I don't know why the core modules in node js are not being recognized within my project using IntelliJ Idea (2016) - node.js

I keep getting the error: Cannot find module 'serve-favicon.' This error occurs not just for serve-favicon but for all core modules which also includes 'body-parser', 'cookie-parser', etc. I am using IntelliJ IDEA (version: 2016). I already enabled the Node.js Core library, and I have been able to use core modules in other projects successfully. What is different about this project however, is that I pulled it from github. Do I need to install another plugin? If yes, which one? Do I need to add another package?

serve-favicon, body-parser, cookie-parser are not node.js core modules.
You will need to install these dependencies from npm registry. To install these dependencies, you will need to run
npm install <package-name> --save
If you have pulled the project from github, chances are there will be a package.json file with a list of dependencies. In that case, all you need to do is run npm install from the project folder.


NPM not installing node module

I have an angular project that comes with a package.json file and all the dependencies listed within, but each time I run "npm install", in the terminal, the packages appear to be downloading properly and a node module folder is created in my root folder, but at a certain stage the installation stops without an error message and the generated node module folder disappear from my project. please what do I do?
I can't reproduce your situation, somehow this may not fitable for you.
But I suggest re-install node.js to make sure npm install work correctly.
This link will help to find what version of node.js for you, based on you angular version.
Compatibility list for Angular/Angular-CLI and Node.js
Also, It would be good to manage node.js via NVM(Node Version Manager).

React - How to check which npm packages are not used on a project

I use CRA approach (create-react-app) using npm install installed different packages for my project, I don't use many of them but manually check which of these packages is not used on the project and then remove it will be a very difficult process, is there a way quickly check which packages are not used on my project and remove them?
You can check for any unused dependency or devdependency with depcheck package in any nodejs project. Use npx to use this package without installing it, run following command in terminal:
npx depcheck

Can you prevent node.js from installing packages locally? (Use global packages)

I've been working on a lot of different node.js projects. All of them have their own package.json file with their own needed packages. Every time I run node <mainfile>.js, npm installs all the packages to the project directory. Like so: C:/Users/me/Projects/<project-name>/node_modules.
This isn't a very big problem, but is there a way to make npm use/install to the global packages? Like in C:/Users/me/node_modules?
One of the advantages I could see this having is less storage being taken up, although it isn't a huge advantage.
I would assume that if it is possible, it would require you to add/modify something in the package.json file.
While looking into answers for this question, I've seen people saying that you should avoid installing packages globally. Can you also explain why this is a bad practice andy why I should avoid it?
Install Package Globally
NPM installs global packages into //local/lib/node_modules folder.
Apply -g in the install command to install package globally.
npm install -g express
To answer your other question
The obvious short answer is that your project depends on them. If your
project depends on a package, it should be documented in package.json
so that you can guarantee that it is installed when someone types npm
install. Otherwise, you’ll need to add extra steps in your README file
to inform anyone else who clones your project that they need to
install each of your global dependencies as well
Finally, even if someone installs the correct version of Browserify
for your project, they may be working on a different project that
requires a different version of that same tool, which would cause
conflicts. Several of your own projects might even use different
versions of Browserify because you updated it when you started a new
project and didn’t go back to make sure that earlier projects were
updated to work with the new version. These conflicts can be avoided.
You can only have one version installed globally. This causes problems if you have different projects that rely on different versions of a package.
Why not to install all packages globally
It's not really you shouldn't install a package globally it's more knowing what packages to install globally. The packages to install globally are ones that your project/application does not depend on.
How to identify a package that my project depends on
A package that your project is depended on is a package that your application could not run without like axios or express (an express API could not run without express installed or a web page that makes API requests with axios cant make those requests without axios) but something like http-server or minify is not needed to run the application so it can be installed globally.
Why is it important to have locally installed packages
It's important/good practice because if you are working with a group of developers or someone gets your work from Github they can just run npm install and get all the packages with out having to find all the packages them selfs.
How can I remove the node modules folder
You could technically globally install every package but I would sudjest not to. Node and many other developers know this is an issue that they have created a solution for in deno "the node killer".
I would recommend not installing all packages globally and if the node modules folder really annoys you try deno it fixes a lot of things that node developers hate.

How to set global node modules so that all application can use same

I am new to node, i have made few small application using node, but everytime i have to use npm install for every application which download the required dependencies in node_modules folder. There are many libraries which are common.
I tried installing using npm install express -g but i was not sure how to use this dependency in other application which is in some other folder.
Is there any way i can have only one folder like in D:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules from where my all applications can have the module which they need ?
Can anyone let me know how to do the settings for the same ?
Any help would be highly appreciated !!
Every node application that has a package.json has a specific set of rules for using specific versions of it's modules. You can install globally only one version of a specific module, but if you happen to have an application that needs an older / newer version that is not installed globally on your dev environment, then it will fail to work.
The recommended way of using node modules ( packages ) is to have a local directory inside your project, which contains all libraries that the project needs. This practice is everywhere and so you should follow it.
There are some ways to mitigate the slow npm install, though.
There is a new npm-replacement, created and maintained by Facebook, called yarn.
What yarn does is it creates a local cache of all installed packages and then symlinks them to your project folder from your local computer cache. This way the npm install procedure becomes very fast.

Can't build my web application when integrating bootstrap template

I'm totally new to Node.js meteor and all development outside of visual studio.
When I go in the console and add bootstrap like this :
npm install twitter-bootstrap
It gets installed and adds all the bootstrap files in my solution but when I run my application with meteor it says
Process finished with exit code 254
No more information. No errors. If I delete all the bootstrap files, it builds and run just fine. Any idea what might be causing this?
I've tried looking for the exit code meaning but I can't find it for my IDE and I'm a bit clueless as for why simply adding those packages without even referencing them anywhere in the project might cause my application not to run at all.
You can't add npm packages in your project folder like that. It will create a node_modules sub-directory that meteor will treat like any other project folder, i.e., it will interpret all the files in it. That's not what you want. Either do the npm install in a super-directory, or, better yet, use the meteor meteorhacks:npm package (https://atmospherejs.com/meteorhacks/npm):
meteor add meteorhacks:npm
and then add the npm dependency to your packages.json file.
"twitter-bootstrap": "2.1.1"
But the real question is: why do you need this package? bootstrap3 is already part of the standard meteor packages, i.e., you already have full access to bootstrap, incl. javascript.
You can use atmosphere meteor packages called mizzao:bootstrap-3 by running the commend
meteor add mizzoa:bootstrap-3
Alternatively if you want to use npm packages you must add meteorhacks:npm packages.
meteor add meteorhacks:npm
npm install twitter-bootstrap
You can specify all the required npm packages inside a packages.json file.
