioning a new instance takes a long time because of steps like certificate, encryption, domain join, TLS and Cipher changes,...
In our use case, we end up to have two different VMSS for the purpose of deployment, re-imaging or blue green use case. Please note in our region (Azure Gov), we don't have access to low priority VMSS or Azure VM Spot to do pre-provisioning.
It only makes sense to have two different scales set behind a cloud-native load balancer (or private Traffic Manager - which is not available yet) to route request base on the VMSS prob readiness.
How can we have two Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set behind a load balancer
I never tried this, but I dont see why this would not work with Standard Load Balancer (not basic, basic one is limited to 1 vmss, afair), if it doesnt - it should work with Application Gateway.

Trying to achieve simple fail over for two VMs hosted on Azure

i am running a web-based online application and trying to achieve HA.
i created two windows vmss in an availability set.
All i am looking for is a simple failover protocol, what i am trying to achieve is when my Main Vm is down for any reason,my incoming traffic redirects to my Backup VM till the main vm is up and running again.
I know that Azure Traffic Manager can achieve this by using the Priority type and setting end points for Public Ips that assigned to my vmss.
But the traffic manager is using DNS in order to route traffics, there are some downtown before the traffic manager redirect traffic to my backup vm.
Please check this answer as well for more info why Traffic manager is not the solution. -even when i use fast-intervals settings-
i also can't use load-balancer. As i need the Active/Passive model and load-balancer can't support this model.
A 3rd Load Balancer are expensive and we are really looking in to a simple solution here.

In Azure logic App how to do load balance between two logic app using load balancer

If two logic apps are there in two different regions and I want to do load balancing between these two how to do this.
Through some source, I got to know that it is possible through API management but they have not mentioned how to do this.
So, how to do load balancing between two logic apps?
Well...why do you want to do this? "Load Balancing" especially with LogicApps is fundamentally different on Azure than on-premise or self hosted. It's not wrong, just different ;)
What they were probably referring to was Azure Load Balancer which appears as a Networking Service, not APIM.
This, you can use to distribute requests as you would with traditional load balancers.
Since you want to load balance across regions I would look into Azure Traffic Manager. Traffic Manager is a DNS load balancer that sits outside/above Azure regions and allows you to have traffic balanced based on various performance profiles (i.e. Weighted, Performance, etc.)
High Level / General steps are:
Setup Logic Apps in 2 Regions
Create and register public dns domain for the logic apps - (done outside Azure typically)
Point your DNS record for to Azure Traffic Manager
Add endpoints to Azure Traffic Manager for Logic App in Region 1 and Logic App in Region 2 and setup your traffic manager profile
Calls to the Logic App start with the custom DNS domain get routed to ATM which then distributes to the regions based on your configured profile.

Not able to configure load balancer for Vm in azure

I want to add traffic manager to my azure virtual machine.I created total 4 virtual machine .2 in east us region and 2 in north Europe region.but when i want to add the both 2nd machine in the availability set respectively i didn't find the other machine which i want to add.
so help me to configure this
Availability Sets and Traffic Manager are not related subjects in Azure. When you create your two virtual machines in each Region make sure to add them to the same Cloud Service. This will enable load balancing and enforce availability set behaviour across the two VMs.
Repeat this in the second Region.
Then use Traffic Manager to route traffic using a Failover strategy (if appropriate) to the public interfaces of the Cloud Services.
While this is about using Web Roles you might find this blog series useful:
Availability sets are not the same as the traffic manager.
Availability sets are per region (that's why you only see 2 machines)
Add a traffic manager through the portal and select the VM's in both regions.
