Jexl3 unsolvable property exception when using enum - jexl

This code used to work under jexl2
public enum Gender { MALE, FEMALE};
public static void main( String[] args ) throws ClassNotFoundException {
JexlEngine jexl = new JexlEngine();
Record r = new Record();
r.setHeader(new RecordHeader());
JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
jc.set("r", r );
jc.set("com.sytrue.objects.Gender", Gender.class );
Expression e = jexl.createExpression( "r.header.gender=com.sytrue.objects.Gender.FEMALE" );
System.out.println( e.evaluate(jc) );
but under jexl3 it throws an exception:
public static void main( String[] args ) throws ClassNotFoundException {
JexlEngine jexl = new JexlBuilder().create();
Record r = new Record();
r.setHeader(new RecordHeader());
JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
jc.set("r", r );
jc.set("com.sytrue.objects.Gender", Gender.class );
JexlExpression e = jexl.createExpression( "r.header.gender=com.sytrue.objects.Gender.FEMALE" );
System.out.println( e.evaluate(jc) );
The exception is:
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.commons.jexl3.JexlException$Property: unsolvable property 'FEMALE'
I made it to work using the valueOf method:
JexlExpression e = jexl.createExpression( "r.header.gender=com.sytrue.objects.Gender.valueOf('FEMALE')" );
It seems that I no longer can access the enum type in jexl3.
Is there any reason this doesn't work anymore or it is a bug

It turns out it was a bug:
I posted this question on JIRA:
It will be fixed in version 3.1


ClassCastException on thinClient in Apache Ignite

ClientConfiguration cfg = new ClientConfiguration().setAddresses("");
try (IgniteClient igniteClient = Ignition.startClient(cfg)) {
System.out.println(">>> Thin client put-get example started.");
final String CACHE_NAME = "put-get-example";
ClientCache<Integer, Object> cache = igniteClient.getOrCreateCache(CACHE_NAME);
Person p = new Person();
HashMap<Integer, Person> hm = new HashMap<Integer, Person>();
hm.put(1, p);
cache.put(1, hm);
HashMap<Integer, Person> map = (HashMap<Integer, Person>)cache.get(1);
Person p2 = map.get(1);
System.out.format(">>> Loaded [%s] from the cache.\n",p2);
catch (ClientException e) {
catch (Exception e) {
System.err.format("Unexpected failure: %s\n", e);
I use the thin client of apache-ignite.
I Create a hashmap and put the Person class(org.apache.ignite.examples.model.Person) object into it.
And when I take it out of the hashmap, I get the following exceptions:
> java.lang.ClassCastException:
> org.apache.enite.internal.binary.BinaryObjectImpl cannot be cast to
> org.apache.engite.examples.model.Person.
An exception is given in the code below.
Person p2 = map.get(1);
However, there is no exception if I modify the code as follows:
BinaryObject bo = (BinaryObject) map.get(1);
Person p2 = bo.deserialize();
I don't think that's necessary. Is there another solution?
Change client Cache definition
ClientCache<Integer, Person> cache = igniteClient.getOrCreateCache(CACHE_NAME)

