Linux Desktop app: How can I check a package icon? - linux

Apparently, one can refer to a program's icon solely by its name, like here:
zenity --question --text "Hello <b>world</b>" --icon-name "baobab"
Try replacing baobab with gnome-terminal and the icon will change, you may even drop the quotes. Obviously there is some kind of abstraction at work here (I like those) with a database. (I know about .desktop files, and the xdg tools]1. But is there a CLI to display (of even more hefpul: don't display it if not found, throwing an error)) those icons in such a way, like eog baobab? (doesn't work.) I want to do that, display the icon of the program I' displaying, sometimes said programs come from larger packages, so I have no real way to know if it's installed.
How can I know that the icon has not been found (important)?
How can I get a list of all those "installed" icons?
How can I test like chk_icon "baobab" ; $?=0OK
How can I test like chk_icon "installed stuff" ; $?=0OK

I was able to add a new recognized icon name by copying my icons to the various /usr/share/icons/gnome directories, by size, and THEN running
sudo gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/gnome
without which the icon will still not be recognized.


How do you properly use a .desktop icon to launch a python3.8 Tkinter GUI on Ubuntu 18.04?

Premise: I coded a Tkinter GUI for a python script. It works. I can launch it from terminal. I created an icon and the icon will show up in my GUI just fine. I've been looking for tutorial on .desktop launchers and none of the examples I've found work. After a few hours of wading through SEO spam in SERPs trying to find a tutorial on the subject or a forum question that has been correctly answered. Finally I decided to join a forum ask a question. I've found a lot of code snippets on this site in the past. Figured I would try here.
I've tried about 20 different examples none of which have worked but I think I at least know the questions to ask. Here's an example of a .desktop file: It's not an example that works but it's one on found on this site so I figure I will start there.
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=python3 /path/to/
Note the example in the other post shows a red highlight over Categories=Utility; and when I try to change it in /usr/share/applications/ it makes gnome-terminal insert an A when hit the up key to get my last BASH entry and change a bunch of keys on my keyboard into hotkeys rather than being able to type it pops open print dialogs and things like that that which is wicked annoying.
Does anyone want to discuss what each entry line in a .desktop file is supposed to look like. Also does the application, icon, and everything have to be in /usr/share/applications? What file locations are ok to use in this type of file?
Something else I thought of; is it possible that my Exec line is not correct. Does exec have to be a single argument? Do I need to create a bash script that can be called by Exec that is just something like ./ or should I create a command alias that is a single argument? Or does it actually matter?
I also have a Linux question: What package handles .desktop icons? Who maintains said package? And where can I find actual documentation on the subject?

How to access the icon set of the current system theme?

I'm writing a bash script that uses notify-send (from the notify-osd package) to show popup notifications to the user, e.g. if there is an error during runtime. These popups can be decorated with icons, like so:
notify-send -i $icon $headline $message
In order to make my script as lean as possible, I want to use the default icons that come with the system. So far, I have resorted to hard-coded filenames, like so:
This is obviously a pretty bad solution, since the icon depends on a theme that may not be installed on a given system (in the example above, it's the "Mint Y" theme). I'm looking for a way to tell my script: "Ask the system for the error icon in the currently-set icon theme, and use that."
The question is: how do I do that?
Don't specify anything like a path. You should be specifying a generic filename fragment, and letting the system search for the best value for you.
So, if there is a size or filetype or something in the filename, drop it, and do not specify the leading path.
Use something like notify-send -i info test or notify-send -i error test ...
Or notify-send -i printer-error test, which will find something like /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/256x256/status/printer-error.png under the hood.

How can I enter text into Launchy and append it to the end of a text file?

I'm a Debian Stretch user coming from Windows. In Windows with the launchy app (also available for Linux), I had a method of entering text into launchy that was then appended to the end of a .txt or .md file.
To do this in Windows, I created a file called note.bat that contained the following:
echo %*>>"C:\"
I'd make launchy aware of note.bat by adding its containing folder to “Launchy” → “Settings” → “Catalog” and adding filetype *.bat.
From there, I'd launch launchy, type note, hit Tab, enter some text, hit Enter, and then the text would be added to the end of
A mostly working process is detailed in my answer below. I'll give the green checkmark answer to anyone that can adjust this process (via and/or launchy plugin setup detailed below) to appropriately handle all special characters.
This may contain the solution to this question:
Which characters need to be escaped in Bash? How do we know it?
Solved (almost). I'm keeping this question unanswered and will give to whoever completes the remaining ~5%. Steps to get the 95% solution with xfce4-terminal version 0.8.3-1:
Install launchy and launchy-plugins (both are version 2.5-4 for me):
apt-get install launchy
apt-get install launchy-plugins
Open terminal to default location of ~/ and create
echo "# Launchy Notes Collected Here" >
Create shell script:
echo '#!/bin/sh' >
Create shell script line 2:
echo ALL_ARGUMENTS='"$#"' >>
Create shell script line 3:
echo 'echo "$ALL_ARGUMENTS" >> ~/' >>
If you open, it will look like:
echo "$ALL_ARGUMENTS" >> ~/
Make executable:
chmod +x
Launch launchy and click the gear icon in upper right for settings. If consistency with launchy for Windows is desired, set launchy Hotkey to Alt+Space. If you receive a keyboard shortcut conflict message as I do on Debian with Xfce, first go to Settings, Window Manager, Keyboard tab, and clear Alt+Space as the shortcut for Window operations menu.
Next in launchy settings, go to Plugins tab and enable the plugin Runner. Click the + button and create a new Runner custom command as follows:
- Name: note
- Program: /home/YOURUSERNAMEHERE/ (launchy does not like Program path of ~/, so a specific path with username is required)
- Arguments: '$$'
Click the Catalog tab and hit Rescan Catalog just in case. Hit OK to close launchy settings.
Now let's test it.
- launch launchy with Alt+Space or your hotkey
- type note (You may have to wait 10 second or so on first run. You'll know things are as expected when you see the text "note" with a orange/yellow icon containing silhouette of a person.)
- hit Tab
- enter some text (no need for single or double quotes or escapes), e.g.: Remember to donate at least $3 to Josh at Launchy
- hit Enter
Now open to confirm the text was captured.
The remaining issues seem to be dealing with single quotes and double quotes. For example, consider the following note:
I don't know what I'd do without Launchy.
Which results in the following in
I dont know what Id do without Launchy.
Would David Allen like universal text capture from anywhere in Linux? My bet is "yes!"
Results in the following in
Would David Allen like universal text capture from anywhere in Linux? My bet is \yes!\
Single quoting and/or double quoting the input to launchy doesn't solve it. Note the launchy Runner custom plugin construction component of '$$' is a piece of this puzzle.
I'll give the answer to anyone that can adjust this process (via and/or launchy plugin setup) to appropriately handle all special characters. Maybe this would add proper escapes to user input with something like gsub.
The rationale for being exacting regarding proper character handling is that this process is useful for copying and logging random chunks of text from web pages, but if common characters like single quotes are not handled as expected, confidence in the system is much reduced.

