Opening documents in hybrid apps - phonegap-plugins

I have made a hybrid app using jquery mobile and now I want to open few docs such as pdf,pptx etc.which are already included in project on a button click. I have the liberty to open it inside as well as outside the app. Ouside the app will be feasible I guess as device can then take care of opening. I want to install app in iOS, windows and android device. Any help would be appreciated.

#user2621561, you can achieve your requirement by using Cordova file, file transfer and file opener plugin. If the file is available in server, first you got to download the file using file transfer plugin and store it in device using file plugin and then you can open the file using file opener plugin. Have tested this approach in iOS and android, it works. Not tested in windows though.


how to enable or switch existing flutter project (mobile only) to MacOS or WEB or Linux or Windows?

I have made a flutter app only for mobile (Android and IOS). now client requested that make it for web/macOS/windows app.
so now how can I enable the existing projects for all other platforms or wise wars? here is all case I want to know
Existing on the web and adding other (mobile, windows, mac)
Existing on the web and adding only (mobile)
Existing on the Mobile and adding other (web, windows, mac)
Existing on Mobile and adding only (windows, mac)
Existing on the Mac and adding other (mobile, windows, web)
Existing on Windows and adding other (mobile, web)
many many thanks in advance. Questions and answers will be useful for many flutter developers in the future so if possible then a details answer will be appreciated!
flutter create --platforms=windows,macos,linux .
Is the one command that you need to run in terminal of your root project directory. You can specify platforms in the comma seperated list.
Like mentioned in the doc
List of platforms:
To enable disable platforms let say we want to disable ios altogether you can use and create a project later. Now you wont have ios as it is not available.
Well you can toggle the config and simply run the above mentioned command to go for ios
flutter config --no-enable-ios
You can follow this link for the config commands.
So lets say you have a case where you need to add only windows and mac you can disable other platforms and use the create command.
Now for the existing project if you want to enable or add a platform you can use the above create with platforms flag
There are many ways we can counter it. we can make use isolated development too complicated for simple usecase.
We can use FVM for the configs so that it doesnot affect our core sdk.

How to upload files in HoloLens 2 from Windows Device Portal

I want to upload files in HoloLens with Windows Device Portal. According to the documentation on using the Windows Device Portal, I should be able to "Use the file explorer to browse, upload, and download files". Nevertheless, in the File Explorer section of Windows Device Portal, I can't see any option to upload files, but I can only browse or download files. Can anyone give a hint on how to upload files?
Nevertheless, in the File Explorer section of Windows Device Portal, I can't see any option to upload files, but I can only browse or download files
Please aware that not all folders have the file uploading permission, not sure which folder path you are accessing. As a test, if you go to the Documents folder, normally you should see the Upload button as below:
If you really can't see the button, you can check the following things:
The HoloLens OS version and browser. We have ever seen the compatibility issue on several browsers running previous HoloLens OS version, I would suggest you trying Microsoft Edge and upgrading OS to the latest version. Check out this release note
Policy Restriction on Device. Some group policy may impose restrictions on device, you may need to check with IT team in this case.

How to create a browser instance (pupeeteer) with firebase and use it in my app (node.js)?

I created a firebase project. This communicates with a mobile application (node.js). As part of this project I want to use pupeeteer.
I have no problem launching functions using pupeeteer in firebase.
The problem is that I want to make the user perform actions. So I have to display the web page (pupeeteer) in the application via a browser generated by the server (with a firebase function?)?
However I have no idea how to launch a browser instance in the background and close it at the end of processing?
Can you help me ? Is this the right solution?
I want to use this :
This library does 2 things:
Download the chromium binaries and launch a Chromium process.
Connect to this process with Websocket and send json commands to control the browser.
Due to limitations on mobile platforms (iOS and Android), it is not possible to launch an external Chromium process on iOS and Android. So, step 1) does not work on mobile.
You can still use puppeteer-dart on Flutter either with:
Flutter on Desktop (macOS, windows, Linux)
Flutter on mobile BUT with the actual Chrome instance running on a server and accessed from the mobile app using puppeteer.connect
The website reports that this library works with Android and iOS. The supported platform list is detected automatically and can't be manually modified to express the current limitations

uploading .ipa file for appcenter distribution using Xamarin

I am trying to use AppCenter to distribute my app to iOS beta testers.
I have included the nuget packages for Microsoft.AppCenter and Microsoft.AppCenter.Distribute
I followed the developer.xamarin instructions for creating an IPA
An IPA did not appear in the Bin > iOS Device > Ad Hoc (or Release) folder as expected. An application (.exe) file was created.
This is most likely the area I need help on.
In AppCenter I selected Distribute and got to the Upload a Build screen, I could not find an IPA file on my computer.
when pressing the Where Can I Find my IPA file? link, I was transferred to, which I didn't understand how to use to find the file. Perhaps this link is incorrect or someone can tell me how to use these apis to find the file?
I have never connected my Windows Visual Studio Xamarin to a Mac. LivePlayer on an iPhone works beautifully. I was hoping to get to be able to distribute my app without using a physical Mac.
Thank you for any help. If you can point me towards other tutorials on setting up and using AppCenter to distribute to iPhone beta users, I would appreciate it.
To order generate an .ipa file for distribution a Mac needs to be involved in the build process.
If you do not have access to a Mac for local development and the application source code is located in a git repository hosted in GitHub, BitBucket, or Visual Studio Team Services, then you can link App Center to the git repository and configure App Center to perform the build for distribution purposes.

Facility to allow user view the job in Window Explorer folder

I am developing a CAD software using C++/CLI .Net framework 3.5. The files are saved using serializing the objects. How do I provide facility to allow user view the jobs in Window Explorer folder (Like done by AutoCad), where by user gets a chance to look inside the file in explorer itself without opening the file in the software.
You need to create a preview handler. This MSDN sample shows how to build one. But this requires Windows XP or newer OS.