ANTLR Visitor of a rule with alternatives

I've a grammar rule like this:
: id AS FUNCTION O_PAR (argDecl (COMMA argDecl)*)? C_PAR COLON (scalar|VOID)
DO (instruction)+ (RETURN id)? DONE;
When i'm in the visitFctDecl, I have to visit all children of FctDecl. As children can be different type of rule, how can I know which is the type of the current child?
public FunctionNode visitFctDecl(B314Parser.FctDeclContext ctx) {
for (int i = 0; i < ctx.children.size() ;i++)
//what kind of rule is ?
return null;
I'm not sure at all how to use visitor as it should be.
Start by chopping up that big parser rule. Something like this perhaps:
: id AS FUNCTION fctParams COLON ( scalar | VOID ) localDecl doStat
: O_PAR ( argDecl ( COMMA argDecl )* )? C_PAR
: DO instruction+ ( RETURN id )? DONE
and then in your visitor, you simply return custom classes like this (I'm returning Maps and Lists, but that could be your own domain objects):
public class DemoVisitor extends B314BaseVisitor<Object> {
// fctDecl
// : id AS FUNCTION fctParams COLON ( scalar | VOID ) localDecl doStat
// ;
public Object visitFctDecl(B314Parser.FctDeclContext ctx) {
Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
result.put("fctParams", visit(ctx.fctParams()));
result.put("type", ctx.scalar() != null ? ctx.scalar().getText() : ctx.VOID().getText());
result.put("localDecl", visit(ctx.localDecl()));
result.put("doStat", visit(ctx.doStat()));
return result;
// fctParams
// : O_PAR ( argDecl ( COMMA argDecl )* )? C_PAR
// ;
// argDecl
// : varDecl
// ;
// varDecl
// : ID AS type
// ;
public Object visitFctParams(B314Parser.FctParamsContext ctx) {
List<Map<String, String>> declarations = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
if (ctx.argDecl() != null) {
for (B314Parser.ArgDeclContext argDecl : ctx.argDecl()) {
Map<String, String> declaration = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
declaration.put(argDecl.varDecl().ID().getText(), argDecl.varDecl().type().getText());
return declarations;
// localDecl
// : ( DECLARE LOCAL ( varDecl SEMICOLON )+ )?
// ;
public Object visitLocalDecl(B314Parser.LocalDeclContext ctx) {
// See `visitFctParams(...)` how to traverse `( varDecl SEMICOLON )+`
return "TODO";
// doStat
// : DO instruction+ ( RETURN id )? DONE
// ;
public Object visitDoStat(B314Parser.DoStatContext ctx) {
// See `visitFctParams(...)` how to traverse `instruction+`
return "TODO";
If you now run the following class that uses the visitor above:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String source =
"mu as function(i as integer, b as boolean): integer\n" +
"declare local x as square; y as square;\n" +
"do\n" +
" skip\n" +
B314Lexer lexer = new B314Lexer(CharStreams.fromString(source));
B314Parser parser = new B314Parser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
ParseTree fctDeclTree = parser.fctDecl();
Object result = new DemoVisitor().visit(fctDeclTree);
System.out.printf("source:\n\n%s\n\nresult:\n\n%s\n", source, result);
the following will be printed on your console:
mu as function(i as integer, b as boolean): integer
declare local x as square; y as square;
{id=mu, fctParams=[{i=integer}, {b=boolean}], type=integer, localDecl=TODO, doStat=TODO}

Load report failed- Crystal Report in c#

I have this application in C# on VS2012, in which I need to generate Crystal Report 13.0.x. This application has been running fine for last 2 years or so . Recently did some addons and after that its giving error
Load Report Fail
However strange thing is that , in a day around 100 times this Crystal report is generated and in between it gives out that error. After the whole application has to be exited and then it works fine too. Because of this I am not abel to replicate the error at me end.
Here my code:
public partial class ChangeOrderList : Form
ConnectionClass connectionclass = new ConnectionClass();
NewOrderBL NObl = new NewOrderBL();
DailySalesReportBL DSRbl = new DailySalesReportBL();
public ChangeOrderList()
private void ChangeOrderList_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
/////////////////////////To count Lunch Buffet///////////////////
DataTable dtlb = DSRbl.selectBuffet(DateTime.Today.Date.ToString(), DateTime.Today.Date.ToString());
string date = dtlb.Rows[0][0].ToString();
string sqlqry = "Select KOTNo,TableNo,WaiterName,ItemCode,ItemName,Quantity,Status,Foodtype from tblOrderChange where KOTNo=#kotno and Quantity>'0.00' and (Category!='Appetizer' and Category!='Indian Breads' and Category!='Desserts' and Category!='Beverages' and Category!='Tandoori')";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlqry, connectionclass.con);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#kotno", NewOrderBL.KOTNo);
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
DataSet1 ds = new DataSet1();
adapter.Fill(ds, "tblOrderChange");
if (ds.Tables["tblOrderChange"].Rows.Count == 0)
MessageBox.Show("No Data Found", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
if (deliverybl.order == "Delivery")
//PrintDelivery printorder = new PrintDelivery();
ChangeOrderdelivery printorder = new ChangeOrderdelivery();
crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = printorder;
System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument printDocument = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument();
printorder.PrintOptions.PrinterName = printDocument.PrinterSettings.PrinterName;
printorder.PrintOptions.PrinterName = "EPSON TM-U220 Receipt";
printorder.PrintToPrinter(1, false, 0, 0);
ParameterFields paramFields = new ParameterFields();
ParameterField paramField = new ParameterField();
ParameterDiscreteValue paramDiscreteValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
paramField.Name = "LBqty";
paramDiscreteValue.Value = date;
PrintChangeOrderList printchangeorder = new PrintChangeOrderList();
printchangeorder.SetParameterValue("LBqty", date);
crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = printchangeorder;
System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument printDocument = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument();
printchangeorder.PrintOptions.PrinterName = printDocument.PrinterSettings.PrinterName;
printchangeorder.PrintOptions.PrinterName = "EPSON TM-U220 Receipt";
printchangeorder.PrintToPrinter(1, false, 0, 0);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
finally { connectionclass.disconnect(); }
onlinebl.crystalreport = "";
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
onlinebl.crystalreport = "";
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
I have been banging my head for long . Every where I search it says about the path and I am not using the path anywhere so not able to understand where the fault is.
If you need any more info or the code please let me know. Thanks
Check your class:
ChangeOrderdelivery printorder = new ChangeOrderdelivery();
crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = printorder;
this one has a report Path hidding i guess
ChangeOrderdelivery printorder = new ChangeOrderdelivery();
I just deleted internet temp files and after that client has not yet complained about the error. So I am keeping an eye on it if it resolved the issue

