Any reason that zenity wouldn't bring a dialog into focus? - linux

I am using Zenity 3.10.2 and any time I use Zenity, regardless of dialog type, the dialog it brings up has focus. i.e. I can straight away press "Enter" straight away and proceed. (I need this ability for automation)
However, there is one exception and it is very difficult to test. It occurs during the KIWI installation of a custom Linux distro and involved a question dialog being created with no focus. Neither enter nor tab have any effect.
There is a bash script which creates this dialog. When I run this in all other contexts, It has focus, but in this install it does not, the cursor appears in random places all around the place. However, from what I can see, the whole point of Zenity is on-top, already focused dialogs.
The actual call to create the dialog is the result of sourcing a file that has the bash script in it i.e. ". ~/.bashrc". Even this approach, always works when I test it manually.
Any ideas as to what could cause a Zenity dialog to be created without focus? Or any way using just Zenity to reclaim / change the focus?
I am aware you can use a window manager such as wmctrl to bring the Dialog to the focus. However this currently not a used package and shouldn't have to do anything else as this is just a simple dialog.
Any guidance would be much appreciated!


Gnome 3 Disable "Unlock private key" modal GUI

I am using Gnome 3.34.3.
When I need to unlock a private key (ssh, git, etc.), a modal window appear and ask me to write the key's passphrase.
The GUI is modal and it is not convenient for me.
I would like to unlock my private keys from either the terminal or a not modal GUI.
Is it possible ?
Thank you !
echo "pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-gtk" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
gpg-connect-agent reloadagent /bye
Almost solved.
In short; no. [sorry]
The dialog is kept modal to mark its importance. For example, such password, urgent info windows must be kept modal to get the user's attention as soon as possible. Modal also prevents you from accessing the other part of application, which otherwise would spoil the application entirely.
For example:
if the dialog wasn't modal while getting authentication, there is no meaning at all. The dialog could be just kept down by the window manager without you even knowing it. There are possibilities.
I agree, modal windows are irksome as many crazy developers use it for everything (You can read more about this on GNOME's HIG guidelines), but a dialog should be modal when it has to be.
It depends on the developer to choose what should be modal and what should not be. That is it depends on the application, and there is no system wide settings available to change that behavior. You can, so, ask the respective developer to replace the modal windows with convenient ones.
To your question of accessing it from terminal, it also depends on the application.

Dialog menu not receiving Enter key

I’m currently writing an MFC dialog app which has a menu. The menu displays correctly and the menu entries work correctly via mouse, accelerators, and hotkeys (e.g., to quit: Ctrl+Q or Alt+F,Q).
Unfortunately, the Enter key doesn’t seem to work. That is, pressing Alt+F will open the File menu and pressing ↑ will highlight the Quit entry, but pressing Enter will not select it.
I know that using menus in dialog apps can be a bit tricky, but I’ve done this successfully before. However, that was a long time ago with a customized VS wizard, so I am trying to remember how to do this from scratch. I tried checking my old code, but could not find anything in reference to VK_RETURN. (No, there’s nothing special in PreTranslateMessage.)
These two questions are related, but they want the dialog to receive the key, I need the menu to get it.
Does anyone know what the problem is and how to fix it?

Linux - Any way to configure or create a script/program to make right click not select menu item?

The default behavior for right-clicking on most recent Linux distros is to select a menu item in a right-click menu upon releasing the right mouse button. While this saves some mouse presses, it is driving some of my Windows-trained (and rather vocal) coworkers completely bonkers, and a lot of searching has told me that there is no option to change this behavior in the distros they are using (mostly RHEL 6).
To make my work environment a little less volatile I would like to try to program a fix or patch for their systems to make right clicking work like they are used to (the menu does not even appear until the right mouse button is released), but I don't know what kinds of tutorials I should be looking for (shell scripts? C? etc.) in order to do this.
If I could be pointed in the right direction that would be lovely! (or if someone by chance already knows of a fix, that would work too, though a lot of Googling has told me that there does not appear to be one currently)
Follow the directions here:
But instead of disabling the forward and back buttons, disable the right click mouse button. You can easily dump the resulting command into a shell script which calls xmodmap. Then you can make icons that disable and enable the right mouse button, for the times where they will need it.

Is there any way to unlock a password-protected computer using an AppleScript?

I'm trying to configure an automatic, Bluetooth-powered computer lock and unlock system. So far, I've got the lock script down, but I can't think of a script which would unlock the screen, as my comp is password protected. Any ideas?
You normally have two options when you're trying to script something. First, if the application is scriptable then you can issue applescript commands directly to the application. If it's not scriptable then your only other option is with GUI scripting where you simulate pressing buttons and typing keystrokes like if you were sitting in front of the computer doing it yourself. You use System Events commands to do this.
In your case I think you need the second option. In general when you gui script the application has to be frontmost. Since the "unlock screen" is probably frontmost at that moment you have a chance this will work. However I have not tried it so you'll need to do some testing to see if it's possible. Just do some searching for gui scripting examples and give it a try.
I would imagine your script will look something like the following. This assumes the cursor automatically is placed in the password section of the window so that the "keystroke" command will actually be typing in the proper place... otherwise you need to figure a way to put the cursor there before you type anything.
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "unlock password"
delay .5
click button "OK" of window 1
end tell

How do I make a window move to the top of other windows in Gnome when that window already has the focus?

I have an application that sends the focus to other windows but those windows then don't automatically display themselves in the foreground, i.e. on top of all the other windows. Where can I configure the preferences of my window manager so that this is the default behaviour?
In particular I'm using the Ctrl-0 and Ctrl-Shft-0 shortcuts in the MATLAB IDE to move between the command window and the editor window and although the focus seems to be transferred the new window doesn't automatically redraw itself in the foreground.
Not sure of a key binding off hand that does it, but if you alt-click on a window (which allows you to drag a window) it should come to the front.
As codeDr suggests, MATLAB is also kind of bad about repainting its windows. If you draw to a figure while code is executing, the figure does not update unless you execute drawnow or have some similar pause in the execution to allow the GUI to repaint. Since we're talking about MATLAB, the figure command will also cause the indicated figure to come to the front (in fact, it's harder to get it to not come to the front). So you could do figure(gcf) to bring the current figure to the front, or save the figure number with h = figure; and then later do figure(h). Incidentally, if you want to switch current figures without switching focus, set(0, 'CurrentFigure', h) should set h to the current figure.
Your window manager (probably Metacity?) implements focus-stealing prevention so that rogue apps don't pop up windows that would disturb your typing. Matlab needs to raise its window, and give it the input focus with the correct timestamp. If this is being done from a KeyPress event handler, the timestamp for setting the input focus would be the timestamp from the KeyPress event (i.e. the timestamp of the user-generated event that caused a window to be raised/focused).
To politely give the input focus to a window, google for _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW.
Usually when the window doesn't repaint, it means that the application's main application loop isn't running to refresh the window. Could it be that Matlab is doing some computation or disk activity when you are switching between windows?
