Excel Web App <-> ODBC database with read/write - excel

Is it possible to create a Excel Web App (hosting in SharePoint) with connections to a ODBC database (e.g. PostGreSQL, SQL Server, or Oracle)
The Query to the Database (read) includes the Employee Name (which is coming from a field in the spreadsheet, and uses that to populate the Excel Worksheet (currently we use a VLOOKUP to pull this data from a different EXCEL sheet, But that does not work with web parts).
And then we would like to be able to write back the data that the user fills into the Excel Web part to tables in the database.
That would also mean parameter-izing the SQL query so that it writes to the correct table?
If all of this is not possible, what do people think of a Scraper program that would read all 500+ employee excel workbooks (stored in SharePoint as Web App) where each employee puts there future time needs into the sheet, and then the Scraper will read through all the workbooks and populate the DB?


Refreshable pivot table connected to an external source

I am planning to deploy an Excel file where the users would only need to refresh to see the updated data. I can currently do this by sending out a new Excel file every time.
What I have:
Office 365
MariaDB on Digital Ocean
What I want:
Create a pivot table/data model connected to the database and have the data updated real time upon refresh.
I can do this on my own via ODBC but when sharing the file, it asks for the credentials which is saved on my ODBC file. Ideally, I don't want to share the credentials even though it's read-only.
Is there an alternative to ODBC so I can easily share the refreshable pivot table?

How to set up Access database as a back-end only

I plan on using Excel as the front-end and Access as the back-end only. (all queries and forms are in Excel). A single Access database will be queried from multiple Excel files that will be located on the share drive (Linux server). Access tables contain memo, text and number fields.
Data will be sent to Access tables and records will be appended/deleted; all via Excel.
There will be multiple users interacting with a single Access database via multiple Excel files located on the shared drive. Users will be interacting from different workstations with Windows 7, all have Access 2010 and Excel 2010 installed.
This process works for me from my workstation but I’m not sure what will happen when other 4 people will be sending/appending/deleting records to the same Database?
How do I make this work? What settings do I need to check in Access to make this possible?
Any advice will be greatly appreciated since I’m fairly new to Access.
Thank you!
Access is a file-server, and not a data-server.
That's means when you do a query on an Access database, all the data are going to the client part, who process the query.
Let a query "get the books written by Kernighan" in your Excel. Excel will ask to Access (throught the ADO or DAO) : "send me all the books". Access will send ALL the books, and Excel will find the book written by Kernighan.
In the same way, if Excel (still with ADO / DAO) want to make an update, it does it localy. The Access database will just set up a flag to prevent conflicts. (btw, this flag is stored in the .laccdb file)
In your case, all that are done by the ADO/DAO layer, which will
send all the data
set a flag to prevent the conflicts if one data is in Edit mode
So, to be short : yes, you can do it ;)

Windows Azure: importing data from Excel sheet?

I have a Windows Azure mobile service with a sql database.
I was wondering if it's possible to insert records from an excel sheet to an azure database table.
in other words, I have an excel sheet with many data records, I want to export the records to a database table.
is there any tool/service/SDK that provides this ?
I don't know of a tool that does that natively, but you can save your data in Excel as a CSV file, and use the BCP utility to load that data into any SQL database. Here is an older blog about the use of BCP with Azure SQL Database to get you started. If you are familiar with SSIS, you could import your data that way as well.
you could also try that that through SSMS normally (edit all rows and then just add it :-)) or use Access to connect to the front end?

SSIS 2012 OLE DB vs EXCEL dynamic worksheet creation

I have a Web Service call that returns reporting data using Linq-To-Entity (strongly type class list). I connected this task to a foreach loop container with a Execute SQL Task. I have come to a crossroad as to what approach I should take on whether the OLE DB connection or to use EXCEL. The server [W2k8 R2] does not have Excel installed (we want to avoid that as much as possible).
15 worksheets would have the same schema info (each sheet is a per client basis) while the last worksheet is a summary and has a different schema. The summary has its own strongly typed class as well.
The end goal is to pass that report data into the xlsx file then to an SMTP task as an email attachment.
Would I be better off creating the Excel Tables in a script task using OLE DB or using EXCEL connection?
Using SSIS with SQL Server 2012
You might want to take a look at report subscription and delivery with SQL Server Reporting Services. Might be an easier and more maintainable way to implement your requirement (msdn).
Not sure what you mean by an EXCEL connection, but if it's the connection manager in SSIS, then an EXCEL and OLEDB connection are practically the same thing. The EXCEL connection manager uses the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet 4.0 (msdn).

How do I expose Excel 2003 Spreadsheets to PerformancePoint 2007?

I am working on a PerformancePoint 2007 project. I have a bunch of Excel spreadsheets, and I need to get at the data. The users need to continue to enter data, they have Excel 2003, and I won't be here forever. If the users had Excel 2007 I could just use Excel Web Services in MOSS 2007, but that's a no go.
What are your recommendations for getting the data into a usable state?
Some options are:
create an SSIS package to import the data into SQL Server, and teach them how to run the package as time goes on
get the data into SQL Server (SSIS) and then build a web front-end that lets them enter new data
use Access as a proxy for getting the data into SQL Server and use its web access pages to let the users enter new data
Any other ideas? I've heard "Business Data Catalog" thrown about, but I'm not sure how it would help...
Here's what I did:
Create SharePoint lists that duplicate the spreadsheet functionality
Copy and paste the current spreadsheet data into the list
Tell them to throw away the spreadsheet and make their updates to the list (export to Excel if they need a special chart or something
Use Simego Data Synchronisation Studio to import the data into SQL Server on a regular basis
Point PerformancePoint to the database for analysis.