SparkStreaming either running 2 times the same command or mail sending 2 times same mail

My spark application sends two mails when I send just 1 string to my Kafka Topic. Here is the interested part of code:
JavaDStream<String> lines = ( [returns the 2nd value of the tuple];
lines.foreachRDD(new VoidFunction<JavaRDD<String>>() {
[... some stuff ...]
JavaRDD<String[]> flagAddedRDD = Function<String[],String[]>(){
public String[] call(String[] arg0) throws Exception {
String[] s = new String[arg0.length+1];
System.arraycopy(arg0, 0, s, 0, arg0.length);
int a = FilePrinter.getAge(arg0[CSVExampleDevice.LENGTH+People.BIRTH_DATE]);
int p = Integer.parseInt(arg0[CSVExampleDevice.PULSE]);
((p<=45 || p>=185)&&(a<=12 || a>=70))
(p>=190 || p<=40)){
Mailer.sendMail(mailTo, arg0);
return s;
I cannot understand if the mail sends two emails, because the transformation after this one is a save on file and this only return 1 line. The mailer.sendMail:
public static void sendMail(String whoTo, String[] whoIsDying){
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("", "mail.***.com"); //edited
props.put("mail.smtp.port", "25");
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
Session session = Session.getInstance(props);
try {
Message message = new MimeMessage(session);
message.setFrom(new InternetAddress("***my-email***")); //edited
for (String string : whoTo.split(","))
new InternetAddress(string));
System.out.println("INFO: sent mail");
} catch (MessagingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
The reason this happens is because I called two actions at the end of the transformation:
FilePrinter.saveAssociatedAsCSV(associatedSavePath, unifiedAssociatedStringRDD.collect()); //first action
JavaRDD<String[]> enrichedWithWeatherRDD = Function<String[],String[]>(){ [some more stuff] });
JavaRDD<String> unifiedEnrichedStringRDD =;
FilePrinter.saveEnrichedAsCSV(enrichedSavePath, unifiedEnrichedStringRDD.collect()); //second action
and thus the whole transformation is called again and the mailer part is above both of these actions.

Exception in thread "Thread-4" java.lang.NullPointerException?