InstallShield Reponse File missing a response

I am trying to automate the install of a few setup files (.exe). I managed to get one working without any issue but am having difficulty with the second.
I created response files by using the following in command prompt:
MyProgram.exe -r
This generated a "setup.exe" file in C:\Windows as I would expect it to. Here is an example of what the file looks like in notepad:
I run the install with the setup.iss (response file) using the command:
program.exe /S /f1.\setup.iss
All response files seem to work except for one. The program opens a dialog asking me to select from a pair of radio buttons to select what language manual I want it to install. I want it to default to hit the "Next" button but there's obviously nothing recorded in the .iss file to do so.
What do I have to manually add to the .iss file in order to complete this prompt?
Why doesn't my recording put this in?
Additional information:
If I manually hit "Next" at this step, the program completes install as expected.
The program successfully installs when I install everything manually.
It sounds like this installation includes a custom dialog that doesn't properly handle either MODE SILENTMODE or RECORDMODE. For silent installations to work properly, it needs to call SilentWriteData and SilentReadData when appropriate.
If you are the author of this installation (whether original or inherited), you should handle this case. If you are not the author and are trying to install this installation silently, you should contact the vendor, or (as Glytzhkof suggests) ask on a more relevant site for workarounds.
I think the response file will only contain the actual answers that were input during the original response file creation session. Did this missing dialog show up during the original setup run? Reboot dialogs and rare to display dialogs are often missing from the response file.
It could also be that the missing dialog is a custom made dialog and not a built-in Installshield dialog. I suppose this could mean it doesn't behave in the standard way.
How complex is this setup? How many systems are you deploying to? To reliably deploy files like these it is common to use "setup capture" and repackage as MSI files - so called application repackaging.
Depending on how many setups you have, how important they are and how many machines they need to reliably work on it might be worth capturing them. This is a highly complex task at times, but yield more reliable deployment once done right. Personally I find the biggest benefit of repackaging is the availability of a reliable uninstall - provided you have cleaned up the capture properly. Otherwise you have to create response files for the uninstall too. Very clunky and error prone - even when done well.
You might want to take this discussion to - the system administrator equivalent to You can also have a look here:

Is it possible to call an application selection window (Right click->Open With->Other) from the linux console?

On Gnome/KDE you can select in which application you want to open file (Right click on file -> Open With -> Other). Is it possible open file that way, but from console?
For example: you print " file.ext" and instead of opening in concrete application, there are that application selection window forced and then users chooses - starts selected program.
I tried to figure out that myself, but not found anything like that.
"edit file.ext" doesn't fits my needs, because it starts preferred application and you cannot choose which. And also on my desktop it says:
"Error: no "edit" mailcap rules found for type "image/jpeg"
So, am I able to forse that "open with" window from console? If yes, can you say how?
Both on windows and mac you can do such things.
//edit at 2009-02-10 14:17
Thank you very much for answers. Command will be used in program code, so unfortunately probably I would not be able to make some extra bash scripts.
gnome-open <file>
For KDE:
kfmclient exec <file>
These commands should open up the <file> in the preferred application in GNOME or KDE respectively, although I don't have an installation of either to test on.
Take a look at man run-mailcap, you can change or add selected applications for each mimetype modifying the /etc/mailcap, ~/.mailcap files and some others.
Traditionally, on Unix systens (and therefore Linux, too), you start applications from the console (and not from a UI). The command line (or console) expects you to enter the name of the application and then the filename (plus some options).
This allows to use applications (or commands) in shell scripts.
On Windows, there is no real console (the DOS box is just a reminiscence of the dark ages of MS DOS). So the MS developers came up with the idea to have the OS treat anything as a command. If it's not a real command or application, the OS will determine the file type (by extension on Windows and by some header information on Mac). For each file type, there will be an associated application in a look up table.
This is why on Windows, it appears that you can enter the name of a file on the console and you will get the application to edit that file.
If you want a quick way to fix this in the Unix console, create a script called "open" or "o" and use the file command with the option --mime to identify the file type. You can then use a case statement to launch your favorite editor.
As for the error about "mailcap rules": There is a file called "mailcap" on Unix where you can define abstract "commands" (open, edit, view, print) for file types. See the mailcap man page.
