Specific Page Won't Update - node.js

I'm making an app in the Cloud9 IDE using Node.js with the Express.js framework. Something very odd is happening to a specific .ejs file where if I try to update it (like typing some mumbo jumbo in an h1 tag and then saving and restarting the server), it NEVER gets reflected in the browser no matter what I do. For example, if I delete my jumbotron, save, restart the server, and then refresh the browser, I still see the same page with the jumbotron. I also tried deleting this entire file and then restarting the server and I still see the page and it doesn't break my application which is bizarre. All other .ejs files are fine and I can see the changes that I make.
I've spent about 4 hours trying to figure this out and no one else seems to have my specific issue. I tried clearing my browser cache, using different browsers, logging in/out from Cloud9, creating a new database, going back to older versions of my code, etc. and nothing seems to be working. I'm not even sure what code to post on here since my entire app is about 2000 lines of code so far. Does anyone have any suggestions because this is really frustrating.


Why do I have to restart the Next.js dev server to see changes?

I have a Next.js project that has been a real delight to work on until recently when changes stopped showing up in the browser. Normally the browser hot reloads, but now even hitting refresh won't show changes to the code—I have to shut down the dev server and run npm run dev again to get the changes to show up. This doesn't happen in all my Next.js projects—just one of them.
I've tried deleting the .next/ directory, but that didn't fix the problem. Any other ideas of where I could look to get this back to normal?
Next 12.1.0
Node 14.18.1
macOS 12.3
I had the same issue. In my case it was case sensitivity.
It turned out I renamed one of my components where the new name only had a letter changed from uppercase to lowercase (e.g. MyCOmponent.tsx -> MyComponent.tsx).
I made all the changes everywhere but missed one, the import path of the component in one of the pages.
I had: import MyComponet from '../../MyCOmponent.tsx'
Everything still worked when restarting the server, but hot reload or even browser refresh wouldn't, same as OP. Fixing the typo fixed everything.
I faced the same issue. I created a new file with a different name and copied all the content which was inside the file that did not show the changes. Then it started showing the changes in the browser.

Node server routes all timing out

No idea what happened... It was working and then it wasnt.
I am currently building a web app and decided to take some time off from the product side and build a landing page.
For some reason, I decided to build the landing page on a separate Github branch. So I checked out to a new branch, deleted everything, and started working on the landing page.
I soon realized this is a terrible idea and created a new repo to store my landing page.
I checked back into my master branch and spun my Node server up but for some reason now, everything is timing out. I opened Postman and tried hitting some of my endpoints but after like 3 minutes of loading, it tells me that it could not get any response and that there was an error connecting to localhost:3001/api/posts
In my terminal, all I see is this when I hit the route:
GET /api/posts - - ms - -
This has never happened to me before and I am completely clueless on WTH happened.
I tried deleting my local stuff and re-cloning the repo and installing my dependencies but to no avail...
Would love to know if someone has an idea on what's going on.
Check first is this isn't because of another process already listening on that port (but using resources which were deleted or not properly updated)
Closing applications or even rebooting can help you asserting if the issue is permanent or just linked to your current session.
The OP Syn points out in the comments the ~/.env file missing
.env files allow you to put your environment variables inside a file.
You just create a new file called .env in your project and slap your variables in there on different lines.
To read these values, there are a couple of options, but the easiest is to use the dotenv package from npm.
npm install dotenv --save
Note: it is generally not versioned, as it includes potentially sensitive date.

NPM Nodejs crashes with BSOD

So I'm getting a blue screen of death whenever I have "npm start" running for a reactjs app. It's an intermittent crash, i.e. it doesn't happen every time I run it nor are there any exact steps to duplicate the crash, but I'll try to explain below under what circumstances it happens.
Create a reactjs app using create-react-app npm module.
Start the app using npm start. Chrome window opens, webpack is listening to changes I make to the source files.
Change any source file, and save it. NPM compiles it, Chrome page refreshes, and I can see my changes.
The above things work fine as expected "normally", but once in a while, right after I save a file, the system crashes with a BSOD saying DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_EQUAL_TO_OR_GREATER_THAN (NETIO.SYS) There is no definite "step" or action other than saving the file, or refreshing Chrome that would cause this to happen, and it also doesn't happen every single time.
Here are the steps I took to find out/eliminate the root cause of this issue:
Disabled by AV (Symantec Endpoint Protection).
Use a different browser (Mozilla, hell, even IE).
Changed the system (used a different laptop, although the same type - Microsoft Surface on Windows 10)
Updated all drivers, etc. (Verified by my organization admins)
Closing all other programs, etc. that might potentially be interfering (Atom IDE, Eclipse, etc.)
The necessary conditions for the crash to happen are:
npm start must be running (webpack server on localhost:3000)
A browser window must be open connected to localhost:3000 (if no browser is connected, it doesn't crash even if you change and save the file 200 times - I checked). Also, doesn't matter which browser (Checked with Mozilla/Edge/Chrome)
I believe the crash happens when NPM is recompiling the files and serving it to the browser (asking it to refresh using some websockets), but I'm not an expert on NodeJS/NPM so I'm not sure.
I've been stuck on this issue for more than 2 weeks now. Any help would be really appreciated. Kindly let me know if more information is needed.
The issue was with Symantec DLP (Data Loss Prevention) that was also installed on all our systems. The issue resolved itself after the admins added application exceptions for Nodejs, NPM, my reactjs project workspace paths.
Just posting this so that in case someone has a similar issue they can try this or remove Symantec DLP altogether.

Browsers serving cached files, clear cache doesn't work

I've had an issue with my browsers not showing an updated version of a file. Occasionally I will make a change, upload the file via FTP, and the file will immediately show. Other times, I'll clear the cache and hard refresh, and the updated file will take half an hour to show. Here is some info:
Tried on both Chrome and Firefox (incognito and private too).
When I try it on my phone, it shows up fine, and immediately the other browsers start showing correctly too.
Sometimes, even after the browsers start showing correctly, I'll refresh and it will go back to a previous version.
Originally had mod_expires on in my .htaccess, commented it out. No changes.
Website using Sucuri.net and MaxCDN. Sucuri caching is disabled.
Sucuri GZIP compression is enabled. I don't think this should affect anything.
MaxCDN is having trouble immediately purging their cached files and replacing them with the new files when I upload and purge. I assumed my issue is making this happen because I don't believe the MaxCDN implementation could affect my issue. (MaxCDN doesn't run all requests through their servers like Cloudflare.)
Sometimes MaxCDN will update immediately when I purge the file. As far as I know no consistent correlation with any action I take.
Is there something I have overlooked that could be making this issue happen?

Codeigniter - No Data Received - Not Chrome related

I've found plenty of versions of this questions, but neither seem to go further than an apparent Google Chrome bug.
What happens is that whenever I copy a codeigniter setup to a new folder on my server, to start a new project based on it, I get "no data received" in any browser I try it on.
The strange part is that the problem is solved if I go into each file that gets include()-d, add or change something irrelevant (like a blank space) and save the file. I don't know why, but this makes that specific include() work. Otherwise, the script stops before it.
There's nothing logged in the server's access or error logs so I can't figure out what the problem might be.
Needless to say this has been driving me crazy. Any suggestions?
My sysadmin figured it out. It was related to system wide APC cache. I used apc_clear_cache() at the top of index.php and everything works like a charm!