i have a problem with this exception.
I'm trying to make a function to display data from database on a table, every keystroke i made at jtextfield. So its like the table automatically refreshed with new data everytime i type in the jtextfield.
Here's the code :
First i have this variable :
private Statement stmt;
List<Barang> dataSBarang =new LinkedList();
boolean searchBarang=true;
Searching sBarang;
And this is how i call the function :
private void inputkodeTFMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt){
sBarang = new Searching( stmt, dataSBarang, modelDetail, tabelDetailBarang, inputkodeTF, searchBarang);
And this is the Searching Object
public class Searching extends Thread{
private Statement stmt;
private List<Barang> dataBarang;
private JTable jTabelBarang;
private JTextField tf;
private boolean cari;
private DefaultTableModel modelBarang;
public Searching(Statement stmt, List<Barang> dataBarang, DefaultTableModel tm, JTable jTabelBarang, JTextField tf, boolean cari){
public void run(){
String temp="";
String masukan = tf.getText();
//System.out.println("Mencari "+ masukan);
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select kode_barang, nama_barang, jumlah_stok, " +
"minimal_stok, harga_jual, deskripsi_barang from BARANG WHERE (kode_barang LIKE " +
String kode_barang = rs.getString ("kode_barang");
String nama_barang = rs.getString ("nama_barang");
int jumlah_stok = rs.getInt("jumlah_stok");
int minimal_stok = rs.getInt("minimal_stok");
int harga_jual = rs.getInt("harga_jual");
String deskripsi_barang = rs.getString ("deskripsi_barang");
//System.out.println(kode_barang+" "+deskripsi_barang);
dataBarang.add(new Barang(kode_barang,nama_barang,jumlah_stok,minimal_stok,harga_jual,deskripsi_barang));
((DefaultTableModel) jTabelBarang.getModel()).insertRow(jTabelBarang.getRowCount(), new Object[]{kode_barang, nama_barang, jumlah_stok, minimal_stok, harga_jual, deskripsi_barang});
temp = masukan;
else if(masukan.equals("")&&!masukan.equals(temp)) {
temp = masukan;
} catch(SQLException s){s.printStackTrace();}
catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException s){s.printStackTrace();}
try {
} catch(InterruptedException e){}
public void clearTableBarang(){
int numrows = modelBarang.getRowCount();
for(int i = numrows - 1; i >=0; i--){
public void showTableBarang(){
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select kode_barang, nama_barang, jumlah_stok, minimal_stok, harga_jual, deskripsi_barang from barang");
String kode_barang = rs.getString ("kode_barang");
String nama_barang = rs.getString ("nama_barang");
int jumlah_stok = rs.getInt("jumlah_stok");
int minimal_stok = rs.getInt("minimal_stok");
int harga_jual = rs.getInt("harga_jual");
String deskripsi_barang = rs.getString ("deskripsi_barang");
//System.out.println(kode_barang+" "+deskripsi_barang);
dataBarang.add(new Barang(kode_barang,nama_barang,jumlah_stok,minimal_stok,harga_jual,deskripsi_barang));
((DefaultTableModel)jTabelBarang.getModel()).insertRow(jTabelBarang.getRowCount(), new Object[]{kode_barang, nama_barang, jumlah_stok, minimal_stok, harga_jual, deskripsi_barang});
} catch(SQLException s){s.printStackTrace();}
public void delay(){
try {
} catch(InterruptedException e){}
This is the error :
Exception in thread "Thread-4" java.lang.NullPointerException
FYI : Line 47 is pointing to
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select kode_barang, nama_barang, jumlah_stok, " +
"minimal_stok, harga_jual, deskripsi_barang from BARANG WHERE (kode_barang LIKE " +
Please help me solve the problem. Thank you very much. :D
NullPointerExceptions are the most easy ones to fix with a debugger. Just place a breakpoint on that line and see what is null.
If the line you posted is correct, you do not even need a debugger since the only thing that can throw the exception is stmt which will be null.
It is a good thing to run your DB query in a separate Thread to avoid blocking the UI. However, in your case you are updating the UI from that Thread which is not allowed and will cause weird issues. All Swing components must be accessed on the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT). Consult the Swing concurrency tutorial for more information
I do hope you are not starting up a separate Thread on each keystroke in the textfield as you indicated in your question. Looking at the code in the Thread, you remove all elements from the table and then re-add rows. So if a users types in 5 characters at a normal typing speed, you will launch 5 threads which most likely run all at the same time (since a DB connection might not be that fast if your network is lagging). That means that with your current code 5 Threads are, at the same time, removing the table model and adding rows. Even if you put all the Swing code on the EDT (see my first point), you still end up with 5 threads posting runnables on the EDT messing with your table model. I do not know what the resulting table model will be, but probably not what you want
Clearly stmt is null.
You declare it here:
private Statement stmt;
List<Barang> dataSBarang =new LinkedList();
boolean searchBarang=true;
Searching sBarang;
But I don't see any initialization code anywhere, so most likely it remains null for this method call:
private void inputkodeTFMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt){
sBarang = new Searching( stmt, dataSBarang, modelDetail, tabelDetailBarang, inputkodeTF, searchBarang);
